Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 909 The true meaning of pioneering (2)

Tall city walls, tall towers.

On the top of the huge tower, soldiers patrolled back and forth. Leaning against the city wall, in a place with excellent scenery, a square table, a big chair, and a tea set were set up. Lu Qian sat comfortably on the big chair, watching the fireflies slowly speaking with extremely rough words. , embarrassing techniques, ruining the top-quality 'heart-cleansing tea' that he took out from the Lingshan Mountain in the first Buddhist kingdom in the world of mortals!

Lu Qian also lived for more than a hundred years.

He has experienced several heavenly realms and met many monks, some of whom were of noble birth, and some who rose from the grassroots.

But no matter who they are, perhaps because of some mysterious heavenly law, as long as they have enough status and strength, the word tea will always be evoked.

Regardless of whether the tea leaves, spring water, charcoal fire, or tea sets are good or bad, whether they are ordinary mortal things, or the most powerful Buddha treasure that can open up the world and destroy a heaven with one blow... In short, everyone can make tea and taste tea, and the tea ceremony skills are unique. Highs and lows, but still passable.

For example, although Lu Qian himself is not proficient, but after reading a lot, he can also use techniques such as Phoenix Three Nods. The tea he brews cannot be said to fully stimulate the efficacy and fragrance of the tea leaves, let alone expect to be able to make it. The efficacy and fragrance of tea will be improved to a higher level...but at least, these good things will not be wasted.

And the firefinch.

With her status as the little governor of the Three-Day Chapter of the Supreme Heavenly Patrolling Forbidden God Guard, she can also be regarded as the 'little boss of the secret spies around the emperor'. She is very beautiful and not weak in strength... This method of making tea with one hand, It's like a crazy dog ​​coming to the altar, it's really a waste of things!

Looking at the cup of tea handed over by the firebird, which was neither yellow nor green, but exuded the smell of grass leaves, Lu Qian coughed lightly, turned around and handed the tea cup to Asura who was standing behind him. king!

King Asura is the Cyclops who has been dissected and dissected by Lu Qian. He has more than 130 million orifices in his body. According to Yingque, he can be regarded as a Cyclops with the appearance of an emperor's son.

With such good qualifications, such good combat power, and with such a simple brain and so easy to control, he can be called the top 'Buddhist protector' candidate that all Buddhist eminent monks dream of... Lu Qian felt that he could not be aggrieved. He couldn't kill this big guy, so he named him King Asura.

Asuras are not gods, enemies of heaven, and their shapes are all kinds of strange and messy, with everything from three heads, six arms, eight legs and four bodies... A mere cyclops form, placed among the legendary Asura tribe, can be regarded as the top one A handsome man!

Passing the small tea cup over, Lu Qian smiled gently and said: King Asura, come and taste Master Yingque's craftsmanship!

A Buddhist fighting method was forced into Lu Qian's little mind, and Lu Qian used various methods, even burning a ray of Lu Qian's soul power, to forcefully open up a part of the world. King Asura, who finally learned a small magical power called Buddhist dragon-elephant body that imitates the heaven, elephant and earth due to his wisdom, was suddenly compressed to a height of one to five feet.

He stood behind Lu Qian, his big eyes were chattering, and he was looking around with extreme curiosity.

After hearing Lu Qian's words, he stretched out his hand, took the hot tea cup, and swallowed the tea cup and the tea together with a 'dong' sound. The fine porcelain tea cup inlaid with seven treasures disappeared without a trace in his throat without even a white bubble popping up. King Asura made a gurgling sound in his belly, and the teacup and tea were all digested and gone!

Well, it's a good place to destroy corpses and eliminate traces. Lu Qian felt the noise in King Asura's belly, gently patted his muscular belly, and looked at Yingque with a smile: Good tea. , What a great tea ceremony, hahaha, look, King Asura didn’t even say it tasted bad!”

Yingque's face twitched, and his hand paws twitched a few times, as if a chicken claw was going crazy.

She sat silently on the big chair and drank a few sips of the tea she had made. She found that the taste of the tea was really not good. She threw the tea cup away in disgust and looked at it seriously. Got Lu Qian.

So, where to start?

I can see that you are dissatisfied with my tea-making skills, so you know how to make tea...I am very curious, what is your origin?

Did you know that imperial coins that record elegant and interesting Taoist skills such as the 'Tea Ceremony' are extremely precious. The same proportion of the Imperial coins, if the 'Tea Ceremony' is recorded, although it is not disclosed in the official channels of the Heavenly Court, They are exchangeable with ordinary imperial money on a one-to-one basis, but in the black market, it is common to sell them for astronomical prices of one to one hundred million!

Lu Qian grasped several key points in Yingque's words.

I won’t tell you anything about my origins.

But Lu Qian has seen a lot of emperor's money these days... It is a treasure that Zhou Laodao and other 'real cultivators' treat as a 'life-saving talisman'.

Daily practice must rely on the emperor's money.

The monks got into fights and demanded money from the emperor to save their lives.

And these days, Lu Qian, in Zhou Laodao's sword shop, and even after taking control of Luoyi City, the emperor's money he saw contained ordinary spiritual wisdom, and it contained the most important things for cultivation. The rhyme of the great road is all the rhyme of the acquired five elements!

This is the most basic Taoist rhyme between heaven and earth.

Yingque said, however, that Emperor's Money is issued and circulated by the Supreme Heavenly Court. In addition to the most basic 'Five Elements Emperor's Money', there are also 'Emperor's Money' that contain strange methods such as 'Tea Ceremony'?

The Supreme Lord of Heaven and Earth generally adheres to these purposes. Therefore, in official channels, no matter what kind of imperial money it is, whether it is 'Tea Ceremony', or other 'Calligraphy Dao', 'Painting Dao', ' The Qin Dao, Chess Dao, etc., like the ordinary Five Elements Dao, will be condensed into emperor's money, turned into the material for practice, and spread all over the world... Moreover, the official regulations of the Supreme Heavenly Court are that all emperor's money will be treated equally, and when redeemed It's all a one-to-one fair deal!

But on the black market, a piece of 'tea ceremony emperor's money' can often be exchanged for more than 100 million times of ordinary emperor's money?

This... profit of 100 million times, how many 'business opportunities' will this generate, and how many terrible 'sins' will it breed?

You are the Heaven Patrolling Forbidden God Guard. How can words like black market come out of your mouth? Moreover, you actually understand that in the black market, a piece of 'rare avenue' emperor's money can be exchanged for 100 million ordinary pieces of money. Emperor Qian! It's so interesting! Lu Qian smiled brightly.

Guess, from whose hand those precious emperor's money leaked out? Yingque looked at Lu Yi with a smile: Of course the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard knows that those black markets exist... and even the people who run these black markets are Who, where they live, how many people there are, and what their relatives do are all clear and obvious... However, the Sky Patrolling Forbidden God Guard just turned a blind eye to this.

Lu Qian smiled brighter and brighter.

You know with your buttocks that if these precious emperor's money flows into the black market, it will leak out from those hands.


Lu Qian finally understood the cultivation environment of the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

Emperor's Money is the tool used by the Supreme Heavenly Court and those great emperors to control countless monks between heaven and earth.

Controlling the issuance rights of emperor's money has allowed those great emperors to cut leeks heartily - look at how Zhou Laodao risked his life time and time again to enter the wasteland and collect some good things with so much hard work, only to escape and return them. How much imperial money can be exchanged for Luoyi City?

That little emperor's money is only enough for the three brothers to step into the threshold of cultivation. No matter how qualified the other children are, they can only look forward to it and sigh.

Among the issued imperial coins, those special imperial coins such as 'Tea Ceremony' can even select a batch of strong, cute, plump and attractive 'good leeks', and then harvest the big ones ruthlessly.

It’s really a good idea!

Yingque threw away the teapot and other gadgets, and used a silver charcoal tong to play with the red-hot coals in the small stove. The fire became more and more intense, and heat waves spread out in all directions. The entire top of the tower became as warm as spring, and all the cold air scattered by the cold wheel in the sky was washed away by this small stove.

The Supreme Taichu Heaven has no history.

Yingque said slowly: Of course, there must be, but we ants have no right to contact it.

After sighing a few times, Yingque looked at Lu Qian melancholy.

It's just that people are always curious, right? Especially our patrolling forbidden gods, we always have access to some private activities that outsiders can't imagine... Therefore, over the years, I have also come into contact with many scattered fragments.

Once upon a time, there was an extremely glorious time in the Supreme Beginning Heaven. The land was filled with monsters, the sky was full of arrogant people, and powerful monks emerged in endlessly. All races of beings strived to reach the top. Between heaven and earth, there was once... there was once...

The phoenix is ​​at a loss for words.

In her empty mind, she couldn't find any suitable words to describe the grand scene of the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Cultivation World at that time.

Lu Qian smiled and said nothing, looking at Yingque quietly.

Thinking about it all, Supreme Taichu Heaven should have Dao Emperor Money such as 'Poetry', 'Ci Dao', and 'Wen Dao' issued and circulated... But these 'rare versions' of Dao Emperor's Money have all been used by some people. People are sent directly from the source to the black market.

A profit of one to one hundred million!

It is conceivable that mid-level Sky Patrol Forbidden Guard generals like Yingque, whose salaries obviously cannot afford such rare imperial money.

Without this part of Tao Yun, it would be pretty good to be able to speak, write, and communicate normally. As for things like literary talent and diction, can you spend hundreds of millions of ordinary emperor's money and talk about other things?

That part of history was completely wiped out.

But 200,000 years ago, when I was ordered to lead a team to exterminate an evil demon family, I saw the words of great rebellion. During that period of time, in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, 'everyone is like a dragon', and every body has been innately developed. There are 480 million acupoints.

Yingque looked at Lu Yi with a distorted face: If these records are true, do you know how subversive it is? So, that family was thought to be evil and wiped out, it is really...

Lu Qian looked at Yingque.

Yingque was silent for a long time before slowly nodding: Indeed, you deserve it!

Everyone has the appearance of a great emperor, and everyone can cultivate to become a great emperor. How can it be possible?

Yingque shook her head in disbelief.

Lu Qian rolled his eyes - only in an environment like the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the Supreme Heavenly Court, would you find it so incredible, so rebellious, and so 'subversive', right?

If you have heard words such as Emperors and generals are willing to live in peace, haha!

Please continue. Lu Qian grabbed the teapot, tea cup, etc. on the square table, and with one move, he attracted a ray of spiritual spring from the void. He cleaned the tea set, took out new tea leaves, and prepared to use the tea ceremony that he was not very proficient in. , at least make a pot of drinkable tea to quench your thirst.

Yingque continued, while being extremely curious, and even a little shocked, watching Lu Qian's whole set of tea-making movements that were as natural and smooth as flowing clouds and full of harmony and beauty.

In today's Supreme Taichu Heaven, extremely strict rules have been formulated for cultivation.

All monks, even all heavenly soldiers, heavenly warriors, heavenly captains, heavenly schools, heavenly generals, heavenly kings, heavenly kings, emperors, emperors, etc... except for the great emperor who is unfathomable, other people, regardless of their strength or status, All of them are struggling under the strict rules and regulations of heaven.

The number of innate acupoints in the body determines the ultimate level of a person's cultivation.

For example, the number of acupoints opened by heavenly soldiers is one to nine.

The acupoints opened by Tianshi range from ten to ninety-nine.

The number of acupoints opened by Tianwei ranged from 100 to 990.

By analogy, how many unobstructed, complete, and available for cultivation acupuncture points are innately in the body determines where your cultivation reaches its peak in this life.

At the same level of cultivation, the strength of one's strength is also completely imprisoned and completely restrained by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. No one can break the confinement, and no one can transcend the rules.

Every time an additional acupoint is opened, the Heavenly Court also formulates rules according to the strength.

In terms of lethality of an acupoint, the lowest is 'one tooth' and the highest is 'nine teeth'... This 'teeth' points to the 'Innate Tempered Gold Slaying Demonic Dragon' tooth. This tooth is an innate sharp weapon with extremes. The terrifying power of 'penetrating' and 'breaking armor'.

The strength of one tooth or nine teeth represents how much 'destructive power' you have after opening an acupoint.

According to the defense power of an acupoint, the lowest is 'one scale' and the highest is 'nine scales'... This scale points to the scale of 'Hongmeng Houde Dayaolong'. This scale is an innate armor. Among the countless living things information mastered by the Supreme Heavenly Court, the defense power of this Dayao dragon's scale armor is ranked first.

One scale to nine scales represents how much 'defense power', or 'survival power' one has after opening an aperture.

In the strict standard system of Heaven, the 'Nine Teeth' can definitely break the 'Eight Scales', and there is no luck in it.

And unless you can reverse the power of the Great Emperor and compete with the 'authority' or 'shackles' of the great avenue that covers the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, after you open an acupoint, your most lethal force will be the Nine Teeth, and it is impossible to have ten. The destructive power of teeth; your strongest defense is nine scales, and it is impossible to reach ten scales!

Therefore, the weakest of a heavenly soldier is the cultivation of 'one tooth and one scale'. The strongest heavenly soldier must reach 'eighty-one teeth and eighty-one scales' in order to climb up and strive to break through to the realm of heavenly warriors. Other Heavenly Scholars, Heavenly Captains, Heavenly Schools, and Heavenly Generals also behaved in this way.

As for the growth of cultivation, one must use the emperor's money, one emperor's money, one emperor's money, to continuously polish and nourish the acupoints opened by oneself, and polish each acupoint to the point of 'nine teeth' and 'nine scales'. Only in a perfect state can you open up new acupoints and improve your cultivation!

Between heaven and earth, the 'rules of heaven' and 'authority' that cover countless living beings determine that, even if you have the appearance of a supreme evildoer, even if you are the 'reincarnation of the emperor', even if you master the most powerful 'magic skill' in the world Secret Technique', you must also practice according to today's cultivation rules.

If there are any flaws in any acupoint, it will be impossible for you to open up the next acupoint, and it will be impossible for you to open the bottleneck and lead to the next realm.

Therefore, the Supreme Heavenly Court, which controls the issuance of Emperor's Money, can also accurately judge whether there are masters hiding in this area and whether there are powerful people hiding in this area through the amount of Emperor's Money consumed in a certain area during a certain period of time... If so, Yes, what level of cultivation have they reached!

Coupled with the monopoly of Kung Fu.

The technique determines how much of the great avenues and inspirations contained in the emperor's money you can absorb and accumulate in the same realm and within the same period of time!

In the Supreme Taichu Heaven, all the 'mortal monks' such as Zhou Laodao and others before them, they all practice the most common 'nameless passage technique'... And the small families with a slightly higher status than Zhou Laodao and others, The techniques practiced by small tycoons, big families, big clans, and even the highest-level aristocratic families are naturally more advanced, with all kinds of ingenious changes. Their cultivation speed, cultivation efficiency, and even the number of magical powers and secret techniques are also richer. .

Correspondingly, their skills and levels are subject to more stringent restrictions and restrictions, and are subject to tighter, all-round monitoring.

How much emperor's money each skill can consume per unit time has been clearly calculated under the constraints of heavenly rules and commandments.

Therefore, it is not a secret for a wealthy Celestial clan like the Hu clan, which is under the command of Emperor Tai Zhen, how many monks there are in their clan, how much Emperor's money they receive every year, how much Emperor's money they consume, and how much Emperor's money they store.

And the consumed emperor's money can be used to advance to many levels of breakthroughs through the exercises that their clan majors in... All the data is under the control of the Supreme Heavenly Court, and there will basically be no gaps.

For example, the Linghu family consumed a total of 10 billion emperor's coins last year. These 10 billion emperor's coins, according to the level of the skills practiced by the Linghu family, can increase the total number of teeth by 1.8 billion or 18. The cultivation level of billions of scales!

This is the total 'combat power' that a Celestial Clan member of the Linghu clan has increased in one year.

Add up the total combat power increased this year and the total combat power accumulated in previous years. Come on, the team of the Linghu clan will be clear. If the entire Linghu clan is to be killed in the future, count the achievements of the monks in their clan. The total acupoints and total cultivation levels are added up. As long as the total combat power is similar, it proves that the Linghu family has been killed!

How convenient!

What’s more convenient is that if you want to exterminate the Linghu clan, and the total combat power accumulated by the Linghu clan over the years has reached one trillion trillion, then the boss who wants to exterminate the Linghu clan only needs to send out a total combat power of three trillion trillion The combat power is enough to kill the entire Linghu clan.

Marching, fighting, and strategizing have become extremely simple things that don't even require much brainpower!

Similar to Liang Yitian, a peerless evildoer suddenly appeared in a certain small sect. He practiced the supreme magical skills he brought from his previous life and absorbed the wisdom of the world. In just three days, he cultivated to the realm of Buddha and turned the tide in the world. After falling, he saved the small sect that was about to be destroyed from the brink of destruction...

Such things would never happen in the Supreme Taichu Heaven!

Without the emperor's money, without Tao Yun, and without a steady stream of Tao Yun spiritual opportunities for you to break through the realm and consolidate your cultivation, how can you make such rapid progress? Why try to turn the tide?

Want to make rapid progress? Want to make a splash? Want to hide it and use it as a secret weapon, a sect's heritage, a family's trump card, and the final killer?


All cultivation must be in the hands of heaven! All cultivation must be in the eyes of the emperor! Yingque took the tea cup handed over by Lu Ren, and was not afraid of burning it. He carefully took a sip of the golden green color of the tea cup. It was as mellow in color as amber, exuding a strong fragrance of tea. It was also a tea that had the effect of washing the soul, purifying the soul, and resisting external demons. She couldn't help but her eyes shone, and she took a deep look at Lu Qian.

So, what's going on with these acupoints? Lu Qian asked softly: The great emperors also stipulated the number of acupoints? Well, you also said before that there was a great world where everyone was like a dragon, and everyone was like a dragon. There are 480 million acupoints opened innately...but now, it seems that this is not the case anymore?

Yingque looked at Lu Qian: You'd better not let anyone know that you have opened 480 million acupoints...otherwise, you will definitely die!

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes and looked at Yingque.

Lu Qian was a little frightened by these words, which made him silence the murderer.

In the memory of Zhou Laodao and others, the information about the 480 million acupoints opened by Lu Qian had already been tampered with by Lu Qian. In their memory, Lu Qian received the gift and gift of this world, and it was just the opening of 480 million acupoints by Lu Qian. Just one hundred thousand acupoints.

Now the only insider... is Yingfiao!

People will die without knowledge. Yingque sipped the fragrant tea and continued to speak, ignoring Lu Qian's twinkling eyes.

Therefore, in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, even the most humble mortals have nine acupoints opened in their innate bodies. Therefore, as long as the mortals in the Supreme Taichu Heaven have the skills and the emperor's money, everyone can Become what is called a 'real cultivator'.

Curling his lips, Yingque said calmly: It's just that the exercises that mortals come into contact with are the Heavenly War Art, which is the simplest and crudest, and is specially used to practice by the lowest level of 'militiamen'. This exercise is everywhere in the streets. They are all circulated freely, without any taboos.

If there is a law, there must also be emperor's money. Where does the emperor's money come from? Each has its own fate and destiny. It goes without saying.

Yingque looked at several Zhou family members wearing heavy armor in the distance.

The heavenly rules and commandments of the Supreme Heaven govern everything, including having children!

Yingque said softly: Your father and mother are both mortals, so you are a mortal. You are born and can only have nine acupoints opened in your body... When you reach the ultimate level of cultivation, you can only reach the realm of heavenly weapons.

If your father and mother are both Heavenly Soldiers, then you will be born with the ability to break through the bottleneck of Heavenly Soldiers. Ninety-nine acupoints will be naturally opened in your body. If your father and mother are both Heavenly Soldiers, only one of you is a Heavenly Soldier. , then the number of acupoints you open can only be more than ten and less than forty-nine!

Heavenly Captain, Heavenly Colonel, Heavenly General, and so on!

Lu Qian blinked his eyes rapidly - I see... However, it seems that with his help, the three brothers Zhou Laodao, Zhou Changgong and Zhou Tiejiao have learned their skills, let alone the loss of the emperor's money, brothers. The three of them seemed to have broken through the realm of heavenly soldiers and entered the level of heavenly warriors.

And Mr. Zhou is obviously just a mortal.

So, there are no exceptions? Lu Qian asked Yingque pretending to be curious.

For the Heavenly Court and for the Great Emperor, I have accomplished meritorious deeds. The Great Emperor issues the Heaven's Edict. According to the level of meritorious deeds, a road to heaven can be opened for all sentient beings. Yingque chuckled: If I remember correctly, if we are in the crusade In the war between evil spirits, killing one heavenly soldier of the same level can accumulate one merit...one merit can be used to refine and open an aperture!

It doesn't seem difficult...to kill an enemy of the same level and open an acupoint, uh... Lu Qian obediently closed his mouth.


According to this deduction, if the 480 million orifices in his body are opened, he will have to become a murderer... What's even more frightening is that this cannot be achieved by killing mortals - killing fellow prisoners for heaven. The enemy!

Tsk tsk, enemies of the same level!

Not to mention Lu Qian, just for those heavenly generals in heaven, the number of acupuncture points is 10,000 or 99,999... If their parents are both heavenly generals and they are born with all the orifices opened, it will naturally be good. .

But, if only one of their parents is a general, tsk tsk!

How many people need to be killed before we can see the dawn of the next level?

And the consequences of this.

The theory of bloodline - a dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and the son of a mouse can dig holes. In the Supreme Beginning Heaven, this is the supreme truth between heaven and earth. His son was born with 99,999 acupoints, and your son was born with nine acupoints. The difference is more than 10,000 times... Just ask, how do you chase after him? How do you catch up?

The theory of a match between a well-matched family - a heavenly general will definitely match a heavenly general, a heavenly school will definitely match a heavenly school... One of them is a heavenly general, and marries or marries a heavenly school, haha, the remaining son is born to be more than half weaker than others. If it were you, would you like? Therefore, it is very important to be well-matched, so the status of aristocratic families is basically unshakable.

The eldest son's succession system - not to mention this. They were from the same family, so the eldest son was naturally the son of the head of the house and the first wife of the same level. You can have many concubines, but the ones you give birth to are scum whose talents and qualifications are ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times or even ten thousand times weaker than those of your eldest son!

Zhazha also wants to inherit the family business? Haha, impossible, completely impossible. Innately, this completely eliminates any possibility of a bastard seizing power!

Etc., etc.

Yingque looked at Lu Qian's rapidly changing expression and said with a smile, There are more interesting rules.

It's just that it's too troublesome to explain. These heavenly rules and commandments, no one can remember them clearly without the chief judge of the Tianfa Division accompanying them... In short, you will have enough time in the future to slowly taste them personally.

Now you just need to understand two things.

First, you have opened 480 million acupoints. You have the appearance of the Great Emperor. You are a monster who can reach the realm of the Great Emperor without the authority of the Great Emperor to be canonized or refined... If your true information is leaked, you will die. No doubt. There is nowhere for you to escape, no one to save you, in heaven or on earth.

Second, open up the primitive wasteland. This is a mandatory task issued by Heaven to all government offices and frontier cities.

The true meaning of pioneering is emperor's money.

You are very lucky this time, but also very unlucky. The primitive wasteland you found is so rich in the spiritual power of heaven and earth that it can actually give birth to primitive creatures with more than 100 million orifices... The avenue of heaven and earth in this primitive wasteland , if it is squeezed dry, the amount of imperial money that can be issued will be trillions.

Have you thought about this big sum of money? How will you die?

Yingque looked at Lu Qian with a smile: If you don't have enough backers and backstage to help you keep this windfall... you will definitely die.

Lu Qian looked up at the sky.

Opening up the wasteland just to make money?

Well, yes, that's right...Emperor's money is hard currency. Every piece of Emperor's money has the charm of the great road and the wisdom of heaven and earth...This is equivalent to the physical currency made of heavy metals such as gold and silver in the secular world. , it’s real ‘hard currency’, and what’s more terrible, it’s consumables!”

Gold and silver can still be circulated. Emperor's money is basically regarded as consumables.

Then, we must open the mine!

This primitive wasteland is the mine.

This world can make trillions of dollars? Because I discovered a rich mine that is very valuable, so I must die? Lu Qian looked at Yingque seriously: Well, this is very reasonable and there is nothing wrong with it. !”

Yingque looked at Lu Qian in astonishment: Aren't you surprised at all?

Lu Qian looked at Yingque with the same surprise: Isn't this strange? Isn't this a natural thing? A little person with no money, no power and no backing accidentally discovered a shockingly rich mine. He deserves to die.

Sighing, Lu Qian said faintly: What's even more unfortunate is that this unlucky child actually has the 'bloodline of the Great Emperor'... Ooh, the remnant of the previous dynasty has found a shockingly rich mine, which can be used to recruit troops... Put it here In any novel, this would have to be shattered to pieces!”

Shaking his head and sighing, Lu Qian looked at the seal of Loulan Deputy Town floating in his mind and smiled brightly: Fortunately, I have enough back...

Before he finished speaking, the earth shook violently.

A frozen mountain collapsed in the distance, a pillar of fire rose into the sky, and blazing magma spurted out like pus from an abscess, quickly flooding all around.

In the pillar of fire and magma, a Cyclops with a height of more than twenty feet, covered with transparent and bright red scales that had been burnt, and with a ferocious face, was panting, step by step, from the crater formed by the collapsed mountain. Bank of China came out.

High in the sky, Hanlun seemed to feel the provocation of the flame giant, and the thicker cold air turned into a gray-white cold wave visible to the naked eye and surged down.

The flames on the flame giant's body were washed away by the cold wave, making a chichi sound. The red-hot scales on his body immediately became dull, and his entire huge body trembled.

Muttering in a low voice, the flame giant that emerged from the ground roared, took long strides, and ran towards the direction of Lu Qian and others with all his might!

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