Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 811 Feeding (3)

You generous young lady!

The Jingse monk looked up at the sky, and the sky was speechless.

With tears streaming down his face, he wanted to say to the unknown, unmasked young lady that for the sake of these rare fruits, he could actually change his Buddhist name slightly, from 'Quiting Sex' Is it okay to become a 'non-abstinent' person?

Look at how many benefits Lu Yi has received.

Thinking that he was 'blackmailed' by Lu Qian... Wrong, it was those top Buddha treasures that he 'willingly' 'contributed' to Lu Qian... The rebooting monk still felt a little distressed. Although those treasures were casually gifted by his master, he didn't even break a sweat in them... After all, they had been with him for hundreds of years, right?

Miss, could you give me some fruit?

The monk Bujie can devote himself wholeheartedly to you for these fruits... fine that and that... what the hell!

Beside the twisted shadow, the air made a subtle tearing sound. 'Click, click, click'... The shadow, which is no more than three feet tall, looks like a very smart ape, but its body is slender, especially the two strokes, which are even more slender and long, even longer than the body. It has grown a lot.

However, although this guy is petite, he is obviously extremely heavy and carries an extremely terrifying force field around him. It walked forward slowly, each step leaving clear footprints three inches deep on the ground, and you could even see clear palm prints in the footprints.

The force field around it distorted the space, tearing apart extremely thin black cracks more than a foot long in the void nearby. Wherever it passes, the space is like a broken glass mirror, constantly making harsh and crisp sounds.

Lu Qian took a deep breath.

Gravity field... Moreover, this force field is so distorted that it can tear apart space directly. Perhaps... even his Avenue of Time cannot penetrate this extremely distorted force field.

The 'little maid' who controls the battlefield behind the scenes, haha, really knows how to prescribe the right medicine!

Seeing the shadow walking towards him step by step, Lu Qian shouted and stamped his foot hard. With a muffled sound, the boots on his feet were shattered into pieces, and a dull pain came from his right foot. Lu Qian tried his best, but only left a footprint more than two inches deep on the ground of the arena.

The abstaining monk looked at Lu Qian in shock - are you kidding me?

Lu Qian's kick can only leave a mark of more than two inches deep on the ground, and every step the shadow takes can leave a mark as deep as three inches... Doesn't it mean that the shadow's body is now enduring The power is far greater than the kick Lu Qian stamped just now?

Senior Brother Fahai, you didn't use all your strength, did you? Monk Jiese smiled dryly.

All the physical strength. Lu Qian said calmly: Without reservation, I hit with all my strength, but... it's still not as good as this guy!

Lu Qian sighed and looked up at the sky: Is this also a cricket?

The sky above the fighting arena was filled with smoke and smoke. The clouds and smoke were swirling rapidly, as if a huge vortex enveloped the entire fighting field... The sweet girl's voice did not appear. It was obvious that she, or 'He', was waiting for the outcome of this battle. .

Lu Qian shook his head. He let out a soft drink, and a large gust of wind surged around him. His body swayed, and his whole body seemed to explode suddenly, turning into hundreds of afterimages that rushed forward erratically. He swung his sandalwood merit staff and struck the shadow with a fierce attack.

Three thousand sticks at the snap of a finger... Thirty thousand sticks... Three hundred thousand sticks...

The way of wind is brought to its extreme, the wind turns into flowing light, and the light travels through the void. The law of extreme speed is derived. The space seems to be broken into extremely uniform small fragments. Lu Qian's body shuttles rapidly among the infinitely divided space fragments. , dancing rapidly, the sandalwood merit staff swayed into countless afterimages, and hit the shadow's body hard.

Clang, clang, clang, loud noises were heard in succession.

The sandalwood merit staff rippled with large sparks, and Lu Ren's hands shook violently. The severe pain made him almost unable to hold the staff.

As he expected, this guy could withstand such a terrifying force field without collapsing. His body was really strong to the extreme. No matter how hard Lu Qian attacked and beat him with all his strength, with his thirty-sixth kalpa true Buddha-level physical strength, he could not survive at all. You can't hurt this guy at all... not even a single hair!

This guy's physical strength is already approaching the realm of Buddha.

Unless it is a Buddha-level attack, it is completely impossible to damage his physical body!

And what is the difference between the Lord Buddha Realm and the Buddha Realm? Not to mention that the Lord Buddha Realm completely suppresses the Buddha Realm in terms of the control of the Great Law, but just in terms of pure physical power, the Lord Buddha Realm that has just broken through the realm probably also has The power of the true Buddha for a thousand kalpas!

The most powerful Buddha, with the ultimate and perfect physical strength, at the limit of heaven and earth in Liangyi Heaven, is only the power of the real Buddha for ten kalpas!

And the Buddha Lord who has just broken through the realm, the weakest and weakest Buddha Lord, can all have the power of the true Buddha of a thousand kalpas... This is why the Buddha Lord and the sages are the supreme beings in the Liangyi Heaven. No matter how powerful the Buddha is, To such a being, they are nothing more than tiny ants that can be wiped out with just a poke of your little finger!

Without improving the inscrutable Great Law, the purest and most insignificant physical power compared to the Great Law has an absolute gap of at least a hundred times...

The physical strength of this shadow, even if it does not have the power of a thousand tribulations, is probably around 500 or 600!

And Lu Qian's physical strength is only thirty-six calamities at this moment!

A power gap of more than ten times!

Even with the blessing of the Sandalwood Merit Staff, the attack power exerted by Lu Qian's every strike would only last for a hundred calamities!

Lu Qian roared in a low voice, and tens of thousands more staffs were blasted out with a snap of his fingers. The dull roar was like thunder, causing the Jingse monk hundreds of miles away to vomit blood, and his internal organs were almost shattered. He covered his ears, squatted on the ground, and cursed something at the top of his lungs, but no one could hear what he was shouting.

The time of three fingers flew by.

The skin on Lu Qian's hands was cracked. He dragged his sandalwood merit staff backwards and retreated in embarrassment. He retreated hundreds of miles in a flash.

The shadow raised its head, and a sarcastic sneer appeared on its hazy face.

It took a deep breath, then clenched its fists and raised them to the sky, then hammered the ground hard.

The entire arena with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly shook, the sky and the earth became dark, and the terrifying gravity shrouded everything. The gravity in the arena soared rapidly, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times...

Lu Qian could barely hold his body steady, but the monk beside him had already let out a miserable howl as he was overwhelmed, and there were constant sounds of bones and internal organs shattering inside his body.

Lu Qian shook his head.

He muttered in a low voice: It's just a pure gravity field...a single path...tsk!

Do you know how the transformations of magical powers interact with each other? Lu Qian raised his head and looked at the sky. The Fantian Seal spiraled out, and a piece of prison-suppressing Buddha light swayed out. The sound of 'clicking' was endless, and the majestic gravity field around the shadow suddenly stagnated, and then suddenly dissipated like a dream bubble.

The gravity field was forcibly dispersed by the Prison Suppressing Buddha Light.

The magic of supernatural powers and spells can be seen at a glance at this moment... The terrifying gravity field of this shadow is enough to tear Lu Qian and the monk Jiese into pieces. The tyrannical body he forged through the terrifying gravity is what makes Lu Qian's full strength The attack was in vain.

But facing the prison-suppressing Buddha's light... it was a bit dumbfounded.

The terrifying gravity field was swept away, and the shadow was like a soldier who was suddenly stripped of his armor on the battlefield, letting out a terrified scream. The next moment, it lost the courage to fight Lu Qian, turned around and ran away.

But where to go?

The prison-suppressing Buddha's light descended from the sky and turned into a dark golden thick mountain, hitting the shadow with a 'boom'. The shadow's body was shaking violently, and it was constantly struggling to get rid of the prison-suppressing Buddha's light.

But the weight of this guy is extremely amazing. It can walk freely, and it relies on the assistance of the external gravity field. Without the force field, it was a little embarrassed to bear the terrifying weight with its own strength, not to mention that the prison-suppressing Buddha's light added an extra burden to it out of thin air.

The shadow staggered forward a few steps, then lay on the ground panting.

It bared its teeth and roared, waving its arms and hitting the ground hard, making the ground roar and causing large cracks.

Lu Qian put down his sandalwood merit staff and strode to the suppressed shadow. He looked down at the vague shadow, clenched his fists, and activated the 'Way of Power'.

The physical power of the thirty-six calamities was violently blessed by the way of power. There was a loud thunderous sound in Lu Qian's body, and a faint flame-like golden light rose up from the surface of his body. There was a crash in the void around him and a large piece of thumb-sized rock was ejected. fragments.

The Taoist rhyme circulated in the arena, and the void that was almost shattered into a 'crushing fracture' by Lu Yi's violent soaring power healed instantly. Lu Yi breathed deeply, and the dazzling Buddha patterns on his arms gradually lit up.

The majestic blood energy emerged behind Lu Yi, and the shadow of a giant Buddha, who was just like Lu Yi, a hundred feet tall and with thirty-six arms, gradually condensed. The thirty-six arms of this giant Buddha slowly unfolded their palms, and in the middle of each palm, there was a lifelike little golden Buddha statue that lit up little by little.

The abstaining monk is knowledgeable.

This unusual sign made his eyes widen suddenly, and his eyes almost jumped out of their sockets.

Thirty-six arms, with a golden Buddha emerging from the palm, which is the highest dharma in Buddhist legends - this proves that Lu Qian's pure physical power, or pure magical power, has reached the level of the true Buddha of the Thirty-Six Kalpas!

But... but...

On the surface, the highest record in the history of Liangyitian Buddhism is only a true Buddha for ten kalpas!

There is only one exception, and that exception is the Buddha who opened up a line of Buddhism in Liangyi Heaven. According to the story of Maharaja Buddha, when he was listening to the lecture under the seat of the Buddha, the Buddha once revealed the supreme dharma appearance, which was a thousand feet high, with twelve eyes on all sides, one hundred and eight arms, and a golden Buddha condensed in the palm. Incredible Buddha Dharma!

Buddha, when he was in the Buddha realm, he cultivated the power of a true Buddha for one hundred and eight kalpas!

This is the only existence in Liangyi Heaven that has broken the limits of heaven and earth - of course, the Buddha was not a native creature of Liangyi Heaven. He came from outside the sky, and it is a matter of course that he broke the limitations of heaven and earth in Liangyi Heaven.

But Lu Qian...

The power of the True Buddha of Thirty-six Kalpas is not as good as that of the Buddha, but it is still... terrifying enough!

Master... Brother Fahai, could it be that he is the reincarnation of the Buddha? Monk Jingse murmured to himself, using disrespectful words.

Pure physical power, the power of the true Buddha of thirty-six kalpas.

The magic power stimulated the powerful magical power of Buddhism to bless the whole body, and the power Lu Qian was able to explode doubled again, reaching the level of the power of the seventy-two kalpa true Buddha.

Then, the blessing of the pure power mastered by Lu Qian surged in.

The power of the True Buddha of Seventy-two Kalpas suddenly increased tenfold!

The power of the True Buddha of Seven Hundred and Twenty Kalpas was poured into his whole body. Golden light surged all over Lu Qian's body, and the terrifying power in his body surged. His body, which was several feet high, was like a star that was huge to a certain extent. Because of his excessive weight and excessive With great force, it begins to collapse inward, collapsing into a neutron star, collapsing into a white dwarf, collapsing into a black hole...

Accompanied by the harsh crunching sound of flesh and bone, Lu Qian's body compressed inward little by little. The body rapidly compressed and condensed, and gradually, Lu Qian's body collapsed little by little to a height of one foot or two.

He clenched his fist and punched the shadow on the head.

There was a loud noise, and the ground shook violently. A cloud of smoke and dust rose from the ground of the arena, and a circular depression with a diameter of several dozen feet appeared on the spot. Lu Qian's punch smashed the shadow's head into pieces, and the remaining energy penetrated into the ground, blasting out such a big hole.

The Jingse monk clasped his hands together and recited sutras and mantras in a low voice.

High in the sky, the hand condensed with smoke appeared again, and a sweet girl's voice sounded quietly: Oh, this strong cricket is really powerful... Miss, I'm going to give him some powerful opponents... But first, fill up your stomach. He is the one. Such a good seed cannot be bullied by those big guys.

Yunyan's giant hand slowly landed, holding a fist-sized, crystal-clear... dewdrop in the middle of the palm?

Trembling, swaying, clear and shiny, it was indeed an ordinary-looking dewdrop... But this dewdrop exuded a strange rhythm, and Lu Qian's eyes were attracted to this dewdrop. A strong impulse originating from his life instinct forced him to rush forward, grab the dewdrop, and swallow it directly without any hesitation.

The Jingse monk looked at Lu Qian with his mouth open.

Saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he murmured in a low voice: You might as well give me a smell...this dewdrop, this dewdrop...

He also felt the strong impulse originating from his body's instinct. He also wanted to rush forward and swallow the dewdrops in one gulp, but he was not as fast as Lu Yi, and he did not have the courage...

However, he felt that as a 'good brother' who 'shared joys and sorrows', he at least had the qualifications to smell the scent, right?

The dewdrops enter the abdomen, like a stream of sweet rain falling, moisturizing the whole body.

Lu Qian took a deep breath, and a flash of ecstasy suddenly flashed in his eyes...

This drop of dew is called the 'Nectar of Creation'. Its origin is an extremely rare 'Cultivation Immortal Grass'. After absorbing some extremely rare spiritual auras between heaven and earth, it takes thousands of years to condense a drop of divine dew. dew.

This nectar of creation did not increase Lu Qian's mana or strength, nor did it improve his soul or understanding of the great path.

The only effect of this drop of nectar of creation is to nourish his physical body, increasing his body's 'strength', 'toughness' and 'endurance' to incredible levels!

Lu Qian's body originally possessed the power of the True Buddha for thirty-six kalpas. With the blessing of Buddhist powerful supernatural powers activated by his magic power, he could double his strength and reach the power of the True Buddha for seventy-two kalpas... With his current body, It can also withstand the blessing of ten times the power at most!

It's not that Lu Qian doesn't understand the way of power enough. With his true understanding of the way of power, he can even increase the blessing of his own power to a hundred times or a thousand times... But with such power, even his physical body cannot bear its burden. If When he really used it, before he could kill the enemy, his own body had already collapsed.

Therefore, the strongest power Lu Qian could mobilize to kill the shadow just now was only the power of the True Buddha for seven hundred and twenty kalpas!

But after taking this nectar of creation, Lu Qian's strength did not increase, but his body's strength, toughness and endurance were greatly enhanced... How much did his body's endurance increase? Lu Qian didn't know, so he tried to improve his strength bit by bit.

The power of the physical body is operating at full strength.

The blood in the body is running wildly.

Blessed by powerful supernatural powers.

The whole body is burning with golden flames.

The way of power drives the power of the law in the dark, and it keeps adding up one by one.

Ten times, no feeling at all.

Twenty times, easily.

Thirty times, as if nothing happened.

Forty times...

Fifty times...

Sixty times...

Gradually, when Lu Qian increased the power to about a hundred times, he finally felt a little bit of difficulty!

From the bone marrow to the bones, from the meridians to the blood vessels, from the internal organs to the skin, there was a sense of tearing, a little bit of pain, a little bit of the body seemed to be burning, and the horror of being wiped out came into my heart.

The power of the True Buddha of Seventy-two Kalpas exploded with all its strength, and then, Lu Qian's physical body could withstand the blessing of the Tao of Power, which was a hundred times greater!

The peak attack power at this moment has reached the realm of the true Buddha of seven thousand two hundred kalpas!

Liang Yitian, the weakest Buddha Lord who has just broken through, is only the power of a true Buddha for a thousand kalpas!

Lu Qian's body shrunk a few more inches, and it was not too different from the size of a normal person. He slowly turned around, looked at Monk Jingse attentively, and said in a deep voice: Junior Brother Jingse, has the Buddha Malengli ever As I said, what was their biggest gain in Loulan Ancient City?

The Jingse monk blinked. He didn't want to answer Lu Qian's question.

But inexplicably, when I saw Lu Yi's eyes at this moment, what a terrifying pair of eyes they were - although Lu Yi's body at this moment was not much different from that of an ordinary person, his eyes became extremely deep and clear, as if An ancient behemoth curled up on the ground, its eyes filled with a sense of natural oppression like a 'natural enemy'.

The monk was inexplicably frightened, his body trembled, and he subconsciously gave the answer.

Junior brother really doesn't know how the other Buddha Lords are, but Master... He has explored the ancient city of Loulan several times, and the biggest gain is... is... he got a jade talisman, which records one and two things. The mysterious path of 'immortality' that is absolutely unparalleled in Yitian.

It's not the 'withering' or 'life and death' we're familiar with, it's not the 'life' or 'luxuriance' we're familiar with... it's a special Tao rhyme that can condense a special Tao fruit... the name of its Tao , is 'immortality'. It seems to be born out of 'creation' and 'life', but it is infinitely more sublime than those 'creation' and 'life'.

After attaining the 'immortality' path, Master's various Buddhist dharma have been multiplied tenfold out of thin air. They have broken through the extremes of heaven and earth, reaching an unimaginable level... And Master has even derived magical powers from it, such as dripping blood. It can directly give birth to an ethnic group...possessing unfathomable magical power.

Nowadays, there are no ordinary incense believers in Master's Buddhist kingdom. The Taoist soldiers and protectors in his Buddhist kingdom are all 'immortal gods and demons' derived from his own flesh and blood... The weakest of those immortal gods and demons are at the Buddha level. It has great fighting power, and its vitality is extremely strong. It is indestructible by fire, indestructible by water, chopped with knives and axes, and chopped into pieces by a thousand knives, but it can still maintain its strong vitality.

Unless they are reduced to ashes and their souls are completely wiped out,...there is nothing we can do to those immortal gods and demons.

Master once tested and had the immortal gods and demons derived from his flesh and blood fight against one of my junior brother's uncles. That uncle was already a nine-kalpa true Buddha. Facing the immortal gods and demons who had cultivated for three kalpas, he was forcibly killed. After exhausting all my mana and strength, we finally ended up in a draw!

Monk Jingse was completely shaken by Lu Qian. He completely broke through his psychological defense and revealed the biggest secret of Malinli Buddha.

In fact, at this moment, Lu Qian's body had condensed the power of the true Buddha for seven thousand two hundred kalpas. The terrifying power completely destroyed all the precautions of the monk, making his soul completely blank, and he could only control everything he had. Reveal everything you know.

Lu Qian was shocked.

The 'immortal' Tao Fruit, derived from flesh and blood, and a race derived from its own flesh and blood, with three kalpas of cultivation, can actually equal a nine-kalpa true Buddha who is orthodox to the Liangyi Heaven?

Moreover, in my own Buddhist country, the original ordinary incense believers have been replaced by immortal gods and demons?

So, how many are these immortal gods and demons?

Just thinking about it, Lu Qian felt his scalp numb.

Very good, very powerful. The benefits gained by the Buddha Mo Renli in the ancient city of Loulan are undoubtedly more than the mere benefits Lu Ren has received now... The Supreme One has received such huge benefits and is still alive and kicking now, so Lu There is no need for you to feel anxious and uneasy because of the 'trivial benefit' you have obtained, right?

The ancient city of Loulan is indeed a very dangerous place, but correspondingly, it is only natural to gain great benefits!

With his mind calm, Lu Qian nodded slowly, looked up at the sky, and exhaled a deep breath of hot breath.

The sweet girl's voice sounded: It should be almost done, right? Then, we have to keep fighting... I'm optimistic about you, but you don't want to be killed in the next three games...

With a chuckle, a bright light fell in front of Lu Yi, and in the next moment, countless attacks whizzed down on Lu Yi. Punch, heavy punch, a punch with extreme strength; fast punch, so fast that Lu Qian could only feel a flash of light in front of his eyes, and it was basically impossible to see any punch path, and the fast punch had already landed on Lu in dense numbers. On his body.

Face, back of head, left and right cheeks.

Chest, back, left and right ribs.

Lower abdomen, lower back, and heart.

Xia Yin, Gu Dao, Taiyang Zong points.

The whole body was punched almost at the same time, one punch after another. The punches were fierce, domineering and cruel, with an earth-shattering sound of tearing through the air, attacking from all directions. A loud roar like a bell erupted from Lu Qian's body, and countless dazzling flames exploded on his body.

A thousand punches... ten thousand punches... a hundred thousand punches... at the snap of your fingers...

The power of each punch has nearly the power of a true Buddha for nine hundred kalpas... Of course, compared to the terrifying punching frequency and the despairing punching speed, what does this little punching power mean?

Lu Qian's body is filled with the power of the True Buddha for seven thousand two hundred kalpas. The power of the True Buddha for only nine hundred kalpas is equivalent to a kindergarten child hitting an eight-foot strong man with all his strength. It feels a little bit, but it is not hurt. .

But the frequency of the punches... was so fast that Lu Qian felt like he was suffocating!

In particular, this fist that fills the sky contains a domineering, wild, primitive, and willful fist intention... No, it is not 'intention', but 'Tao'!

This punch has its own ‘Great Way of Heaven and Earth’!

This 'Tao', like the supernatural power of the prison-suppressing Buddha's light controlled by Lu Qian, crushes, destroys, disperses, and intimidates all those who are different from Him and dare to resist and resist Him. With absolute strength, it is like heavy artillery bombarding the city gate. It's like a rude strong man destroying a weak girl wantonly, so rough, so straightforward, so naked and unabashed... He wants to completely destroy all the avenues Lu Qian has!

Under the impact of such a wild boxing, Lu Qian's monk's robes and liberation cassocks were the first to bear the brunt. The two treasures of the Buddha's enlightenment were dazzled by such terrible attacks. The Buddhist rhyme became loose and floating, and there were faint signs of disintegration and fragmentation.

Lu Qian was so shocked that he was covered in cold sweat!

Can a pure fist possess, or in other words derive such a 'distinctive' 'Dao of Heaven and Earth'?

And it’s so pure, so domineering, so ‘there is nothing but me’… There is even an absolute bullying attitude of ‘except for me, nothing should exist’!

Lu Qian's body was not injured, but he felt waves of shocks.

Thanks to the blessing of being freed from the nectar of creation, his body's current endurance has been increased a hundred times, and he can easily withstand the attacks of the fist shadows all over the sky.

But if the attack by the fist shadows continues, the treasures in his body, and even the Tao, Dharma, and magical powers he has mastered, will be destroyed or assimilated by this overbearing 'boxing'... By that time, in addition to With this pure brute force, he will no longer have any magical powers or great power left!

Horrible, terrible, terrible!

Lu Qian's soul was shaking, and he was roaring instinctively.

This is the fourth battle.

This wave of fist shadows filled the sky, and Lu Qian couldn't even see what the 'big cricket' looked like. It was much more powerful than the so-called golden-headed general, the frost giant, and the gravity shadow!

Those guys simply can't withstand this guy's punch, and they will be completely wiped out and completely reduced to nothing.

Forcibly calming down, Lu Qian continuously used dozens of secret offensive magical powers from the Baoguang lineage and the Prison-suppressing lineage, hoping to delay the enemy's attack. However, these extremely powerful Buddhist magical powers of his were smashed into pieces by the fist shadows all over the sky as soon as he took action, and were completely annihilated before they even had time to take shape.

Lu Qian groaned, and received three to five thousand punches on his left and right eyes respectively, which made his eyes sore and stars flashing in front of his eyes.

Even if you are an eight-foot strong man, even if your enemy is a kindergarten child, it feels uncomfortable to be punched in the eye by a child... Not to mention, it is not one punch, two punches, three or four punches, but three to five thousand punches!

Lu Qian simply closed his eyes, and with a thought, the Fantian Seal rose into the sky, turned into a hundred-mile radius, and spewed out the mighty prison-suppressing Buddha's light. It was also extremely arrogant and hit him on the head like a jade stone.

Come on, smash it, smash it hard!

Smash it with yourself and see if you are afraid!

But as soon as the Fantian Seal fell, there was a loud bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Soaring into the air and flying thousands of miles upside down, a long light and shadow was drawn out in the air with a 'swish', and the shadow disappeared directly as it flew away.

The imprint of Lu Qian's soul in the Pantian Seal shook violently, causing Lu Qian's soul to sway slightly, and his whole body could not help but feel buoyant.

Lu Qian's heart twitched.

After all, the Fantian Seal is only the treasure of the Buddha... When the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha refined the Fantian Seal for him, he used excellent materials, and even later incorporated it into the Seven Treasures Vajra, the enlightenment Buddha treasure of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha. lock up.

But whether it is the Pantian Seal or the Seven Treasures Vajra Circle, they are only the treasures of the Buddha.

And this guy's attack power has already touched the threshold of the Buddha...Fan Tianyin received a bunch of punches, but he was only blown away instead of being smashed into pieces on the spot. This has proved the craftsmanship of Baoyan Thousand-Handed Buddha. Extraordinary!

Fan Tianyin's attack couldn't even slow down this guy's attack a little.

After Fan Tianyin was blown away, the shadow of fists all over the sky continued to fall on Lu Qian, making a loud bang and causing fire to fly everywhere. Lu Qian's body swayed slightly from front to back and from side to side. There were ripples, and the breath became more and more floating.

Lu Qian stretched out his hand and pinched the green snake hidden in his sleeve.

The green snake immediately opened its mouth and spat out a stream of bright green venom with all its strength. When this venom touches the air, it immediately turns into invisible, colorless and odorless poisonous gas, which spreads to all directions with the fists rushing all over the sky.

At the same time, Lu Qian gently snapped his fingers.

The time around him suddenly froze.

The frozen time blocked a hundred miles of space, and I saw vivid, flashing, and dazzling fist shadows. The speed was from unfathomable to fast, then slowed down little by little, and scratched through the solidified fists little by little. The world slowly crashed down towards Lu Qian bit by bit.

Little by little, little by little... the speed of the fist shadow is getting slower and slower. Finally, at the moment when time is completely frozen, the fist shadow all over the sky dissipates, leaving only one person about ten feet tall, with arms as long as ten feet. His figure is extremely skinny and exposed. His body was covered with a strange figure with clear muscle outlines like steel bars, quietly appearing less than ten feet away from Lu Qian.

This guy... is obviously not a human being.

Although he looks roughly the same as the human race that Lu Qian knew, he has a third eye between his eyebrows, and there are naturally complex circles of lines under his iron-gray skin. Those lines look like exploding objects. The crater gives people an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and violent impact.

Time froze, and this guy was frozen in the air.

There are also violent, domineering and wild fists surging out of his body, constantly impacting the frozen time around him.

It's just that the Avenue of Time is superb after all, and this guy's boxing skills are so terrifying that he still can't break through the time blockade in a short time.

The poisonous gas exhaled by the green snake is under the control of the green snake and is not affected by the solidification time at all...wrong, the solidification time does not even think about affecting the poisonous gas spitted out by the green snake.

All the poisonous gas turned into wisps of thin gossamers, flowing towards this guy gently and deftly. It penetrated his nostrils like running water, sneaked into his body, and penetrated into his internal organs.

The next moment, Lu Qian released the time blockade.

The time within a hundred miles around him returned to normal... and the flow of time within a three-inch area around him was accelerated by Lu Qian to an extremely terrifying level... accelerated to the point that Lu Qian could now drive it with his magical power. Maximum flow rate.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of years!

The iron-gray skin of the guy suddenly turned dark green. Then, with a low roar, the guy grabbed his own throat with both hands and rolled violently on the ground.

The venom of the green snake, the terrifying venom originating from the ancient bloodline of his ancestor, erupted in Na Si's body.

This guy has a powerful body, domineering boxing skills, and terrifying punching power, but his body obviously does not have the function of being 'invulnerable to all poisons'. Compared with his attack power, his own defense is only ordinary.

With the acceleration of time, he was unable to dispel the poisonous green snake in his body at the first time. The poison gradually moistened his body, like maggots on the tarsal bones, entangled in his body, and gradually moistened his soul.

Thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye, and this guy was getting weaker and weaker bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye...

At the first snap of his fingers, his skin turned dark green.

At the second snap of his fingers, he spit out a large amount of green poisonous blood.

In the third snap of his fingers, the guy had fallen to the ground, his flesh and skin turning into poisonous blood bit by bit, soaking the ground bit by bit.

Seeing that this guy was poisoned to death by the green snake's poison in just three snaps of his fingers, which meant that it took 30,000 years... Lu Qian stretched out his hand and flicked the green snake's little head: Hey, it's still... You have to work hard...it will take 30,000 years to poison this guy...Tsk, tsk, luckily we are here. If it were in the outside world, how many antidote elixirs could he find in 30,000 years?

So, you have to work hard and try to kill a guy like this next time you breathe.

Green Snake poked his head out of his sleeves and hissed out the message. It was obvious that he was in a bad mood - the poison he was so proud of actually took a full thirty thousand years to kill a person. The powerful enemy slowly dies...well, it's a bit embarrassing!

He looked up at Lu Qian and hissed a few more times.

Lu Qian thought of the innate Five Elements Spirit Fruit he just got. Well, if this fruit is taken by the green snake, it is obvious that his innate Qingmu Dao will soar to an incredible level. Correspondingly, his poison will also increase. Get a huge boost!

Don't worry, don't worry, we will eventually find Dahuang and the others. It's up to you five brothers to share.

This fruit is very rare. I'm afraid that if I cut it open, the medicinal power will be lost, and Rhubarb and the others won't be able to share in the benefits... Rhubarb is honest and honest, and Lao Hei is lazy. I'm afraid they won't gossip... But that one Bird...hehe!

Thinking of the big parrot's violent and bad temper, the green snake spit out the snake letter and curled up in its sleeves obediently.

I can't afford to offend you, I can't afford to offend you, just wait obediently.

However, a trace of saliva flowed out of the corner of his mouth uncontrollably. Hey, that fruit is so tempting...

In the air, the girl's sweet and clear voice sounded again: Oh, General Light Fist was also killed by you? What an amazing and strong cricket... Well, this is delicious this time, grow up quickly. , become stronger...

A palm made of clouds slowly fell down, holding...

It’s not fruit, it’s not dewdrops. What he is holding in his palm this time is a strangely shaped small medicine bottle with a triangular neck and an ink background with white spots... The body of this medicine bottle is triangular, only the size of a fist, and the neck is slender. The medicine bottle was about a foot long and was made of neither gold nor jade. With Lu Qian's knowledge, he had no idea what material the medicine bottle was made of.

The medicine bottle fell in front of Lu Yi. Lu Yi tipped the medicine bottle over, and suddenly a meaningful ray of purple energy, as thin as silk thread, but seven to eight feet long, slowly came out and penetrated into Lu Yi's body like a living thing.

Purple energy spread in Lu Qian's body.

Every inch of bone marrow, every bone, every drop of flesh and blood, every cell... Then bit by bit, the spirit penetrated into the soul, and waves of extremely powerful and domineering fist intention... No, it was the boxing technique that surged in like a tsunami.

In just a short moment, Lu Qian completely mastered the terrifying and domineering boxing skills from his body to his soul!

Now when Lu Qian punches, he no longer relies on magical powers and brute force to beat him wildly.

Every punch follows the way of heaven, every punch is like the way of heaven, every punch is like the coming of heaven's will, it is the representative of the will of heaven and earth, tyrannical, domineering, brutal, ancient... smash everything, trample everything, Suppress everything and destroy everything!

This boxing comes from a world where boxing is life!

Lu Qian suddenly realized.

For all the creatures in that world, their Tao is the fist, and their Dharma is the fist. They have nothing else, and all they can rely on is the smooth, heavy, and comparable Together with the punch of a magic weapon!

Pure and absolute, so extremely powerful!

This trace of purple energy was the last trace of the origin of heaven and earth left behind after the collapse of that world. It represented the essence of the supreme boxing in that world, and contained all the mysteries of 'boxing'.

And after this boxing skill was fused with Lu Qian's body and soul.

All the Tao, all the Dharma, all the magical powers, and all the great power that Lu Qian mastered were naturally and perfectly integrated with this boxing way, giving rise to more terrifying and horrific attacks.

Space Fist.

The Fist of Time.

Fist of absolute power.

Lu Qian moved his body slightly. He felt that at this moment, he could unleash 100% of his destructive power with just the same strength as before.

With the power of a True Buddha of One Calamity, he was able to blast out a violent punch comparable to that of a True Buddha of Hundred Calamities!

This is the supreme boxing!

So, what would happen if he used the ultimate power of his 7,200-kalpa True Buddha power to punch with all his might with the supreme boxing skills?

Countless thoughts arose in his mind, and after calculating all the possibilities in an instant, Lu Qian finally had only one thought left in his mind - what the hell, if that punch was thrown, the enemy would be fine, and Lu Qian could no longer bear it. The backlash turned directly into ashes!

Really hell!

A stronger body is needed, and a stronger endurance is needed!

Lu Qian raised his head and hissed: Young monk is ready. This eldest sister can...

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Qian felt a sharp pain in his mind, his vision went dark, and he flew backwards with blood spurting from his orifices.

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