Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2647: Companion (61)

   Chapter 2647 Companion (61)

  The maid who lowered her head slightly paused and lowered her voice.

   "My lord, you have mistaken the person."

  The sharp and thin voice sandwiched her originally sweet voice.

   Wrist twisted, trying to struggle.

  As a result, her jaw was suddenly lifted.

   She didn't hide it this time.

   Without the cover of the spell, the originally beautiful face was exposed to the light.

  Glorious peach blossom eyes, a little red mole on the tip of the eye, captivating and charming, eye-catching.

   Ivory white skin, soft and smooth.

  Wearing (zhuo) wearing (zhe) palace skirt, the one he prepared for her.

  Light blue, pure and flawless blue like the sky.

  Looking straight at him, the eyes are like that kitten, black and bright, with a faint smile.

She is coming.

   Finally came.

  Huo Yuangong pulled her into his arms at once.

   Full of soft coolness.

  Maybe it's because the weather is too hot, or maybe he's wearing too many clothes.

  Beauty with icy muscles and bones is just right for him.

  He held her tightly, holding her in his arms, his breath hot, on her cheek.

  He kept stroking her back, and through the thin skirt, he could feel his body temperature which was unusually high.

  It was very hot, very hot, as hot as a huge volcano about to erupt.

   "Liar, Si Si."

  The man who is strict and polite on weekdays, who doesn't talk or smile, almost loses his mind at this moment.

   Wishing he could rub the person in his arms into his bones and swallow him whole.

  The singing and dancing on the banquet stage is elegant and elegant, and everyone is enjoying it.

  There is only him who is like wood, and only the beauty in his arms is in his eyes.

   Trembling slightly, kissed her lips.

   Take the coolness from her body.

too hot.

   For some reason, it is getting hotter and hotter.

  It was so hot that my whole body was on fire, and even my throat was so hot that I couldn't speak.

  Hold her tightly, wanting to use the coolness of her body to cool down.

  But he didn't want to, his actions like this were drinking poison to quench his thirst.

  The more you hug and kiss, the more you feel unsatisfied and want more.

   Want more intimacy, more coolness.

   "Si Si..."

  The person sitting on his lap quickly realized something was wrong.

   "A Yuan?"

  The strong fragrance that comes with her body is already very attractive and disorienting to a normal adult man.

  Like a strong aphrodisiac, it is easy to cause strong desire.

  Whoever it is.

  For him in normal times, he was still able to restrain himself and maintain his sanity.

but now…

  Yun Si sensed something was wrong, and turned her head to look at the empty jug on the desk.

   Pick it up, open it and smell it—

  She raised her eyebrows and clenched her teeth.

"Depend on-"

   That woman is really drugged!


   "Si Si..."

   Sensing her distraction, he dropped the flagon in her hand.

  He buried his head between her neck and kept rubbing against her.

   Panting, the more you breathe, the heavier your breath becomes, like a beast about to be awakened.

  The eyes are faintly red and bloodshot.

  Back and forth between patience and loss of control, on the verge of a front line.


  She looked around and bit her lip, "No, not now, just bear with it..."

   Before he finished speaking, he suddenly picked her up, got up and left the table.

   In the corner, no one noticed for the time being.

   "What are you doing—wait—wait—"

  She was obviously panicked, and she was afraid of attracting the attention of others, so her voice trembled slightly.

   "Shall we go to the doctor? Or... Or, I can help you, calm down, don't—"

  (end of this chapter)

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