The fog on Lake Erhu finally dissipated before sunrise.

The morning wind blew through, spreading the lake mist unevenly.

Ye Qingxuan Junxiu's stature is Zhuo Li's stern, shaking the bow of the boat leisurely, and started to be a boatman.

The two female disciples at Euphorbia gate whispered while sitting at the bow of the ship, from time to time they peeped at the stern of Ye Qingxuan, with a look of concern.

He Ye Qingxuan did not hide the martial arts, and directly told the second daughter that she was a Kunwu disciple, but she just used the name of Yun Ting at will, which fits with the three generations of Kunwu disciples.

The second daughter is undoubtedly having him. Anyway, this generation of Kunwu sent disciples out of talent. Recently, there have always been sudden emergence of a master of Yunzi generation on the rivers and lakes.

On the list of Diyuan Realm, there are more than twenty disciples of the Kunwu school of Yunzi generation alone.

The second daughter of Hu Humiao took Ye Qingxuan for granted as a young disciple of the Kunwu faction who had not seen the world just after coming down the mountain.

The secret of Ye Qingxuan's body was almost unknown to the second daughter. Instead, through conversation with the second daughter, Ye Qingxuan learned a lot of secrets.

First of all, the master of these two female disciples turned out to be Ye Qingxuan's old acquaintance, and the sister of Xun Aotian, the stranger of the halberd, Xing Yan.

在 At the "Kirin Conference" in Yunzhou that year, Ye Qingxuan defeated Xun Peng, a disciple of the "Silver Halberd", and Cen Peng. Among the people who accompanied him, he was a brave girl in the wind.

But at that time, this pedestrian was to hunt down Huo Tingzun, the only son of "Dawei Tiande King" Holden, who coincided with the Qilin Xuan who was vying for "Wai Xian Dan", so he became associated with Ye Qingxuan.

This time, a large number of people in the martial arts gathered in "Fantastic Mizutani" for the sake of "Feng Wu" Yan Feng.

This punishment is Yan Fengfei's only close friend. This trip to Qingling Lake is to help a friend.

I just rushed when she came, and the two lovers were left behind by her far away. After being three days late, she was accidentally hit by Ye Qingxuan.

As for the originator of this crisis, he is also an old acquaintance. It was exactly one hundred years ago that Jiang Yanyue, a well-known super master on the rivers and lakes, "Acacia treasure".

"Acacia Treasure" Jiang Yanyue is a figure from the same period as Master Wu Chan. He formed a deadly revenge with Master Fengfeng Yan of Fengwu, who was seriously wounded on the third day and night of the war. Now he can avenge his opponent's apprentice.

But the news still surprised Ye Qingxuan.

After the Luo Luodu World War I, Jiang Yanyue's serious injury recurred. Instead of retreating, he appeared at the rivers and lakes at this time and challenged Yan Fengfei, who is "the thirty-fifth place in the heavenly list", with such a high profile ...

This timing is a bit coincidental, right?

Is she convinced that there is chaos in the world and no one can help Yan Fengfei, or is she secretly allied with a certain party to eliminate all potential threats?

From the mouth of the second daughter of Hu Miao, Ye Qingxuan could not know the true situation behind the incident, but in addition, there is another important piece of information--

Qiujiang Yueyue has been associated with Bailianism.

This time the public challenge will also be accompanied by the masters of Bai Lian Tao, and Bai Lian Jiao has promoted this contest, and now it has spread throughout Wulin, Jiangnan, its behavior is very suspicious.

No wonder Yu Qiuyu's traitor will come here. It turned out that he would see the liveliness of his teacher ...

I just don't know. Her **** came east, and she hasn't accompanied her this time.

If old friends appear one after another, it will be very interesting.

The sky gradually brightened.

Hu Xiumeng, the second-year-old middle-aged girl, looked far away and urged, "Brother Yunting, please hurry up, we must arrive at Qimei Island at dawn, otherwise we will miss the time."

Xie Yeqingxuan nodded slightly, his feet suffocated, and the boat quickly tripled again.

Biao Miao Xiu Ning stood up, clenched the short halberd, and said firmly, "Sister, the competition is at 10 o'clock today, we must help the master!"

Hu Xiumeng turned back and said softly: "Sister, if you start a hand-to-hand melee, you must follow me, don't act lightly."

Xi Miao Xiu Ning nodded earnestly and stretched his palm nervously. Although the action was concealed, Ye Qingxuan saw the moist and sweat stains on the palm of the other side at a glance.

Is just two fledgling young girls, maybe Xing Yan deliberately left two apprentices, so that they do not have to be involved in danger.

After all, if Jiang Yanyue had healed his injuries, he would be a half-deified peerless master. Although Yan Fengfei has entered the sky for a long time, he has never been tepid, even once defeated under his own hands, and can take Jiang Yanyue How about it?

I can see that Xing Yan has set her will to accompany her girlfriends to death. This time, she can't let her friends suffer.

So the boat traveled for another half an hour, and according to the map instructions drawn by the store, Ye Qingxuan finally looked relaxed, pointed to the front, and said lightly, "Women, please, we are here!"

The second daughter Qi Qi turned her head and looked forward.

The rippling water surface, a sand bar emerged, and a winding water channel was hidden in the middle of the reeds. At the far end of the water channel, you can see a small port.

Hidden to see the masts of several ships, quietly moored on an island in the center of the lake.

"Sister, look ..." Miao Xiuning jumped up and pointed forward: "Here we are. This is the place where Master brought us several times as a child."

As the boat passed through the water channel and approached the island, the big ship that could only see the mast had experienced it. Ye Qingxuan only glanced at it and recognized the big ship that Yu Qiuyu had sat on.

The big ship crouched ashore like a monster.

I only know if the beautiful lady with a heart like a scorpion is still on the boat at this moment ...

I saw the shores of Qimei Island at this time, full of boats and small boats, crowded people on the shore, people from all gangs and forces from all sides clamored, very lively.

Among them, the disciples of Bailianism are the most prominent. The disciples of ordinary families wear white turbans on their heads, and the disciples of monks are all dressed in snow-white monks. They look extraordinary. Alas.

Seeing the destination in sight, Miao Xiu Ning was already impatient and kept urging: "Hurry up! You have to find Master and Uncle Yan ... Hey! I'm afraid I will be late again this time!"

Hu Xiumeng smiled slightly and sighed: "Sister and sister rest assured, at this time, it is too early to leave, and she can't be late."

After saying this, Hu Xiumeng's tone was a little paused, and he turned a little bit embarrassingly, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Brother Yunting, my sister and my sister are going to find a master. Since you are here to help you, I'd better wait to introduce you ... "

"Sister ..." Before Hu Xiumeng's words were finished, Miao Xiuning next to her face was already flushed and pulled Hu Xiumeng's sleeve hard.

As the two of them, how could he take his disciples to see Yan Fengfei at will without the consent of the host ...

Ye Qingxuan's heart was of course clear, and at the same time, he didn't want to be smashed by his identity so quickly. After hearing the words, he quickly waved his hand and said, "Thank you for the kindness of the two heroines. It ’s just the ordinary disciples of Kunwu. Seeing that there are many fellow Chinese who come here ~ ~, go there and disturb, the two don't bother me, please do it yourself. "

Seeing Ye Qingxuan take the initiative to retreat, the two daughters of Hu Miao could not help but let go.

After each party's resignation, the two women flew up to the shore, leaving Ye Qingxuan to shake the boat, and slowly stopped at the shore to fasten the reins.

In Ye Qingxuan's original ideas, since this Qimi Island is a place where Yan Fengfei escaped from the world, it should naturally be as far away from the world as the paradise.

But in fact, there is even a small fishing village here. Today, there are many people in Wulin. Many businesses in towns see opportunities to make money. Therefore, there are various stalls on both sides of the main street of the fishing village, even the blacksmith shop. Two of them were built as a surprise, and they were lively for a while.

Ye Yexuanxuan didn't change his mind, but he had two beard-like moustaches like Brother Er, and walked away in the street in a hurry.

Although his name is like a thunderbolt on the rivers and lakes, Jiangnan martial arts people rarely see him.

This street, although people come and go, are mostly martial arts people, and local fishermen have long been scared to hide.

Along the way, Ye Qingxuan not only saw the demon monks of the Bailian religion, but also saw a lot of demon roads of the peace. These two men and women ran side by side, whistling in front of various wine stalls, but they were very rare to help Yan Fengfei. one sight.

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