Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 928 Three Kings and One King (2)

The Supreme Great Heaven, this is the only terrifying monster that has existed in the Supreme Taichu Heaven since ancient times.

This is a complete monster.

The real horror of it is that even many people who are in it, or even in high positions, who have mastered the heavy fists, actually don't have a clear understanding of it.

The Great Heavenly Lord, the Great Heavenly Lord, was attacked by an evil rebel outside the Iron Gate Pass. He was 'accidentally' and 'accidentally killed' by Linghu Ku, the Linghu clan. This news came almost at the same moment that the Great Heavenly Lord, the Great Heavenly Lord, fell. , and it was transmitted back to the supreme heaven. Amid the low thunder, terrifying consciousnesses 'awakened' one after another, and those who had the qualifications, ability, and the 'must' to know the news as soon as possible knew it.

A flicker of will came.

At the core of the Supreme Heavenly Court, the Taichu Chengyuan Hall where Emperor Taichu received important ministers and handled all major affairs in heaven and earth. The dark roof of the hall suddenly burst out with immeasurable light, and a hazy figure thousands of miles high suddenly appeared above the hall, and then Shrinking slightly and collapsing downward bit by bit.

It felt like a giant, bending down with great difficulty, compressing his body bit by bit, and squeezing the overly huge body into the 'small' Taichu Chengyuan Hall bit by bit.

Dozens of figures wearing heavy armor or long robes with wide sleeves, with various celestial omens appearing around them, and figures wrapped in thick starlight, were already waiting in the hall.

Naked and empty, with a radius of millions of miles, not even a pillar, the sky is round and the place is square, fully embodying the oldest world view of heaven and earth. In the Taichu Chengyuan Hall, immeasurable starlight surges, time, space, and all avenues, They were all submerged, infiltrated, and assimilated into the extremely strong star power, swirling and swirling silently in this hall.

Ordinary creatures, if they take a random breath here, they will definitely be able to open an aperture!

No matter how high your cultivation level is, no matter how poor your talent is, no matter what skills and techniques you need to open an acupoint, how much Taoism, heaven and earth wisdom you need to spend... In short, this is the constant in Taichu Chengyuan. One of the highest avenues in the palace is already an 'iron law' of heaven and earth.

Any creature that wants to take a breath here must open an aperture.

Moreover, the acupoints opened must be perfect, consolidating all your physical body, soul, magic power, magical powers, etc., to the strongest level at the same stage.

In other words, if the most ordinary 'mortal' from the Supreme Taichu Heaven can stay safely and safely in the Taichu Chengyuan Hall for five or six days, he will be able to successfully surpass the Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Scholars, and Heavenly Lieutenants. , Heavenly School, Heavenly General, the five major levels of cultivation... Even if he doesn't know shit and doesn't understand anything, he can still step into the Star Lord level in one step!

This is the work of creation.

This is the ultimate expression of holding the power of heaven and earth and having one's will over everything in heaven and earth and all existence!

However, on weekdays, ordinary creatures cannot even approach this hall.

And the dozens of figures appearing in the hall at this moment... cough, cough, with their cultivation, how could they take the opening of one, two, three or five acupoints seriously? Take it to heart?

Every time they enter Taichu Chengyuan Hall, not only will they not 'crazyly speed up their breathing', but will 'deliberately, deliberately, and extremely slow down their breathing speed' for fear of 'being laughed at and ridiculed by their colleagues'!

Therefore, the hall was completely silent, not even a breath could be heard.

The huge figure squeezed into the hall with some difficulty. A towering throne made of starlight and several miles high quietly gathered. The figure stood in front of the throne and did not sit down. Instead, he lowered his head slightly and faced dozens of people below. The famous ministers glanced coldly.

Dozens of people lowered their heads at the same time without saying a word or making a sound.

No matter who it is, it must be severely punished. The figure finally spoke.

煅皚 is in my Heavenly Court. He has worked hard and achieved great results. He is also an old minister who follows me... Yao Xin (xin), the eldest son of Zhongbing, has taken over his father's duties and is in charge of all the heavenly soldiers in front of the Fifth Army Palace.

Take Yaoxin and head to Tiemenguan to thoroughly investigate the attack on Yaoxin.

Give Yaoxin the 'Sun and Moon Flag' and the 'Thunder Seal Sword of Life'... Anyone involved in this matter can be killed!

All the important ministers in heaven listened to the orders of Emperor Taichu with indifferent expressions.

Yaoxin took over his father's official position, which is natural and not surprising.

If there is not even this little bit of preferential treatment, what is the purpose of these people working so hard to maintain and maintain the glory and authority of the supreme heaven?

An old man who was no more than three feet tall, with a kind face and kind eyes, a head full of silver hair, and a white beard that hung almost down to his feet, jumped out from a group of courtiers with a smile. The condensed Taichu Emperor saluted solemnly.

Your Majesty, it is very likely that Linghu Ku deliberately attacked and killed the Great Heavenly Lord.

Starlight surged around Emperor Taichu, and the terrifying invisible force field stirred up all the light in the entire hall: So what if you are too lazy? Let Yaoxin figure it out... Let's see if this kid has the ability, I have the wrist to hold this chair steady.”

If he can clean up Linghu Ku, clean up the Linghu clan, and avenge his father... I will admit that he can sit firmly in this chair.

What if it's not the case... Haha!

Laojun, you bring a few people from Taichu Yuan Ting. If Yaoxin can handle the matter properly, let him handle it. If he doesn't handle it well, you handle it for him. No matter who handles it, in short, I want Linghu A bitter death... Linghu must pay a sufficient price!

Even if it's 'manslaughter'?

Hearing the four words 'Taichu Yuan Ting', all the officials in the main hall almost changed their expressions. Their eyebrows opened and their eyes flickered. It was obvious that the people represented by these four words had given them a great deal. impact and shock.

Emperor Taichu laughed a few times: Can a manslaughter kill everyone without incident? It's a joke! If that's the case, just kill Linghu Ku and all the people present in the Linghu family by mistake!

In the main hall, this old man who is about three feet tall, with white hair and white beard, and looks quite charitable, is surprisingly the Lord of the Book of Heaven!

However, Lord Tianshu... Logically, he should be together with Lu Qian and others, as the ancient city of Loulan ascended to the supreme Taichu Heaven again, he was attacked halfway, and the ancient city of Loulan exploded, and he was also involved in the turbulence of the void. Unknown That's right!

And the Lord of the Book of Heaven here is full of flesh and blood, and the shadow on the ground is quite clear...

The old gentleman of Tianshu smiled and nodded: I will obey your majesty's order...well, I have a rough idea of ​​what's going on there. I guess the matter there is somewhat related to what I was doing a few days ago. Maybe...

On the face of Emperor Taichu, two points of light flickered.

No matter what 'maybe' is... in short, I hope that Lao Qing's family can give me a satisfactory answer.


Emperor Taichu waved his hand: In some years, there has been no movement. In the heaven, some people are slacking off; outside the heaven, some people are itchy. Those who are slack must beat; those who are itchy, there is no need. Alive.

The moment he waved his hand, the body of Lord Tianshu exploded into countless pieces of flesh and blood with a 'bang' sound, spraying all over the ground.

Emperor Taichu looked coldly at the splattered flesh and blood that were rapidly turning into wisps of faint starlight, and said coldly: Laojun, Laoqing's family, you have been a little slack over the years... No matter where you go, you always It's a clone acting... It's just that you can do things as a clone in the past. These few times, mistakes have been made one after another, and I don't worry about using the clone to act again... This time, I, you, go out in person.

The heaven, which was huge, powerful, and so terrifying that normal creatures could not imagine or fathom the situation, was moved.

Outside the iron gate, in the void.

Within the Dangmo Tianmen, immeasurable starlight surges. Wisps of extremely fine starlight shot out rapidly from the Dangmo Tianmen like fireworks. Every ray of starlight shuttles rapidly through the void, the speed is so fast that people feel desperate.

After these starlights rushed out of Dangmo Tianmen, they continued to shoot forward for an extremely long distance, and then suddenly stagnated in the void.

Each ray of starlight began to expand rapidly, and the buzzing sound continued. Each ray of starlight as thin as an ox hair returned to its true form, turning into a giant battleship hundreds of miles away.

Thousands, ten thousand.

One hundred thousand, one million...

Ten million...

In just a quarter of an hour, a total of 36 million military-style battleships formed a neat square formation and appeared above the iron gate.

So many battleships.

Each battleship is fully loaded with the standard 300,000 soldiers!

A low roar erupted like thunder, the void shook violently, and one after another magnificent starlight with a thickness of a hundred miles rushed out from the Demonic Gate.

Such thick starlight shuttled through the void at high speed, and finally stopped its forward momentum. The starlight expanded, and the light rain splashed all over the sky. The avenues of heaven and earth in this side of the void shook slightly, and the void seemed to be folded and twisted abnormally.

Three hundred stars with a diameter of 3,600 miles, the whole body is cast with various rare materials, with countless large formations arranged, and countless restrictions engraved on it. It is incredibly strong, and its power is immeasurable. The heavenly war star carries a terrifying Qi machine slowly appeared in the void.

Each of these heavenly war stars is like a high-pressure fountain, spewing out immeasurable light and immeasurable heat all around at any time. Against the background of the light and heat of these three hundred battle stars, everything in this starry sky, the huge former military fleet, countless heavenly soldiers, and countless stars in the distance have all turned into simple and crude shapes. black and white silhouette.

A high-pitched cry sounded from a heavenly battle star.

Wearing golden armor and a golden unicorn war robe, with long hair hanging loose, holding a sword and a spear, Yao Xin, the eldest son of the Great Heavenly Lord, spewed out five-color strange light from his whole body, and rushed out of a battle star as fast as lightning. out.

He let out a long roar, flashed through the void, and came directly in front of Linghu Ku, who was standing in the void, and fired a shot right in his face.

Linghu snorted bitterly, flowers bloomed around him, and in the blurred light and shadow, countless sword lights were like flying rainbows, and they struck the spear in Yaoxin's hand continuously.

My dear nephew Yaoxin, I am not to blame for what happened just now.

A subtle smile appeared at the corner of Linghu's bitter lips, and he unhurriedly resisted Yaoxin's hysterical attack.

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