Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 211: Can I hug you (47)

  Chapter 211 Can I hug you (47)


  He caressed her face gently and lightly, with a low voice, full of endless obsession and possession,

   "This world is mine..."

  You are also mine.

  He seems to know that she is not angry, and he also knows that she is willing,

  Motion, began to unscrupulous,

   "Si Si..."

  The breaths of the two were entangled again.

  Yun Si didn't refuse his kiss, but just grabbed his flailing hand to prevent him from touching it.

  She blushed slightly, and asked, "You already liked me?"


  The man hugged her tightly like a rock, exhaling hotly,

   hummed hoarsely, whispering in her ear,

   "When you said, as long as I follow you obediently, you will give me candy, I was thinking when... I can eat you."

   Yun Si:? !

   "It's what Si Si said... As long as I go with you, I can do whatever I want."

  The grown up cub still likes to lick her,

  I especially like it, licking while hugging.

It's just like…

  Eating sugar is the same.

  Yun Si suddenly touched her face, startled, "You treat me like candy?"

  The big wolf cub, who had already had enough to eat, looked at her quietly, without saying a word.

  Just stuck out his tongue again, and licked the corner of his lips,

   He was alive and well, just like the silent kid back then.

  Yun Si opened her mouth slightly, unable to utter a word.

  The memories in her mind were quickly flushed over and over again, as if something finally appeared, which gave her a blow in the head, and she was extremely shocked.

   "So, you've been playing dumb?"

  The big wolf cub raised his eyes calmly, "Si Si, I'm not stupid."

   "It's you who always think I'm stupid."

  She always treats him as a child who can't do anything,

   But he never said that he knows nothing.

  Yun Si: "..."

   "So you can read and write from the very beginning?"

  The big wolf cub fell silent.

   No denials.

   "Can you understand us too?"

  “….” is still the default.

   "You also know your identity, know that you want to be emperor?"

   "..." The big wolf cub's dark eyes didn't move at all, he just looked at her, silent.

  Yun Si smiled, but the smile turned cold,

   "Chu Heng, so you're kidding me?"

   "Playing with me for fun? Seeing me love you so personally—"

   Her mouth was suddenly covered,

  The big wolf cub lowered his voice, word by word,

   "I'm not kidding you."

   "Just, I want you to see me more."

   "You always... ignore me and make me behave."

   "I... have worked hard to be good."

   "But...you still treat me like a child."

   "And... as long as there are others, you ignore me, don't call me Zai Zai, and don't hug me."

   "I just want you to be with me all the time."

  His eyes seemed to be red, and the fragile light flashed,

  Like a soft cub, leaning against its head, with fluffy ears, looking at her timidly, hiding deep panic and anxiety,

  The voice choked slightly, like the whimpering of a small animal,

  He put his head obediently on her shoulder, winced, his eyes were soft,

   "Zai Zai didn't play Si Si. Zai Zai just likes Si Si very much."

  He seems to have put on that layer of soft and harmless sheepskin again, full of timidity and caution,

  Clean and soft eyeballs, as black as grapes, crystal clear, without a trace of hostility,

  The cold hand grasped her two fingers,

   As always, be good.

  Yun Si: "."

  (end of this chapter)

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