Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2602: Companion (16)

  Chapter 2602 Companion (16)

  The young lady of the Huo family squatted and nodded slowly, "Yeah."

   "I don't have many things, just these."

  Huo Yuangong looked down at her, squatted down, and took the burden in her arms, "Didn't I say not to worry?"

  He doesn't know how to feel sorry for others. Seeing her sleepy, he just said: "It's still early, go back and sleep for a while."

  Probably because he didn't even notice it, his voice softened a bit.

   reached out and grabbed her arm, and helped her up.

   "Be obedient."

   "..." She yawned, but shook her head, trying to pull herself together.

   "It's okay, I'm not sleepy."

  She knew that he was in a hurry to return to Beijing, and she didn't want to hold him back.

   "Let's go."

   "..." He didn't speak, his eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at her.

  The hand holding her arm tightened slightly.

  It seems to be angry.

  She felt the strength, lowered her head, "You..."

   Before he could react, his body suddenly lightened.

  She was picked up and carried back.

   Can't help but say.


  She was shocked, and the drowsiness completely disappeared, "General, you—"

  General Huo Da, who doesn't know how to get along with women, can only do this, and forcefully carry her back.

  Press her on the bed and cover her with a quilt.

   "Sleep a little longer."

He said.

  The tone was so light that it seemed like he was giving some military order.

   "..." Yun Si, who was forced back on the bed, stared at him with round eyes.

   Then, she was blindfolded.

  Blindfolded her eyes with his hands.

  Yun Si: "..."

   She was a little funny.

  Blinking constantly, the soft eyelashes swipe across his palm.

"I am not sleepy."

  She grabs his hand and tries to tear it off.

   But his other hand grabbed her again and pushed her hand aside.


  He grabbed her hand, a hard hand, grabbed her.

  Rough skin touched her hand like tree bark scraping her.

   His tone slowed down, he didn't know how to feel sorry for others, he only knew how to act like this.

  I want her to sleep more.

   "..." Yun Si was forced to lie on the bed, blindfolded.

  Can feel him holding her hand, feel him next to her.

   She took a deep breath, "I really don't..."

have no choice.

   "Then... well, I'll squint for a while."

  After that, I could feel that he was holding her less tightly.

   He is really a rough guy who doesn't know how to get along with women.

   Only know how to use brute force, but not others.

  Yun Si pursed her lips, held back her smile, and closed her eyes.

   Stop struggling and relax slowly.




   At noon.

   Finally able to set off.

  Yun Si woke up after a nap, and went out energetically.

  Huo Yuangong was waiting for her outside, and after getting dressed, he remained silent.

  Seeing her coming out, he straightened up.

  The two of them had lunch together and took a half-minute rest before getting ready to set off.

  He has no luggage, and only helps her carry her burden.

   From the beginning to the end, he was very seldom spoken, concise and to the point, and his speech was only a few words.

   It was almost done, he walked over, still speaking indifferently.

   "Let's go."

   Yun Si, who was full of food and drink, looked at him and blinked.

  He walked out, she quickly followed.

   Followed behind him, like a beautiful and soft kitten following a cold and noble tiger.

  The tiger walked in front, and the cat followed happily behind.

  Empty hands and relaxed body, she followed him to the door.

   "Well, do you want me to pick up the luggage?"

   She offered empathetically.

   As he was talking, he was about to reach out to take it.

   As a result, he suddenly grabbed the hand she extended, and cast a cold gaze over her.

   "No need."

  (end of this chapter)

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