Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2638: Companion (52)

  Chapter 2638 Companion (52)

  It starts to avoid the important things and then loses weight.

   Did not answer positively.

  Su Lanyu looked at the medicine in front of him, very calm.

   "Nothing, just curious."

  【Host, you should now concentrate on completing the task instead of wasting energy on other things. 】


  【Yes, doesn’t the host want to go home? 】


  She lowered her eyes and gave a sneer.

   "Of course I do."

  She picked up the pack of medicine, "Then, can you help me?"

  【What does the host need the system to do? 】

   "On tomorrow's birthday, I will arrange for someone to administer medicine to Huo Yuangong."

   "Can you monitor his situation and report to me at any time?"

  【Is the host sure? 】


  The system lost its sound again.

   seems to be a tradeoff.

   Half a sound.

  It asked: [How sure is the host that he can lure Yun Si away smoothly? 】

  【That Yun Si is an extraordinary person, if she finds out that she is abnormal and finds Huo Yuangong first, how should the host respond? 】

   "An extraordinary person? Who is she?"

  【Naturally a vigilant person. 】

  The system's answer is watertight.

  Su Lanyu squeezed the medicine bag tightly, "There is no need to lure her away, as long as she is separated from Huo Yuangong early."

   "In this way, even if Huo Yuangong took traditional Chinese medicine, she wouldn't be able to notice it."

  【The host means...】

   "As long as you can report Huo Yuangong's situation in time tomorrow, I will take care of the rest."

  She looks as if she has planned something, and she is very sure.

  System: [I hope the host will succeed. 】

   "I hope."





  The moon is hanging on the treetops, and the cool breeze is blowing.

  The mansion of the general with a posthumous posthumous title.

  The servants brought the palace skirts to be worn when entering the palace tomorrow, sent them to the master's room, and put them on the table.

  The candles in the room were brightly lit, and there were lamps burning everywhere, with a halo of light, silently overlooking the house.

  In front of the dressing table, Keren combed her hair slowly after taking a bath, her delicate snow-colored face was reflected in front of the bronze mirror, her eyebrows and eyes were gentle and light.

   His bright eyes, stained with the warm mist from the bath, turned silently and softly, and his eyes fell on the palace skirt on the table.

  Looked at it for two seconds, then, in silence, continued to comb his hair with lowered eyes.

   Little by little.




  Go to bed at night.

  The man fell on the bed and turned sideways to embrace his man.

  The lamp wick was extinguished, and the room was dark and dark.

   There was silence outside, everything was silent, only the man's clear and deep breathing remained.

  Like a slow-moving giant, tall and heavy, between her necks.

  Holding tightly, doing nothing, just rubbing together silently, making intimacy.

  The summer night was hot, and his palm fell on her waist like burning coals, neither light nor heavy.

  It seems presumptuous, but restrained.

  The thin fabric seemed to be scalded and burned under the temperature of his palm.

   directly burned her slightly cool skin.

  She opened her watery eyes with trembling eyelashes.

   Being hugged, the bare skin on the neck was itchy, and she stroked his head quietly, as if she were petting a large dog.

   From time to time, I bowed my head and kissed, enjoying the silent warmth in the darkness.

  Helping each other together, the years are quiet and good.

  The man was buried in her arms, his eyes closed slightly, his generous body seemed to relax.

   A giant, leaning against her soft arms.

  The muscles in the arms are tense from the need to hold her.

  Hold tightly.

  His palm fell on her thin back, stroking.

   "Tomorrow, would you like to enter the palace with me?"

  (end of this chapter)

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