Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 920: Many Children, Many Blessings (4)

My Buddha is compassionate!

Lu Qian chanted the Buddha's name, clasped his hands, and stood on the bow of the boat, nodding and smiling at the big men pointing at the two black rocks in the distance.

On the hull, the rough formation restriction lines lit up. Two iron-hulled awning boats, one in front and one behind, slowly brought up two gleams of light, knocked away the dust and fine gravel along the way, and headed towards the two black rocks. go.

Brother Snake narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at Lu Qian standing on the bow of the boat: Monk?

Behind Brother Snake, a thin man with sharp eyes saw the boat being towed behind him, and hurriedly came to Brother Snake's ear and whispered something in a low voice. Brother Snake hurriedly raised his right hand and shouted sternly: Monk Wu, stop, stop... What do you do? I don't think you are a good person!

Lu Qian took his time and continued to control the boat forward. He smiled and said: The young monk is really a good person, a good citizen of the third generation!

Lu Qian smiled brightly.

He is a good man.

Lu Min is a good person.

Lu Min's biological father, Lu Xiu, was a military general of the Yin Dynasty, the capital of the country. Aren't the Lu family all good citizens?

Brother Snake sneered and said sternly: A good citizen? I don't think you are like... What's going on with the boat behind you? Where's Luo Lao'er? They set out to collect cold star iron a month ago, and I poured it for them as a farewell. Wine, how come Luo Laoer’s boat is in your hands?”

Lu Qian continued to control the boat and moved forward. He smiled and said: Is that man called Luo Lao'er? Oh, pitiful. They were surrounded by a group of golden eagles and died unfortunately. The young monk tried his best to save them. A few poor miners come back.”

Beside Lu Qian, several gray-haired, old and decayed men hurriedly leaned out, nodding and bowing towards Brother Snake, smiling from a distance.

Brother Snake's face stiffened.

Just now, Lin Laowu's boat was besieged by the Golden Vultures... Okay, monk, just say here that Luo Laoer and his party were also besieged and killed by the Golden Vultures? This is really true, a parrot can learn quickly!

Do you think I, Old Snake, am stupid? Seeing that Lu Qian's boat was approaching less than five miles away from Black Rock, Brother Snake let out a long roar, and on a sentry tower behind him, a crossbow made a 'choking' sound. A crossbow bolt shot out, flying hundreds of feet away. The crossbow bolt flashed with electric light from front to back, turning into a ball of plasma the size of a water tank and shooting toward the bow of the ship where Lu Qian was.

Lu Qian smiled, and a dragon roar sounded from his chest.

It has digested the more than thirty layers of the Red Dust Heaven sent by Lu Min - and these thirty or so layers of the Red Dust Heaven are the core, oldest, and most important of the old monk's Hongchen Heaven Buddhist treasure, with the best material and rich content. The greatest part of Buddha’s power and essence.

The Tianlong Zen Staff obtained these thirty-plus levels of the Red Dust Heaven, and along the way, Lu Qian continued to nourish it with his own essence and blood, and continued to help refine it. The thirty-plus levels of the Red Dust Heaven have been completely integrated into his body. The whole body turned into dark gold, and the Tianlong Zen staff, which was as clear as glass, screamed, turned into a dark golden light and rose into the sky. With a flash in the air, it turned into a thick bowl-shaped Zen staff with a length of about ten feet, pointing at the ball of lightning. A blow to the head.

There was a muffled sound.

The plasma was smashed into debris and splattered all over the sky.

Amidst the low thunder, the Tianlong Chan Staff, covered with dragon scales, with distinctive head and tail scales and claws, floated quietly in front of Lu Qian, emitting waves of dignified and vast pressure.

The dull force field spread out in all directions, and all nearby gravel, gravel, dust, etc. were pushed away by the invisible force field and quickly flew into the distance. When these tiny stones and gravel flew around, they rubbed against each other rapidly, splashing countless sparks, and they were pushed hundreds of miles away like fireworks.

In an instant, the area for hundreds of miles was spotless. Except for two black stones with forbidden blessings, all other gravel, gravel, etc. were pushed away without a trace.

Even the two black stones where Brother Snake and others were standing were lit up with a faint forbidden light, and were swaying under the pressure of this force field, as if they were falling leaves in the wind and might be swept away at any time.

This donor, you, this is so unreasonable. Even if the monk is a bad person, you shot an arrow at the monk without doing anything... Tsk, this is not good. Lu Qian's smile faded and he stared at Brother Snake coldly: It can be seen that you are used to being unscrupulous in daily life. I guess you are also a villain with bloody hands and care about human life!

The Tianlong Zen staff is like a living thing. The lifelike dragon scales on the staff body rise and fall, and continuously make a dense metal collision sound.

The sound was like a dragon's roar, causing Brother Snake and a group of waiters behind him to turn pale and subconsciously take several steps back.

Brother Snake turned around suddenly and hissed: Xiao Yin, Xiao Yin, someone breaks through, come out quickly, prepare to fight... If they break in, and the boss blames them, we will all be unlucky!

On the black stone, under the sentry tower, behind Brother Snake, in the stone house built with stones, there was a bang sound, and several doors made of iron sheets, crooked and rough in workmanship were kicked open, and one was naked. His arm is tied with a gorgeous jade belt, his purple satin trousers are in tatters, with holes everywhere exposing his flesh, and he wears a pair of brocade boots on his feet, which are inlaid with dozens of pearls and gems. He is an extremely gorgeous man, but he also has holes everywhere. He walked out lazily, swinging his arms.

Behind the man, in several stone houses, a group of sixty or so sinister, solemn, white-faced, beardless men quietly emerged.

These men were only wrapped in tattered burlap clothes, and the workmanship was ragged, crooked, and ill-fitting. But they wore these tattered clothes and followed the shirtless man. When the formation of wild goose feathers separated to the left and right, an inexplicable majesty and evil aura arose spontaneously.

Brother Snake and a group of waiters around him bent their waists slightly for no apparent reason, and subconsciously put on a slightly flattering smile on their faces.

Xiaoyin...Brother...look at it, look at it, it's so lawless...He's just dead and bald, but he dares to come to our Xilan Village to ask for wildfire. Brother Snake smiled almost charmingly.

Lu Qian looked at the man with a half-smile but not a smile. Although his clothes were ragged, he was full of majesty and looked like an emperor.

Long time no see, how are you? Lu Qian put his hands together and saluted the man who was shirtless, walking unsteadily, and looked like a big brother gathering heroes from the market: I am the Buddha who is merciful!

Kicking open the door, Yinyuan came out stunned, blowing his nose and staring. He suddenly raised his head, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then suddenly opened his arms. The long hair on the back of his head was windless. Perhaps because it had not been washed for a long time, the long hair, which was a little wavy and had knots in some places, danced rapidly, making a whooshing sound.

Ha, ha! My luck has come!

Yinyuan suddenly jumped up, his big foot slammed into Brother Snake's face with a 'snap' sound, like a slap in the face.

Brother Snake was caught off guard and fell to the ground with a kick. His head hit the stone surface with a loud bang. The group of guys around him trembled in fright and turned around in a hurry and left.

How big is this black stone?

The radius was only about a mile, and a group of guys ran for two steps, then stopped one by one, looking at Yinyuan at a loss and trembling.

Brother Snake shook his head vigorously, lay on the ground, and raised his head in embarrassment: Brother Xiaoyin...Old Snake, I haven't offended you these days, have I? There are some good things to eat and drink these days. , but they are all following you and your brothers!

Don't think that just because you have taken advantage of the boss's wife, you can really do whatever you want and make you lawless! Brother Snake roared menacingly: I tell you, Xilan Village, this is a place with rules... Xilan The leader of the village is still our leader, not...

Yinyuan ignored the fierce-looking Snake Brother, but stood on the edge of the black stone, opened his arms towards Lu Qian, and looked at Lu Qian standing on the bow with tears in his eyes: Brother, you are here... I want to Damn it, brother... I can’t stay in this wretched place for another day.

Brother Snake shut his mouth suddenly.

Lu Qian's boat docked at the black stone. He looked at Yinyuan with a smile and said with a smile: The wolf has traveled thousands of miles to eat meat, and the eldest brother is still so majestic and elegant... Well, where is the eldest sister-in-law? Also, something happened that day...

Yinyuan's face twitched, and he raised his head slightly. There were a few wisps of water vapor in his eyelids, which soon turned into a thin mist, and then two small, insincere tears slid down his cheeks. .

These two small tears were really not very sincere and were really small in size. They almost evaporated spontaneously after sliding down three inches on his big face.

Yinyuan coughed, wiped the almost unnecessary tears on his face with the back of his hand, and said with a dry smile: Your sisters-in-law, it's okay, it's okay... Hey. There are some things, it's a bit complicated to talk about... But, it's understandable, no?

Cough, cough, let's go back and talk, go back and talk.

Hey, it's a long story to talk about.

Yinyuan, with sixty or so little eunuchs guarding the palace behind him, rushed onto the boat, dancing with joy, urging Lu Qian to sail the boat, and sailed in through the passage between two black stones. While gesticulating, Yinyuan muttered nonsense like 'good men don't fight with women', 'women are the only ones who can't keep up with shrews', and 'a man has a broad mind' and other nonsense.

Brother Snake lay on the ground, with clear boot prints on his face and a charming and flattering smile, watching Lu Qian's boat slowly go away.

After waiting until the shadow of Lu Qian's boat could no longer be seen, Brother Snake slowly stood up, gritted his teeth, and whispered: Send a message to the third master, hurry up... just tell me, that bitch's concubine is colluding. The bandits of unknown origin are plotting against our Xilan Village!

Several guys nodded desperately, hurried into the sentry tower behind them, and started messing around.

Not long after, a palm-sized iron-feathered kite soared into the sky, bringing with it a very thin ray of black light, which flickered along the passage and disappeared.

The passage behind the two black stones was opened using forbidden methods among countless rocks, gravel, and dust. The passage is more than a hundred feet wide and stretches for nearly a thousand miles. There are several places along the way where floating boulders serve as guard posts. These boulders are engraved with restrictions and are suspended at key points in the passage to guard them. There are sentry towers, residences, and varying numbers of manpower stationed on them.

The men stationed there were all fierce, but when they saw Yinyuan, their attitudes were extremely strange.

That look made Lu Qian feel inexplicably familiar...

Well, it's just like when the middle and lower-class officials in Dayinhao Capital had the same expressions when they saw the little eunuch guarding the palace. They are almost exactly the same, absolutely the same - those middle and lower-class officials despise the little eunuchs who guard the palace from the bottom of their hearts, and hate them from the bottom of their hearts.

But these little eunuchs have the emperor Yinyuan behind them and the eunuch Yu Changle as their backers. These middle and lower-level officials look down on these little eunuchs, but they can only lick their faces to flatter them and flatter them!

Well, the attitude of these men towards Yinyuan is so interesting.

Lu Qian found it very interesting.

What good thing did Yinyuan do?

He kept asking Yinyuan how he was doing these days, whether everything was okay with Bai Yu, whether Linghu Juan was with him, and how Husband Yu was doing recently...

Lu Qian asked diligently, but Yinyuan talked about him side by side, laughing and joking, but never gave a direct answer.

Looking at his guilty face, Lu Qian knew that this guy... maybe he didn't do anything good, right?

The boat sailed out of the channel, and the faint light in front of it revealed a clear void with a radius of millions of miles. Silver-white stones with a diameter of a hundred feet were suspended in the air according to some strange formation and orientation, emitting waves of subtle magnetic fields, forcing countless gravel, gravel, dust, etc. far away, and then opened up There was such a clear sky.

In this clear, dust-free, million-mile void, a piece of land roughly in the shape of a mulberry leaf, with a length of three to four hundred thousand miles at its longest point and two hundred and thirty-four thousand miles at its widest point, is quietly suspended in the middle.

A small landmass, but with the growth of Taoism, it has naturally become a small world.

Surrounding this small landmass, there is the Chunyang Avenue, which absorbs the inspiration and turns into three small suns. The finished glyph slowly cuts across the sky. There is also a Pure Yin Avenue that breathes out the mysteries and turns into two huge silver wheels... now moving slowly on the back of the landmass.

At the exit of the passage, leading to the landmass ahead, dozens of ships were lined up in a line that were hundreds of feet long. The hulls were intact, polished smooth, and even covered with external decks. They looked quite mighty. Boat.

These warships are well maintained, and are equipped with crossbows one after another on the bow and sides.

There are about thirty crossbows on each warship.

This force is quite impressive.

Not to mention the lower level of the warship and the densely packed perforations on the decks on both sides. In the perforations about a foot long and wide, human figures can be faintly seen flickering. Unexpectedly, there are people inside holding strong bows and crossbows on guard. Once a war begins, dense arrows will be fired out of hundreds of perforations on both sides. , the lethality cannot be underestimated.

Lu Qian's two boats moved forward slowly.

The prohibition runes lit up on the hull of a 100-foot warship ahead, and the warship moved slowly towards this side. Wearing half armor and no helmet, his head was shaved so smooth that it could be used as a mirror. His face was full of scars, and he looked like a standard villain. He stood firmly on the bow of the ship with his arms folded, grinning. Smiling towards Yinyuan.

Oh, Xiaoyin, didn't you swear a few days ago that you would never eat if you were a man, so what are you eating?

Behind the big man, a rather handsome young man, wearing a white shirt and silver armor, holding a bright silver spear wrapped around a dragon, took two steps forward and grinned happily: Gentleman , Prey, soft rice! Scared, your Xiaoyin said this yourself!

Lu Qian ignored the big man.

The big man's aura was strong and his blood was surging, but according to Lu Qian's eyes, he only had seventy or eighty acupoints opened. He is a mere heavenly warrior who can kill a thousand or eight hundred scum with one finger. Why is it worth arguing with him?

On the other hand, the young man dressed in white shirt, silver armor, and Coiled Dragon Spear made Lu Qian's eyes bloodshot inexplicably, and a wave of bad energy came out from the bottom of his heart for no reason - you, a pretty boy who just opened up seventeen or eight orifices, How dare you impersonate SJZ Zhao Zilong?

What a disgrace to this fine outfit.

Lu Qian sighed inexplicably, causing Yinyuan, whose face beside him turned red and green, to look at him in surprise.

I mean, brother? Yinyuan didn't care how Lu Qian disliked the pretty face. He lowered his voice and said softly: Can you hold it down?

He pointed seriously at the big man on the bow.

Chickens and dogs can be wiped out with a snap of a finger... The question is, how strong are the people behind them? Lu Qian looked at Yinyuan frankly: My dear brother, my good majesty... is going to cause trouble. Before that, let’s find out our strength and others’ strength first… I have just opened a hundred thousand acupoints and barely stepped into the threshold of Star Lord!”

Yinyuan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Do you know that kind of light?

He was a dandy who was pampered and well-fed since he was a child. After ten years of living in the family, ten years of eating chaffy vegetables, and ten years of fighting each other with his left and right hands every day...his unstoppable father told him that he had come back from the dead and had a new life. With a fortune of trillions, he could indulge in extravagance every day, and when a box of gold and silver notes was smashed in front of him, the light suddenly appeared in his eyes!

Shine, shine!


One hundred thousand orifices? Yinyuan asked in a low voice.

One Hundred Thousand Acupoints! Lu Chen looked at Yinyuan seriously: In this supreme Taichu Heaven, the wind is strong, the waves are high, and the water is very deep. We brothers, still...

The one here is not the Supreme Taichu Tian! Yinyuan's waist suddenly straightened, his face suddenly turned red, and his whole body was suddenly full of energy. Every pore was releasing a feeling of 'I am your biological father' Invincible arrogance.

But before Yinyuan could get angry, a group of young eunuchs behind him, who also had bright green eyes and inexplicably straight waists, took two steps forward, trembling all over.

But the one standing closest to Yinyuan and Lu Qian was the fastest. Yu Changle's god-grandson, the little eunuch. He rushed to the front in two steps. With an inexplicable madness and hysteria, he danced and pointed at the big man and the pretty boy and yelled curses.

Quoting from the scriptures, he went straight to the long speech about the past of all the female characters among the eighteen generations of ancestors. The little eunuch was so depressed that his face turned purple. He took a deep breath in a hurry and managed to take a breath: To sum up, Xiong Wu , Ma San, I am your biological father who has reunited after a long absence, our master, but your biological grandfather whom you have not seen for many years!

You have been so rebellious against your own father and grandfather these days. How can you have the dignity to be born between heaven and earth?

The little eunuch stamped his feet frantically in grief.

Dozens of other young eunuchs shouted in unison: Xiong Wu, Ma San, your biological father is here, hurry up and give a nice shout!

Lu Qian was stunned.

Yinyuan felt relaxed and happy.

The bald man Xiong Wu and the handsome young boy Ma San were so angry that their face turned blue, their lips turned black, and their bodies were trembling. Looking at that, Lu Qian was afraid that they would fall down on the deck and whipped over.

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