Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2585: Premeditated (egg 5)

  Chapter 2585 Premeditated (egg 5)

  She is not like this on weekdays.

  Stay stupid and stupid, looking particularly easy to bully.

   Li An lowered his head and smiled, which was meaningful.

   "I'm not drunk..."

  The man who was so bad to the extreme raised his head again and looked at her with a gentle smile.

   "Then, who am I?"

   "..." The dull little drunk, with a soft delicate white face, looked at him quietly.

  Long time.

   It takes a long, long time to react.

   Respond slowly.

   "You are... Li... Li An."

   "Is...is... my favorite... person."

   Li An smiled, his eyes darkened slightly, "What did you say?"

  The little drunk was dizzy due to the effect of alcohol.

  Almost in a state of complete unconsciousness, he said whatever came to his mind, with a slow tone.

   "I...I said...I...I like you..."

   "...No...No...It's...I love you..."

  Because the person in front of him was him, she was not fortified.

  Answer whatever you ask, very obedient, not aggressive at all.


   "I...I... love you so much..."

  The pupils were wet, as if they could seep out clear water.

   As he spoke, he broke free from his hand, opened his arms, and tilted his body, falling towards him.

  Hugged him without any strength, the sweet fragrance of flowers and wine mixed on his body.

  Buried her face into his neck, rubbed it lightly, and lowered her eyelids.

  Looks sleepy and wants to sleep.

  Li An caught her with quick eyes and quick hands.

   "Si Si?"


  The little drunk's wine is ridiculously good, he is not noisy, and his drunk appearance is so cute that people just want to kiss her crazily.

   My head is dizzy and I don't know where I am around.

   Only subconsciously went to find a place where she felt safe, fell into his arms, and unconsciously hugged him tightly.

   revealed the most fragile and soft side, because the other party is him.

  Li An hugged her, gently stroking her back.

  Because of her words, my heart softened into a mess.

   is a bad person, but he can't bear to be bad to her no matter what.

  The desire slowly subsided, he raised the corners of his lips slightly, and whispered.


   I can’t drink but I still drink, it’s really...

  He moved lightly and carefully picked her up.

   Carry her back to the room and gently put her on the bed.

   Realizing that he was leaving, she subconsciously hugged him tightly, and with a groan, her wet eyes slightly opened.

   "No...don't go."

   It was really hard, and the strength was quite strong.

   Li An propped herself up on the bed with one hand, avoiding it carefully for fear of pressing her hair.

   "I'm not leaving, sweetie."

  He touched her cheek tenderly, putting his nose close together.

   "I'm here, go to sleep."

  He is a bad guy, but he is a gentleman once in a while.

  Don't take advantage of others, don't deliberately take advantage of her.

   already very restrained.

  But, a certain little drunk started teasing him unconsciously.

  Pouting her red and soft lips, she took the initiative to move closer.

   "Dear... dear..."

   She likes to kiss him.

   "..." Li An frowned, "No way."

  He already had evil intentions and wanted to do bad things to her.

   So now he can't—

  Because he can't control it.

   "Well...I want to kiss..."

  Drunk people are unreasonable, the more they are rejected, the more they have to pester them.

   "Don't be like this..." Li An moved gently, trying to pull away her hand that was hooking him.

   As a result, in the next second, she counter-pressed directly.

  One is forbearing and restrained, and the other is unscrupulous.

  She prevailed easily.

   Pounced on and kissed without any rules.

   All of a sudden, it seems that something has collapsed.

  (end of this chapter)

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