Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 977: Lingshan, Great Thunder Sound (2)

As soon as he put his hands on the Buddha's palm, Lu Qian was stunned.

On the Buddha's palm, there is a world of its own. From the foot of the mountain, the Buddha's palm is only a few acres in size. It is bare, with a few thatched huts, and not even a tree. But when I came up, I discovered that there was actually a vast expanse of thousands of miles above the Buddha's palm, with its own mountains and rivers.

After that, the strange peaks were abrupt, shimmering with colorful Buddha lights, and the golden peaks were integrated into one body, exuding the charm of King Kong's immortality. The mountain peak has a faint texture of glazed glass, and there are countless complicated patterns inside, just like the undercurrent ripples in the deep water of the river, layer upon layer, revealing a strange aura.

Under this spiritual mountain, there are hundreds of flowers blooming, the fragrance is fragrant, green grass is everywhere, and there are bodhi trees with lush branches everywhere. These bodhi trees are thick and tall, like Vajra warriors stationed in all directions. The leaves were golden green, and on each leaf, there were naturally grown slender and delicate words, recording the secret Buddhist scriptures one after another.

There are also Bodhi seeds on the Bodhi tree.

These bodhi seeds are different from those seen in the world of mortals. Each bodhi seed is as big as a mung bean or a broad bean, and the largest one can be as wide as the diameter of an adult's fist. It has a human-like eyebrows, hands, and feet. The shapes of young novice monks, great monks, and Bodhisattva Arhats.

When these bodhi seeds were blown by the wind, they chanted Buddhist sutras in unison. The dense Sanskrit chanting turned into golden clouds and clouds rolling around visible to the naked eye, which inexplicably calmed the mind and cooled the whole body.

These mountains, flowers, grass, and trees are just that.

At the foot of the mountain, among the trees, an extremely regular ancient temple, with hundreds of major halls and pavilions in front, back, left, and right, stands majestically. All the buildings in this ancient temple are of simple and thick bronze color, and the palaces and pavilions are extremely ancient and majestic in shape, as if they were Buddhas entrenched on the ground.

In some pavilions, there were cigarettes floating out and a precious light looming. Standing in the distance, Lu Qian could detect the subtle sounds of footsteps, voices, pages turning, and clothes rubbing in some pavilions. Obviously, there were sounds in this ancient temple. There are quite a few people there.

That's all.

What surprised Lu Qian was that on the lintel of the main entrance of the ancient temple, there was a gold plaque hanging high, with four big characters written neatly in the middle - Daleiyin Temple!

Big thunder!

Big thunder!

A trace of extremely weird and complex emotions welled up in Lu Qian's heart. He suddenly wanted to take off his clothes, use glue to cover himself with monkey hair, and get a stick to dance at the gate of the ancient temple.

Big thunder!

Big thunder!

How could this ancient temple be called this name?

Moreover, this plaque and the ancient temple are obviously not one and the same. Although the ancient temple is very old, and every brick and tile has the charm of the vicissitudes of time, but it is obvious that this tattered plaque is older, more distant, and more vicissitudes. The plaque exudes The rich Buddhist charm is many times more majestic than the entire ancient temple covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles!

At least, ten thousand times more than that!

This piece of plaque was beaten into tatters and covered with sword holes and knife marks. The aura exuded by this broken plaque overcame the entire ancient temple, the entire Buddha's palm, the entire mountain where the Buddha's remains were transformed, and even The outside world is a small world with a strong atmosphere of mortal world.

I am the Buddha, compassionate! Although he had returned to his layman's attire, he suddenly saw this golden plaque. Lu Qian still instinctively clasped his hands together, bowed deeply to the plaque, and paid homage.

This ancient temple, this Buddha's palm, this Buddha's remains, this world, Lu Qian is confident that he can catch up with the owner of all these relics in a very short period of time, relying on his own 'diligence in practice'.

But this plaque...

Lu Qian was sure that even if he was holding the Landa Buddha Fruit, even if he was sitting on the two secret treasures of unknown origin, the Taichu Mixed Bead and the Three-Eyed Human Figure, even if he had countless adventures over the years, and because of Yin Yuan's relationship, he was passively eating He has made a lot of money, but in the extremely long period of time in the future, he will not be able to catch up with the realm represented by this plaque!

The gap between him and the relic of the Buddha outside is about an ocean.

As long as Lu Qian strives to soar into the sky and stirs up the wind and clouds, he can cross the ocean and reach the realm that the Buddha's remains once reached.

But between this dilapidated plaque, Lu Qian and Him were separated by the other side.

They had already reached the 'other shore', but Lu Qian didn't even know how to get on the road.

The gap is so big that there is nothing to say.

Lu Qian duan kowtowed to the plaque and saluted uprightly, then sat cross-legged on the ground and recited a mantra in a low voice... Wasn't it that he had gone from the Supreme Holy Heaven, the Yuanling Heaven, the Liangyi Heaven, and even the Landa Buddha in his life? The various Buddhist sutras I learned from the fruit are just one... one Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra from a previous life.

Inexplicably, Lu Qian wanted to recite this mantra in front of this plaque.

None of the other Buddhist scriptures and mantras he had learned were worthy of this plaque. Only this one, the Heart Sutra, which Lu Qian had not tried to understand in his previous life or in this life, Lu Qian felt was too right for this plaque. .

The mantra sounded, and the beautiful girl stood beside Lu Qian with a smile and her hands behind her back. The beautiful girl with snow-white skin, with white-gold flames faintly visible under the almost transparent skin, was stunned for a moment. She raised her head and looked at the plaque that still looked dim in the sun, but always exuded Buddhist charm to the outside world.

That plaque is a rare treasure.

But the girl didn't know the origin of the plaque. In short, after she and her companions inherited this ancient temple, they found this plaque in a corner of the ancient temple. Then, they thought it was good and hung the plaque in front of the ancient temple.

They have studied this plaque for many years, but no matter what methods they use, this plaque has no response to their various magical and secret techniques.

But at this moment.

The plaque lit up.

The four big characters Da Leiyin Temple emitted bright golden light, and finally condensed into a wisp, landing squarely on the center of Lu Qian's eyebrows. Lu Qian's body trembled, and the bones of Landa Buddha in his mind began to disintegrate immediately when they were illuminated by the golden light ejected from the plaque.

The immeasurable Buddhist charm, immeasurable Tao, and immeasurable essence of Buddhism turned into wisps of spiritual light, and penetrated into Lu Qian's soul very actively and integrated into his body.

Landa Buddha, perfect inheritance.

The former Landa Buddha was a book, a tablet, and a record document. Lu Qian needed to work hard to read, search, learn, and analyze things that were useful to him.

But in the catalyst of this plaque...no, no, no...

Not catalytic.

It is a kind of 'supreme and irrefutable' 'law', a 'person' that far exceeds the terrifying existence of Landa Buddha. Through some mysterious way that Lu Qian cannot understand and cannot describe, through the indescribable The measurable time and space tore apart countless confusing barriers of cause and effect, and cast a ray of consciousness towards Lu Qian.

In fact, that incredible terrifying existence may have fallen or been annihilated...but he still used such incredible means to have a moment of 'karmic involvement' with Lu Qian.

At this moment, the 'Taichu Mixed Bead', which even Emperor Taichu, Emperor Taiyi, and Emperor Taiyu could not sense, detect, or see through, was lingering slightly, and its whole body emitted a dazzling brilliance.

That terrifying existence, through the obstruction of Lu Qian's body and mind, could really 'see' the 'Tongzhu of Taichu'.

A faint aura grew from Lu Qian's mind. This aura merged with a ray of Lu Qian's soul, and then was gently and softly imprinted on the 'Taichu Mixed Bead'.

As a result, Lu Qian suddenly had a wonderful connection with Taichu Hun Tongzhu. Lu Qian suddenly had a magical feeling like an arm moving his fingers, and the blood blending together - Taichu Hun Tongzhu had finally, truly, completely and 'absolutely' become Lu Qian's 'private belonging'.

With the blessing of that little spiritual light, the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl was completely bound to Lu Qian's soul, flesh and blood, and destiny.

He has completely become Lu Qian's possession. From now on, they will prosper together and suffer losses... Well, that's wrong. It's better to confuse the same pearl in the beginning, and Lu Qian will be better... If Lu Qian is hurt, he will first Top it with the origin of Taichu Mixing Pearl!

What's even more strange is that under the 'order' of this 'law', at the gate of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, Lu Qian, who recited the Heart Sutra in addition to his previous life, completely controlled the Landa Buddha's fruition and clearly understood the Landa Buddha's fruition. , absorbed the Landa Buddha fruit, completely penetrated the Landa Buddha fruit from head to toe, from the inside to the outside.

The entire landa buddha, all the dharma, all the ways, all the wisdom, and all the light, has transcended the constraints of cultivation and transcended the limitations of the realm. There is some incredible power to replace Lu Qian and 'complement' the original Lu Qian. It takes a long time and countless energy to pursue all the 'prices' of the 'Landa Buddha Fruit', the supreme achievement of the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Buddhism, so that Lu Qian can fully integrate the 'Landa Buddha' without any 'payment' on his own. fruit'.

A grand and vast voice, full of incredible power, sounded in Lu Qian's ears.

This voice exploded directly in Lu Qian's mind and in the depths of his soul. It was like a divine thunder that opened up the world, tearing apart all the obstacles in Lu Qian's heart, soul, and wisdom, from the past and present life. All confusion shattered all the fog and chaos around him, illuminating his spirit and body.


You can come quickly!

These six words were imprinted deep in Lu Qian's soul. It was a ray of information, a secret, a thread of cause and effect... Lu Qian slowly stood up and saluted deeply towards the plaque. A road emerged in front of him, but with his current cultivation and current strength, he was not even qualified to embark on this road.

It's like a mortal has a golden avenue in front of him. When he is happily preparing to hit the road, he is helplessly aware that he is eight feet tall, and the roadbed of this golden avenue is one hundred and eight thousand miles high!

Incredible! Lu Qian smiled slightly, put down his hands, and looked at the girl in white standing next to her with fair skin and peerless beauty: This fellow Taoist... you are really gentle in your approach.

Lu Qian pointed at the bloody pimple on the back of his head that was still bulging.

The person who took action used very strong force, that's all.

The instrument he used to hit Lu Qian on the back of the head was at least an imperial weapon... Therefore, it had been a while since Lu Qian woke up in that brothel, but no matter how much Lu Qian mobilized his blood energy to wash away, the bloody pimple was still vivid Standing on the back of his head.

Well, Lu Qian integrated the Landa Buddha fruit and obtained countless Buddhist essences.

But this improvement is based on knowledge, foundation, wisdom, and spirituality. It has nothing to do with his cultivation or his physical strength.

Therefore, the back of the head, which should be swollen, is still swollen.

Lu Qian looked at the girl in white who was smiling with a little annoyance: In Yunchaling, under such circumstances, the old Xiong Zun and Qing Emperor are risking their lives. If you want to take away Prince Yuanxu, I will definitely cooperate with you fully. Yes. Why bother to slap someone behind your back?

The girl smiled, waved her right hand, and a ray of white-gold divine flame spurted out, turning into a fire mirror in the void.

The mirror light shone, revealing a small valley with an exquisite Zen temple. Ahu and a group of old brothers who followed Lu Qian to Yunchaling were meditating in the Zen temple with a bitter look on their faces. Next to them, there was a skinny middle-aged Zen master with a smooth shaven head. He was holding a ruler in his hand and was walking around Ahu and his group.

Occasionally, a Tiger Master would twist his body and fart. Without saying a word, the Zen Master would put a ruler on their heads, leaving bright red marks on their heads.

We will also bring your people out. The girl smiled and said, So, can fellow Taoist Lu Qian solve this case?

Lu Qian flicked the bloody pimple on the back of his head and nodded with a smile: That's good, but if you have the chance, you must get to know the heroic man who took action... Well, are you going to rescue Prince Yuanfu? You also rescued King Qiu Gui. Let’s go, I can see that your loyalty is really extraordinary...but why did you bring me here?”

Lu Qian looked at the girl with a smile: Is it possible that you want to recruit me into your gang?

The girl looked at Lu Qian in surprise, with a playful smile, and looked Lu Qian up and down: Dao Lu Qian is friendly and alert... but we all... underestimated fellow Taoist. Well, please Come in, how about trying the Zen tea here?

The back mountain of this Great Leiyin Temple is called Lingshan.

The name of this mountain gave Lu Qian an inexplicable urge to get covered in monkey hair and dance with a stick at the mountain gate...

On the top of Lingshan Mountain, there is a small pavilion. It is extremely spacious and high-rise, with bright lights on all sides and a great view. A gentle breeze was blowing by, and a few young novice monks were busy lighting the stove, boiling water and making tea.

Lu Qian and the girl in white sat opposite each other in the pavilion. The tea had not been served yet, but there were several fruit snacks to go with the tea on the table.

Desserts are the most common plum blossom cakes, lotus cakes, and osmanthus cakes. They have no aura or spirituality. They are ordinary worldly flour, rice noodles, and various powders, plus icing sugar, honey, petals, and pollen. Made of similar materials.

Even in the secular world, the craftsmanship of these cakes can only be regarded as ordinary.

This is probably the level of cooking skills that an ordinary housewife in a small town can hone after spending more than ten years in the kitchen. Although it is a bit crude and simple, it is full of the fireworks of worldly life. However, this wisp of fireworks brought people touching and enlightening feelings, which could not be matched by the exquisite refreshments used by Emperor Linghu and Emperor Taiyi.

There are also several colored fruit plates, which would be even better.

Lake lotus roots, water chestnuts, lotus seeds, and horse hooves were all freshly dug out of the water and fields, washed a little with spring water, and then served. They are all ordinary worldly goods, not spiritual materials, nor do they have any magical effect that can make people ascend immediately after taking one.

However, this kind of food made Lu Qian inexplicably fill his heart with a solemn and sacred sense of ritual.

Clicking, there were still water droplets hanging on the lotus root after breaking it off, and there were even a few bits of mud near the lotus root joints that had not been wiped clean. Lu Qian wiped it with his sleeve, clicking, clicking and gnawed happily.

Lu Qian suddenly understood why in Liangyi Heaven, such a great Buddhist master as Baoguang Merit Buddha, with such a noble status, he always said click, click, click without any concealment in front of his disciples. Nibbling on all kinds of melon seeds, snacks, cakes and fresh fruits.

The Hu lotus root is crisp in the mouth and has a refreshing taste. The sweet juice slowly slides into the throat, making Lu Qian feel that he is indeed still alive like a mortal.

The red dust is full of fireworks!

This lotus root enters the mouth and abdomen, and there are residues. Unlike those spiritual objects and divine products, after being absorbed into the abdomen, they directly turn into Taoist charm and spiritual inspiration, and turn into a stream of heat, nourishing the whole body in a mighty way.

When the lotus root enters the abdomen, there is a lot of residue. Lu Qian's internal organs and intestines and stomach, some of the body functions that had long been stagnant and belonged to 'mortals' suddenly started to move... The internal organs began to peristaltic, and the intestines and stomach began to secrete gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice, intestinal juice... these residues were wrapped around them, and a Little by little polishing and melting.

In Lu Qian's stomach and intestines, the villi that had long been almost 'petrified' like zombies began to wave rapidly, and extremely small pipes gradually became unblocked. From the lotus roots, bit by bit, for Lu Qian today, , the already completely 'insignificant' nutrients began to be sucked into Lu Qian's body bit by bit along these extremely small channels.

The nutrients contained in this lotus root were not even qualified for Lu Qian to 'absorb and utilize'.

It's like a battle fortress cast entirely from a special alloy. You have to fill it with some components made of 'softwood'... This is completely useless, but harmful.

These meager, feeble, insignificant nutrients circulated in Lu Qian's body, and no body tissue was willing to accept it. As a result, Lu Qian's body was like a nuclear fusion reactor, incinerating and decomposing these nutrients instantly, turning them into an extremely tiny wisp of energy. After being whirled by the divine soul gold, it disappeared without a trace.

Lu Qian remained silent, quietly comprehending his 'suddenly alive body'.

This mouthful of lotus root gave Lu Qian a strange feeling of being truly alive... He was still a 'creature' of flesh and blood. He had not yet become a pure creature made up of 'functional components' and 'energy systems'. 'Training tools', 'war machines'.

He grabbed another piece of osmanthus cake and ate it slowly.

The cake is a bit throaty.

The materials and craftsmanship are all ordinary, and the taste is naturally ordinary. The sweet-scented osmanthus in the sweet-scented osmanthus cake is not even cooked well, and the sweetness has a touch of noisy moisture that shouldn't be there.

However, from the cakes, Lu Qian tasted a seriousness and piety towards food, a kind of flexibility and strength of ordinary mortals towards survival, a kind of tenacity to live down-to-earth no matter what happened, and even Is it...'paranoia'?

‘Paranoid’ is a derogatory term and should not be used here.

But Lu Qian thought of his previous life... In his previous life, it was so difficult to live a 'paranoid' and 'stubborn' life, and he couldn't get what he asked for... At that time, every minute, every second, as long as he could live, They are all so vivid and real. Every second of living is like a red-hot iron, which can leave an extremely deep mark on one's life trajectory.

And in this life... since when did it start to float?

In the ice and snow, pick up Ahu to start?

When Ahu has recovered his health and conquered one tiger master after another?

When Baihutang was established, the tiger men wielded machetes and sticks and conquered one street after another?

When your own private treasury started from being able to starve rats to death, to having tens of millions or hundreds of millions of copper coins, silver, and gold ingots?

Ever since I got acquainted with Buddhist cultivators from the Great Vajra Temple and officially entered the path of cultivation?

Well, what is the name of the old master at the Great Vajra Temple?

What are the names of those Buddhist cultivators from the Supreme Holy Heaven, those civil and military ministers who once served in the Great Yin court, that great general who once held sway over the world, and that queen mother who made trouble in the harem?

Even more, is the title he received from Yinyuan called 'Weiyang Lord' or some other title?

In Yuanlingtian, what is the name of the sect that you established?

In Liangyi Heaven, how many of my disciples, former followers, former henchmen, thugs, lackeys, and disciples do I still remember?

Before Loulan City ascended to the supreme Taichu Heaven, the things he had experienced, the people he had experienced, the obstacles and even stormy seas in his life... were like the forgotten nightmare after suddenly waking up on a summer night. Gone, drifted, far away, stunned, confused, gone without knowing...

Countless thoughts flashed through Lu Qian's mind.

previous life.

this life.



Finally, solidly and solidly, it landed on ‘this moment’.

He smiled and ate the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand. His internal organs squirmed and made a dull sound like thunder. His body functions were completely mobilized, vivid and vivid, functioning like a real 'flesh and blood creature', a 'big living person' should be.

No longer a powerful monk.

He is no longer an aloof and untainted ‘Buddhist monk’.

Just now, in that brothel, King Qiu Gui said that he would recreate the world of mortals. Lu Qian smiled and licked the powder and sugar of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake stuck to his fingers, and looked at the girl: His words seemed to mean something. . Dare to ask, who are the girls and her comrades, and what are their actions?

The girl smiled and looked at the refreshment fruits that Lu Qian had touched with satisfaction.

We are the natives of this world.

We just want to live in peace.

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