Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 813 Sea of ​​Suffering

Oh, oh, those are really powerful Strong Cricket and Fat Cricket... Then, then, then... what kind of opponent will I choose for you this time?

Oh, by the way, there's also something good this time!

The palm made of smoke slowly drooped down, with two dewdrops hanging on it, like yellow-skinned fruits that had just been picked fresh from the tree. The fist-sized fruit looks like an apricot, but its aroma is like ambergris, with a fragrant and sweet fragrance that makes people salivate inexplicably.

Two fruits?

Lu Qian and Monk Jingse looked at each other and each reached out and took out a fruit.

Lu Qian sighed.

The Jingse monk smiled happily and nodded repeatedly.

This time, the cultivation level of the 3,600 aliens was too strong for Monk Jingse to deal with, but for Lu Qian, it was too weak. Therefore, the fruit fed this time may not have a great effect on Lu Qian, but for the rebooting monk, it must be extremely beneficial!

As expected, after Lu Qian took the fruit, he only gained a little bit of magic power.

Compared with the strength Lu Qian possesses now, this increase in mana can only be regarded as better than nothing.

The abstaining monk was so excited that he danced with joy.

With a piece of fruit in his stomach, his magic power jumped to a big level, from the Great Bodhisattva Realm to the Second Kalpa Real Buddha Realm. Together with the Buddha-level golden body he now possesses, he placed it in the Liangyitian Buddha Sect. , he can be considered a good player.

Good fortune, good fortune, indeed great good fortune. Monk Jingse smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into a thin line: Master is right, as long as you can leave the ancient city of Loulan alive, you will have great good fortune! Scary, maybe , Junior Brother, my opportunity to prove my Dao lies in this fighting field... Haha, young lady, shall we continue?

The monk can't wait to face the next gambling battle.

There seemed to be some kind of strange existence in the sky high in the clouds and smoke, looking up and down at Lu Qian and the monk Jiese through the clouds and smoke. Lu Qian was keenly aware of this spying, but Monk Jingse's cultivation was too far behind, so he was completely ignorant.

A sweet girl's voice sounded: Hey, interesting fat cricket, if that's the case, then... um, um, let me think about it, which general should you make as your next opponent? You are two crickets teaming up. , then the generals sent out must be stronger!

At this moment, the entire arena shook slightly.

The girl's sweet voice suddenly became extremely sharp: Who is it? Dare to break into the lady's boudoir? It's simply lawless. Someone is coming, someone is coming, there is a thief, there is a thief, catch the thief, catch the thief, capture him alive, beat him If you break your legs and feet, send them to the Demon Division!

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows and felt shocked.

‘Dang Mo Si’?

Is this the original world where this girl lives, something similar to a ‘official government office’?

Hmm, thief? Where did the thief come from?

Lu Qian and Monk Jingse were both treated like little crickets. How powerful and domineering a 'thief' must be to make this sweet-voiced girl panic and scream?

While he was pondering, the entire arena made a dull sound.

Amidst the click sound, the ground cracked open with countless cracks as fine as spider webs, and large pieces of earth rose into the sky, like steel knives cutting across the air, making a harsh tearing sound.

The monk Jise screamed strangely and jumped to Lu Qian's side to seek protection.

Lu Qian let out a soft drink and activated the Twelve Star Palace Mandala Indestructible Secret Array with all his strength. Thick black transparent Buddha light enveloped an area of ​​about 300 square meters. Countless earth energies were cut vertically and horizontally like blades, making a dull tearing sound. , the collision caused the Buddha's light to vibrate violently, and Lu Qian could clearly feel that his mana was constantly being consumed.

Elixir to replenish mana, hurry! Lu Qian stretched out his hand towards the monk.

This time, I didn't mean to seek benefits from him. In fact, Lu Qian did not have any good elixirs or elixirs for restoring his mana. And the abstaining monk obviously does not lack such good things.

Without hesitation, the monk Jiese took out hundreds of pill bottles of various sizes and shapes, and stuffed them into Lu Qian's hands.

Lu Qian casually pulled out a bottle stopper and poured a dozen golden pills into his mouth.

The mana that was rapidly consumed was replenished step by step.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and low roars came from all directions. The sweet-sounding girl screamed, and there were faint sounds of thunder and howling wind and fire. The arena collapsed, and large and small holes exploded in the sky, revealing the scene outside.

Outside was the large room where Lu Qian and Monk Jiese came in. A figure made of a wisp of smoke could be seen. It was being wrapped by dozens of figures condensed in the same smoke. The wind and thunder stirred up and headed towards a figure with a bare scalp and a robe. A skinny figure in Taoist robes and holding a whisk violently attacked. These dozens of figures in the smoke screamed, and the aroused wind and thunder were extremely powerful. Each attack made an earth-shattering noise, shaking the entire room.

From all directions, the room is shining with all kinds of blurry lights, which are obviously furnished with valuable rare treasures, such as vases, guqins, book jars, inkstones, etc., as well as ancient swords, antiques, and all kinds of strange objects inlaid on the walls. The treasures were all shattered and destroyed one by one in the turbulent wind and thunder, and exploded into groups of terrifying bright lights like the sun.

Lu Qian and Monk Jingse stared dumbly at the horrific movements outside.

This time, they truly felt that they were just two little crickets in a jar, and that the horrific battle scenes outside were the 'real people' fighting.

Oh, we are just crickets! Monk Jingse murmured: The person who broke in is a human, or...

You bastard little bald donkey, you died in front of me without knowing it. The intruding figure laughed and cursed in a low voice: Haha, but thanks to your efforts, you have attracted these 'ghosts', so you have made some contribution. , your benefits will be indispensable later!

The whisk in the figure's hand swirled and stirred, and countless thin hairsprings emitted extremely dazzling light, like a big net gathering and scattering. The sweet girl's voice was heard shouting angrily, and the figures condensed by the smoke around him were one after another. One by one, they were enveloped and imprisoned by the light net transformed from the fly whisk, and then they were grabbed by the figure and stuffed into their sleeves.

Gradually, there was only a slim sound of smoke left, struggling to resist the siege of the whisk and hairspring.

The girl's scolding gradually turned into a cry: Miss, miss, come back quickly, come back quickly... A bad thief broke in, broke in... Wuwu... The crickets Xiaoyue fed you , each one is white, fat, fat and strong, just waiting for you to come back with Xiao Cui'er and feed it to Xiao Cui'er.

Why don't you come back? Why don't you come back? There are many, many fat crickets here in Xiaoyue!

Cold sweat dripped from Lu Qian's forehead.

The face of the abstaining monk also became extremely distorted and ugly.

Feeding crickets? To accumulate enough money to be fat? Then, wait for their lady to come back and feed it to Xiao Cui? I just don’t know, is Xiao Cui a cute thrush or a chewing parrot?

Ha! Lu Qian laughed dryly: In their eyes, we are just bugs used to feed their little pets.

The Jingse monk pondered for a long time and shook his head: But, senior brother, what she brought out is pretty good... Do you think if we really win nine games in a row, how many good things will we get?

You have to have the life to get good things! Lu Qian sighed. He activated his magic power again, and the entire indestructible secret formation slowly rose into the air, leaving the arena that had been beaten to pieces... Oh, no, it was the cricket jar that was about to be shattered, and it plunged into the chaotic room outside.


Several hairsprings flew over and swept away the destructive wind and thunder rolling around Lu Qian. Then countless hairsprings closed inward, wrapping the slim figure inside. Accompanied by several low secret spells, the intruding figure with a bald head and Taoist attire formed a seal with his hands, blasting out a lotus-shaped light seal, which landed heavily on the smoke figure entangled by gossamer.

A beautiful girl's figure flashed away from the smoke. The next moment, her figure was shattered into pieces. A group of tough smoke merged inward and gradually condensed into a pill the size of a fist. The pill was grabbed by the figure and stuffed into his sleeve.

With a wave of his sleeves, all the turbulent airflow in the room disappeared, and the room returned to silence.

What appeared in front of the two of them was a young man eight feet tall, with fair complexion, lips like woodland, and an ethereal, lofty and ethereal aura. His scalp was shaved, his body was strong and powerful, and he had the air of a Buddhist golden body that was indestructible; but his aura was so sublime and unpredictable, and he clearly had the demeanor of a Taoist master.

Buddhism and Taoism?

Or, neither Tao nor Buddha?

Just looking at his appearance, it is impossible to judge the level of his cultivation... However, the girl who treated Lu Qian and Monk Jise as little crickets was actually refined into pills by him, which is enough to tell what the other party has. What a terrifying strength.

Disciple Fahai, I have met my senior. Lu Qian carefully recalled some information in his mind about the Thirteen Buddha Lords of Buddhism and the Eighteen Saints of Taoism. There was no powerful information that could match the appearance of the young man in front of him. . He could only carefully salute the young man solemnly according to the Buddhist etiquette of worshiping the Buddha.

The abstaining monk was in a panic.

The clothes on his body had been beaten to pieces a long time ago. At this moment, he could only cover the awkward spot with both hands and grinned bitterly at the young man: Senior, please forgive me. The little monk's warning is the Buddha's veins under the seat of the Liangyi Heavenly Buddha. True disciple... this, this, this... this disciple suffered a demonic calamity, so he became so embarrassed, I really didn’t mean to offend my senior!

The young man smiled 'haha', shook the dust fly in his hand, and looked up and down at Lu Qian and Jie Se with great interest.

Fahai? Looking at the number of Buddhist magical powers on your body, are you the true successor of the lineage of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha? Well, you have so many traces of the Buddhist magical powers of the lineage of the Baoguang Merit Buddha... I have long suspected it. The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and the Precious Light Merit Buddha are unclear. It seems that the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha is really the reincarnation of a true disciple of the Precious Light Merit Buddha?

Lu Qian felt excited.

This guy's eyesight is terrible.

Lu Qian did not use any magical powers. Perhaps, it was just a trace of the magical powers he had used on his body, which this guy could see at a glance. Moreover, he also accurately analyzed the Baoguang Merit Buddha and the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang from them. The secret relationship of Buddha!

What the seniors said is absolutely true. Lu Qian put his hands together and saluted the young man: Fahai is the true successor of Master Yuanjue, the great lion power Buddha of Buddhism. The prisoner Xuanguang Buddha is none other than Master Fahai. A few days ago, the master officially Announce to the Liangyi Heaven cultivation world that he is the reincarnation of the founding disciple of our great master, Baoguang Gongde Buddha.

The young man nodded lightly: That's right... I haven't returned to Liangyi Heaven for many years. The great lion power Bodhisattva Yuanjue actually became a Buddha? It's strange. With his qualifications and potential, if he didn't fall , becoming a Buddha is a matter of course... but with the believer resources he controls at Dajue Temple, if he wants to become a Buddha, it will take at least ten thousand years!

With a dim light in his eyes, the young man said calmly: It seems that either Baoguang Merit Buddha gave him a hand, or Prison Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha gave him a large piece of the incense and faith power of his dojo? Tsk, tut, tut, Yes, yes, the Baoguang lineage and the Zhenyu lineage attach great importance to and protect their disciples. This style is excellent.

After a few words of praise, the young man glanced at Monk Jise again, and then he frowned: Hehe, hehe, a disciple of Molen Litian?

Monk Jise nodded hurriedly with a smile: Yes, yes, little monk Jise is the youngest true disciple of the Maharaja Buddha. Uh, are you familiar with the master?

The abstaining monk smiled brightly.

Mo Renli Tian Buddha has a high status in the Liang Yi Tian Buddhism and is extremely senior. It is impossible for any powerful master who is associated with the Liang Yi Tian Buddhism to not know about him. As for the temperament of Maharaja Buddha, he has the temperament of a good old man who is kind to others and basically has no enemies. Therefore... there is a high probability that the young man in front of him is an old friend of Maharaja Buddha... Even if he is not, it is not Is there any grudge?

The young man smiled calmly: Mo Renlitian, ha, I have met him a few times. When I was listening to the lecture in front of the Buddha's throne, he was in the front row and I was in the back seat... His luck has always been very good. The disciples he accepted are... They also choose those who have deep blessings and great destiny...You little monk has good luck.

With a light fly whisk in his hand, the young man looked at Lu Qian, then at the monk Jingse, and suddenly sighed softly.

The expressions of Lu Qian and Monk Jingse changed slightly.

This sigh made them feel an inexplicable warning that something was wrong.

The young man looked at Lu Qian and said a little apologetically: I'm actually a little embarrassed about this matter. Logically speaking, I have no grievances with Baoguang and Zhen Yu, so I really shouldn't drag you into this.

He looked at the Jingse monk again: But looking at your appearance as a monk, don't you think that your length, fatness and thinness are the best baits?

What? Fishing bait? Monk Jingse was horrified. He staggered backwards and said, Senior, don't be joking, little monk. I am obviously a big living person. Where is the bait?

The young man smiled: You are the best bait. I feel strange why I have passed by this courtyard twice in the past few years. There is no trace of the 'Tiangui' in this courtyard. I feel that the bait is not fragrant enough. , not attractive enough... But today, I caught them all in one fell swoop, and this credit should go to you, the little monk who is rebooting!

The young man smiled and said: Your luck and your destiny have allowed ghosts to appear and set up traps these days. You must have benefited a lot from it, right?

The monk Jise looked at the young man tremblingly. He wanted to say something, but the young man didn't give him a chance to speak. With a flick of the whisk, the light from the big tent dispersed, and the monk was knocked away and flew straight out of the courtyard. He disappeared into the vast smoke.

Okay, the bait has been scattered, Fahai, just stay with me! The young man said calmly: Let me think about how to deal with you... Letting you go is obviously not possible, I will take The Jingse monk is being used as bait, this matter cannot be allowed to be known to Mo Renlitian... But killing you seems a bit excessive.

So, just follow me first. The young man sighed: Perhaps, you can help me a little in the next hunting, and maybe I don't mind giving you a little benefit. As long as you take If you benefit from me, even if you are on a pirate ship, you won't, haha, talk nonsense outside, right?

Patting Lu Qian's shoulder gently with his palm, the young man said quietly: To be honest, I am not very afraid of Baoguang Merit Buddha... But I have always suspected that this guy may be secretly controlled by some difficult person. My true disciple...that guy’s reputation is not known to the outside world, and only a few old antiques from the Buddhist sect may still remember him.”

Shaking his head, the young man sighed: I have been working hard and being cautious. If I hadn't been cautious enough, I wouldn't be alive now... So, there is a slight possibility that you are that guy's disciple, so I can't take the risk. I'll beat you to death... If you provoke him, my life of purity will be in trouble!

Lu Qian looked at the sea of ​​suffering and laughed dryly: Is the person you are talking about...the one with the most honorable title?

Kuhai was stunned, and slapped his forehead suddenly. He smiled bitterly and said: Come on, Baoguang Merit Buddha is really his disciple? No wonder, no wonder... Ha, ha, ha... You little thief is bald, I have to get some benefits to seal your mouth! Come on, let’s get up and see what big fish that little monk caught for us!”

The corners of Lu Qian's mouth twitched again and again.

He wanted to tell Kuhai that the most suitable bait might be him, Lu Qian himself, right?

But he definitely couldn't say this.

Cough, cough.

Look at the monk who was thrown out by him. This sea of ​​suffering still looks harmless to humans and animals, but his methods are unpredictable, his character is unknown, and he knows some high-end secrets of Buddhism very well. It's really unbelievable. Know where he comes from.

Before he figured out his identity and origin, Lu Qian would just be a harmless little cutie and follow him honestly... that is, he had wronged the rebooting monk.

With a flick of the dust, the entire mansion collapsed, and everything was reduced to ashes.

Kuhai's eyes were filled with broken golden light, and he glanced around. The whisk shook, and the hairsprings rolled a few times in the dust in the sky, and he picked up a few shimmering objects.

Among these objects are an embroidery needle, a small birdcage, and a half-bald paintbrush.

Kuhai frowned, looked at the three objects, and sighed: There really aren't any good things. The standard of this mansion is not good enough. The original owner must only be a small-time rich man.

With a wave of his sleeves, he put three shining objects into his sleeves.

Kuhai stamped his feet, and a golden light flashed, turning into a blazing flame shrine, wrapping him and Lu Qian in it, and rushed out of the house with a 'swish'.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Lu Qian looked back and saw a distortion of light and shadow behind him. The house that had just been shattered by the sea of ​​suffering was restored to its original state little by little... However, something seemed to be missing in the house. It became more and more gray and dark, with a faint air of death that was completely withered.

Well, the mansion is still the same mansion, but all the ‘Sky Ghosts’ in the mansion have been taken away.

Lu Qian sighed softly: Senior, where did the ghost come from that day?

Kuhai was obviously in a good mood. While flying forward with Lu Qian, he said with a smile: The ghosts in the sky are not actually ghosts... Or, in other words, they are projections and obsessions? In short, they are in our conventional sense. The ghosts and unusual things.”

Hmm, I wonder if your elders have ever mentioned the term 'celestial being' to you?

It's not the 'celestial being' of those minor cultivators from the lower realm who unknowingly attach the 'celestial being' to their own cultivation realm, but a... one of the most striking characteristics, which is that they are born with three eyes, roughly like A strange group of people?”

If you have seen them, you will know that they are the real 'celestial beings'.

And the heavenly ghosts I am talking about are those inexplicable and strange existences that were left behind by heavenly beings in the ancient city of Loulan. They may be projections, obsessions, sounds or breaths.

Lu Qian understood what Kuhai meant, and he asked curiously: So, senior is hunting these ghosts? What's the use of them?

Kuhai smiled and looked at Lu Qian kindly: It's useful, of course it's great... Didn't you also get some benefits from that house? However, those are all the unsavory things left in that house. , placed in the ancient city of Loulan, it may just be some fruits, snacks and other daily items used by the aborigines of this city.

And the uses of ghosts these days are much more valuable than these bits and pieces.

Well, for example, after refining them, you may be able to gain insights into the Taoism of the upper world, or you may be able to obtain the superb methods of the upper world, or even directly improve your own cultivation...

Kuhai suddenly smiled and said: Yeah, I'm just saying, Mo Renlitian's disciples are indeed the best bait. Look, what happened to this monk again?

Ku Hai took Lu Qian and walked along an alley outside the house.

Far ahead, a bare and naked monk was covering his vital parts with his hands, moving forward in a very embarrassed manner with quick little steps. As he walked, he muttered: Buddha bless you, Master bless you, why is there no place to dry clothes? Can any kind donor give this young monk a piece of clothing to cover his body?

Hey, hey, poor God, the young monk has so many Buddha treasures to protect his body, how come he can't protect even one monk's robe?

Before he finished speaking, there were a few duk-duk-duk sounds in front of him, which was the sound of bamboo poles hitting bamboo clappers. In the small alley ahead, a light pink mist gradually rose, and a drizzle of rain began to fall from the sky. The bluestone pavement soon became wet. A soft and slightly hoarse woman's voice came faintly: Tangtuan, glutinous rice dumplings... glutinous rice dumplings, would you like a bowl?

When Lu Qian looked at it, he saw a stall suddenly appeared in the empty alley.

An old woman wearing a jacket with small white flowers on a blue background, her white hair tied into a bun on her head, with two ancient silver hairpins inserted into her bun, her face vaguely obscured by a layer of mist, was standing there. Sitting on the small square stool behind the stall, banging the bamboo clappers, calling for business with a manly voice.

The old woman's stall had a stove with a large soup pot on it. The pot was steaming, and something was obviously cooking.

There is a four-wheeled cart next to the stove, with a large square gauze cover on it. Through the transparent gauze cover, you can see some walnut-sized, green, and quite pleasant-looking dumplings neatly arranged below. .

Next to the cart, there was a basket hanging on the back, which was filled with dew-dropped apricot blossom branches that had just been chopped off. On the very tender branches, bright apricot flowers bloom beautifully.

In the bluestone alley, drizzle and mist, there is an old woman selling glutinous rice balls and apricot flowers.

If this scene were placed in an ancient water town where grass grows and orioles fly, it would be a very charming and joyful scene... But if it were placed in the ancient city of Loulan, it would feel inexplicably creepy.

At least Lu Qian felt extremely uncomfortable.

This scene vaguely matched some of the images in his memory, but those things and elements in his memory should not appear in the ancient city of Loulan.

The mind is agitated, and a thought in the mind is born and extinguished. Lu Qian took a deep breath and asked Ku Hai in a low voice: Senior, what did you see?

Kuhai opened his mouth and said something.

But his words were vague and had a rustling sound.

Lu Qian's heart sank slightly.

Good fellow, have all the words of Ku Hai been ‘interrupted’? He uses Jiese Monk to fish, but he must not catch anything big that even a fisherman like him cannot handle!

The Jingse monk stood in front of the stall and looked at the old woman sitting on the small square stool coquettishly.

The old woman smiled haha, her laughter was gentle and kind, with a hint of magnanimity and tolerance that she could see through the world and everything was indifferent. She chuckled and said: What a burly young man, how could he encounter a thief? All his clothes were stolen?

The Jingse monk laughed dryly and nodded repeatedly.

Inexplicably, in front of this old woman, all his precautions and vigilance instincts disappeared.

The old woman opened a small door under the four-wheeled car, took out a green cloth gown, and threw it to the monk: This is the clothes our old man has to change into. Young man, you can try it on. .”

The monk Jingse looked at the gown in his hand and gasped with great force.

Lu Qian could only see that the long gown seemed to be made of blue coarse cloth, but there were wisps of strange auras flickering on the long gown, and it could make Monk Jingse, who was used to seeing all kinds of treasures, exclaim so much. It can be seen that this long gown is probably not the same. So simple.


There was a dull sound in the air, like the sound of bubbles being popped by a goldfish.

Next to Lu Qian, the figure that had been a little blurry before, and the voice had become rusty and could not be heard clearly, suddenly became clear, and the voice returned to normal. He grabbed Lu Qian's shoulder with one hand and said softly: I just saw that Jingse met a beautiful lady with beautiful face. He stopped her and wanted to ask for help.

What did you see?

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows and his heart sank: What the young monk saw...

Lu Qian described everything he had seen before and what he saw now.

Kuhai's expression became very wonderful, because he had just used his great magical power to break free from the strange mist surrounding him... But after he broke free from the interference of the mist, what he saw was still the rebooting monk. Standing in front of an all-powerful lady, and receiving an extremely gorgeous Gon dragon robe from that lady's hand!

But just as Lu Qian finished talking about the sights he saw and the words he heard, what he saw and heard suddenly changed, turning into alleys, stalls, old women... He even heard... To the faint fragrance of the apricot flowers in the basket.

Kuhai whispered: Oh, he is a big devil. The harvest this time is not small. The disciples of Mo Renlitian used it as bait, it is really wonderful... Haha!

Then he saw that the monk Jingse had put the cyan gown on his body.

His body was rapidly strengthened in the fighting arena, so he became extremely tall, with a body several feet tall that was far taller than an ordinary person. The green gown that the old woman took out looked like an ordinary person's at first glance, but when worn on Jiese's body, it actually looked just right, not too big or too small.

Both Lu Qian and Ku Hai noticed something was wrong.

But Jiese is obviously unaware of this.

He stroked the green robe on his body with a smile, and bowed solemnly to the old woman with his hands together: Little monk, please give up. Thank you to the old benefactor... When the young monk returns to the mountain gate, he will definitely recite sutras for the old benefactor a thousand times, pray for blessings and accumulate virtue.

Under the cover of the hazy mist, the old woman smiled very kindly: It turns out that I am still a little master. Thank you, thank you... Would you like a bowl of glutinous rice balls? Our glutinous rice balls are made of the best green rice. It can strengthen muscles and bones and increase strength. How many are here, young master?

The Jingse monk smiled brightly. He touched his belly and licked his lips, inexplicably remembering the benefits he had gained in the fighting arena.

Obviously, here is another opportunity.

Moreover, it is a chance creation that only belongs to him as a rebooting monk!

He hurriedly put his hands together and saluted: In that case, I would like to thank the old benefactor... Hey, let's have some meat dumplings. It would be best to sprinkle more shrimp skin, seaweed and some chili oil!

The old woman had just grabbed the gauze cover and a few green glutinous rice balls in her hands. She suddenly heard the words of the monk, she raised her head and said softly: Meat-filled glutinous rice balls?

The monk nodded subconsciously: Yes, dumplings stuffed with meat. Hey, the kind that makes the meat juice splash out when you bite into it. Monk, I only abstain from sex, and I don't abstain from other meaty foods or old wine!

The old woman coughed slightly: Here, there are honey apricot blossom fillings, candied rose fillings, five-nut brown sugar fillings, and golden bean paste fillings... They are all sweet. Little master, How about some sweet stuffing?

The monk opened his eyes wide and looked at the old woman in shock: What? Are they all sweet? Oh, old donor, you can't do this kind of business... In this world, who eats glutinous rice dumplings only because they are sweet? Aren’t all the dumplings in the world filled with meat? Beef, pork, chicken...even dog meat fillings are excellent!

The old woman put down her gauze veil, wiped her palms on her blue and white flowered clothes, and said softly: It turns out that he is a meat-eating heretic... He is simply a scum, he is simply a demon monk, he is really Evil heretics who deserve to die!

The old woman's voice suddenly became extremely sharp.

It was as if hundreds of millions of embroidery needles were shooting and piercing in all directions at the same time. The sharp roar caused severe pain in Lu Qian's eardrums, and the monk in front of the old woman was so shocked that blood spurted out from his orifices.



Evil heretics!

You like to eat minced meat... let me make you minced meat!

The old woman's body suddenly squirmed, like melted asphalt, squirming and expanding crazily, and became ten feet in size in just one breath. The stall and cart in front of her instantly turned into a butcher's case selling meat. There were several slices of pigs and sheep on the long case, and dozens of large and small daggers were hung on the steel ropes on the long case. Various props.

The Jingse monk screamed, exclaimed, vomited blood, turned around and left.

He used the Buddhist Divine Foot Power, and with a flash of his body, he was a million miles away - he now has the cultivation, magic power and golden body of the Buddha realm. He can use the Divine Foot Power at will, and he can walk out at will with just one step. Millions of miles away.

But the fog rose in the alley.

The Jingse monk ran for ninety-nine and eighty-one steps in a row. He turned around suddenly and found the old woman and her body about ten feet behind him... After running with all his strength just now, he only ran a few meters away. To six feet away!

Buddha! ​​The monk Jingse screamed and wailed in a high-pitched voice.

Heresy! The old woman has turned into a giant monster with indigo skin, faint white patterns, and bulging muscles all over the body. She roared in a low voice, grabbed the monk's head, flicked him, and threw him on the meat table.

The Jingse monk screamed and struggled, with Buddha's light rippling from his body.

But all his struggles and resistance had no effect.

The giant monster transformed by the old woman wielded a huge bone-cutting knife, and slashed it down with two knives. With a shrill scream, the monk's thighs spurted out with blood. Far.

Senior, hurry up and save your life! Lu Qian said hurriedly: If such a good bait is chopped into pieces, it will be difficult to find!

Kuhai nodded slowly, shook the dust in his hand, and countless extremely fine streams of light suddenly shot out. The bits of streamer turned into a large and overwhelming net, covering the head of the monster transformed by the old woman.

Huh? The old woman raised her head and glared at the light net covering the sky.

She dropped the bone-cutting knife and pulled out a long, pointed bone-cutting knife with her backhand. With a slight stroke, she heard a series of dense sounds like the breaking of piano strings, and the light net in the sky was lightly cut by her. Split!

Kuhai exclaimed.

Lu Qian and Monk Jingse screamed strangely at the same time!

Is this old woman so powerful?

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