Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2605: Companion (19)

  Chapter 2605 Companion (19)

   Twilight falls, late at night.

  When the moonlight is hidden behind the clouds, at the post station on the official road.

  Lanterns hung high at the door, it was quiet, cicadas chirped all around, and horses in the stables snorted and stomped from time to time.

  The huge post office is closing its doors at the moment.

  There is no wind at night, and the light from the lanterns is dim, illuminating the road on the official road.

  Going and going is a spacious road, and there is no one around.

  The road was silent, without the moonlight, I couldn’t see anything in the distance.

  Long, spread to the dark place.

  In the post station, on the counter on the first floor, the shopkeeper is using the abacus to calculate the accounts by candlelight.

   Counting the books, one page after another.

  Suddenly there was the sound of horses stepping outside the door, from far to near, and finally stopped at the door.

  The old shopkeeper in the store paused for a moment with the hand that was shifting the abacus, then licked a mouthful of saliva, and turned another page without raising his head, slurring his words.

   "Xiao Wu, someone is here, hurry up and pick him up."

  There was no one on the first floor, and all the passing guests had rested, leaving only him and a small handyman.

  The little handyman is leaning against a table and dozing off at the moment, with a rag hanging on his shoulder.

  The head keeps falling, falling and then rising, rising and falling again.

  The old shopkeeper called him, but he didn't hear him, and was still dozing off in a daze.

   Blatantly lazy.

  The old shopkeeper snorted, and slammed his thick palm on the counter—

   There was a loud snap.

   Shocked his drowsiness away, and he stood up instantly.

   "...and...someone again?"

   There was movement outside, he hurriedly wiped the drool that drool when he dozed off, and ran out with a wiper.

  Two legs run fast.

  The old shopkeeper was calculating, squinting at the past.

   "Hey, brat..."




   Outside the station.

  At the door, Huo Yuangong dismounted first.

  The rein was loosened, and the horse automatically stopped, lowering its long neck.

   Panting, he moved his limbs symbolically a few times and flicked his ponytail lightly.

  The horse's back shook a little, and without any support, the person on the horse subconsciously grabbed the saddle.

  Looking at him who got off the horse first, his slender body was extremely weak and wobbly, as if he had no bones.

   Seeing that he was about to fall, Huo Yuangong stood beside the horse and reached out to catch it.

  Hold her down like a baby.

  The lantern at the door is overcast, and his shadow is reflected on the ground, shallow.

   blended with hers, it was hard to tell who was who.

  He followed her, holding her firmly on the ground.

  There was no moonlight, and the dim light fell on his eyebrows and eyes, which were deep and clear, with a charming and handsome outline.

  Coldly, as if covered with a layer of unbreakable skin, all emotions are hidden in the skin, and nothing can be seen clearly.

  Restraint and courtesy, cold and resolute.

   won't do anything to her, and doesn't seem to have any other thoughts about her.

  After putting her down, stand still and let her go quickly.

   Open the distance, neither far nor near.

  Fade away so much that people want to tear off the layer of skin on his face, and want him to show his uncontrollable emotional side.

   It makes people extremely curious, what will he look like after his heart is moved.

   Is it insanely obsessive and overwhelming, or…

  Yun Si stared at him, and suddenly approached him.

  Like a light butterfly, taking a step, the shadows under the light that were originally mixed together completely overlap at this moment.

  She moved closer to him, tiptoing gently.

   One hand was placed on his shoulder, the lower jaw was slightly raised, and the tip of the nose was close.

  (end of this chapter)

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