Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 261: Hello, Mr. Lu (37)

  Chapter 261 Hello, Mr. Lu (37)


   "Did Miss Yun see the murderer's face clearly? May I ask if the murderer sneaked into your room?"

   "Miss Yun, please answer..."

   When the door of the police car closed, the voice of the reporters outside finally died down.

  Reporters are still crowded at the window, holding microphones, asking questions persistently.

  The police are working hard to maintain order and re-tighten the cordon.

  The rapid sound of the siren echoed above the entire hotel, and the blue and red lights kept flashing,

  The entire site began to investigate and continued all night.

  The eighth floor of the hotel, a remote room.

  The balcony windows are open,

  The man in soft cat pajamas lay quietly on the iron railing with cold eyes.

  The pure white milk spilled all over the floor, it was already cold,

  The man's milky white hand was like a cat, clasping the fence firmly, letting the biting cold pass.

  The man with red lips and white teeth is now like a machine without emotion,

   Looking at the police car below with no expression on his face, he didn't move at all.

  As if everything had nothing to do with him, indifferent and unfeeling.

  The cold evening wind blew over his fair and delicate face, as if nothing was left behind, and it also seemed that the complexion was a little bit whiter.

  Soft and pale, fluffy, like a delicate doll.

   Clean, but ruthless.



   It turns out that

  The advantage of having a boyfriend as a policeman is that when Yun Si enters the police station, it is like entering her own home.

  Although it is the police station of city B,

  But I don't know what Lu Yaoting and the police comrades said. Yun Si just went in and drank a cup of tea, and then she was able to leave.

  The weather is cold at night, and it is already very late,

  Lu Yaoting didn't seem to want her to stay in the police station for too long.


   After answering a few brief questions,

   Before the lawyer arrived, Yun Si had already left the police station.

   There were reporters squatting outside the police station, and Lu Yaoting led her away through another passage.

   On the way back,

  A policeman drove them back to the hotel,

  Jason was sitting in the passenger seat, looking back at Yun Si,

   "Little ancestor, are you okay? Let's go back to sleep and calm down."

  Yun Si took Lu Yaoting's hand, shook her head, "I'm brave, I'm fine."

   "However, I'm just curious why that Bailu killed so many people? He also specifically killed young women."

  Yun Si looked at Mr. Lu beside him.

  holding his warm hand, curious to know.

  Lu Yaoting took out his mobile phone, handed it to her, and said in a low tone, "Look."

  Yun Si took it and swiped her fingertips, "This is..."

   "All the victims were skinned alive."

  The man touched her face, his eyebrows were flat,

   "We have been tracking before, suspecting that the suspect is superstitious about the legendary raising Gu to change faces."

   "Raising Gu to change face?"

   "It's a cruel concept that has absolutely no scientific reason," Lu Yaoting explained to her slowly,

   "Some people think that as long as the human face is peeled off and used to feed the specialized female Gu, then the person with the child Gu in the body will look good."

   "The more you feed, the better the appearance of the host will be, and the more confusing it will be."

  Jason listened, rubbing his arms subconsciously, feeling a little cold behind,

   "This... this is completely unscientific."


  Lu Yaoting replied calmly, "We are still in the stage of suspicion. We don't know the specific motive for the crime."

  (end of this chapter)

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