Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3202: The last world (10)

We reached the corner, turned around, and looked straight ahead - the exit was about a hundred meters away, and there was a ghost guard guarding it.

The man stopped and stretched out his hand, his warm palm upward, as if with a slight smile: "When you are away from home, it is not appropriate to reveal your identity to strangers. If the girl is willing, can you make friends with me? If you make friends, I can make friends with you. The girl said it before."

  He is a person who always keeps his principles in mind.

Yun Si has never encountered anything like this before. She speaks nicely, talks eloquently and calmly, giving people a comfortable feeling of spring breeze turning into rain, as light as flowing water.

 Such a person is really easy to like, and there is no need to be wary.

Especially, when the hand that made her so coveted was stretched out in front of her -

Yun Si hesitated for two seconds, and then, unable to go against her heart, she stretched out her hand tentatively.

 She wanted to hold it, but when it was about to touch, she subconsciously took her hand back, "I..."

At that second, he grabbed her hand that she wanted to take back, and held it tightly.

 “What?” His voice was gentle.

 “…My hands are dirty.” Yun Si Na Na.

  She had just climbed onto the roof. There was dust on the roof. She felt her hands were a little dirty and it was not easy to shake hands with him.

 He ​​tried to struggle a little and wanted to take it back, but he held on tightly.

Taking out a clean handkerchief from his pocket, he said warmly: "If it's dirty, just wipe it. It doesn't matter."

He didn't seem to mind or dislike it at all.

 Looks like he is a very informal and casual person.

“…” The simple girl blinked and looked at him without saying a word.

Looking from her angle, she could see the man's light red lips, as soft and light as roses, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, and his smile was inexplicably gentle.

His hands were warm, not as cold as hers, and his movements were very restrained. He just wiped her hands gently without being too abrupt.

After wiping it, he grabbed her hand again, this time gently and loosely, as if he was afraid of scaring her, "Girl, would you like to be friends with me?"

"..." Yun Si's beautiful red eyes stared at him. The girl's face was still tender, fair and juicy. She looked confused, but her heart was extremely soft.

 After thinking about it for a while, she nodded obediently, "Okay~"

Although she doesn’t know how to make friends with people, he seems to be a good person and she doesn’t dislike him.

“My name is Yun Si. I just transformed into a flower demon. What about you?”

As she spoke, she unconsciously grabbed his hand and moved closer to him - standing next to him, her body felt inexplicably comfortable.

Maybe it was because the smell on his body was so good and had a calming effect on her mind. She always wanted to get close to him and feel comfortable, but she also had a somewhat nameless desire.

Her little gesture of poking secretly, I thought the person in front of me didn't notice it, but I never thought that he always pays special attention to her.

He can detect just the slightest movement or change in expression.

  Laughing softly, he leaned forward slightly and took the initiative to get closer to her. Under the hat, this time, she saw his eyes——

Different from ordinary people, his eyes were deep purple, like stars in the universe, with a smile and extremely tenderness, staring at her at a close distance.

 "My name is Jiu Ge, Jun, Jiu, Ge."

 Word by word, very slowly, as if to let her hear it clearly and remember it, gently, and extremely solemnly.

Muttered softly. In the overly noisy environment around her, her voice was soft, but she could hear it extremely clearly.

 She heard it—every word.

 “...” She was suddenly stunned. (End of chapter)

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