Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2632: Companion (47)

   Chapter 2632 Companion (47)

  Leave a depressed man, holding her, sleepless for a long time.

  His hand fell on her face, gently.




  It is also night.

  Su House.

  Su Lanyu sat up from the bed suddenly, sweating profusely, his eyes frightened.

  The chest rose and fell violently, like a suffocator who had just drowned and couldn't breathe for a long time.

   Breathing frantically, both hands and legs were shaking, the clothes on the back were all soaked, and the hair on the neck was soaked with sweat.

   Sitting up, I couldn't get back to my senses for a long time.

  It seems that the three souls lost two souls, and the seven souls lost six souls.

  The whole person looked blankly, looking forward, his face pale.

  The system that has been monitoring her body data: [Host, what's wrong with you? 】

  Su Lanyu didn't answer, as if he was still immersed in the nightmare just now.

   Body trembling, shaking violently from time to time.

  In such a hot summer night, it seems to feel cold.

  It was freezing cold.

  The sweat on my body, I don't know whether it is from the heat or the cold.

   His fingers trembled, and he didn't even have the strength to lift it up.

  System: [Host? 】

   called for a long time.

  Sulan seems to be slowly recovering.

   Wiping off the sweat from his forehead like a collapse, he remained silent.

   I don't know what I'm thinking.

   System: [The host is having a nightmare? 】

  Su Lanyu didn't answer, but got out of bed slowly.

  When I got out of bed, my legs seemed to be a little weak.

   Staggered a few times and almost fell, she quickly supported the bed and stood firm.

  The clothes were soaked, and she didn't seem to feel the coolness. She walked slowly to the tea table, sat down, and poured tea.

   "System, can I change the task?"

  【Host, this is the last one, there is no choice. 】

   "I don't understand, can you collect the luck from him once you sleep?"

   "Why is he the only one who is different from the previous son of the plane?"

  【Host, the difficulty is extremely high this time. Considering your situation, the mission requirements are appropriately lowered. This is for your own good. 】

  【If you can make him fall in love with you, it is naturally the best, and the system can also collect all the luck in him. 】

   "No, I think you are hiding something from me."

  Su Lan said, "If you really want me to complete this mission, you should tell me everything you know, instead of deliberately concealing it."

  【Host, please understand that there is no benefit for the system to hide from you. 】

  【You are an excellent traveler, you should be able to understand this truth. 】

  Su Lanyu sneered and took a sip of tea.

   I don't know whether to believe it or not.


   The undulating mechanical sound suddenly froze, and then there was no sound.

   suddenly disappeared, and there was no sound at all.

  The next second, there was a knock on her door.


   Looking up, a slender shadow landed on the door.

  The moonlight is flawless, and the shadows are faint.

   Silently, appearing like a ghost, knocking on the door, one sound at a time.

   It seems that he knew she was up, so he came to visit her.

  Su Lan put down the cup, "Who?"

  Shadow can't speak, of course, quietly, the knock on the door disappeared.

  Su Lanyu looked at the figure and got up.

  As soon as the door was opened, a woman in a cloak appeared in front of her eyes.

  The bright red cloak is as bright as fire. Under the cloak, the woman's peach blossom eyes are various and charming, burning and bright.

  The hair on her cheeks drooped slightly, and she held the hairpin low, with a lively appearance, like a **** and a demon.

  Like a succubus that seduces the secular world and sinks, its snow-colored skin is translucent, so beautiful that it takes people's breath away.

   Once in a daze.

  (end of this chapter)

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