Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2635: Companion (49)

  Chapter 2635 Companion (49)

  She raised her head slowly, with a cool smile, "Let me remind you, don't try to touch Huo Yuangong."

   "No matter what your mission is, if you dare to touch him, I will make you... life worse than death."

   I'm not kidding, she's not as good a person as she appears on the surface.

  Dare to touch him, she will go crazy.

  She smiled lightly, like an out-and-out crazy beauty.

  There is no reason, only madness.

   "..." Su Lanyu looked at her indifferently.

   I don’t know if I listened or not.

   After finishing speaking, Yun Si got up, turned around and left.

   Walked to the door and was about to open it.

  I only heard a voice behind me, "The task is to sleep with him once."

  Her movements stopped for a moment.

   Turning around and looking back, Su Lanyu stood up and repeated coldly.

   "My mission is to sleep with him once."

   "As long as it is done once, it is considered a success."

  Yun Si narrowed her eyes slightly, "Who gave you the task?"

  Now that he has confessed, Su Lanyu has no intention of continuing to hide.


   "Who is the system?"

"have no idea."

   "..." She smiled suddenly, her hands under the cloak were tightly clenched.

   "What is the system's reward for you?"

  Sulan: "Rebirth."

   "Go back to my world so that I can live again."

  Yun Si smiled lowly, as if listening to some joke.


   "They can really fool people, a bunch of crooked people, nothing else, but their ability to deceive people is first-rate."

   Su Lanyu frowned, "What did you say?"

   "I said, you were cheated by them."

  She raised her beautiful eyes, but there was no smile in them.

   "Don't you think it's weird? Why did they make you do this?"

  Su Lan pursed her lips, "It is said that there is luck in the body, and the collection can maintain the balance of the world."

   "The balance of the world has always been controlled by gods. If you are already a god, why do you need to collect people's luck?"

   "Immortals, will they also value people's luck?"

  Sulan took a step back, "I don't know, that's what it said anyway."

   "I want to live, I can only be obedient."

   "Besides, aren't you also a time traveler? Don't you have a system, no mission?"

  Yun Si's exquisite face was cold, and under the light, her face was snow-white.

   "I'm different from them. If I have other plans, I will do it myself instead of bringing an innocent person in."

  Su Lanyu was taken aback for a moment, and then, "I've already said what I need to say, now it's your turn?"

   "Who are you? What is your mission?"

  Yun Si walked back unhurriedly, "My task...is only one, and that is to protect Huo Yuangong."

   "In a sense, there should be a hostile relationship between us."

   "If you want to take drugs, I will stop you, understand?"

  Su Lanyu looked at her, Shen Shen, "Then what do you mean by the cooperative relationship you mentioned just now?"

   "Could it be possible, just to talk to me?"

  The glamorous beauty stood in front of her without speaking.

  Just stretched out his hand and handed her a flower.

  Scorching and coquettish, the blood-red Bianhua flowers are blooming gorgeously, glowing with red light.

  It looks like black magic, with little red light.

   fell to the ground and quickly disappeared.

  It is beautiful, like a dream.

  Su Lanyu took a look, "What is this?"

   "This is a weapon, a weapon for resistance."

  I only heard the person in front of me say, "When I'm here, your so-called system doesn't dare to appear, and I can't catch it."

  (end of this chapter)

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