Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 912 Landa Buddha Fruit

Outside King Kong City, two Asuras covered in smoke and fire were jumping around in the five-element inverted formation.

They howled, waving their hands randomly, hitting the void, but they couldn't hit anything, and they just wasted their strength for no reason.

Waves of Sanskrit sounds that made them feel extremely comfortable came from all directions, washing over their small brains in waves, feeling warm and itchy, from the brains to the internal organs and to the depths of the bone marrow.

As a result, the two Asuras who emerged from the ground soon became quiet. They lay quietly in the formation, listening to Lu Qian reciting Buddhist scriptures. They were very obedient, without any precautions or resistance. He used Buddhist secrets to refine their souls bit by bit, injecting the essence of Buddhism into the core of their souls.

Gradually, pale golden Buddha light surged from the two Asuras. From the bone marrow to the skin, traces of the new Buddha's power moisten the whole body. The two big guys, who were born in a poor shape, clearly reveal a somewhat honest and simple charm.

Next to Lu Qian, there was a bright mirror suspended.

The mirror light formed by the ice crystals showed the battle that was breaking out around the heavenly battleship in the distance.

Luo Xiong and others formed a formation and were fighting fiercely with tens of thousands of Rakshasa. Those yakshas roared and attacked from all directions in a steady stream. There was no fear, no flinching, they just rushed towards the formation of heavenly soldiers greedily and ferociously!

They don't understand what a military formation is.

They don't even understand what the supreme heaven is.

All they knew was that there were a lot of prey in front of them, all of them white, tender and cute, and their flesh and blood must be extremely sweet and fragrant.

Because of ignorance, we are fearless.

Because of greed, they stirred up the inherent evil in their bones, stirred up their overwhelming fighting spirit, and stirred them up to turn into shimmering afterimages all over the sky, heading towards the formation of the heavenly soldiers and generals. Crazy impact. With every breath, a powerful and powerful Rakshasa roared and crashed into the defensive formation formed by the giant ship, causing the formation to flash with rays of light and sparks flying everywhere.

However, after all, it is the main battle tool of the Supreme Heavenly Court to suppress Zhou Tian and sweep across all directions. This hundred-mile-long warship is an expeditionary fortress, a large-scale battle fortress. It has perfect functions and is extremely powerful in attack and defense.

The Rakshasa were only the first to enter the Heavenly General level, and their sudden and intensive attacks brought considerable power to the giant ship's defense array, but they were unable to threaten the giant ship itself protected by the array.


Lu Qian had just subdued two large Asuras that rushed out of the ground. In that compartment, less than a hundred miles away from the giant ship, a frozen mountain suddenly collapsed, magma spewed, fireworks skyrocketed, and a long More than twenty feet long, covered with thick scales and covered with flames, an arm thrust out from the large pit of magma.

A large Asura roared, spewing dark green poisonous smoke that burned crazily from its mouth, and sprang out of the large pit of magma.

Meat! As soon as this guy popped his head up, he shouted a single syllable indistinctly.

Luo Xiong and other heavenly soldiers and generals had no idea what this guy was shouting.

The Rakshasa understood, and each one flapped its wings like a frightened bat, retreating in all directions in a chaotic manner. Only a few of the fastest flying Rakshasa leaders flew past the large Asura in an extremely provocative manner, opened their mouths, and sprayed a few streams of sticky saliva on his face.

The saliva failed to touch the big guy's face, and was burned into a wisp of smoke by the flames surging on his body.

But this is enough.

The enraged large Asura suddenly pressed his hands on the ground, splashing a large amount of sparks, and pulled his huge body out of the ground. He took long strides, one step covering two or three miles, and chased after several Rakshasa leaders while jumping up and down.

Several Rakshasa leaders led the large Asuras and rushed to the vicinity of the giant ship. The fleshy wings behind them flapped violently, leading them into a few afterimages and several smooth arcs, and suddenly flew away without a trace. Without a trace.

The big guy with blazing flames all over his body and spitting poisonous smoke from his mouth suddenly raised his head, and his one eye locked on the giant ship suspended above his head. 'Meat'... He roared out a weird monosyllable again. He grabbed the ground with his right hand. Large ice crystals tore apart, countless soil rolled, and quickly formed a giant rock ball with a diameter of more than ten feet under his palm. !

The big guy raised his hand and waved towards the sky.

The stone ball flashed with dazzling green light, soared high into the sky with a dull sound of breaking wind, and hit the belly of the giant ship.

Amidst the muffled sound, clusters of light like stars lit up on the hull of the giant ship, spraying out large areas of blurred light. The formation trembled violently, and the huge ship was actually pushed up by this extremely inconspicuous stone ball and flew up seven or eight feet.

The giant ship shook violently, but those heavenly soldiers and generals forming formations in the air were fine, standing steadily on the clouds one by one. As for the civilian officials who were accompanying the army standing on the deck, their legs swayed and they almost fell to the ground.

What a ferocious creature! the watchman named Ma hissed and exclaimed: General Luo, this beast is wrong, wrong... he, he...

The treasure mirror suspended on the ship swept downwards, and the mirror light flickered, capturing the figure of the large Asura into the treasure mirror. A little bit of light as thin as a star lights up in that huge body, one to ten, ten to one hundred, one hundred to tens of millions...

Ma Tianguan screamed: How is it possible? Great rebellion, great rebellion...troll, troll...

Suddenly, Ma Tianguan and all the other heavenly officials were dancing with excitement, almost going crazy.

The indigenous creatures who were born with more than 100 million orifices... did not practice any advanced skills. They could be so powerful just by the innate abilities granted by their bloodline. As long as such indigenous people can successfully transmit their information and the information of this world back to the high heaven, it will be a miracle!

Only these civil servants who deal with various official documents and countless laws and regulations from the Supreme Heavenly Court know how taboo the indigenous creatures who were born with more than 100 million apertures are... and yet, how valuable they are!

Luo Xiong, you are truly blessed! Ma Tianguan's face turned red with excitement, his heart beat like a drum, and he was so excited that he almost spurted blood - he thought this was a hard, dirty, tiring job. , a terrible job... I didn't expect that it would be such a pleasant journey to get promoted and make a fortune!

Luo Xiong, who was looking at the large Asura with a twisted expression, wondering whether to go down and weigh its quality, twitched his face and turned back in shock to look at a group of crazy and barking civil servants accompanying the army.

Born with more than 100 million acupoints?

A flash of lightning flashed in Luo Xiong's mind, and his body suddenly tensed up. His whole body seemed to be electrified, and every hair stood on end.

Commanders, follow me quickly and capture this evil demon! Luo Xiong roared, grabbing the void with both hands, and his Xuanhua ax appeared out of thin air with fire and lightning.

Stepping on the flowing clouds, hundreds of generals and commanders behind him ignored the large group of Rakshasa in the distance, activated the power of the formation, and gathered all the power on Luo Xiong. Accompanied by the harsh sound of pulling muscles and bones, Luo Xiong's body was slowly lifted up inch by inch. He howled and roared in extreme pain. Gradually, with the power of the formation, his body was lifted up to about three feet.

Hoo, ho... today, I am going to change my destiny against the will of heaven! Luo Xiong also looked at the large Asura almost crazily: As long as I dedicate you to the star... ah!

Luo Xiong instantly crossed out the name of 'Sangxing Xingjun' from the list of his 'supervisors'.

As long as he can capture this Asura alive, he can completely disregard everything and directly activate the divine seed to open a passage to the Iron Gate Pass and return directly to the heavenly domain under the rule of the high heaven.

As long as he can connect to the communication network that covers all directions in the Supreme Heaven, he will immediately abandon the Xingxing Lord and report the matter directly to his immediate boss's immediate boss.

By then, at least I can get a good position on an equal footing with Mr. Xingxing, right?

Even directly surpassing is not necessarily possible!


When Luo Xiong swung his big ax and struck down the large Asura, his mind suddenly flashed back to the many times that Lord Xingxing had punished and made things difficult for him over the past countless years.

He actually felt strangely excited for no reason.

He suddenly remembered that a certain concubine and certain daughters of Mangxing Xingjun were really born with good looks.

If he can really rely on his achievements this time, he can directly defeat the Xingxing Lord... Ooh, ooh, ooh... I am a rough man, and I like to act roughly! Luo Xiong roared in a low voice, holding his hand in his hand. The big ax is a little more powerful.

Gathering the power of nearly 200,000 heavenly soldiers and generals on the entire battleship.

Luo Xiong has pushed his power to the extreme, reaching the limit that his body can hold... The majestic magic power turned into wisps of starlight and spurted out from various acupoints in his body, and turned into a brilliant hundred-foot giant ax behind him. As he swung the big ax, the big ax also merged into the Xuanhua ax in his hand, and struck the large Asura on the forehead with a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

‘Choke Lang’!

These large-scale asuras are just simple-minded... Therefore, they are very dependent on Lu Qian's Buddhist restraint. Wrapped up by Lu Qian's Transformation Dharma, these simple-minded guys with almost no soul defense fell to their knees directly on the ground.

This is also the reason why the laws of heaven and earth in this area are incomplete and the evolution of the creatures created is incomplete. They are born with great flaws. These indigenous creatures have great dissatisfaction with the souls and various magical powers and secrets.

However, you have to go head-to-head with them and play games of muscle, strength and metal with them...

This large Asura was hit in the head by an axe. Sparks flew everywhere, and a three-inch deep white mark was scratched out on the scales on his forehead. Dust from the large scales flew up. He raised his right arm as if slapping a fly. Luo Xiong was also slapped in the face.


Extremely excited!

Whether this big guy is in an underground cave or occasionally comes to the surface to hunt for food, it is a well-deserved 'overlord'-level creature. Rakshasa underground, Yaksha on the ground, no creature can pose a threat to him.

Break through his scales?

Make him feel pain?

How many years has this happened?

The dull pain on his forehead even made this big guy feel a little bit of pleasure - what a novel feeling, it was simply better than the previous days when he forcibly pinned down a handsome member of the opposite sex and reproduced heartily. The feeling is more novel.

Therefore, he used all his strength with this palm.

The big palm was still several feet away from Luo Xiong's body, and the air in the palm had almost condensed into substance under the force of the huge force, almost condensing into a large steel plate. The air vibrated violently and turned into a white wall of air visible to the naked eye, which struck Luo Xiong with a muffled sound like thunder.

Luo Xiong dodges very fast!

He roared, and while flying backwards with all his strength, he shouted the command of shattering armor to his robe general!

Behind him, nearly a hundred heavenly generals stamped their feet together. They vomited blood. The heavy armor of the generals on their bodies decomposed with a few changlang sounds, turning into pieces of radiant armor parts. They quickly flew to Luo Xiong and pieced together. Got a set of combined armor!

Nearly a hundred layers of armor were formed on Luo Xiong's body, and the defensive power of all the armors was superimposed.


Luo Xiong retreated quickly, but the big guy's big slap swung even faster. His palm stirred up the wind and gently brushed against the right side of Luo Xiong's body. The light of hundreds of superimposed sets of heavy armor suddenly dimmed and exploded with a harsh cracking sound. Luo Xiong groaned. With a loud sound, the right side of his body exploded instantly, causing blood mist to fly into the sky.

Most of the remaining body was spraying hot blood, Luo Xiong turned into a streak of blood, and flew back to the giant ship with a pale face.

Take air! Luo Xiong hissed and ordered!

The giant ship shuddered slightly. On the belly of the battleship, large magic formations flashed violently, spraying out beams of light ten feet in diameter, pushing the giant ship to fly high into the sky.

The strong wind roared, and almost all the energy of the entire giant ship rushed into the propelling circle, pushing the giant ship to fly high into the sky with all its strength - Luo Xiong and others had realized that this big guy alone had the power to All of them together with the giant fleet will be destroyed here!

On the giant ship, the stars in the treasure mirror were shining brightly, and wisps of starlight spurted out and fell into Luo Xiong's body.

Near Luo Xiong's wound, new flesh buds squirmed rapidly, quickly outlining a new, pink body. While he was healing his wounds, he said sadly: This credit is enough... As long as the caution is passed back, we will all benefit greatly... But, no matter what, we just can't take back a single piece of evidence alive... Just one piece of evidence. Information...

Before he finished speaking, the giant ship shook slightly again.

Large asuras cannot fly, but they are extremely capable of jumping... With their physical strength, it is not a problem at all to push such a huge body around like a flea.

Just a few miles after the giant ship charged up, the large Asura had already jumped up from the ground.

He roared, smashed the defensive formation that had become much weaker due to pushing the giant ship with all his strength, and stepped half of his body into the giant ship. He hugged the bow of the ship with both hands and gradually pulled his body onto the deck of the giant ship.

Meat! The big guy looked at the pale-faced Luo Xiong and others, and roared happily to the sky!

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