Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 918: Many children, many blessings (2)

Eight Heavens.

Although chaotic and primitive, it is just a world that has just been opened up from the boundless and infinite, and is recognized as the 'primitive wasteland' by the Supreme Heaven. But this world already has the preliminary principles for the movement of heaven and earth, and the most basic way of biological circulation. Although it is crude and crude, it already has the prototype of a big world.

In particular, because it is primitive and wild, it is full of vitality.

In such a world full of vitality, Lu Qian only got acquainted with it. He only refined 99,999 acupoints and promoted his cultivation to the level of a 'serious general' in the 'conventional sense' of the supreme heaven. The pinnacle of.

The Babutian, which is tens of millions of miles around, has become dying.

In the sky, the cold wheel has completely dissipated, leaving only strands of ice crystals lingering and falling from the sky.

A sun has changed from the size of a sea bowl at normal times to the size of an egg yolk. The little sun turned from golden red to dark yellow, hanging feebly in the sky. That weak light could not bring any warmth to the earth.

On the ground, the flowers, plants and trees are basically withered.

Those small grasses and shrubs have been mixed with the dissolved ice crystals and soil into a mess. It is dark and messy, which reminds Lu Qian instinctively of the 'flavor dishes' that have been complained about countless times in a certain country in his previous life.

The branches and leaves of the slightly taller trees have withered, and most of the water in the trunks has dissipated. The trunks are like dead fingers, pointing straight towards the sky.

There are dry cracks everywhere on the ground.

Large and small, winding and winding, they are inexplicably reminiscent of the wrinkles on the face of an old lady entering her twilight years.

Some of those cracked lines even reach deep into the center of the earth. Through these huge cracks, you can see the huge underground caves and tunnels. But on ordinary days, steam, heat waves, and even magma must gush out from such a deep crack.

But at this moment, inside these large and small cracks, the air is cold and lifeless, without any life or heat.

The entire Eight Heavens, 90% of the heavenly ways, 90% of the inspiration, and 90% of the world's vitality were swallowed up by Lu Qian.

The huge world looks like a mass grave at dusk, with a desolate and desolate feel to it.

Lu Qian stood up and pondered quietly.

This 'Landa Buddha's transcendental method' is powerful and mysterious. However, its cost is also extremely staggering.

This is Lu Qian. After a little practice, he almost destroyed the entire Babutian.

It is hard to imagine what an earth-shattering scene it would be if the true deity of Landa Buddha, the great Buddhist master who fell in ancient times, practiced the transcendental method with all his strength.

Could it be that in just one breath of his breath, several worlds collapsed and disappeared into ashes?

It's terrible, it's terrible, I can't think about it carefully. Lu Qian clasped his hands together, bowed apologetically towards the messy world of the Eight Worlds, and murmured a salvation sutra.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that the entire consciousness of heaven and earth in Babutian has been forcibly stripped away and turned into a wisp of wisdom that merged with Ahu. As long as Ahu attains enlightenment in the future, the consciousness of heaven and earth will be able to gather together the soul, the three souls and the six souls, reincarnate in reincarnation, and transform into a living creature of flesh and blood.

At that time, Lu Qian will definitely find the reincarnation of the other person, let him join Buddhism, and become a Buddha and ancestor from then on, living happily.

Well, thinking of this, Lu Qian felt that practicing this transcendental method in Babu Tian was simply a blessing from Babu Tian!

So, men, you can't make excuses for yourself.

As long as there is an excuse, any messy thing can be a mistake that any man can make... That kind of thing can be washed away, let alone practicing such a noble, lofty and profound moral thing?

Lu Qian smiled, nodded, then closed his eyes and continued to operate the transcendence method.

With a loud noise, the entire Babu Tian began to collapse and shatter.

The last remaining bits of the great avenues of heaven and earth, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth, turned into torrents of light, rushing towards Lu Qian from all directions. They were continuously crushed bit by bit by the golden grinding of the soul in Lu Qian's body, and turned into transcendent power and refined into his acupoints.

A little bit, a little bit.

In Lu Qian's body, the 100,000th acupoint lit up, and a bodhi seed quietly condensed in that acupoint, and the roots and branches were extracted bit by bit.

Placed in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, this is the key for the Heavenly General to break through to Xingjun.

I don’t know how many people are stuck at this pass!

Just look at the huge Supreme Taichu Heaven and how few masters at the Star Lord level are, and you will know how many indescribable subtle rules there are - in the entire Supreme Heaven, there are only 360 official positions in the Heavenly Court drawn up by Emperor Taichu. Star Lord!

Just look at Mr. Sangxing Xingjun. Among the five military fleets under his command, there are more than a hundred generals of the Tianjiang level on a giant ship commanded by Luo Xiong... According to the huge military establishment under Mr. Sangxingxing, The total number of general-level masters is more than one million?

But the Million Heavenly Generals, their immediate boss is none other than Mr. Xing Xing!

This is a gateway.

This is a class.

The entire eight heavens were collapsing, the sky was annihilated, the earth was shattered, and the great spiritual power was constantly being swallowed by Lu Qian's body. In Lu Qian's body, the 100,000th acupuncture point finally lit up. A young Bodhi seedling moved automatically in the aperture without wind. On the nine delicate branches, nine young leaves shone with light.

On a leaf, the patterns of the Great Brahma and the Thunder Sound Buddha are slowly emerging.

On a young leaf, the Vajra Maha Buddha pattern is slowly outlined.

Lu Qian's body was shaken... I have to say that the cultivation system formulated by the Supreme Heavenly Court is indeed in line with some mysterious principles between heaven and earth. Although the Taichu Emperors have set countless shackles and hidden countless hidden rules in this practice system, it does have real mysterious connotations.

Although only one more acupuncture point was opened, Lu Qian clearly felt that his overall strength had indeed improved a lot compared to before.

The Great Brahma Thunder Sound has not been cast yet, but the progress of Vajra Maha has quietly increased to 10%!

That is to say, although he has only opened 100,000 acupoints, he actually has the physical power of 900,000 scales... but with the blessing of Vajra Maha, his real physical power is 990,000 scales scale'!

And the efficiency of Vajra Maha practice improvement has suddenly increased to a higher level. With every breath, Lu Qian could clearly feel that his physical body was gradually strengthening.

His cultivation level has not improved, but his physical strength is increasing.

This is also the magical effect of the 'transcendence method', and this is also the power of Vajra Maha - the upper limit of power agreed by the rules and precepts of the Supreme Heaven, was broken by Lu Qian without any difficulty.

Lu Qian once again lamented, otherwise, how could the Buddhist sect of Supreme Taichu Heaven not be welcomed by those great emperors?

Being wiped out does have its own cause and effect.

The sound of 'choking'.

With the complete collapse of Babutian, the foundation of King Kong City emitted a dazzling light.

The world collapsed, the laws of the great avenue dissipated, and the foundation of King Kong City sensed the drastic changes in the external environment. Before Lu Qian could use his magical power, various preset restrictions within the city foundation had already been activated on their own.

Thin forbidden lines lit up on the surface of the giant wall. The thick metal wall squirmed like running water. Thin starlight rays flickered on the city wall, cutting the huge city wall into pieces.

Pieces of thick metal city walls slid left and right and moved up and down. In just one cup of tea, the huge city wall was transformed into a small, boxy land mass with a side length of nearly ten thousand miles and a thickness of only half an inch.

And the giant tree that originally stood in the middle of the city and was transformed from the divine seed was squirming, with countless roots underneath rolling upwards and rolling up on the four sides of the metal land mass. Roots shining with a faint golden green light were pieced together and turned into an outer wall, enveloping the entire continent inside.

There are more than tens of millions of people in the pioneering group, including Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas, Asuras, and the largest number of little people, with a total population of nearly one billion, all lying on this small piece of land and sleeping soundly.

The giant tree gave off a faint light.

The rhizomes let out deep breathing sounds. From all directions, the turbid chaotic energy in the void was pulled by the rhizomes and incorporated into the giant tree bit by bit. It was slowly transformed into the air, moisture and heat needed by normal creatures. From the giant tree It falls on the canopy of the trees and shines on all living things.

But it's obvious.

Compared with the previous ones that took root in the eight heavens and fully absorbed the nutrients of the earth in the eight heavens, and absorbed the charm and inspiration between heaven and earth to grow and multiply to their heart's content, although this giant tree transformed from the divine seed can also grow from the chaotic void. A trace of energy is directly extracted, but both the absorption efficiency and the amount of conversion are minimal.

This giant tree is now trying its best to meet the basic survival needs of more than a billion creatures on this small metallic land mass.

Want to farm on this land mass?

Want to breed on this continent?

This is obviously beyond the capabilities of this giant tree.

In the Supreme Great Heaven, there must be higher-level divine species that can achieve such miraculous effects of forming a small world of its own... But it is obviously impossible for a small pioneering group sent by Tiemenguan to possess such a high-level divine species.

Lu Qian let out a soft drink, clasped his hands together, and grabbed at the chaotic currents surging in all directions.

With the sound of click, thousands of miles of void collapsed, and a large tidal wave of chaos collapsed, and was swallowed into his body. The golden mill rotated rapidly, transforming the chaos into the most basic power of the five elements, and turned into a five-color torrent gushing out from Lu Qian's hand.

The five-color torrent turned into dense clouds of five colors, entwining around the trunk of the giant tree.

The power of the five elements transformed from the chaos of thousands of miles, after being transformed by the giant tree, is enough for these billions of creatures to recuperate and rest normally. If it is just the most basic things like eating, drinking, having sex, etc., and everyone is cultivating land and raising fish here, the energy transformed from the chaos of thousands of miles, transformed by the giant tree, will form the food of heaven and earth, which can sustain them for more than ten years.

Of course, if they still want to practice...

It can also last a lot of time.

After all, Zhou Laodao and the others are still a bit weak in cultivation!

Lu Qian turned around and looked into the distance.

This is chaos, a place where space, time, and all laws are chaotic, restless, and unclear. Here, the naked eye cannot judge the distance, and all normal perceptions are abnormal here.

In the very distance, you can see a faint light the size of a mung bean.

There is Iron Gate Pass.

A little light the size of a mung bean, I don’t know how far away Tiemenguan is from Lu Qian’s place. If we don't borrow the power of the divine seed and just escape and fly, God knows how long it will take to get back!

Lu Qian still has the divine seed captured from Luo Xiong. If it is activated, it can lock the Iron Gate Pass and allow Lu Qian to return as quickly as possible... But Lu Qian does not want to, is unwilling, and dare not Do this.

Mr. Sangxingxing is probably still waiting for him there.

Even if there is no Mr. Xing Xing, the big boss behind Yingque and Dao Qiqiqi, as well as what Yingque said to Lu Qian, the sudden appearance of Mr. Heikui, and the people behind Mr. Heikui... and even The man behind the explosion of Loulan Pass...

This is a big sinkhole.

At this time, I don’t know what kind of trouble Tiemenguan is in.

Lu Qian carefully inquired from Yingque about the heavenly rules and regulations of the Supreme Heavenly Court, and inquired about the rules of conduct of the Five Military Mansion and the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guards... Obviously, at Iron Gate Pass, the way Yingque and Mangxing Xingjun did things, All are illegal. The appearance of Mr. Heikui is also unreasonable.

The Supreme Heavenly Court has such a strict and terrifying existence, and the people below began to do things illegally.

Haha, Lu Qian can only turn around the iron gate if his head is broken!

However, Tiemen Pass is the closest Tianting border town nearby... If you don't return to Tiemen Pass, normal people who want to return to the supreme Taichu Heavenly territory controlled by Tianting will have to detour from the chaos and run to Juan. Other border towns in Fengtian Territory and Miying Star Territory can sneak in from those places.

In this high-latitude space where the Supreme Taichu Heaven is located, chaos is extremely dangerous and contains endless crises.

Lu Qian's small body was walking around in chaos... Lu Qian's scalp felt numb when he thought about it.

In the supreme Taichu Heaven, if you want to 'perform' in the chaos relatively safely, you must at least have the cultivation level of the Heavenly Lord to have this qualification.

With more than one million orifices opened, and the physical defense reaching nine million scales, you can barely withstand some risks in the chaos. Your vitality can guarantee that you can travel through the chaos relatively safely. .

Lu Qian pondered for a long time.

Even if he now has the cultivation level above Tianjun, he can't sneak in around him.

Because he didn't have the Supreme Heavenly Court's border defense plan nearby... He was completely blinded as to where those border towns were and how far they were from Iron Gate Pass. If he just wanders around in chaos, God knows where he will go? Perhaps, I can only wander around in chaos in this life.

After hesitating for a long time, Lu Qian looked at the tiny spot of light on the iron gate, and seriously searched for the Landa Buddha fruit. Then, he stood in the chaos, silently reciting the secret mantra, and began to ponder it with great concentration.

I don’t know the year in the chaos, and the concept of time is just an illusion. After Lu Qian quietly cultivated in the outside world for about three days and three nights, his whole body was covered with a faint glow of blood, his eyebrows were raised and his eyes were opened. He lightly drank a spell, and 70% of the blood essence in his body was instantly reduced.

The ancient Landa Temple is the source of Buddhism and the supreme holy land of the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Its heritage is naturally as vast as the sea and unfathomable.

In addition to the supreme Dharma, Landa Ancient Temple has suppressed many evil spirits and heretics... Generations of Buddhist sects have used Buddhism to 'influence' those demons and ghosts. Some of their exquisite inheritance and profound secrets have naturally been incorporated into Landa Ancient Temple. in the background.

Landa Buddha Fruit, as the highest Taoist treasure of Landa Ancient Temple, inevitably contains some good things from outside Buddhism.

For example, what Lu Qian is currently using is the Three Dou Rice Technique of Destroying Chaos, Reversing Yin and Reverse Yang contributed by someone who was suppressed or simply killed... This name is weird. In fact, it is a secret art of yin and yang, which is specially used to predict the future and predict the secrets of the heavens. Its profoundness and sublimity are far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Where this secret technique came from, Lu Qian didn't know.

And Lu Qian didn't know who his original owner was.

However, this secret method can be incorporated into Landa Buddha's fruit, and it is solemnly recorded in the supreme inheritance of this ancient Landa temple. It ranks first among all the secret methods for predicting good and bad luck and predicting the future, so Lu Qian directly used it. .

As a result, with his current strength, he actually directly burned 70% of the blood essence in his body!

Even though Lu Qian was now strong and strong, he was absolutely extraordinary. 70% of his essence and blood disappeared out of thin air. Lu Qian's face turned pale, his legs went weak, and he almost knelt on the ground.

I... A curse word was already on his lips. Lu Qian's heart suddenly moved. A scattered image flashed in front of his eyes. A sudden strange feeling came out of him. He subconsciously looked towards somewhere in the chaos.

It's not far from here.

Yes, yes... I am living in Mikawara, and my father was abandoned in Babutian. So, if you survive, the distance should not be too far. Interesting, interesting, haha! Meeting old friends, Aren’t you very happy?”

Lu Qian smiled. He stood up and grabbed the small land mass that King Kong City had transformed into.

Several thin roots entangled themselves. Lu Qian grabbed the roots of the giant tree and dragged them hard. He took long steps and walked towards a certain place step by step.

The landmass is huge and extremely heavy.

Lu Qian simply dragged the land mass that Vajra City was transformed into and walked. A small city, plus the weight of a billion creatures, was actually not that heavy for a master like Lu Qian.

But there was chaos and chaos in all directions.

This chaotic flow is like glue and quagmire, all around are muddy and confused... In this high-latitude world, among the power of chaos surging in all directions, all kinds of strange forces are extremely powerful. Lu Qian only feels that the land mass behind him has become... It's extremely heavy and stagnant. If you want to take a step forward, you have to use all your strength.

Then, the great Brahma's thunder sound magical power was activated.

Lu Qian gave a soft drink, and the thunder light flashed in the seven orifices, and there was a loud roar, like a dragon, an elephant, a lion, or a tiger. Its sound could sweep away the evil atmosphere, purify the soul, support the yang and dispel evil, and ward off evil spirits. A loud noise exploded in the chaos, its power was incredible. Lu Qian just gave a small drink, and the rolling thunder swept across the land thousands of miles around. The surrounding chaos separated from the pure and the turbid, and the yin and yang opened up. Naturally, the energy of the five elements surged, and a clear and peaceful space with a diameter of thousands of miles was created out of thin air in the chaos.

Lu Qian's eyes lit up.

The power of the Great Brahma's Thunder Sound was more powerful than he expected.

More importantly, he only used a trivial trace of magic power to generate such a huge power... This is the supreme demon-subduing magical power of Landa Ancient Temple, which is incredible.

Even this chaos was swallowed lightly, exploding the huge Qingning space.

What would happen if those demons, ghosts and evil monsters that were controlled by the Thunder Sound of the Great Brahma were directly shouted down by the Thunder Sound of the Great Brahma?

Lu Qian stroked his palms and smiled, dragging the landmass that suddenly became light and weightless as if it were nothing, and advanced tens of thousands of miles, followed by another loud shout.

Thousands of miles of void opened up again, and Lu Qian continued to move forward.

Behind him, the clear and peaceful void gradually overflowed, and the separated pure and turbid air and the power of the five elements were gradually infected by the power of chaos surging crazily from all directions, like a drop of clear water falling into the boundless sea of ​​ink. It was assimilated by the ink and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lu Qian turned around, looked at the annihilated Qingning void, and nodded thoughtfully.

His strength is still too weak.

If he has a high enough level of cultivation, then with a loud shout, he can open up trillions of miles of void, and his power will linger in the void forever and last forever. Wouldn't he be able to create a real place in this chaos? Come to the big world?

The so-called creation and creation of the sky are nothing more than that, right?

Shouting loudly.

A piece of clear light.

Lu Qian dragged the small land mass thousands of miles long and wide forward quickly in the void, taking thousands of miles forward with each step. He didn't know day and night, and he didn't know how many miles he made. In the chaos, countless large and small black rocks could be seen flying, turning into a long river of rocks in the chaos.

The large stones in the river are thousands of miles in diameter, while the small ones are the size of soybeans and mung beans. The dark stones are entangled with a strong aura of chaos, but there is still a trace of the aura of the law and Taoism that emerged after the heaven and earth were opened and the avenue was manifested.

Because of the faint and scattered remnants of the Taoist Rhythm of the Great Dao, there are traces of extremely thin and scattered spiritual inspiration floating in this long, wide, and thick river of rocks.

On these large and small stones, there are also some acquired creations.

Such as a small piece of soil, a small pool of spring water, dozens of weeds, some flowers and trees, etc... And although these soil, spring water, weeds, flowers and trees are acquired creations, they still have a bit of sporadic and broken innate charm... Well, it can be considered a good spiritual material.

Just as Lu Qian dragged the huge piece of land close to the long river of rocks, he saw a messy metal ship tied to a long rope next to a rock with a diameter of five to six hundred miles in front.

The captain was about thirty feet long, shaped like a awning boat, and made entirely of metal, but it was so dilapidated that it would make a beggar cry.

On the side of the hull that Lu Qian saw, there were at least thirty patches on it.

The large and small holes were forcibly repaired with metal plates of different colors and materials, some exquisite and some rough in workmanship... Some of the metal plates were also engraved with three or five defensive restrictions, which looked like There is still some rules. And some metal plates are the most ordinary metal plates without any means of defense.

In such a dangerous and chaotic void, on a ship crossing, there are actually holes that are repaired with ordinary metal plates? And it doesn’t impose any defensive restrictions?

Are you risking your life?

Lu Qian looked at the ship in shock. That's right, the owner of this ship was risking his life!

On that ship, you can see thin ropes extending out. The total number of ropes is about a hundred. At the end of each rope, a large living person is tied.

Wearing tight-fitting leather clothes and wearing transparent crystal helmets that looked like blisters on their heads, they were crawling on the rocks, tapping something with hammers and chisels. Occasionally, sparks flickered, and I saw someone peeling off some crystal stones with faint light spots from the boulder. Lu Qian could hear their low cheers from far away.

Lu Qian felt it.

The natural environment in this long river of rocks is extremely harsh.

However, putting aside other dangers that Lu Qian was not aware of for the time being, anyone with a little bit of cultivation in this long river of rocks could still survive here as long as they were lucky.

There are scattered rhymes of the great avenues, there are thin spiritual ideas of heaven and earth, and the water and soil are a little barren, but they are indeed there. There is also a weak gravity field on some rocks of sufficient size, which is about one-twentieth to one-thirtieth of the normal gravity of the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

Lu Qian looked at the small land mass being dragged behind him. He pondered for a while and opened his arms towards the small land mass.

The Red Dust Heaven Buddha Kingdom has been ruined by Lu Min. Most of the Red Dust Heaven Buddha Kingdom was burned by him to retrieve the Landa Buddha Fruit... The remaining thirty or so Buddha Kingdoms were fed to Lu Qian’s Tianlong Zen Staff.

Now, Lu Qian could only open up the small Five Elements World that he and the five uncles had jointly opened up, and turned it into a colorful halo, wrapping the entire small land mass.

The halo flickered, and Lu Qian snorted.

With his current cultivation level, after all, it is not as good as the powerful Buddha treasure refined by the old monk Hongchen. He himself has only opened up a hundred thousand acupoints. The cultivation level of the little Xingjun who has just stepped into the threshold, belongs to those ordinary pioneering groups, There are tens of millions of ordinary 'celestial beings', but this small world he opened up can accommodate them.

But those hundreds of millions of little people, as well as the millions of Yakshas and Rakshasas, especially those Asuras who are born to be ridiculously tyrannical, with Lu Qian’s current cultivation level, can carry ten or eight , or he can barely do it. If he wants to fit them all in, he really can't do it!

So, the gap between me and them is so huge?

Along the way, relying on the thunderous sound of the Great Brahma, he forcibly opened a passage in the chaos, and arrived at the place guided by the Three Dou Rice Method smoothly... Along the way, perhaps because of his strong luck, Lu Qianzhen No unexpected risks were encountered at all.

He couldn't help but feel a little arrogant in his heart.

Chaos, nothing more.

I am pretty awesome!

But here, when he tried to include those who were still sleeping in the Five Elements Heaven that he had 'single-handedly' created, but couldn't do it... Lu Qian finally understood how powerful that Buddhist treasure, the Red Earth Heaven, was. How big a gap there is between myself and Hongchen, the old monk who refined Hongchentian.

The old monk Hongchen could only wander around in the 'lower realm' where Liang Yitian was.

And according to Lu Min, the old monk Hongchen is just a little novice monk!

Not to mention the true origin of Lu Min, it is inseparable from the Landa Ancient Temple... One can imagine how powerful the Landa Ancient Temple was in the past... And such a powerful Landa Ancient Temple was destroyed by several great emperors , the Buddhist heritage was almost wiped out in the Supreme Taichu Heaven...

And in the turmoil that he has been involved in, the shadow of the emperor level is faintly visible.

Lu Qian suddenly felt a toothache!

I have a small body, so I have to be careful. Lu Qian clasped his hands together, and the five-color light behind him flickered, slowly melting the small landmass that was thousands of miles in size.

Remember your original intention and understand it clearly... When I was in the Supreme Saint Dayin Dynasty, all I wanted was to live a few more years!

I haven't even achieved my most basic goals in life.

Live for a thousand years first!

I haven't lived for a thousand years yet...

So, be careful, be careful!

Lu Qian warned himself over and over again, and finally he began to recite a Buddhist sutra.

The five uncles, as well as A Hu and other hundreds of old brothers from Baihu Hall woke up under the stimulation of Buddhist scriptures. They climbed up quickly and stood behind Lu Qian with confused expressions, looking around.

Everything as far as the eye can see is chaos.

In the chaos ahead, there is a strange glimmer of light surging, and a large river composed of countless black rocks is flowing and rolling in front, showing the majesty of creation and the magnificence of heaven and earth.

Behind Lu Qian, the law of space was activated, and the land mass of thousands of miles slowly deformed. Black stones of various sizes were attracted around it. Countless roots of the giant tree squirmed, piecing together the black stones of all sizes.

After several days and nights of hard work, Lu Qian behind him forcibly pieced together a huge rock with a diameter of more than ten thousand miles, a dark and rough surface, and not even a blade of grass or a grain of soil.

This piece of rubble was suspended on the edge of the long river of rocks. Under the gravitational attraction of the long river of rocks, it slowly and slowly merged into the river.

Lu Qian gave a soft drink, and the sound of the Great Brahma's thunder sounded in the huge hollow stone ball. In the pioneering group, Zhou Laodao and others, as well as the Yaksha, Rakshasa, Asura, and the little people woke up one after another.

Except for Yingque and ordinary members of the pioneering group, everyone else came over.

After Lu Qian gave them instructions for a while, Zhou Laodao and others took the orders one after another.

Lu Qian nodded and left dozens of markings and restrictions on the big black ball. Then he turned around and led Ahu, the others, and the five uncles to a black rock not far away with a diameter of more than a hundred miles. .

There is an extremely strong magnetic field on this black rock, and there is a large amount of iron ore in it, and the grade is very high.

Lu Qian and Ahu and others worked hard and mined a large amount of iron ore. A burst of Buddhist flames spurted out, the impurities disappeared, and a sufficient amount of refined iron was extracted. After a lot of fiddling with Lu Qian's not-so-exquisite weapon-making techniques, he finally made a metal boat that was about a hundred feet long and had many pits all over its body.

This completely black metal boat is also in the style of a awning boat.

In order to fit the style of this place, Lu Qian also specially made some patches on the hull. At first glance, it looks very similar to the busy boat in the distance.

Lu Qian took Ahu and others on the boat.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Qian said hello again, and brought out thousands of the most powerful little people from the big black ball he made, and let them hide in the shadows throughout the ship.

Afterwards, Lu Qian randomly mined some bits and pieces of ore from the surrounding rocks, and stacked a lot of them on the bow and stern decks of the ship. Then he started the ship and slowly brought out a dim flame. , sailing towards the still busy ship in the distance.

My Buddha is merciful, fellow countryman, please ask for directions!

On the bow of the boat, Ahu dressed as a monk squeezed his face and smiled brightly.

On the opposite boat, the dozen or so people on their heads were not wearing those blister-shaped crystal helmets. Instead, they were big men wearing armor and holding weapons, who suddenly trembled and turned around.

You son of a bitch, brothers, if you meet someone who is in danger...fuck him! On the opposite boat, more than a dozen big men shouted in unison, and dozens more men suddenly ran out of the cabin.

These guys don't have a strong aura.

In Lu Qian's view, the cultivation level of ordinary heavenly soldiers can only open up one, two, two, three, or at most five acupoints.

The only person who rushed out of the cabin was a man who was two feet tall, wearing a full-metal armor, and there were actually several defensive restrictions engraved on the armor, and there were only two patches. His cultivation level was quite impressive, and he actually reached With the strength of Tianshi, up to fifty acupoints have been opened.

The two boats are seven or eight miles apart.

Near the long river of rocks, the gravity was weak. The dozens of big men on the opposite boat started jumping up and down like little fleas, jumping directly to Lu Qian's big boat.

Some of them even shouted: Do you know what this man does?

Hey, your boat looks good...this is the fat meat that comes to your door! The big man wearing metal armor and holding an eight-foot-long knife smiled extremely cheerfully: Brothers, Hack them to death, seize the boat, return to the helmsman, and invite all brothers to go to Mrs. Li’s place to play for three days and three nights!”

A group of big men on the opposite side cheered in unison, their eyes red with excitement.

They didn't ask, didn't care, and were unreasonable. They jumped onto Lu Qian's side of the boat, swung their weapons and hacked at A Hu and others indiscriminately.

Lu Qian could only sigh helplessly: Don't beat him to death, let him live!

Before they finished speaking, before Ah Hu and Yipiao Hu Ye took action, a silvery-white cold light flashed rapidly on the ship, and dozens of big men who were charging towards them had already intercepted them.

The rabbit turned around with a embarrassed look on his face and blinked his big eyes desperately at Lu Qian.

That means: What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly...you, say it again?

The big parrot lay on top of Lu Qian's head, looking at the ignorant and innocent rabbit, and sighed faintly: You son of a turtle, you are dead... What do you want to do with such a disobedient cat? Go, go, go, go clean!

Look at my fish husband, how generous and gentle he is after taking those two pills?

How can you be so ready to kill someone?

The big parrot sighed deeply and complained crazily.

Lu Qian remained silent, just clasping his hands together and silently reciting the Heart Sutra.

Well, if the Buddha bless you, a thief, don't let Yu Changle know about it... Lu Qian didn't know how to evaluate this.

He could only recite the Heart Sutra silently to suppress the awkward feelings in his heart.

Did he really raise such a mean-mouthed bird since he was a child?

In the distance, on the messy boat, several people with ropes tied around their waists were kneeling on the deck.

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