Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 981 Alive (4)

Ming Jiudan stretched out his hand, grabbed Lu Yan's shoulders, lifted him up like a chicken, and staggered into the pavilion. There was a loud noise as dense as exploding beans in his body, and the sky with countless fists behind him swayed with thick blood. His body was compressed bit by bit to a height of one foot, five or six feet, and he sat on a small stool. sat down.

Hey, it's frustrating, man, I just want it big! After sitting down, Ming Jiudan looked at the delicate gap on the coffee table, curled his lips, and casually picked up the big kettle that was stewing on the stove beside him, Gudong In one gulp, he drank up the scalding hot spring water.

Lu Qian staggered and sat back in his original seat.

He breathed loudly, and the blood and energy in his body surged. Together with the power of the Buddha's relics accumulated in his body, and the power of the divine elixir given by Emperor Tai Zhen, they all flowed throughout his body with the rolling blood and energy. On the face, the wound caused by the Ming Jiu Egg squirmed, and it returned to its original appearance in a few breaths.

Ming Jiudan was a straightforward person and did not leave any of his terrifying boxing power on Lu Qian's wounds. After he withdrew his fist, he even withdrew his boxing power.

If not, with Lu Qian's current cultivation level, it would be impossible for him to dispel the 'Dao Injury' created by a powerful emperor.

There was a flash of light on his body, and the Wugou Zen clothes were put on him again. Lu Qian nodded to Ming Jiudan, indicating that he had remembered this small favor from him.

Lu Qian raised the teacup, nodded to Lu Sanqi, drank the mountain tea in the cup, put down the teacup, and frowned in thought for a long time.

Ming Jiudan shook his head, looked at Lu Qian, then at Lu Sanqi, and muttered: Where? Talking? What are you doing bored? Hey, you kid can run away so fast... Tsk tsk, you understand. The Great Way of Speed? Buddhist Shen Zu Tong, you have reached the realm of divine enlightenment, right? Tsk tsk, this man’s fist can’t even touch a hair on your head!”

Touching his big, smooth head, Ming Jiudan sighed with emotion: You guys actually used the power of your own Dao Fruit in front of a pretty boy who didn't have the Dao Fruit of the Emperor's Seal... You can't win with force, bah, no. hero!

Lu Sanqi smiled. She pointed with her hand and saw a wisp of water from the clear spring halfway up the mountain. It flew up and fell into the big kettle in Ming Jiudan's hand. There was a blazing charcoal fire in the small stove, heating the kettle. Lu Sanqi looked at the faint wisps of water vapor coming out of the spout and said with a smile: Have you considered it?

Lu Yan looked at Ming Jiudan and said with a smile: Join you? This is a senseless and gratuitous thing... Who are you? What do you want to do? Why do you like me? If I don't join, So what happens?”



I'm interested in you, not because of the relationship between your sworn brother Yinyuan and White Snake... At this point, Lu Sanqi and Ming Jiudan showed strange expressions at the same time. That kind of expression was so weird that it was as if they had seen a three-foot-long eye-catching white-fronted tiger actually falling in love with a little pug, and the two were stacked together and giving crazy gifts!

Lu Qian's heart twitched.

There it is again.

They are ‘natives’.

They are ‘alive’.

Okay, there may be some shocking inside story here, but Lu Qian doesn't care much about it right now. He looked at Lu Sanqi in shock and said in a deep voice: Yin Yuan...that white lady, what's so weird about that?

Wisps of colorful luster, but dark, water mist full of death and coldness rose up, with poisonous charm rippling, King Qiu Gui walked out of the poisonous cloud of water mist unique to the swamp.

King Qiu Gui, the biological son of Emperor Tai Zhen!

He saluted Lu Sanqi and Ming Jiudan, and nodded to Lu Yi with a smile: You are the only one I have seen in my life, Lu Yi, who is able to make Brother Tiedan powerless at the same level of cultivation. I admire you, I admire you!

Lu Qian raised his hand to King Qiu Gui, looked at King Qiu Gui's biological son, and asked in a deep voice: Is there something wrong with White Snake? Or is it Emperor Taiyi... Could it be that the relationship between White Snake and Emperor Taiyi... …”

Countless thoughts passed through Lu Qian's head.

For example, the White Snake is actually a concubine in the harem of Emperor Taiyi. Emperor Taiyi has some unknown eccentricities. Yinyuan really hooks up with the White Snake, and there is a relationship between him and Emperor Taiyi. There are some connections that make people think deeply...

In fact, Lu Sanqi's words had to remind Lu Qian of these bad, even a little dirty and obscene aspects.

Lu Qian even suspected that Lu Sanqi and their small group came to him because of the strange relationship between Yinyuan and Bai Niangzi... and that they rescued Yuan Fu in the battle of Yunchaling. By the way, he slipped himself out. Only then did Lu Sanqi, the ‘Second Sister’, come forward to greet him personally, and even let Ming Jiudan, a powerful combatant, conduct some kind of assessment on him...

Of course, the appearance of Ming Jiu Dan is not without the intention of showing off force and shocking with violence.

In short, after carefully analyzing the twists and turns, Lu Qian could write tens of thousands of words... Lu Sanqi and Ming Jiudan are old guys who have lived for who knows how many years after all. Maybe Ming Jiudan Is it 'really' honest and straightforward, but Qi Sanqi... Haha!

Now, King Qiu Gui, the biological son of Emperor Tai Zhen, is in person. He should know more about the affairs of Emperor Tai Zhan's 'family' than outsiders, right? Lu Sanqi and the others asked King Qiu Gui to come forward, obviously they had something to say to Lu Qian.

King Qiu Gui sat calmly next to Lu Qi, and Lu Sanqi poured him a cup of tea. King Qiu Gui just picked up the tea cup, took a sip of meaning, smiled and nodded to Lu Sanqi to thank him - obviously , the taste of this camellia is not good. King Qiu Gui, who is accustomed to fine clothes and fine food, although he is already a member of Lu Sanqi and her small group, he does not agree with Lu Sanqi's so-called red dust concept.

Lu Qian noticed this detail.

Obviously, if the so-called red dust smoke concept of Lu Sanqi is true, and the strong atmosphere of human life in this small world where Lingshan is located is true, then King Qiu Gui can only be Lu Sanqi and the others. A fringe figure in this small group!

A cup of tea can reveal many things.

Putting down the tea cup, King Qiu Gui looked at Lu Qian. His expression was very complicated, and his face was even slightly distorted. His eyes were shining with extremely complex and changeable light. Well, even with Lu Qian's knowledge and experience, he couldn't tell what kind of emotion King Qiu Gui was feeling.

My, father! King Qiu Gui finally spoke, with a strange tone and strange wording.

Hey! King Qiu Gui touched his chin vigorously, then grabbed his earlobes, and finally placed his two hands on his knees, flicking his fingers up and down as if convulsing.

Considering King Qiu Gui's cultivation and his age, he actually made so many small actions in just five words. It can be seen that what he is going to say next will definitely be earth-shattering... Lu Qian couldn't help but look forward to it. At the same time, I was a little worried - Yinyuan wouldn't have stepped into a sinkhole this time, right?

Of course, at the same time, Lu Qian couldn't help but feel a little gloating.

Yinyuan's love for women is really...hey, he actually stepped into a sinkhole? Lu Qian couldn't help but speculate in his heart, and couldn't help but have countless wild and random thoughts in his mind - How big is this pit? How deep? How weird? Yinyuan, why don't you fall to the point of collapse?

My father, Emperor Taiyi. King Qiu Gui opened his eyebrows, and wisps of dark and gloomy colorful mist flickered in his eyes. This was because he was emotionally excited to the extreme, and he couldn't help the Dao Fruit shaking and the Dao Yun leaking out. abnormality.

Well, look at me, am I a serious person? Qiu Gui pointed at his nose.

Lu Qian was stunned.

How could there be such a problem?

He looked up and down at King Qiu Gui - well, he was tall and handsome, although because the condensed Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit was a heresy like 'swamp miasma', his aura was a bit evil, like a bird in the air. Like a poisonous toad that has been soaked in a mire for countless years, it gives people an eerie feeling...

But overall... Lu Qian nodded seriously: What King Qiu Gui brings is a talented person, handsome and unrestrained!

A show of talent... King Qiu Gui chuckled. He pointed at his nose and said in a deep voice: A show of talent... Then, you must first be a decent person. Only experienced people can be regarded as 'one-level talents'?

Lu Qi was horrified.

He opened his eyebrows unceremoniously and raised his eyes. A Buddhist celestial eye spread out, and wisps of Buddha light surged and enveloped King Qiu Gui's body. King Qiu Gui restrained his Taoist charm and magic power, let go of his physical body, and allowed Lu Qian to use his magical powers as much as he wanted.

Wisps of Buddha's light, like the tiniest blades, slowly cut through King Qiu Gui's body.

From the skin to the bone marrow, from the scalp to the skin of the feet, from the hair on the chest to the hair on the buttocks... Lu Qian carefully analyzed every detail of King Qiu Gui's body... Yes, a serious living person!

Lu Qian looked at King Qiu Gui in confusion. Why did he have such emotion just now?

After pondering for a moment, Lu Chen said in a deep voice: The old Xiong Zun of Yunchaling and those unparalleled demons, if they are mixed with humans...of course their descendants are also humans!

King Qiu Gui said this, and Lu Qian could only think that Emperor Taiyi might not be a 'human race in the serious sense', but some kind of humanoid intelligent race... Perhaps, in the secular world, intermarriage with other races is a big taboo. , but there are also many scholars in the secular world who dare to be the first in the world, and foxes, pythons, and lonely ghosts, don't they also have a happy and soul-stirring hookup?

Not to mention in the cultivation world.

Those powerful monks who are successful in spiritual practice keep some mountain ghosts, flower demons, vixens, etc. as pets, and accidentally create three or five mixed-race children with them. This is totally not a problem!

I understand what you mean. King Qiu Gui's face twitched, and his whole body twitched unconsciously: But, in my concept, unparalleled monsters like Old Xiong Zun, well, monsters, ghosts, and all kinds of wisdom Creatures, as long as they are born and raised by the earth, and are intelligent creatures generated by heaven and earth, in my understanding, they can be called 'human beings'!

Have a head, a face, hands and feet, can speak eloquently, have a personality, can reproduce children... They are all 'human beings'! King Qiu Gui looked at Lu Qian with a slightly anxious look: 'Human race' should not be narrow-minded. The 'human race' should be more inclusive...right?

this problem.

Very heavy.

Lu Qian didn't know how to answer for a moment.

There is a hint of sophistry in King Qiu Gui's words. He wants to expand the concept of human race and expand the reasonable legal basis for certain ethnic groups to exist in this world.

But speaking from the bottom of my heart, as far as Lu Qian is concerned, human is human, other demons, ghosts, human-like intelligent creatures and the like, and pure, real, flesh and blood, born to parents, raised by parents. There is still a layer of separation between the 'human race'.

Everyone can intermarry with each other and mix blood, that's the same thing.


Lu Qian was also a little confused by King Qiu Gui's question. He was silent for a long time and then slowly gave an extremely formulaic answer: I am the Buddha who is compassionate and all living beings are equal!

King Qiu Gui was obviously relieved.

Lu Sanqi on the side twitched the corner of his mouth.

Lu Qian was secretly changing his concept. Ming Jiudan and King Qiu Gui didn't hear it, but Lu Sanqi understood it - Lu Qian just said that compared to the Buddha, all living beings are equal, and 'equality' does not mean 'same'!

However, generally speaking, this answer can partially 'cope' with King Qiu Gui's answer.

Qi Sanqi, who was well aware of what was going on, raised his head and looked at the drifting clouds in the sky - some problems were really unsolvable... very heavy and fatal, which made Qi Sanqi extremely stressed, and at the same time, because of this pressure , filling her heart with endless faith and power!

Some things have to be done.

Otherwise, there is really no hope.

Really, I don’t even have the qualifications and opportunities to ‘live’ anymore.

King Qiu Gui breathed out a heavy breath. He picked up the tea cup before, brought the tea to his mouth, took a sip gently, and then put the tea cup down again. Even when his mind was confused and his mentality was almost lost, King Qiu Gui still couldn't enjoy drinking this crude mountain tea like Lu Qian did.

Lu Sanqi looked at the tea cup put down by King Qiu Gui and squinted his eyes.

Just this one detail... King Qiu Gui will always be a marginal figure in their small group. It is impossible to get in touch with their core executives and know their core secrets. Be a qualified tool man, this is King Qiu Gui's destined future.

Lu Sanqi smiled slightly, and a large ocean bowl with a diameter of one foot came out from nowhere, and made a large bowl of scalding hot tea for Ming Jiu Dan.

Ming Jiudan rubbed his hands with a smile on his face and nodded gratefully to Lu Sanqi.

Man, just be big!

King Qiu Gui clasped his hands tightly on his knees and stared at Lu Yi with three eyes: I, the biological son of Emperor Taiyi...that's right.

Lu Qian nodded.

You are the biological son of Emperor Tai Zhen, and everyone in the world knows this. Moreover, countless people in the Supreme Taichu Heaven now know that you are still a biological son who exploits your own father. The resources you need to gather the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit include eliminating those competitors who compete with you for the 'Swamp Miasma' avenue. The force you used was obtained by poaching your own father.

My father, Emperor Tai Zhen. King Qiu Gui continued to speak word by word.

Lu Qian didn't say anything, just looked at King Qiu Gui - why must he repeat this issue again and again? Your father is Emperor Taiyi, is there a problem with that?

She is also the White Snake! King Qiu Gui's three bulging eyes were slightly bloodshot, with colorful capillaries bulging as he stared at the route in a rather scary way.

What? Lu Qian's head was in chaos, as if he had been struck by lightning. His hands trembled and he jumped up.

King Qiu Gui's biological father, Emperor Taiyi?

Is the kindness of King Qiu Gui also the White Snake?



External incarnation?

A gift?

Distracted reincarnation?

Or, is it some other messy and similar magical power and secret method?

Um, wait a minute, the problem is - White Snake and Emperor Taiyi are the same person... So, Yinyuan and White Snake...

Lu Qian thought of the extremely beautiful White Snake.

Even more reminded of the handsome and handsome Emperor Taiyi.


Extremely messy.


Extremely crazy.

At the same time, perhaps out of the instinct of being an 'old friend' or a 'harmful friend', Lu Qian wanted to rush to Yin Yuan immediately and tell him 'joyfully' - 'Brother, your new sweetheart, Might be a man'!

Uh, let me slow down! Lu Qian slapped himself on the forehead and shook his head vigorously.

The Divine Soul Golden Buddha emits a faint golden light, and Sanskrit chants roar in his mind, crushing and suppressing all messy thoughts. The sea of ​​souls returned to tranquility and clarity. Lu Qian looked at King Qiu Gui with clear eyes: White Lady and Emperor Taiyi are the same person? White Lady, are they a man?

King Qiu Gui looked at Lu Yi with a smile but not a smile: Although it seems inappropriate to say this, I still want to say that with your knowledge and experience as a person in the lower world, you can't even imagine...

Taking a deep breath, King Qiu Gui raised his head and looked at the vast sky outside.

Few people know the truth.

The White Snake is the real Emperor Taiyi. From the physical body to the soul, she is the real deity, she is the true body!

The 'Emperor Taiyi' who now appears in front of the world in the name of Emperor Taiyi is just a body that she created out of thin air with a drop of her own essence and blood through the use of Emperor Qing... Except for her gender, everything about her body has nothing to do with it. A body of distinction.”

It can't even be considered a clone.

Put aside the physical body, this 'Emperor Taiyi' and White Snake are completely the same person!

Lu Qian nodded slowly.

King Qiu Gui's explanation was messy, but Lu Qian could understand the implication - using the essence and blood of the original body and the 'gene' of the original body to carry out 'body cloning'... Except for the difference in gender, the other 'genetic characteristics' were completely different. same. Is this actually what King Qiu Gui wants to say?

However, these methods are completely different from the serious magical secrets such as clones, incarnations, and reincarnations in the world of cultivation. It was King Qiu Gui's explanation that made it so confusing.

After all, in the world of cultivation, it happens from time to time that the same powerful monk has a male and female body.

For example, a certain powerful man is a male, and he is reincarnated through a ray of distraction, either through calamity, accumulating merit, or simply going to the secular world to 'repay a favor' or 'revenge' in order to 'resolve cause and effect' , 'cut off involvement' and the like.

When he was reincarnated, something went wrong and he was reincarnated as a woman!

The body of a woman, the soul of a man, these things also exist.

But the White Snake is obviously not like this. She used a drop of her own essence and blood, and the Qing Emperor directly used her own essence and blood to 'clone' a male body!

There are many great magical powers like 'Blood Clone'. In the world of cultivation, there are countless similar magical powers!

Even Lu Qian's father Lu Min, his blood shadow clone, has the flavor of rebirth and blood clone.

And this operation of Emperor Taiyi is really... so coquettish!

The Qing Emperor needs the Tai Zhen Emperor to reproduce his offspring...and the Tai Zhen Emperor, no, her true form, the White Snake, does not look down on the men in the world... Qu Sanqi added with a smile: Of course, this reason is mine. The truth I figured out by myself. It may also be that the Qing Emperor's request is too difficult for White Snake.

Lu Qian nodded slowly.

It is relatively easy for a man to reproduce. As long as he spreads his seeds freely all over the world, he can have enough descendants.

And a woman wants to reproduce offspring...

You are not a 'sunfish' in the sea, who can spray out hundreds of millions of fish roe at a time... How many children can a serious human have in one pregnancy? For serious human women, especially those with unpredictable abilities like White Snake, it is difficult to reproduce. If you want to have many descendants... where can a man have such convenience?

Therefore, using one's own essence and blood to clone a 'male' 'self', and using 'it' to reproduce offspring, although it is a little weird, is indeed a better choice to use one's own body to fight in person!

Especially, according to Lu Sanqi's judgment, does White Snake still look down on all the men in the world?

Lu Qian cursed in his heart - God knows why she was so blind, so many powerful experts looked down on him, but she actually fell in love with Yinyuan!

Damn it!

The White Snake is actually the real Emperor Taiyi.

Lu Yan exhaled heavily - So, 'Emperor Qing needs Emperor Tai Zhen to reproduce offspring', what is the operation of this?

Lu Qian looked at Lu Sanqi.

Lu Sanqi shook his head slightly and glanced at King Qiu Gui: The White Snake used her own essence and blood to ask Qing Emperor to help her derive the current 'Taizhen Emperor'. Her original intention was to use him as a tool to reproduce future generations... This, It was originally part of the deal between them and Qing Emperor.

‘Part of the deal’!

Lu Qian looked at Qi Sanqi thoughtfully, still silent, just listening carefully.

“However, what I didn’t expect was that I, a Buddhist, have great power. I have been preaching to stubborn stones for many years, and I can make stubborn stones nod. I can also enlighten stubborn stones, open up their spiritual wisdom, and cultivate into great demons...even some stubborn stones eventually become Buddhas.

The white lady's 'self', after producing some offspring... after all, is a body derived from the essence and blood of the great emperor, it actually gave birth to spiritual wisdom out of thin air and possessed 'self-awareness'. Lu Sanqi frowned. He frowned and shook his head in distress: Such things were unheard of in the past. I really don't know how to... call this 'Emperor Taiyi'.

Lu Qian nodded slowly.

In short, the White Lady and Emperor Taiyi are actually the same person, with two sides of the same body, one male and one female, with identical genes, bloodline, talents, qualifications, and even more hidden attributes.

However, as an individual derived from White Snake's essence and blood, 'Emperor Taiyi' is only a tool for reproduction. However, his origin and foundation are so powerful and rich that this body, which is completely used for reproduction, actually breeds Out of his own wisdom.

So, the White Snake followed the trend and let this 'male self' parade through the market in the name of Emperor Taiyi, while she hid behind the scenes and lived happily? He even had some free time to go to Linghu Cloud City to hook up with Yinyuan under the banner of ‘Emperor’s Special Envoy’!

Lu Qian looked at the silent King Qiu Gui.

This guy has fundamental distortions and confusion about his 'own racial belonging', 'his own form of existence' and many other cognitions... His 'biological father' in this body is just a certain female powerful person. A drop of essence and blood allowed another great power to master unpredictable abilities, and used strange methods to concoct a body for reproduction.

In a sense, King Qiu Gui cannot be regarded as a human being.

Although he is a serious 'person' from head to toe, from blood to flesh, from bone marrow to hair.

But he is indeed not a 'naturally conceived person'.

So, what is King Qiu Gui?

Qing Emperor, what do you want to do? Lu Qian ignored King Qiu Gui's question and asked Lu Sanqi with a frown.

Lu Sanqi smiled indifferently and said softly: What Qing Emperor wants to do, we will talk about it later. Do you know that Emperor Tai Zhen was created by Qing Emperor with a drop of White Snake's blood, and Emperor Tai Zhen actually passed by It’s because of Qing Emperor’s manipulation.”

It's just that Emperor Taiyi was a complete creation out of thin air. He used a drop of blood, a drop of woman's essence and blood, to create a man...but Emperor Taiyu, he is only a semi-processed product.

An extremely complicated expression appeared on Lu Sanqi's face. She took a deep breath, exhaled it heavily, and then shook her head gently: Emperor Taiqu is only a semi-processed product... Therefore, among his descendants, the ones before he was processed Several of the emperor's sons are his truly beloved darlings, including the dandy good-for-nothing who died in the ancient city of Loulan. They are the 'direct blood descendants' that he truly values ​​the most.

And we children are the descendants of him and all kinds of weird intelligent tribes after he was concocted. He doesn't recognize us as his children at all... Therefore, we were concocted in various ways while we were still in our mother's womb. ...After we were born, it became even more...

Lu Sanqi exhaled a long breath, and flames could be faintly seen on his lips.

She said solemnly: We are like rough embryos with fighting tools. In the mother's womb, various materials are poured into the rough embryo for casting... After leaving the mother's womb, we directly enter the Taihu Divine Pond and use various methods. , carefully carved and processed.”

Those who withstand this kind of processing will slowly improve their status and gradually gain their own name.

Those who cannot withstand it will become defective products, or they will be eliminated and disappear without a trace...or they will have their spiritual intelligence wiped out and become a member of the Holy Spirit clan... Lu Sanqi looked at Dao Sanqi with twinkling eyes. The pale Lu Qian said: Can you imagine it? According to outside legends, the Holy Spirit clan was a clan created completely out of thin air by Emperor Taihu.

Actually, among the Holy Spirit clan, there are many guys who are weird in appearance, powerful in battle, but violent, cruel, ruthless, and inhumane. They are the sons of the emperor who have had their intelligence wiped away... They are my brothers. sisters.

The corners of Lu Sanqi's mouth twitched fiercely.

Emperor Taiyi is like this, Emperor Taiyu is like this, Emperor Taichu is like this...Have you ever heard of Taichu Yuanting?

Lu Qian looked at Lu Sanqi in horror.

Today, in just a short period of time, the news he heard simply, simply... overturned his three views, completely overturned his view of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the existence of several great emperors, and his view of this world. All the illusions of power structures, of behind-the-scenes truths.

Lu Qian smiled bitterly and said: The Great Emperor of Taichu, Yuan Ting of Taichu... What is so mysterious about Yuan Ting of Taichu?

Lu Sanqi said calmly: The Taichu Yuanting is known as the true foundation of the Heavenly Court. Once it is dispatched, the masters who will emerge from it will definitely be stars above the Star Lord level... Since the establishment of the Heavenly Court, there have been countless masters in the Taichu Yuanting. No matter how many wars break out in the Heavenly Court, no matter how many soldiers are lost, once the foundation of Taichu Yuanting is used, there will be a steady stream of Star Lords, Heavenly Lords, and Great Heavenly Lords pouring out...

There are even half-step emperors and even emperor-level existences in Taichu Yuan Court.

It's like they don't need to practice, they don't need the accumulation of time... We can't find their origins, their origins, or even their past. We can't even find their relatives and friends. .”

In the early days of the Yuan Dynasty, the imperial court was like a deep pool, from which large fishes, whales, Kunpeng, and dragons burst out from time to time... in an endless stream, never ending. Qu Sanqi said in a deep voice: But now the world between heaven and earth is You know the rules of practice... every practice is documented.

How much emperor's money is issued by Heavenly Court every year, where it flows into, how many cultivation resources it is converted into, and how many monks can be raised to what level, are all well-documented.

We have people inside the core of Heavenly Court. The resources consumed by Taichu Yuanting every year are simply not enough to support so many powerful masters.

Lu Sanqi said coldly: Even all the resources and emperor's money consumed by Heavenly Court every year, all added together, are not enough to withstand the huge consumption of Taichu Yuanting.

Where did those people come from? Their Tao? Their Dharma? Their cultivation? Where did they all come from? Lu Sanqi's fingers were trembling slightly. She picked up the tea cup and took a sip: And , we have noticed that on several occasions, Taichu Yuan Ting mobilized on a large scale, and some of them had the same faces under their powerful masks. Many of them were exactly the same as Taichu Emperor!

Lu Qian held his breath.

What a hell this is.

The White Snake is Emperor Taiyi, and Emperor Taiyi is a seeding machine created to continuously reproduce offspring, using the most traditional method of the Eight Classics.

Emperor Taihu is a semi-processed product. Although it is not known how much processing Emperor Taihu received, his descendants began to receive some kind of weird 'forging' from their mother's womb, and continued to receive acquired skills after birth. Artificial forging.

Emperor Taichu was even weirder.

He doesn't have many emperors on the surface, and there are only a dozen or so of the Heavenly Princes who are showing off outside.

But among the many powerful masters in the Taichu Yuan Ting, many of their faces, hidden under their thick armors and behind their visors, were exactly the same? And some faces look exactly like Emperor Taichu!



Moreover, the cultivation resources consumed by Taichu Yuanting are not comparable to the total power possessed by those powerful masters... There is no doubt that Taichu Yuanting is also some kind of 'artificial creation'!

Now the three most powerful emperors in the supreme Taichu Tianming, who control the power of heaven and earth!

They have all undergone some strange 'transformations'.

Their children are more like 'humanoid tools for experiments'... rather than like descendants with real feelings!

What is all this for? Lu Qian was silent for a full hour. Countless thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind, but he still could not analyze the mystery hidden in it. In the end, he could only look at Lu Sanqi.

Now that you know this, you can't stay out of it. Lu Sanqi looked at Lu Qian with a smile: The truth that follows is even more dangerous. Are you sure you want to hear it?

Lu Qian was silent.

Stay silent.

After a long silence, he cautiously asked Lu Sanqi: If I join you, what can you provide?

Lu Sanqi smiled and said: The hope of living.

Lu Qian smiled noncommittally: If that's all, with my relationship with Yinyuan, and with his current relationship with White Snake, I can live a very carefree and happy life in the Supreme Beginning!

Lu Sanqi smiled and shook his head: Are you sure?

Lu Qian opened his mouth but was speechless.

After thinking for a long time, he looked at Lu Sanqi: How about you tell me and I listen?

Lu Sanqi smiled and said: If you know what happens next, you will really not be able to get off the boat.

Lu Qian gritted his teeth.

Can't get off the boat?

I have already boarded a pirate ship!

Feeling a little itchy in his heart, he thought seriously for a long time and finally decided to listen to it: Tell me about it. Maybe, the matter is not so serious? Ha! Tell me about it.

Lu Sanqi pointed at Lu Qian with a smile, picked up the big kettle, and refilled the water for Lu Qian, Ming Jiudan, and King Qiu Gui respectively.

Then, she asked Lu Yi a question that seemed to have nothing to do with the previous words: What do fellow Taoist Lu Yi think of heaven, earth, and the universe? For example, our side of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, what do you think...

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

The Supreme Supreme Heaven is vast, majestic, rich in foundation, and unparalleled in power. Under the Supreme Taichu Heaven, there are even lower-level space dimensions, such as Liangyi Heaven, Jisheng Heaven, Yuanling Heaven... Those lower-dimensional spaces, the worlds large and small, are even more They are like the stars in the night sky, countless.

Boundless and majestic. Lu Qian expressed his opinion.

Do you think that the Supreme Taichu Heaven is the real and only world? Lu Sanqi asked an unexpected but reasonable question.

Lu Qian opened his mouth.

He thought of many previous explanations by King Qiu Gui and Qu Sanqi.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and an incredible answer was revealed. He said in surprise: Qing Emperor, is he a visitor from outside the world? Is he an extraterrestrial demon?

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