Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2650: Companion (Egg 1)

  Chapter 2650 Companion (egg one)

  About the conversation in the bamboo forest on the mountain.




  Huo Yuangong carried the wine and went up the mountain alone to visit the grave.

  Huo Yuchuan's tomb is behind the Earth Temple, lonely and deserted.

  He went up the mountain alone, and briefly cleaned up the weeds growing in front of the tomb.

  There is no one on the mountain, but he is alone.

  He sat in front of the tomb, drinking wine, and talked a lot with the lifeless tomb in front of him.

   Intermittently, he talked a lot about what happened in Kyoto and what happened on the border battlefield.


   talked about his nominal sister-in-law, the little widow who lives here alone.

  Huo Yuangong rarely mentioned a woman like this.

   Quietly and lightly, he poured the wine in front of the tomb, showing no emotion on his face.

  It seems to be talking about the most ordinary stranger.

   His tone was flat without any change.

  It seems to be indifferent.

   I have no feelings for that beautiful and bright little widow.

   "It is said that you married a wife."

   "I just met, I feel..."

  The jug that was about to bottom out was gently placed on the ground, and he lowered his eyes, his eyes falling on the fallen leaves all over the ground.

  The voice paused for a while, neither hurry nor slow.

   "Not suitable."

   "She and you are not suitable."

  The bamboo forest was silent and empty, and there was no one in it.

   There is a wind blowing, which makes the leaves on the bamboo rustle.

  The slender bamboo leaves fluttered down with the wind and fell to the ground, emerald green and withered yellow and half green.

   Like the response of the dead in the tomb to him.

   Silent response.

   I don't know whether to agree or disagree.

  The cold-hearted second son of the Huo family raised the jug again and took a sip.

  The wine was clear, as cold as his eyes.

  Bringing extremely sober reason and calmness, faintly.

   "So, how do I do this?"

  It seems to be asking the people in the tomb, and it seems to be asking yourself.

   No one will answer him, except himself.

  The question fell lightly, swirling together on the fallen leaves with the wind.

   For a long time, his words also stopped here for a long time.

   Didn't say anything more, the reminiscence between the brothers seemed to have stalled here.

   No further advances.




I do not know how long it has been.

  The wine jug is empty, there is not a drop of wine left.

  The bamboo leaves falling from the bamboo covered the lonely tomb, and also covered the wine-soaked soil in front of the tomb.

  The scorching sun gradually set, and fell on the other side of the mountain, slowly, little by little, hiding my figure.

   The sweltering sunlight gradually converges in the bamboo forest.

   Until the moment when night fell completely, there was no one in the mountains.

  Only the birds returning home are calling, crisp and sweet, in the deep forest, free.

  When he was about to go down the mountain, Huo Yuangong left slowly with the empty flagon in hand.

   walked a few steps, under the thick twilight.

  The moonlight above the bamboo forest was blocked by the clouds, and the light and shadow disappeared.

  His figure is also hidden in the dark, quietly, blending with the night.

  Before leaving, he stopped and turned slightly sideways, as if he was staring at the tomb left here alone.

  Long time.

   The question was not answered, and it seemed that he didn't need other answers.

   Turning around to leave.

  Suddenly, there was some movement in the silent bamboo forest.

   There was a rustling sound, as if something was moving.

  Huo Yuangong raised his eyes and looked over.

  After that, he looked at a rabbit that came out to look for food at night.

  The rabbit's body froze.

  Huo Yuangong watched quietly, narrowing his eyes slightly.

  Like a hunting beast lurking in the dark.

   If you don’t move, you’re done. If you move...

  The rabbit who just escaped from Yun Si: "..."


  (end of this chapter)

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