Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 268: Hello, Mr. Lu (44)

  Chapter 268 Hello, Mr. Lu (44)


   With a heavy body of more than two hundred kilograms, he looked like a child inexplicably, with his head down, as if he had done something wrong.

   Another knock on the glass wall.

  This time, I used more force.

  The shackled hands rested on his thighs and moved a bit.

  After a long time,

  In silence, he slowly touched the red telephone on the table.

   pick up,

   is switched on.

   Separated by a wall, the two were silent.

  The prisoner with his head down moved his mouth slowly and silently.

  He didn't raise his head, his shoulders were slack, like a despicable pest, his whole body was slumped.

   Between the two, he was the one who spoke first.

  The voice is like a mouse in the sewer, hoarse and unpleasant,

  Hiding in the shadows, no one can see his look,

   Those rough hands only gently held the corner of the receiver, which seemed a little weak.

  The hoarse and unpleasant voice came through the telephone line, modified by the current.

  It is very light, but it seems that I have exhausted my strength,

   "From now on, just forget me well."

  I. can no longer be with you

  The silent words seemed to be hidden in the murmur that was exhausted,

   Very slowly, very slowly, it seems that it can last for a long century.

  Song Chaoyuan looked at him quietly, and slowly clenched his fingers.

   The round pupils are very black, like a black cat.

  It seems that there is no emotion at all, just silent, and the eyelashes are trembling.

  After a long time,

  In the earpiece, a faint sentence came,

  It was very cold, and seemed to be annoyed, "Idiot."

  The phone was hung up with a snap.

   Song Chaoyuan got up, turned around and left.

   Facing the light, he left this dull and oppressive prison.

  The fists were clenched tightly, and there was endless darkness in those pupils.

   A very simple conversation,

  It seems that he just came to scold him.

  The door of the interview room was closed, and it was time for the interview.

  The silent prisoner lowered his head, grinned silently, and smiled.

  The receiver in his hand was slowly put down.

  The guards brought him back to the prison, waiting for the imminent execution.

  In the monitoring room,

  Yun Si quietly watched the surveillance screen and the subsequent call recording, without saying a word.


  Lu Yaoting took her hand, then nodded politely to the monitor, "It's troublesome, let's watch for a while and leave."

   "Officer Lu is polite, you are naturally authorized to watch it. Or, do you want me to send the surveillance video back to you?"

  Lu Yaoting glanced at Yun Si, then closed his eyes and smiled gently, "Then I will trouble you."

"You're welcome."

   On the way back, it was already evening.

  Yun Si sat in the passenger seat, watching the receding scenery outside the car window, and did not speak for a long time.

  The weather is getting cold, it is already late autumn,

  Pedestrians on the road mostly wore thick cotton clothes and scarves,

   Couples in twos and threes walk together, and they all lean very close,

  Hand reached into the warm pocket of the other party, and then logically, took the hand.

  The stalls on the side of the road began to sell steaming sweet potatoes and fried chestnuts,

  A couple stood there, sharing the baked sweet potatoes they just bought,

  Looking at each other and smiling under the afterglow, warm and beautiful.

  Yun Si looked at it for a while, but never left her eyes.

  When the car stops at a traffic light,

  She turned her head slowly and looked at Lu Yaoting who was driving.

  He was wearing a straight black coat, with the shirt buttons inside tied to the top one,

  (end of this chapter)

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