These dozen boxes of gold and silver jewelry weigh two to three thousand kilograms. They can be packed into the space ring without adding any weight.

Huang Shaojie put all the more than 80,000 taels of silver notes on his body into the space ring, as well as the full moon scimitar at his waist and the Jin Yiwei token.

This is faster than taking it out from your body, it will appear in your hand with just a thought.

In the future, all his important things can be stored in the space ring.

It is safe to store, never spoils, and has enough space.

The space ring will never be lost when worn on his hand.

Huang Shaojie came out of the secret room and when passing through the main hall, he cut off Tong Yidao’s head and put it into the space ring.

There is no time air in the space ring, and no entropy change will occur. Even if poop and rice are put into the space ring at the same time, there will be no effect between the two.

After walking out of the Taoist temple, Takamaru and Jin Daya were still groaning and struggling on the ground.

Huang Shaojie chopped off their two heads with a knife, and put them into the space ring together with the heads of Hao Bobo and Zeng Kuang.

Then he went down the mountain and whistled.

The yellow-maned horse ran out of the forest and came to Huang Shaojie’s side. It lowered its head and rubbed its owner affectionately.

Huang Shaojie put the two heads hanging in the cloth bag on the horseback into the space ring together with the bag.

Jump on the horse.




Seven days later, Huang Shaojie returned to Suzhou on horseback.

Before entering Suzhou City, Huang Shaojie took out the cloth bag containing the human heads from the space ring, put all the heads into the cloth bag, and hung them on the back of the horse.

“Stop! What’s in your bag?”

When entering the city gate, a guard captain who was guarding the city noticed that the cloth bag carried on the back of Huang Shaojie’s horse was bright red and dripping with blood. He immediately pulled out his knife, stopped Huang Shaojie, and shouted loudly.


Several other soldiers guarding the city also surrounded Huang Shaojie with spears in their hands.

Huang Shaojie sat on the horse and said jokingly: “Open it yourselves, and you will know what it is.”

“Open.” The guard captain waved his hand.

A soldier stepped forward and untied the bag on the horse’s back, looked over, and shouted:

“So many heads!”

When the guard captain saw it, his face changed. He took two steps back, pointed the steel knife in his hand at Huang Shaojie and asked in surprise: “Who are you? How dare you kill so many people and how dare you enter the city with such arrogance? You are so bold! Take it down! !”

The other soldiers guarding the city all pointed their spears at Huang Shaojie as if facing a formidable enemy, but not a single one of them dared to step forward rashly.

The person who dares to carry so many heads into the city in sacks is either a madman or a murderer.

If it’s a lunatic, they can take care of it. If it’s a martial arts demon, then the few soldiers defending the city will simply lose their lives.

Huang Shaojie stretched out his hand, and a Jin Yiwei Trial Hundred Household Token appeared in his palm, and shouted.

“Jinyiwei is handling the case!”

When the guard captain saw the Jinyiwei Hundred Households Token in Huang Shaojie’s hand, he was so frightened that he fell to his knees, bowed his hands and said, “I didn’t know it was the Jinyiwei Baihuu Master who was handling the case. Please forgive me!”

Several other guarding soldiers were so frightened that they quickly threw away their spears, fell to their knees, kowtowed to Huang Shaojie and begged for mercy!

Naturally, these city guard sergeants were very aware of the reputation of the Jin Yiwei. They pointed a sword and gun at a Jin Yiwei and tried to interrogate the adults of a hundred households. If they offended the people, they immediately chopped off their heads, leaving no place to redress their grievances.

Huang Shaojie pulled the reins of the horse and said: “Get up, those who don’t know are not guilty. You are doing the right thing. As a city guard, you should strictly investigate suspicious people when you encounter them.”

After that, he gathered his horses and headed into the city.

The captain of the city guard team and several other soldiers heaved a sigh of relief, stood up from the ground, and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads as they looked at Huang Shaojie riding away.


Huang Shaojie rode a horse to the Jinyiwei Yamen. When the two school captains guarding the gate saw Huang Shaojie, they couldn’t help but bowed their hands.

“See Huang Baihu.”

“Huang Baihu, are you back?”

Huang Shaojie nodded slightly, dismounted, and walked straight to the lobby with the bag containing the human head.

A school captain had already rushed into the hall and reported to Niu Ren.

“Master Qianhu, Huang Baihu is back.”

Niu Ren was sitting at the top of the lobby, drinking tea leisurely. When he heard the captain’s report, he couldn’t help but be slightly surprised.

“Oh, he’s back so soon?”

Catching the seven murderers is like finding a needle in a haystack. People sent out to handle such cases often stay there for several months, half a year, or even longer.

But Huang Shaojie came back after only being away for half a month. This is really

It’s a little too fast now.

Even if you ride a fast horse to Lingnan and come back, it will take at least ten days.

Niu Ren estimated that Huang Shaojie had returned without success.

Maybe this kid wandered around for a few days and couldn’t find any trace of the seven murderers, so he just came back to recover his life.

Just as Niu Ren was thinking about it, Huang Shaojie walked into the lobby carrying a bloody sack.

“See Ushi Senhu!”

Huang Shaojie threw the sack on the ground and bowed his hands to Niu Ren who was sitting on top.

“No gift.”

Niu Ren raised his hand, glanced at the bloody sack on the ground, frowned and asked, “What is in this sack?”

Huang Shaojie said: “Reporting to Qianhu, these are the heads of the seven murderers.”

“The heads of the seven murderers?” Niu Ren looked shocked! He stood up, walked over quickly, opened the sack and saw seven bloody human heads.

Moreover, it does look like the heads of the seven Lingnan murderers.

“Quickly, go to the archives to get the portraits of the seven murderers.”

Niu Ren said to the guard.

The guard followed the order and quickly went to the archives to fetch seven portraits.

Niu Ren ordered the guards to pour out the seven heads from the sack and compare them with the portraits of the seven murderers.

Sure enough, there are basically nine points of similarity.

Niu Ren was surprised and happy. He looked at Huang Shaojie and said, “In half a month, you killed all seven murderers. How did you do it?”

The seven murderers are all highly skilled in martial arts, ruthless and cunning, and their whereabouts are unpredictable. The government sent out countless head-hunting guards to hunt down and arrest him, but they all suffered heavy casualties and returned without success.

But Huang Shaojie only went out for half a month and actually killed all seven murderers. This is simply unbelievable!

Even if Niu Ren saw the heads of the seven murderers with his own eyes, he still couldn’t believe it.

Huang Shaojie cupped his hands and said, “Sir, my subordinates followed the blood stains and footprints to the outside of the city, caught Hao Bobo, and then forced Hao Bobo to lead his subordinates to find the other six murderers…”

Huang Shaojie gave an overview of how he handled the case, including the rescue of Li Gui’s family in Lingnan who went to South Vietnam to serve as the prefect.

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