Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2611: Companion (25)

  Chapter 2611 Companion (25)

  He is a current general with a heavy army in his hand, and he has just won a battle.

   For a while, there was no two people in the limelight, so it was easy to get what you wanted.

   It's just a matter of one sentence, if he wants to, he can do it anytime.

   Everything depends on whether she is willing or not.

   Yun Si was silent for a while, and then realized what he meant.

  He wanted her to conceal her married status and let her claim to be an unmarried girl.

  As long as she doesn't say anything, he will secretly arrange...

  The identity of a widow can disappear logically.

  God knows the earth, he knows and she knows.

  side, all were kept in the dark.


  She opened her mouth, not knowing what to answer for a while.

   There is nothing wrong with it, but there are also great risks.

  In case someone finds out, or is pointed out in public...

   Wouldn't that mean deceiving the government and not reporting what they knew?

  She hesitated: "Is this... okay?"

   "Could it be... not so good?"

  She is thoughtful and will not take this step easily.

  Huo Yuangong seemed to have expected her to answer like this, and said: "You and my brother haven't registered with the government yet, so you can't be regarded as an official couple. If it is investigated, the government wants to investigate, and there is nowhere to investigate."

   "Not to mention... I'm still here."

   "No one will get to the bottom of it, I will protect you well."

   "..." She tilted her head, wondering, "How do you know I'm not registered?"

   She remembered that she didn't seem to mention it to him.

  Huo Yuangong paused for a moment, his tone was flat.

   "Newlyweds have to register their marriage, and both of them must go to the government office to verify it in person, and my brother has been ill for a long time, and it is impossible for him to go out..."

   There is no need for him to say more about the next words, she has already understood.

   It's really easy to guess, but she thought it was complicated.

  She hugged the quilt, limp, and stared at him with her head tilted.

   Pursing her lips, she asked a question that she had always wanted to ask.

  She asked: "My brother left, but why...you don't look sad at all?"

   "Is the relationship between you and Mr. Yuchuan very bad?"

  She is an outsider, she doesn't know anything, she is just purely curious.

  He is very tolerant and seems to be able to answer her anything.

  She sat up, and he slowly sat up too.

  In the dark, looking at her, calm and calm, not like a normal person.

  Even in the face of her question about the deceased relatives, he was like this, as calm as water, without waves, without ups and downs of sadness.

   Only paused for a long time, then calmly said: "It's not bad, it's just that I haven't seen him for a long time, and I don't remember what he looks like anymore."

   Maybe there used to be a deep brotherhood, but time can always dilute everything.

  Especially for a person who has been fighting outside for many years, facing death for a long time, intrigues, intrigues, his emotions have gradually become numb.

  I don't know how to be excited, and I don't know how to be sentimental.

  Only live coldly and numbly, no other things in my head.

   Heart is empty.

  After facing the death of too many people, even the death of his own brother...

  He also has a hard time getting too emotional.

   It's just faint, relatively silent.

  Like a sharp blade that has been tempered into steel, the whole body is cold, and there is no emotion at all.

  Even if he wanted to have it, he couldn't.

   Can only accept.

  His gaze slowly shifted to the ground, his eyes downcast faintly: "I left home when I was seven years old, and I haven't seen him since."

  (end of this chapter)

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