Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2620: Companion (34)

   Chapter 2620 Companion (34)

  At the forefront of the army is the general, who is greeted by court officials from the palace.

  Everyone had a smile on their face, a big smile.

   At this time, behind the crowded crowd.

  The children were running around, having fun.

  Suddenly accidentally, the little boy bumped into a woman.

  A woman with no expression on her face.

  The little boy groaned and looked up at her with his head in his arms.

  The woman glanced at him, but didn't react much, and only looked at the very head of the army.

   Quietly, as if he was looking for something.

   Seeing that she had no intention of speaking, the little boy quickly ran away again.

   Smiling, heartless.

  The rest of the women stood behind the crowd, following the pace of the army daughter, looking around.

  The head of the army is a man riding on a horse, leading the army behind him.

   is a general, but not the chief general.

  He is not here, and the ones at the forefront at the moment are his subordinates.

  He didn't show up.

  The woman looked around for a long time, and finally stopped, frowning.

   "System, what's the situation? Where's Huo Yuangong? Why isn't he here?"


  A mechanized voice sounded, cold.

  【Huo Yuangong received the news of his brother Huo Yuchuan's death on the way back. He is currently leaving the team temporarily and returning to his hometown Houqiu. The return date is undecided. 】

   "...I know, but didn't you say he was away for a short day and joined the army soon after? Why isn't he here now?"

  System: [Please wait patiently for the host, there are occasional deviations in the plot, which will not affect the direction. 】

  【Please ask the host to act according to the plan. 】


  Sulan didn't make a sound.

  Intuition told her that the plot deviation this time would definitely have an impact.

   I just don't know...whether it has a big impact.

  She succeeded in the previous ninety-nine missions, only this time.

  So, the only remaining time is not to be sloppy.

  As long as she succeeds, she will be able to return to her own world smoothly and start all over again.

   She looked at the advancing army, clenched her fists for a long time.

   Bring the imperative.

   "The system monitors Huo Yuangong's current location."

  【Unable to monitor, please wait patiently for the host. 】

   Su Lan paused, "Can't monitor?"

【Yes. 】

  【This mission is SSS+ in purgatory. Except for the plot prompt, the system will not be able to provide any help, including additional functions such as location positioning, item store and mind reading. Please be careful with the host. 】


  It seems that the target of this mission is really difficult to clear.

  Purgatory SSS+ level, it can be said that the system has been professionally judged to be almost impossible to complete.

  Completion rate<0.00001%.

  Su Lanyu's heart became heavier.

   "It means that my points cannot be used in this world?"

【Yes. 】


  【The host please relax, the headquarters considers the difficulty of this task, so the requirements are lowered, as long as the host successfully consummates with Huo Yuangong once, the task is considered a success. 】

   "... consummation? Just ask for one sleep?"

【Yes. 】

   "Only this one request?"

【Yes. 】

   "As soon as it's done, I can leave right away?"

【Yes. 】


   also specially avoided her worries.

   You can run while sleeping, don't worry about other things.

  All the previous missions are to make the capture target fall in love with her, and the mission is only over if she has to.

   And this time...

  Su Lanyu breathed a sigh of relief.

   It's just one sleep, and Huo Yuangong is not required to fall in love with her.

   Indeed, the difficulty has been reduced.

   She clenched her fists.

   It really doesn't work, she uses some tricks.

  Just put some strong medicine...

  (end of this chapter)

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