Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 901: Innate Spirit (2)

Tsk, tsk!

A sharp cry came from the thick fog in the distance.

Zhou Laodao carried the long knife, followed the simple steps that grew naturally behind the metal city wall, jumped a few times, and rushed to the top of the wall.

At this moment, the metal city wall only extends to both sides and does not bother to thicken it. The wall was only three feet thick, but Zhou Laodao could barely stand firm on the top of the wall, as did everyone else. Being able to swing a knife on a wall and shoot an arrow is all. As for heavy ordnance, it is impossible to place it on the current city wall.

Where the chirping sound came from, the thick fog suddenly split into ripples, as if a high-speed boat had cut through the water's surface.

Along with the harsh sound of breaking wind, dozens of strange creatures fled in panic.

These little creatures, shaped like red deer, are completely black, glossy and hairless, and their skin has a faint metallic reflection. They are only one foot, five or six inches long from head to tail, and only seven or eight inches tall from top to bottom. However, such a small creature can run at an astonishing speed. It often jumps more than 20 feet into the air and flies two or three miles away.

Its speed was so fast that afterimages were left in the air!

But running so fast... the laws of the Great Dao in this world are particularly strange. In other worlds, running so fast would have already exploded the 'Mach Ring', exploding circles of sonic energy explosions visible to the naked eye.

But in this world, these little creatures only brought a harsh sound of breaking wind, without the abnormal signs that supersonic speed should have.

Dozens of strange little creatures rushed over, rushing straight towards the city wall that was growing rapidly, rapidly absorbing metal materials from the ground, and continuously thickening and strengthening.

Such small creatures, and when Zhou Laodao and others saw them, they were less than two miles away from the city wall. These little creatures jumped up and hit the city wall like shells.

The loud noise of Clang Clang continued, and large sparks were splashed on the city wall.

According to Zhao Ding, even the masters of the Heavenly General level could not easily break through the city foundation, but these dozens of fleeing creatures were able to forcefully break open a hole the size of a bowl and as deep as a foot!

It can be determined that these little creatures did not use any magical powers. They relied entirely on their own bodies to create such a considerable hole in the wall formed by the city foundation!

Zhou Laodao and others' eyes widened in shock, and two young men from the Zhou family suddenly swung their swords and struck them hard on the city wall in front of them. There was a loud bang, and countless sparks flew between the knife edge and the crenellations of the city wall, but there was no trace on the city wall. Instead, the two young men of the Zhou family were shocked to the point that their wrists were numb, and their bodies swayed and took two steps back, almost He fell down from the city wall that had grown to a height of a hundred feet.

Everyone who witnessed this scene gasped.

These two young men of the Zhou family have both successfully achieved enlightenment and have 'entered the Tao'. If placed in this pioneering group, their strength would rank among the top twenty. But they were wielding sophisticated swords and were unable to damage the city wall at all, while dozens of little creatures running away outside the city actually used their bodies to break through the city wall?

Wails sounded.

After hitting the city wall, dozens of little creatures with bloody heads were bounced back dozens of feet by the force of the shock. They twitched on the ground for a while, then actually shook their bodies and got up little by little. He was spinning weakly in circles, breathing deeply.

On the city wall, dozens of dazzling holes shone with a faint light.

Countless runes flowed in the city foundation, and a large amount of the metal that had just been absorbed turned into juice and flowed here. Dozens of small holes were completely healed in just one breath, leaving no traces.

On the city wall, a sharp sound broke through the air.

Zhou Changgong opened his strong bow, and a sharp arrow flashed with a faint cold light. It flew out from the city wall and hit a little creature whose scalp was cracked and a little bit of black-red blood like mercury was falling off.

The little creature obviously had extremely keen perception. It suddenly raised its head, swayed its body, and jumped out to the side. It just hit the city wall hard, but even though it reacted quickly, its body movements were three points slower after all, and it couldn't escape the arrow.


Including a few Lu Qian who stepped up to the city wall, countless people saw the arrow splashing large sparks on the little beast's head. The half-foot-long special three-sided armor-piercing arrow exploded into pieces, and the arrow shaft violently exploded. It vibrated, whirled and flew backwards, flying nearly a hundred feet away with a whooshing sound.

Zhou Changgong looked back at Lu Yi with a numb expression.

The arrows he used were fine arrows that Lu Qian refined with the spiritual gold in his inventory that night when the Zhou family's sword shop was besieged in Luoyi City.

Although Lu Qian's weapon refining skills are not very good, the grade of these arrows is already the best quality in Luoyi City. Ordinary heavenly weapon-level armor can be easily broken with one arrow!

But in this world, an ordinary little creature actually caught the arrow with its head. It was not damaged at all, but the arrow was shattered into pieces.

With arrows like this, it is conceivable that if swords, spears, swords and halberds fall on this little creature, the effect will be the same.

And these little creatures that look like red deer, assuming that they are 'herbivorous' animals like the well-known red deer... Then, what about the carnivorous beasts in this world?

Could it be that their minions could easily break through the finest armor in the pioneering group, easily tear everyone into pieces, and devour them as hungry snacks?

In the thick fog, tiny footsteps sounded.

Crimson eyes lit up one after another, and several strange creatures about one foot tall, resembling humans, but with slim and slim bodies and faint silver-black skin, slowly walked out of the thick fog.

These little creatures were holding spear-shaped weapons, but judging from the craftsmanship, they were obviously crudely made weapons. They stood in the mist and looked up at Lu Qian and others who were overlooking them from a high position on the city wall.

Dozens of red deer, which were dazed after hitting the wall, screamed in terror, staggered up, and tried to escape further away.

In the thick fog, dozens of spears roared out, piercing the necks of these little creatures and pinning them heavily to the ground.

The little red deer fell to the ground, its body twitching violently, and thin blood sprayed out. The blood beads were like mercury beads, swirling and rolling on the ground, and slowly seeping into the soil bit by bit. middle.

On the city wall, everyone exclaimed in surprise.

The spears in the hands of these little people, killing these little 'red deer' is like piercing through tofu... It's really... terrifying to think about it!

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