Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2641: Companion (56)

   Chapter 2641 Companion (56)

  Dingding shrunk, it suddenly had a thought.

  As if thinking of something, it held its breath, leaned over, and jumped from the other side of the eaves.

   Soon, behind the big tree.

  The gray kitten disappeared.

  A court lady with an ordinary appearance came out, looked down, and patted her skirt.

  It's very ordinary, and it looks like you can't find it at a glance in the crowd.

  She touched her face, very satisfied.

   "Hey, why are you standing there?"

  Suddenly, she was bumped on the shoulder, and a cold scold sounded.

   "Don't know how to work?"

  Yun Si turned around and saw that the other party was also a court lady.

  Holding a tray with both hands, wine is placed on the plate.

   Looks like he's too busy.

   Seeing her idle, the maid unceremoniously stuffed the tray into her hand.

   "Go, take this wine to Mr. Wang."

  Yun Si paused, "Lord Wang?"

  Who is it?

  The palace maid saw her dazed and slow-moving appearance, and impatience flashed across her face.

   "Master Wang, you don't even know? Which palace are you from?"


   "Forget it, forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, I'll deliver it."

   Seeing that she was impatient, after all, she snatched the tray from her hand again.

   "Go get some more wine and send it to General Huo."

   "You know General Huo, right? Hurry up and send it over, and let me be quicker."

  The maid next to her was almost crazy, but she didn't know which palace she belonged to, she was so free, she still had time to stand here in a daze.

  After giving her orders, the maid left in a hurry.

  Seeing her carrying a tray, she sent it to one of the seats.

  Yun Si watched with empty hands.

  Fixed for a few seconds, then she cleverly followed the maids who came back from delivering the wine.

  Follow them and go to get the wine again.





  Huo Yuangong took a sip of wine, and once again looked at the high eaves with his deserted and thick eyes.

  The resplendent and resplendent eaves shone and refracted light under the sun.

  Like a huge glass mirror, the light refracts into seven colors, warm and brilliant, dazzling and charming.

  He was sitting in the corner, playing with the wine glass silently in his broad hands.

  There was a guard standing upright behind him, and he quietly looked at the eaves, not knowing what he was looking at.

  Handsome and resolute face, light, without a trace of emotion.

  The emperor hasn't come yet, and there are low voices at the banquet.

  He stared quietly for a while, then looked away.

   Put down the glass and pour the wine.

   Pour out the few drops left in the jug.

  He lowered his eyes and did not make a sound.

Beside   , a light shadow approached quietly.

  Holding the new wine jug lightly in white hands, it came into view and carefully put it down in front of him.

   Take back the empty jug.

  Avoid his hand, cautiously.

   Doesn't seem to want to get his attention.

  The indifferent and taciturn man raised his eyes.

  The person who came was obviously a palace lady who came to deliver wine, kneeling, with her head down, unable to see her face clearly.

  The breath on his body is restrained, and he can't smell anything.

   Putting away the flagon, she held the tray, saluted, and then retreated very quietly.

  The man's eyes fell on her, and his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

   Eyes darkened.

   Retired from the seat, only to see her carrying a tray, and left quickly.

  From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at him.

   I don't know if I avoided him on purpose.

  Huo Yuangong tapped his fingertips, and then slowly lifted the new jug.

   Pour the wine and drink it.

  The fermented rice is spicy and refreshing, and it cools down immediately.

  It seems to be able to cool down the temperature of the human body.

   It seemed to have poured oil on the fire.

  He took a sip, then got up.

   Straight away from the table.

  (end of this chapter)

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