Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 284: Do not bully my son (5)

  Chapter 284 Do not bully my son (5)


  He just opened his eyes quietly like this, the eyelashes are very long and soft,

  Under the sun, it seems to be able to reflect beautiful shadows, making his eyes deep and black,

   Empty, it seems, nothing.

  His eyes are beautiful, with narrow and long arcs, and there is a light red tear mole at the end of the eyes.

   It's just that his pupils are too empty.

  No emotion at all, as if—seeing nothing.

  Even facing the sun, his pupils still did not respond,

   Not retracted, not enlarged,

   It's like a beautiful sculpture, beautiful as it is, but it has no soul.

  The long white fingers sank deeply into the soil,

  The sharp shimmering stone pierced his palm directly, and warm liquid slowly flowed out.

   stained with the soil, mixed in the wound,

   The tingling became more and more obvious.

   Seeing that he didn't respond, Gu Zirong, who was folding the fan, seemed a little annoyed.

  Winked at the servant behind him and told him to step forward.

  The servant has obviously done this kind of thing too much, so he accepted it immediately.

  Come forward, lift your foot, and face the face of the person on the ground, as if kicking it.

  The force was so heavy that it almost wanted to destroy his face.

   But the next second,

  For some unknown reason, the servant suddenly slipped, lost his center of gravity, and fell to the ground with a bang.

  He subconsciously wanted to find something to support him, but it directly pulled Gu Zirong's clothes.

  Just listen to the sound of cloth tearing in the air,

  Gu Zirong was caught off guard and pulled, his foot slipped,


   Both fell to the ground.

  Gu Zirong knocked directly on the stone beside him.


   A tooth was knocked out.


  The person who was extremely arrogant and domineering just now cried out in pain,

   Howled, covered his mouth in embarrassment and fear, and backed away again and again,

   Seeing the tooth that was knocked out, he looked at the blood in his hand in disbelief, and screamed, "Ahh—"

   "My teeth—"

   "My lord, are you okay?"

  The slave scrambled and ran over, trying to help him up.

   "My lord, the slave didn't do it on purpose, the slave accidentally fell down just now—"

  Gu Zirong kicked him directly, "What are you doing to eat!? You can't even stand up?!"

  He covered his mouth, groaned in pain, and got up staggeringly, in a state of embarrassment.

   Maybe it hurts too much, how can the delicate him bear such pain,

  Kicked the servant cursingly, then gave the man on the ground a hard look, and left.

  I didn't even take the folding fan, for fear that my face would be ruined.

   The yard finally became quiet.

  The door is not closed, and the ground is also full of dust.

  On the big rock beside him, there are still bloodstains from the teeth smashed just now.

  The person sitting on the ground, his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

   Empty black eyes did not blink for a long time.

   He was alone in the yard, and the wheelchair behind him was overturned.

  He slightly curled up his long fingers, slowly raised them, and leaned behind him.

   Fumbled bit by bit, touching the ground, as if trying to find the position of the wheelchair.

  His legs hang limply, motionless,

   Only the upper body was left, supported by both hands, moving his body quietly.

  The silk-like soft blue silk fell to the ground and was also covered with dust.

  His hand slowly protruded, probing, touched the weeds, touched Shi Shuo,

at last,

  The slender knuckles inadvertently touched a hand.

  The warm and soft hand slowly held him.

  The smiling female voice seems to be able to bring a refreshing breeze in the hot noon.

  The faint scent of flowers, warm hands, approaching him,

  Incomparably gentle.

   "Master, do you need help?"

  (end of this chapter)

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