Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 803 The killings continue (2)

Lu Qian left the ant nest.

The Rabbit and the Green Snake stayed in the lair that had become lifeless, searching for possible resources.

The rules of the ancient city of Loulan are indeed strange. After Lu Qian left the nest, the surrounding scenery changed. He appeared in a back garden. Next to him was a small tree that was only two or three feet tall and not as tall as others. Under the tree roots , in a thick patch of grass, was the ant nest he just walked out of.

Looking down now, I see an ant nest with a radius of 80 million miles inside, which is an ant nest the size of an ordinary water tank.

In front of Lu Qian, stood a young boy with sinister eyebrows and stern eyes. He had a strange aura and a faint smell of rotten wood - this was a termite spirit with a human body and an ant head. There were a pair of small membrane wings on the back. He is wearing a thick body and has thin white carapace on some parts of his body. His cultivation level is probably at the level of the first level of a true immortal?

However, this guy's cultivation is mainly reflected in his physical body.

The magic power, or demonic power, in his body was extremely loose and meager. Lu Qian peered into his mind and soul with his magic eyes and found that his soul was also floating and free, and his Taoist luster was extremely dim. It can be seen that he does not master any powerful spells or magical powers, at most he only has one or two innate strange powers.

Where is your Black Peony Lady? The termite spirit looked at Lu Qian blankly.

Well, she has reproduced too much recently and is very tired. She has no energy to attend the wedding banquet... Tsk, so she appointed me. Lu Qian's lies came out of his mouth, and the termite spirit just believed it.

Send you? Then, let's go together... But you are so strong, are you the Black Peony Empress's new bride? The termite spirit simply turned around and left. The small membrane wings the size of cattail leaf fans behind her were very funny. Flapping, a breeze swept him, and he flew quickly towards a painting building on a rockery in the backyard.

Lu Qian's eyes swept over the three-story painting building, which had mostly collapsed.

The entire painting building is dilapidated, but the main beams on the first floor are still roughly intact. The main beams, which are several feet long and as thick as a water tank, are densely covered with traces of termites. The entire main beam has become A huge termite nest.

A large group of tiny termites with two wings on their backs are circling and flying around the main beam. There are also large groups of termites moving on the ground around the painting building. Some termites are forming a neat team, carrying all kinds of fresh fruits, dewdrops, petals, tender grass and other objects from all directions, and sending them back in a steady stream.

Looking at the objects carried by the termites, Lu Qian couldn't help but be speechless.

Those fruits are full of color and aura.

Those dewdrops are dripping with rhyme.

Those petals are swirling in colorful colors.

Those tender grasses are all rare and beautiful.

Placed outside, placed in Liangyi Tian, ​​they can all be classified as top-notch cultivation resources, and they are all rare treasures. These termites didn't know where they got these things from, and they just sent them into the main beam in a mess.

When Lu Qian followed the termite spirit in front of him and flew forward, a burst of gorgeous pollen fell from the sky. He saw thousands of thumb-sized butterflies, surrounded by two golden butterflies as big as a fan in the middle, slowly falling from the sky towards the painting. The building fell.

Among the termites that were circling around the main beam, there was a burst of white smoke. Suddenly there were dozens of them, several feet tall. They were much bigger than the black ants in the ant nest, and their average cultivation level was two or three higher. The tall termite man showed his figure and rushed towards the group of butterflies.

The King of Flowers and the Queen of Flowers are here! Please! A strong termite man with a strong aura, who according to Lu Qian's judgment, could probably have the combat power of the True Buddha of Seven Tribulations or Eight Tribulations, muttered angrily, attracting the group of flowers and butterflies. It flew towards the main beam.

Not long after, there was a loud buzzing sound in the air.

I saw a large group of dark, fist-sized blood-sucking long-legged mosquitoes circling and flying into the garden. The membrane wings of these long-legged mosquitoes waved, creating light black transparent ripples, cutting through the void like blades, with fierce force.

Another group of termites came forward and ushered the long-legged mosquitoes into the main beam.

Finally, from left to right, dozens of groups of strange and strange creatures arrived one after another. They were nothing more than flies, mosquitoes, gadflies, crickets and other things with wings that could fly.

Lu Qian followed the termite spirit in front of him and flew forward.

The laws of heaven and earth here are weird.

When Lu Qian was in the ant nest, he saw that the rockery was only more than a hundred feet away from him. Not to mention flying, he was just walking. With Lu Qian's current body of more than three feet tall, it only took him a few steps.

But this time when flying, the distance is wrong.

The mountain still looks like that mountain, and the water still smells like water, but the space has been stretched inexplicably. On the premise that all the rockeries, grass and trees, creeks, flowing water, and even the size and structure of the dilapidated buildings have not changed. , the distance between Lu Qian and Hua Lou has lengthened at least hundreds of millions of times!

The spatial distance that was originally more than a hundred feet suddenly turned into a long journey of hundreds of millions of miles.

The termite spirit doesn't fly very fast. It's just a first-level cultivation of a true immortal. It can fly more than a hundred miles in just one breath. At this speed, it will take at least a million breaths to fly from here to the gorgeous place. ?

What a hell this is!

Instead, it was the aliens who came in from outside the garden and were invited to the banquet. They were wrapped in a strange Taoist charm that was clearly not the same as the Taoist charm of heaven and earth in the back garden.

The mutual impact of these strange Taoist charms perfectly offset the strange structure of the space. Therefore, the distance in space in front of them was indeed only more than a hundred feet away, and they easily flew to the main beam!

It's interesting. Lu Qian muttered to himself.

The termite spirit who was leading the way turned around and smiled at Lu Qian: Brother, all the foreign guests invited by our mother-in-law have arrived. We are the nearest ones, so we don't want to be late... We, Is this going to accelerate?

Lu Qian nodded.

He was very curious about how this little termite spirit with weak cultivation could speed up to cross 'such a long distance'!

The distance is only hundreds of millions of miles, so Lu Qian can do it by himself, which is a matter of one step with his magical power. But this termite spirit, how could he fly to the main beam without three to five years?

The termite spirit took out a piece of membrane wing the size of a palm.

Judging from the shape of the membrane wings, they should be fragments cut from the wings of a powerful termite spirit.

He ignited the membrane wings with a shake of his hand, and a wisp of transparent smoke rose up, wrapping Lu Qian and the termite spirit... Their bodies immediately became light and airy, and the surrounding space structure around them immediately became An unreal existence like a dream bubble.

Through the almost transparent illusory spatial structure, Lu Qian suddenly saw the ‘reality’ of this back garden!

A complex high-latitude spatial structure.

An extremely complex and twisted space nested everywhere.

There are space vortexes hidden in the depths of the dimension everywhere, and the space is turbulent. If you make a wrong step, you will be shattered to pieces, or you will end up being thrown to nowhere...

Every step brings danger, every step brings danger!

However, countless terrifying and dangerous space whirlpools, turbulence, nesting, and messy high-dimensional and low-dimensional space structures are believed to be pieced together by a strange force, forcibly forming this small back-end. garden.

In the small back garden, the grand concept of one sand, one world, one grass, one Buddhaland is truly realized!

The Buddha's light flickered in Lu Qian's eyes, and in an instant he had a glimpse of this world, part of the truth about the ancient city of Loulan... His soul was shaking violently, and the Taichu Mixed Pearl emitted a dazzling light. His understanding of space followed him here. Speeding forward rapidly in the transparent and illusory space, it continues to deepen.

In an instant, Lu Qian's understanding of the Liangyitian Space Avenue had reached its ultimate level.

The space avenue of Liangyitian has been clearly understood by him in his heart, and there is no more mystery in it.

What he himself opened was just a rudimentary Buddhist kingdom, and it reached the stage of perfection in an instant - in Lu Qian's body, somewhere in an unfathomable dimension of space, there was a square with a diameter of trillions of miles, filled with a huge amount of dark golden Buddha power. The space is taking shape!

Subsequently, Lu Qian's understanding of space continued to improve.

This improvement has completely surpassed Liang Yitian's space avenue... His understanding of space has completely reached a higher dimension and an even more incredible level.

This is a chaotic space, this is... the spatial cognition of a higher-level world.

The changes in space will inevitably cause the restlessness of time.

The joint evolution of space and time will inevitably bring about an absolute increase in power!

The gift given to Lu Qian by the three-eyed human figure, the three avenues of space, time, and power go hand in hand, and the rising tide lifts all boats...

It's interesting! Lu Qian smiled.

Dafeitian and the others have already speculated on the origin of Loulan Ancient City - this should be a ruin in the upper world, and they don't know how it ended up here... Taichu Hun Tongzhu was able to analyze the spatial structure of Loulan Ancient City. It can be seen that this treasure It also comes from the upper world... That's right. Only this origin can explain the magic of the three-eyed figure and the Taichu Bead.


In just three breaths, Lu Qian followed the termite spirit and flew to the main beam.

At this moment, in Lu Qian's field of vision, the main beam had completely changed its appearance - it was no longer a tattered long piece of wood, but a majestic and indescribable sacred mountain that stretched across the void.

I don't know how tall it is, I don't know how long it is, and I don't know how thick it is when it's thick.

In the entire field of vision, this glorious and magnificent mountain range is filled with gold. The mountains are densely covered with rich and gorgeous talisman patterns. Countless strong men with a height of several feet and white skin are wearing heavy armor and holding long swords. Groups of them patrolled the void.

Tsk, the power of this colony of termites is at least a hundred times more powerful than that of the unlucky Black Peony Empress!

Among the strong termite men patrolling outside the mountain, there are no less than two hundred Buddha-level auras!

Lu Qian couldn't help but feel horrified.

How terrible power have these aliens in the ancient city of Loulan produced?

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