Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2581: Premeditated (Easter egg)

  Chapter 2581 Premeditated (Easter egg)

   This is already the fifty-eighth day of being followed.

   On the way to and from school, someone followed her all the time.

   It was him, she knew.

  Although he hid well and never showed any traces of tracking, but...

   From a distance, she could smell his breath.

   Very light, but easily recognizable.

  Followed her all the way, keeping a close distance.

  When she stopped, he stopped too.

  When she walked, he also kept her pace.

  One after the other, always like this.

  At the beginning, I met her by chance, and then I followed her home from school.

   Later...it gradually became following her to and from school.

  Yun Si noticed him from the very beginning.

  Because of his breath, she can smell it.

  At first, she thought it was just a coincidence.

  Maybe it is because his way home is the same as hers, so he walks the same way every day.

  Maybe it was because he was going to do something nearby, so he often appeared here, and happened to be on the same road as her.

  In short, just because it is a coincidence.

   But then...

  She began to feel something was wrong.

  Because, if it was a stranger she didn't know, how could it be so just right, walking behind her at the same time every day?

   Get on the same bus with her, and stand not far from her.

  Get off at the same stop and go home the same way.

   This is the case every day, seven in the morning and six in the afternoon.

   Too coincidental, but man-made.

  He was following her, she soon realized.

  Obviously, he doesn't know her.

   But he is stalking her, every day.

  Yun Si tried to take a detour and went to the store to buy a bottle of drink.

   As a result, he still went the same way as her.

  Follow her around the road, and then follow her all the way to the door of the house.

  Like a perverted idiot.

  Yun Si was puzzled while remaining calm.




   This is the seventieth day of being tracked.

  It was raining, and the bus was crowded with many people.

  There are people everywhere, biased, with human heads.

  The space in the car is already limited, but because of the large number of people, the air becomes thinner.

  It feels like breathing is suffocating, stuffy, and a little out of breath.

   This day, he approached her for the first time.

  Standing in the corner, he supported her with both hands, blocking the people who kept pushing over for her.

  A strong yet slightly cold air enveloped her surroundings.

  He didn't speak to her, just stood there like a stranger.

  Looked out the window, not at her.

  Wearing a peaked cap, with a straight nose, he is very handsome.

  Like a male protagonist who came out of a comic.

  The shoulders are broad and thick, and the arms are propped on the railing by the window, making a small space for her.

   I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional.

  Yun Si noticed him and looked up at him.

  His face is light and handsome, but he gives people a cold sense of distance.

  It seems like she doesn't want to talk to people.

  Yun Si looked at him and tilted her head.

   I was a little confused and couldn't figure out what was going on in his mind.

   I don't know if he has noticed her, and I don't know if all this is just her thinking.

  She looked at his cold and repulsive appearance, and lowered her head again.


   She should be thinking too much, right?

   she was thinking.




  100th day of being tracked.

   The distance that is neither far nor near is getting closer.

  Walking on the road, it turned out that the distance between him and her was twenty or thirty meters away.

  Even at the beginning, when they met for the first time, the distance between the two was almost fifty meters.

  (end of this chapter)

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