Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 952 The Imperial Way (3)

A little stretched!

The fleets brought by Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji dispersed from the periphery of this star field. Forbidden spells surged in the void, and each battleship was accurately assigned an attack target by the accompanying generals.

There are nearly 100,000 stars inhabited by intelligent creatures, thousands of large and small floating land masses, and even tens of thousands of floating cities suspended in stardust, as well as various markets, strongholds, cottages, lairs, etc. wait……

Several huge treasure mirrors floated in the air, and invisible fluctuations enveloped this star field, accurately marking the precise location of every intelligent creature colony. According to the total number of intelligent creatures above these settlements, and even the number and realm of powerful monks surveyed, every star, every continent, every floating city, mountain fortress, etc., is assigned a different number of warships at full speed. Benz.

However, the total number of these targets exceeds 150,000.

Of the tens of millions of warships that have come here, on average, only sixty or seventy warships can be allocated to each target.

However, the star field in front is obviously not a very powerful force. When the fleets of Shaoyao Lord and Yueji Lord had begun to mobilize and outflank the surroundings, no one in the huge star field noticed the strange movements of these battleships.

Moreover, Lu Qian noticed that in this star field, there were only two star gate passages leading to the outside world.

This proves that this star field is probably a remote, rural corner.

Why would Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji’s ‘father’ be interested in such a place? Even, he did not hesitate to issue a massacre order?

‘Boom, boom’!

Two loud noises were heard, and the two star gates suspended at both ends of the star field exploded. More than a dozen rays of light shot into the sky, speeding towards the fleet flagship. And behind these dozens of escaping lights, there were dozens of large and small warships, as well as masters who controlled the evading lights, chasing after them angrily.

The flagship where Lu Qian was located suddenly accelerated, leading thousands of warships to meet the dozen or so escaping lights.

In the void, warships with powerful power and tyrannical defense can withstand all kinds of void energy tides and all kinds of terrible void disasters, and can accelerate unscrupulously and collide arbitrarily. Soon, the speed of the battleship exceeded the speed of the escaping light in front, and the distance between the two sides quickly shortened. In just a quarter of an hour, more than a dozen escaping lights fell directly on the battleship.


The flagship, which held up all defensive restrictions and opened all defensive formations, crashed into the small warships chasing behind. A small warship that was only two or three miles long was easily smashed into pieces by this flagship that was thousands of miles long.

From the chasing warships and escape light, there were roars of shock and anger, roughly asking about the identities of Lu Qian and others.

The thick decks on both sides of the warship opened, and crystal cannons flashing with dazzling light were poked out. Thunder pillars several feet thick shot out with a deafening roar, and precise bursts hit these warships. And the escape light instantly turned these pursuers into a wisp of smoke in the void.

The main target is on the Blackpool Star. Among the dozens of escaping lights, the leader was a middle-aged man with an ordinary face, wearing a brocade robe with a large number of copper coin patterns embroidered on the robe, and dressed as a merchant. man. He bowed to Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji and said in a deep voice: The only two star gates here have been destroyed by us, and they have no way to escape. However, if you can do this quickly, do it quickly!

The flagship accelerated, spitting out smoke and fire all the way, heading towards the core of this star field, where a blazing sun slowly rotated around. From the outer space, the whole body was generally light black in color, dotted with a large number of green land masses. The stars, covered with a thick layer of mist outside, were flying at full speed.

Along the way, a large number of warships have spread out, surrounding stars one after another from the void, or floating land masses, or even cities, strongholds, etc. suspended in stardust.

These battleships, which are hundreds of miles long, also have the emblem of the Fifth Army Mansion floating above them.

On the surrounded stars and strongholds, scattered monks took to the air and carefully asked the people on these battleships about their purpose.

On the battleship, a general wearing heavy armor appeared and responded according to the unified statement in advance - The five military offices in heaven are hunting down the evil rebels. All the people must cooperate carefully. If there is any abnormality, they should be regarded as comrades and treat them as comrades. Behead'!

The rules of heaven are strict, and the name of Wujunfu is very useful.

These stars and strongholds surrounded by battleships, the monks who led them believed the words of these generals, and obediently returned to their homes and restrained their subordinates. I saw that all the stars and the various ships that were originally shuttled back and forth in the sky on the periphery of the stronghold fell back to the ground. Everywhere above the towns and villages, all the defensive restrictions were closed, and the posture of 'fully cooperating with the Five Military Governments' was Formation battle.

Lu Qian shook his head helplessly.

At this time, if the natives of this star field know the purpose of Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji, even though the two external star gates have been blown up, they can just set up warships and flee in all directions, led by Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji. With the number of warships coming, it is simply impossible to effectively block the starry sky.

As long as these natives can board a warship, they have a high chance of escaping into the vast starry sky in all directions.

Although there is no star gate, it may take hundreds of years, or even tens of thousands of years, to run from this star field to the adjacent star field, but in that vast star field, the fleets of Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji want to It is really not easy to hunt them down.

Not to mention, they are fake troops of the Fifth Military Government... It is impossible for them to search for escaping warships with great fanfare.

However, they believed the identity of this foreign fleet.

They lay down, gave up resistance, and did not escape. Their only way to survive was cut off.

Lines of warships surrounded stars, squares of land, cities, strongholds, markets, etc. from outer space. The thick outer deck of the battleship was opened smoothly, and chains with thick waists were ejected from the cabin with a harsh thunderous sound, linking the battleships one by one, turning into a large net that completely wrapped these strongholds.

A copycat version of the dragnet is gradually taking shape.

The soldiers of the brigade formed a military formation, slowly took off into the air, left the battleship, and formed a military formation in the void.

Lu Qian followed the flagships of Lord Shaoyao and Lord Yueji and flew toward the Blackpool star in the middle. It took several days along the way... Within a few days, communication activities in the entire star field completely stopped, and the fleet peeled an onion from the outside. In the same way, the originally integrated star field was gradually dismembered and cut into pieces, bit by bit.

In this way, Lu Qian's flagship slowly arrived at the outer space of Blackpool Star with more than a thousand battleships.

Blackpool Star is not big. Even in the supreme Taichu Heaven, this star is considered slender and delicate. The diameter of the star is less than 100,000 miles. More than a thousand battleships spread out and easily wrap the entire star. In the center.

Teams of soldiers stepped on the thick clouds, soared from the battleships, and formed an array in the void.

Between the battleships, chains crisscrossed each other, turning into a dense network that enveloped the stars. The huge forbidden runes on the chain flickered, and the clouds above the entire star were swept away. The powerful current turned into a thunder dragon and flowed back and forth on the chain. The terrifying electricity hit the atmosphere, and the entire star surface was filled with dense Strong ozone smell.

It is very rare on Blackpool Star that there are no mountains in the entire star, and the highest one is just a hill like a small steamed bun. Its terrain is mostly swamps, wetlands, lakes and streams. The most densely populated place in the entire star is also a large swamp with a radius of more than ten thousand miles.

At the core of this large swamp, marsh gas rises above the clear lake that is a thousand miles in size, and the miasma turns into wisps of colorful smoke under the sun. A colorful ray of light, but the color is too bright and intense, like the colorful patterns on the bodies of poisonous snakes and venomous insects, soars into the sky from below the bright lake, highlights the atmosphere with a few flashes, and comes to the front of the flagship.

In the escaping light, there is a middle-aged man with long hair, wearing coarse linen clothes, with a burly figure, a faint hint of blackness on his face, and his practice is obviously evil.

The man held a wooden staff in his left hand, and on the top of the staff sat a green-skinned toad the size of a human head. The big toad rolled its eyes and spit out wisps of colorful poisonous gas from the corner of its mouth.

In Lu Qian's sleeve, the green snake moved suddenly, and a wisp of crystal clear tears slipped lightly from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Qian gently knocked on the guy's head, and the green snake rolled in his sleeve coquettishly - this toad was very suitable to his taste, and he was going to swallow it today no matter what.

The middle-aged man bowed respectfully to Mr. Shaoyao and Mr. Yueji, who were standing at the bow of the boat and were obviously the leaders: May I ask you two young masters, what is the business purpose of this trip? I, Blackpool Star, are all good people. No gangsters are hiding...

Mr. Shaoyao coughed slightly, and slowly and pretentiously took two steps forward. He put on the face of a real heavenly official, put his hands behind his back, and said proudly: I am hereby entrusted with the Great Emperor's Talisman Order...

Before Mr. Shaoyao could finish his sentence, Mr. Yueji had already pointed his finger, and a ray of bright pink-white sword light tore through the void, piercing the heart of the middle-aged man with a 'puff' sound. Large areas of dark green blood spattered, and the middle-aged man looked at Yue Jijun in disbelief. Large areas of flesh and blood at the wound continued to collapse and fall off, and were turned into a mess by the sword energy remaining on the wound.

We are here to exterminate the clan, why are we talking so much nonsense? Yue Jijun said coldly: Hurry up and kill! Fight quickly, don't really attract people from the heaven.

The bow decks of more than a thousand giant ships opened, and huge war weapons revealed their ferocious claws.

More than a thousand lightning beams with a diameter of several miles fell from the sky, and they were the first to hit the area around the large swamp where the largest number of living creatures lived. With the flick of a finger, each battleship can fire hundreds of lightning strikes at high frequency. With the blessing of the battleship's huge formation, the power of each lightning strike is equivalent to a full blow from a warrior-level master, and can easily destroy it. Hundreds of miles.

A large area of ​​dense swamp water mist mixed with colorful poisonous smoke gradually rose up, turning into a gas shield thousands of miles in diameter, wrapping the entire Daze.

Thunder light fell all over the sky, the air shield shook slightly, and the thunder light exploded, causing huge ripples to rise above the air shield, and waves tens of feet high were blown away in the big lake below. The lightning failed to break through the air shield, nor did it cause any substantial harm to Daze or the billions of creatures living near Daze.

The middle-aged man in the middle of the chest fell from a high altitude. The thin wound on his chest had turned into a transparent hole the size of a human head under the crazy strangulation of the sword energy.

He held the wooden staff tightly in his hand, and the green-skinned toad sat cross-legged on the wooden staff, looking at the fallen owner in bewilderment.

The green snake poked its head out of Lu Qian's sleeves and opened its mouth to devour the green-skinned toad. Lu Qian pinched Cui She's seven inches and stuffed him back into his sleeve.

Coming to someone's house inexplicably and murdering them without any reason... It's a bad enough feeling to be in the midst of something like this but unable to stop it. He also took advantage of the situation and even tried to devour one of his pets... Lu Qian was not a holy mother and would not show mercy to the enemy. But is this middle-aged man his enemy? No, so Lu Qian cannot do anything to add insult to injury!

Cuishe looked at Lu Qian aggrievedly.

Lu Qian shook his head gently, and the green snake darted back into his sleeves, and tears continued to fall from the corners of his mouth. He doesn't have a strong distinction between good and evil in his heart... He just has a strong appetite for that green-skinned toad purely out of nature.

Attack with all your strength! Lord Yue Ji passed over Lord Shaoyao and gave orders to the more than a thousand giant ships surrounding Blackpool Star.

The extremely high-frequency bombardment of the giant ship suddenly stopped.

Hundreds or thousands of high-frequency attacks were carried out at the snap of a finger, and the lethality erupted by the giant ships was only equivalent to a powerful blow from the heavenly general... At this moment, following Yue Jijun's order, these giant ships began to charge up their attacks. . The giant offensive weapons were shaking slightly. In the cabin, a huge energy furnace was burning. The piles of imperial money were instantly turned into ashes. The majestic Dao Yun spiritual machine was constantly filling these weapons of war.

One charge, ten breaths.

The bows of more than a thousand warships erupted with dazzling light, and accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking through the air, lightning beams with a diameter of several miles tore through the void and slammed into the air shield that enveloped Da Ze.

Charged attack, the attack power erupted by these warships has reached the level of Xingjun's full blow.

A series of dazzling lightning pillars stood between the sky and the earth. The light pillars violently impacted the five-color air shield, creating deep depressions in the air shield. The air mask hit the ground hard, causing the earth to shake and splash up countless dust and mud. Near Daze, small settlements were torn apart, and some villages and towns with thousands or tens of thousands of people were vaporized and disappeared directly in the lightning.

Around Daze, only eighteen large-scale cities had dazzling flames rising above them. Colorful smoke swirled into the sky, and the city defense formations were activated to isolate the lightning beams that hit them.

Under the bright and colorful haze, you can see the monks with strong auras flying into the air, their eyebrows slit, emitting vast and floating rays of light, through the thick atmosphere, angrily locking on the warships that are being bombarded crazily. .

Around Daze, eighteen cities withstood the bombardment of warships.

But more than a thousand warships enveloped the entire star from all directions. There are no city defense formations of the size of these eighteen cities in other places on Blackpool Star.

A series of lightning beams fell on the ground of Blackpool Star. Each blow shook thousands of miles. Huge mushroom clouds exploded. Thick land masses were lifted up. In the light of the fire, the thick rock formations were shattered. Countless creatures It was destroyed in the explosion.

The Kurosawa star with a diameter of one hundred thousand miles is like an apple that has been chewed by a greedy child. Except for Osawa, which has a radius of more than ten thousand miles, the rest of the star was smashed to pieces in an instant... In the raging fire, Most of Kurosawa Star's body was broken open, and in the end only a colorful cloud of smoke was left, a round swamp with a diameter of about 12,000 miles and a thickness of 3,000 miles, quietly suspended in the void.

At this time, it can also be seen that a large formation of quite extraordinary scale has been arranged in the underground of this circular swamp.

Thousands of formation flags floated in the air, swirling and swirling in the sky.

A formation device flashed with dazzling light, and lotus Buddha seals emerged in the light, melting the entire foundation of Daze into an immortal diamond, which was extremely hard and solid.

There are also 360 long-handled five-color smoke swords made of unknown materials that circle and slash rapidly between reality and reality. With a cry from the eighteen big cities, 360 giant swords rose into the sky. In the flash of sword light, more than a dozen encircled warships had been struck thousands of times by these giant swords flying in the air.

There was a loud choking sound, and the defensive formations of the battleships were broken layer by layer. The outer restrictions of the battleships were torn apart by the sword light. The sword light directly slashed on the hull, and the hull deck was dozens of feet thick. Deep cracks were cut, and wisps of five-color poisonous gas entangled in the cracks, corroding the hull and deck crazily. It was visible to the naked eye that the layers of spiritual gold decks were constantly falling off.

Yue Jijun's eyes widened, and he yelled angrily: What's going on? The attack power of this sword formation is only at the level of Tianjun's primary level... Our battleship's defensive formation is designed to withstand the full force bombardment of Tianjun's peak. Customized specifications...Why can Tianjun's primary attack damage the battleship?

Mr. Yueji was furious, and Mr. Shaoyao's face was a little twitchy.

He said coldly: What are you making all the fuss about? With so many warships, there are several warships with different qualities and slight flaws. Isn't it a matter of course? No matter how brilliant the craftsman is, you can guarantee that the quality of the warships they refine will be the same. There must be nothing wrong with a warship?

Yueji Jun turned around suddenly and stared at Shaoyao Jun.

Lu Qian was beside himself with Shaoyao Jun's embarrassing forced explanation, which made his face heat up - how did he say such embarrassing words?

Battleships are not gadgets like swords, guns, swords and halberds.

The inscriptions on the formations, prohibitions, Dao patterns, talismans, etc. inside the swords, guns, swords and halberds are too delicate and exquisite, and there may be a chance of defects during the casting process. But a battleship is such a huge volume and has such a streamlined manufacturing process... As long as it is a slightly more skilled shipbuilder, there is no possibility of failure!

How many times the error tolerance of a giant ship that is hundreds of miles long is that of a three-foot long sword?



Are you sure that it wasn't you who made too many mistakes and caused the battleship's grade to drop?

Mr. Yueji's face was slightly red, and his lips were faintly white, but in the depths of his eyes, besides disgust, there was a hint of ecstasy - even if you, Mr. Shaoyao, are the most valued and doted son of my father. ,so what? You dare to tamper with your father's private military equipment... You deserve to die!

Lu Qian looked at the sky speechlessly.

This...how do you say this?

Just like in the world of mortals, a certain royal relative is preparing to rebel, and he proudly gives the hard-earned funds to his son to build ordnance and train private soldiers. As a result, his precious son had tampered with the weapons needed for the rebellion...

Truly a wonder, a talent!

However, now is obviously not the time to talk about such things.

The opponent's sword formation attacked and killed several warships here. The damaged hulls were quickly completely penetrated, detonating important internal components. Fireworks rose, explosions continued to sound, and several warships tilted and gradually drifted away into the distance. But the chains between the battleships were tight, restraining them in place and unable to move.

On the battleship, a general in heavy armor rose into the air, holding a spear and a halberd, and faced the swirling sword array.

The loud sound of 'Chlang' was heard endlessly. These generals who had reached the Tianjun realm were angry at bullfighting. Their divine power was unparalleled. The sword rays came at them one after another. They were continuously blasted away by the weapons in their hands. For a while, they were evenly matched.

But it was obvious that a battleship attack with ten breaths of energy could no longer threaten the opponent's exposed defense at this moment.

Thunder pillars fell one after another, and the opponent's colorful smoke shrouded them. These Star Lord-level attacks were easily resolved invisible.

Mr. Yueji no longer bothered to argue with Mr. Shaoyao. He looked up to the sky and roared, constantly giving orders.

For a time, the thunder and fire attacks of thousands of warships suddenly stopped.

In the cabin, the huge furnace began to tremble, and mountains of imperial money continued to be burned... Inside the ship, huge formation restrictions began to light up, and these warships launched a full-scale attack mode.

On the bow of the ship, strangely shaped crystal-like thunder cannon barrels changed shapes, becoming longer, thicker, and more radiant. They began to frantically extract the Dao Yun Spirit Machine from the furnace, and the time it took to accumulate energy became longer...

The attack he had just charged up for ten breaths reached the level of a full-strength blow from Xingjun at his peak.

At this moment, accompanied by a dull roar, these battleships were trembling slightly, and their power storage time had reached thirty times as long as before!

The blazing thunder light accumulated on the bow of the ship, the thunder light beat, collapsed and compressed rapidly inward, and there was a faint sign of turning into reality.

This situation lasted for a long time, and the hulls of more than a thousand warships shook violently, accompanied by terrifying thunder. Each one was only a hundred feet thick, and seemed to be carved out of crystal. It was as if the solid lightning pillars tore through the void and hit the sky shrouded in haze. On a small land mass.

The all-out attack of more than a thousand hundred-mile warships suddenly reached the level of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Lord.

The attack of the thousand-mile-long flagship where Lu Qian was located suddenly reached the level of the Great Heavenly Lord's intermediate level.

At the same time, the hundreds of millions of soldiers arrayed in the void also used the formation to inject their own cultivation into the body of the leading general. Mana was piled up layer by layer, and formations were piled up. In the end, several generals whose cultivation levels had reached the level of the Mahatma Lord, the weapons in their hands erupted with bright light that could not be seen directly by the naked eye, and struck out a weapon that was strong enough to cut into pieces. The terrifying edge of the stars.

The attacks unleashed by these generals have reached the level of the Great Heavenly Lord's peak perfection, and are even more powerful than the attacks unleashed by this thousand-mile giant ship.

The defensive formation formed by the colorful haze broke apart in response, and the land mass covered with lotus and Buddha seals, shining with golden light like an immortal King Kong, was hit. With a terrible cracking sound, this small land mass that was smelted into one piece by a secret method was exploded. It was shaking wildly, with potholes everywhere, lava splashed out after the melting of the land mass, and hundreds of large and small cracks extending wantonly within the land mass, erupting with harsh cracking sounds.

The warships were roaring, the military formations were shouting, and waves of crazy attacks fell on the land masses, which continued to crack and fall off.

In the eighteen cities shining with bright light, someone finally screamed: What crime have we committed? Heavenly Court, why do you punish us instead of teaching us?

Yue Jijun didn't say a word, but kept giving orders, mobilizing the military formation to increase the intensity of the attack.

Mr. Shaoyao tilted his head like Mr. Yueji, jumped to the bow of the ship with great interest, and laughed loudly at the eighteen cities that were shaken by the bombing: You know very well what crime you have committed... Among you, There are people who collude with evil spirits to rebel against the party... Our Fifth Army Office always prefers to kill the wrong person rather than let it go!

If you don't want to die together... then close the city defense formation, and all the monks will restrain themselves, come out and cooperate with my Fifth Army Mansion... If they are really innocent... I can return your innocence!

The haze flickers, and figures can be seen wandering around in the sky above the eighteen cities.

A very thin wisp of smoke emerged from a city. It was an old man wearing a coarse cloth gown, holding a wooden stick, and a big green gourd hanging from his waist. With his graceful figure, he shuttled freely among the thunderous rays in the sky, avoiding the terrifying attacks, and moved briskly to the front of the flagship.

Behind Mr. Shaoyao, the group of casual cultivators he recruited were eager to perform their duties. Immediately, seven or eight of the most powerful ones rose into the air and stood in front of Mr. Shaoyao.

The old man stopped and looked at Mr. Shaoyao with a stern look on his face. After looking Mr. Shaoyao up and down, the old man said coldly: If there is someone in the city who colludes with the evil devil to rebel... My nephew has never left Blackpool Star since he was born... What mistake has he made? Is he worthy of you? Sir, kill him on the spot?

Mr. Shaoyao was stunned. The old man’s nephew? Is it the one who Yue Jijun refused to explain and attacked directly like a sneak attack, piercing the heart with a sword?

Mr. Shaoyao smiled and said: Suspicion, suspicion... We want him to be captured without hesitation, but he is not willing, so we will strike a little harder... But, old gentleman, if you are willing to let the people in the city cooperate, I, Heavenly Court, will not Unreasonable place!”

If you are innocent, then you will be innocent.

Of course, if you are guilty, then of course you have to plead guilty. Mr. Shaoyao put on a sincere look and took out a serious piece of Heavenly Court's Five Military Mansion After the Military Mansion Marching with a smile. Da Sima's token.

Don't you worry about the golden sign of the Fifth Army Mansion? Maybe when you cooperate with the investigation, you will be imprisoned and unable to move freely... But as long as it is found out that you have nothing to do with the evil rebel party, then you will eventually be cleared. !”

Lord Shaoyao persuaded: Speaking of which, your nephew is too harsh... If he was willing to cooperate, we wouldn't be so nervous and just let go and attack... In fact, that evil spirit is truly terrifying and is wanted by Heaven. We don’t dare to make the slightest mistake with the repeat offenders on the list... The rules of the sky are strict, so we can only do it, we would rather kill them by mistake than let them go!

The old man looked at Mr. Shaoyao with a faint look.

He opened his mouth and was about to speak when a faint roar sounded from the small land mass, right in the middle of Ming Lake. A large swath of faint water vapor and haze shot straight into the sky, and an erratic voice sounded faintly: This is a battle to seize the way... Do you really belong to the heaven?

If you really belong to the Five Military Governments of Heaven... Haha, I, the people of Blackpool Star, have lived in seclusion for many years, with no chance of colluding with outsiders... In the void, the way I have cultivated is shaking... my ethnic group Being slaughtered, the Tao in them is being rapidly refined...

Wait, who is he?

Heavenly Court despises this meager path that I occupy... You guys, you guys...

Mr. Shaoyao, Mr. Yueji, and the old man all changed their faces at the same time.

The old man quickly flew back to the disintegrating small landmass, but when the masters of casual cultivators gathered by Mr. Shaoyao shouted, all kinds of offensive secrets, magical powers, and sword lights poured out like a tide, drowning the old man in an instant. .

The gourd on the old man's waist suddenly spurted out a bright multi-colored glow, and a strange smell that made people feel sick filled the air. Immediately, three or four casual cultivators who were even better than the old man groaned, and they A large number of poisonous blisters began to appear on the body, and wisps of dirty blood mixed with white mucus foam spurted out from the seven orifices, giving the appearance of being severely poisoned.

The five-colored bright light instantly enveloped the entire airspace where Kurosawa Star was originally located. In the void, hundreds of millions of soldiers formed in formation roared in unison. They were all poisoned by poisonous gas for no apparent reason. Many people were vomiting and having diarrhea, and all they spurted out was blood. Foam, or even rotten flesh and pus produced after the internal organs rot and melt.

This poison, silently and without knowing when, had invaded the internal organs of these soldiers.

In just a few breaths, at least tens of millions of soldiers with the weakest cultivation twitched and fell directly into the void. In an instant, their entire bodies turned into a puddle of pus.

The poison was so... This old man was also attacked by several casual cultivators, and was blown away with one blow, not even a piece of flying ash was left.

The dark green gourd was obviously a rare treasure. The old man had been obliterated, but the gourd was not damaged at all. Instead, it was spitting out colorful poisonous mist at a faster speed. The dense glow squirmed, and the defensive formations of more than a thousand warships shook together. With the corroding sound of chichi, tiny blisters appeared on the hulls of most of the warships, and large and small holes were corroded. .

You all deserve to die!

The erratic voice came faintly: Children, fight to the death today!

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