Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2600: Companion (14)

  Chapter 2600 Companion (14)

   There was a dog barking outside, she was used to it, and didn't respond.

   Drying her hair, she was about to go to bed.

  Suddenly heard a knock on the door from outside.

   It wasn't the door that knocked, but the door of her room.

   It was as if a ghost had come to the door. In the silent environment, there was an inexplicable knock on the door.

   It is surprising.

   She stopped going to bed, and then looked over in an instant.


"it's me."

   Outside the door, his voice came, calm and gentle.

  Looking from a distance, his figure was reflected on the door.

  The tall and big shadows are clear and distinct.

  Yun Si was taken aback for a moment, got out of bed immediately, ran over, and opened the door.

  The door creaked, and as soon as it opened, he stood in front of her coldly.

  There was a faint smell of alcohol on her body, before she could see clearly, a fat and plump rabbit was sent in front of her.

  Caught off guard.

  She was stunned.

   Blinking his eyes, he met the eyes of the big rabbit brought to him.

   It was weird for a while.

  The big fat rabbit, with both ears being grabbed at the moment, slipped in the air and handed it to her.

  The rabbit was covered with grass leaves, and looked embarrassed. It looked like it had been caught running around.

  Looking miserable, trembling and looking at her.

   It seems to be the one that escaped from her hand.

   Finally ran away, but was caught again.

  Too poor.

   Behind it, the man is holding a rabbit in his other hand.

   Bigger, fatter and more fleshy than the one in front of her.

  I saw him handing each of them to her, and said in a calm tone, "For you."

  General Huo Da, who has always been taciturn, even gave gifts so concisely and concisely, not a single word.

  Two fat and plump rabbits were sent straight to her, looking at her, with the twilight behind her.

  It was late at night, when the night was quiet, he came back suddenly and gave her a rabbit...

   Yun Si, who was standing at the door, opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

   I don't know how to answer it.


   "You...you went to catch rabbits?"

  Come back so late just to catch rabbits?

   She didn't look at the rabbit, she looked at him.

  The cold-hearted General Huo Da was staring at her at the moment, wearing the coolness of the mountains at night.

  It was full of scars, and the hand that should have been holding the sword was clutching the rabbit's ear tightly.

  Will not pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and have no compassion.

   Just handed it to her, with a calm tone, "I met you on the road, don't you want it?"

  During the day, she beat herself because the rabbit ran away.

  He saw it.

   Because I remembered she wanted it, I grabbed it.

  Yun Si looked at him and stayed for a few seconds, "I want to, but..."

  How could he suddenly send her—

  She held out her hand hesitantly, wanting to take it.

  But he didn't want to, he suddenly avoided and retracted.

   "Tomorrow, I'm leaving."

  His voice was deep and gentle, clear and indifferent, and his eyes were fixed on her.

   It's pitch black, like a dangerous beast at any time.

  The line of sight is calm and hard to ignore.

   "..." She settled her hand outstretched in mid-air, looked at him with bright eyes, and remained silent.


   "Would you like to leave with me tomorrow?"

   He stared at her and asked.

  Yun Si paused, "...Huh?"

  General Huo Da, holding two rabbits in his hands, said lightly: "I have already bought a house in Kyoto, and I will not come back in the future, and my brother's tomb will also be moved there."

   "If you want, you can come back to Beijing with me. You will have what I have in the future. You will be in charge of everything in the Huo family, how about it?"

  (end of this chapter)

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