Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3199: The last world (7)

 The tiles on the roof were moldy and a little slippery. She carefully stepped on one spot and slowly went down.

Soon, the noise coming from downstairs subsided - the arrogant complaints of the two ghost dealers suddenly disappeared for some reason.

Wanting to watch the excitement, Yun Si felt itchy and adjusted her position. She tentatively raised her head again and looked down.

The heart beats too fast, as if he is doing something shameful.

Looking down, I wanted to see what happened, but found that the man was missing.

Not in the crowd of surrounding discussions, he suddenly disappeared like a ghost.

 The ghost agents are still there, and so are the ghost dealers, but the situation on the scene seems a little wrong.

The ghost dealer's arrogance was gone. One second he was shouting with confidence, and the next second he was kneeling in front of the ghost agents, begging for mercy.

The ghost guards showed rare righteousness and showed no mercy. They directly shackled them and took them away.

The reversal was too big, and Yun Si, who was watching the excitement, was a little confused. She grabbed the beam and looked down curiously.

 His eyes scanned the crowd, back and forth, trying to find the person just now.

 “Hmm? Why is he... missing?”

She muttered.

The ghost dealer was captured and the man disappeared. The ghosts who were watching quickly dispersed, scattered everywhere, drifting around, and returned to their former appearance.

Yun Si couldn't find anyone and the excitement was gone, so she had to give up and get down from the roof.

 Jumped down easily, ran out of the teahouse with bare feet, and returned to the center of the crowd.

There were ghosts all around, ghosts with pale and lifeless faces, and most of their bodies were dusty, as if they were covered with a thick layer of dust.

She is the only one with gorgeous clothes, rosy face, moist and lively eyebrows, full of vitality and extremely lively.

She was barefoot, with a simple little cloth bag she made on her shoulders. Her long hair reached her waist. She had no jewelry and was only **** with a cane. She stood where the person was, looking back and forth. After looking at it for a while, he raised his head again, stood on tiptoes, and looked towards the top of the teahouse - from this position, it seemed that... she couldn't be seen.

“…” She didn’t know whether she was relieved or disappointed.

That man's hands were very beautiful and impressive, and she didn't know... what his face looked like. She was a little curious about him.

After watching the excitement, she walked back slowly, looking back three times at a time to see if the person just now was still there.

Returning to the stall she had left, she knelt down and was about to think about buying shoes. Unexpectedly, it rained all night, and the shoes she was looking for were gone.

The words were stuck in her throat. She looked up at the ghost dealer, who was eating melon seeds with an embarrassed look on his face: "Why don't you come back? I just thought you weren't coming back, so I sold it to someone else..." The more he talked about it, The quieter.

"How about you take a look again? I have a lot of shoes here, all of them are very nice. Come on, come on, you can choose."

“…” Yun Si stood up, expressionless, “Then I’ll take a look.”

“No, sister, what kind do you want? The one just now? Why don’t you wait two more days, and I’ll go to the human world and get you two more pairs—”

Without listening to his plea to stay, Yun Si turned around and left.

After this interruption, she no longer had any intention of buying shoes and walked towards the gate of the ghost market.

There was her favorite candied haws hawks for sale on the road. As she passed by, she suddenly stopped, turned around, and stared directly at the large bunch of candied haws.

 As a child, a child who is easily attracted by sweets and snacks.

 Children are so simple-minded that they cannot walk when they see candied haws.

  After staring for a while, just when she was hesitating whether to use her little money to buy it, a beautiful and slender hand suddenly appeared and handed the coin in front of her.

 “Let’s have a bunch.”

 The voice is exceptionally gentle and pleasant.

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