Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2664: Bandit (11)

  Chapter 2664 Bandit (11)

   Looking at the portrait that should have been a painting of a beauty, the face of the woman looking back was blank.

  No facial features.

  Only the flying hair and the sticking out white fingers.

   Shallow, soft.

  He has a faint sad breath on his body.

  Like weeping.

  The dewdrops on the ground were crystal clear. I don't know if it was the dew or the tears she shed quietly.

   She is crying.

do not know why.

   Obviously you can’t see her face or facial features, but you can feel it—she is sad.

   Silent grief.

   seems to be crying because of something.

   Quiet and quiet, even sadness is suppressed.

  Yun Si quietly looked at the woman on the wall painting, not moving for a long time.

   There was inquiry in his eyes.

  There is more than one painting on the wall.

  Looking along the wall, and there.

  The next picture seems to be the same woman.

  The woman is wearing a gauze skirt with cloudy clouds and shadows, light blue with clouds, quietly leaning against a thick and ancient tree.

  The cloud-colored sideburn hair falls like a waterfall, and there is a bright colorful garland on his head.

  Hands hang down limply, with white handkerchiefs on their palms.

  The handkerchief is embroidered with delicate dark red flowers.

  She was sitting on the grass full of flowers, the plants beside her were full of vitality, and she seemed to be asleep.

   Quietly, leaning lightly.

  No facial features.

  That face was still blank.

  The red in the white handkerchief is too bright, it is the most eye-catching color in this painting.

  It is too eye-catching, but it makes people want to explore more.

  Explore the mystery.

   Going further back, it's still that woman.

  The walls are covered with her paintings, traced stroke by stroke with extremely warm and bright colors.

  The environment is bright and the sun is warm.

   In the next picture, she is running.

  Running with skirt in hand, barefoot, flying toes, dazzlingly white.

  The flexible white dress accompanied her movements, flying like a flower elf.

  She came with her skirt up, carrying a light yellow flower wreath in full bloom.

  The sky behind him was extremely dark, like a vortex that could swallow everything, swallowing all the light.

   Behind the dark, the moment her toes landed on the ground, it seemed that the sky was about to change color.

  The darkness dissipated, and the warm sun was about to break open.

  A beautiful painting.

   It seems that there are many meanings that I want to express.

  Yun Si watched quietly, carefully, until a voice came from behind.

   Faint, cloudy and uncertain voice.

"looks good?"

   "..." She lowered her eyes and pursed her lips, "Is she?"

   "My wife."

  The man's breath was slowly approaching, and he stood beside her.

  Under the dark red sleeves, he slowly raised his hand, his cold and white hand, and gently placed it on the wall.

   Touching the running woman in the painting, bit by bit.

  With endless tenderness and affection.

  I cherish it very much.

  Yun Si turned to look at him, "You...Madam?"

   "Are you married?"

  The man's unfathomable eyes are quietly staring at the person in the painting.

  The lips are scarlet, the face is beautiful and pale, like a ghost king living in the dark, there is no warmth at all.

   Faintly, only when the line of sight touches the woman on the wall will there be a bit of tenderness.

   Staring quietly, journeying.

   "She's beautiful, isn't she?"


  How does she answer these words?

  She pursed her lips, "Then why don't you draw her face? Afraid of being seen and coveted?"

  The movement of the man stroking the painted wall paused slightly.

  Then, a dull and cold gaze fell on her.

  The tenderness in his eyes disappeared, and he looked at her calmly and strangely.

   "You seem to still not understand your current situation."

  (end of this chapter)

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