Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2617: Companion (31)

  Chapter 2617 Companion (31)


  The sun is getting hotter and hotter.

  Looking around, there is only the hot and dazzling sun hanging in the sky, there is no wind, and even the white clouds are hidden in unknown places, avoiding the vicious sun.

  The long dusty official road was exposed to the sun, and the land seemed to be melted by the sun, steaming, and the hot and unbearable air came from all directions.

   Even if it is covered by the trees on both sides, it is difficult to resist the heat coming from all directions like a steamer.

   It was dry and stuffy, so hot that people's throats were burning and dry.

   Dry and thirsty.

  The outermost layer of the body seems to be cooked.

  It was reddened by the sun, and it was hot.

   During the break, Huo Yuangong stopped by a small stream.

  The creek is next to a verdant bamboo forest. The bamboo forest is towering and densely growing, and the slender bamboo leaves silently block the sun.

  There are fallen bamboo leaves on the ground, withered and yellow, reflecting the sunlight that sparsely penetrates the bamboo leaves.

   Still hot and unbearable.

   Fortunately, the small stream beside the forest is cool.

  It is crystal clear and flows from a distance.

   Occasionally, a few green bamboo leaves fell on the stream, like small solitary boats, drifting indefinitely, and could only follow the current and sway.

   Keep drifting, keep drifting.

  Until, it was picked up by a delicate white hand.

   Gently, put it under the sun, the light refracts the water droplets on the bamboo leaves.

  The beautiful rainbow reflects the bamboo leaves, which are as thin as a piece of paper, and the white fingers seem to glow in the sun.

   Dazzlingly white.

  The owner of the finger raised his head and squinted slightly, staring at the bamboo leaves for a while.

   Seemingly feeling bored, she casually put down the leaves, turned around, and looked at the man who was tying the horse rope.

  He turned his back to her, dressed in black, with a cold and inhuman appearance.

  Obviously the air is hot and dry, and even breathing feels tormented, suffocating, and feels hot everywhere.

   Looking at him, it seemed that the air around him had cooled down a lot.

  It was chilly, like a piece of ice that could not be melted.

   Standing not far away, there is a sense of distance.

  Shengsheng made the atmosphere stagnant, silent, extremely quiet.

  It was so quiet that only the sound of the clear flowing water of the brook could be heard, which was endless and clear like silver bells.

  Yun Si stared at him for a long time, until he tied the rope and turned around.

   The two looked at each other, his eyes were dark, and there was no emotion on his wheat-colored tough face.

  Thinking deeply, hiding all thoughts in my heart.

  Don't say anything, just look at her indifferently.

  It seems to be angry, but it doesn't seem to be angry.

  It's more like a needle in the sea than a woman's heart, and it's hard to touch.

   "..." Yun Si opened her mouth slightly, thinking about what to say at this moment...to break the silence at the moment.

  I didn't want to, I just saw him walking over, bending over and pulling her up.

   took her hand and led her to the shade.

   Now, the sun can't shine on her.

   She blinked and stared at him.

   "Can it be hot?"

  He took out a black handkerchief from his pocket and passed it gently, as if he wanted to wipe her sweat.

  The tone is still the same, without too much emotion.

   Doesn't really seem to be angry.

   At least, not mad at her.

  Yun Si shook her head, "Not hot."

  He hummed, but she didn't answer, so he wiped her hands with a handkerchief.

   While wiping, she drooped her eyes, her voice was very soft.

   "How do you think about that matter?"

  (end of this chapter)

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