Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 684 Favors are priceless (2)

On the small stone platform, Lu Qian drank lukewarm boiled water.

Two Buddhas and one big Bodhisattva were holding teacups and sipping the scary-looking ‘tea’ bit by bit.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha took out dozens of fist-sized gold-skinned loquats and placed them in front of everyone. So, including Lu Qian, several people started to click, click.

This loquat is extremely sweet, crisp, tender and refreshing.

After swallowing a mouthful of loquat meat, cold air rolled over his body. It was like a red-hot sword that had been tempered for thousands of times and was put into the cold spring water to quench. Lu Qian's body was improving bit by bit with extremely obvious efficiency.

All aspects are very even and balanced, and it is improving without the slightest trouble!

Wisps of cold air gathered on the little finger of Lu Qian's right hand, and richer golden blood continued to flow from the little finger, gradually flowing throughout the body. Lu Qian's body has progressed a little further towards the 'transformation of the world's original body'.

Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha gnawed on a few loquats and muttered: I don't want to get involved in this matter.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sneered: So, you are watching our disciples get beaten on your territory?

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames spread out its eight arms: But, in the end, didn't I intervene? That Iron Shackle Buddha was too shameless to be so presumptuous on Lao Mon's territory, but he has a strong backer!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha said plausibly: Even if you take action, you cannot deny that our little disciple was bullied on your territory... He took your Buddhist order and was destroyed on your territory. So many protective magic weapons have been lost!”

Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha sneered: Just those junk things?

Monk Yuanjue smiled at Lu Yi.

Lu Qian drooped his face, and a faint golden color naturally appeared in the corner of his eyes - ordinary people's eyes are red when they are sad, but the blood in Lu Qian's body is full of gold, so it can only be 'golden eyes'.

With a trace of sadness, he said softly: Although those magical weapons are not in the eyes of the Buddha, they are the possessions that the disciples collected and accumulated with great difficulty in the lower world. Many of them are treasures that are the 'inherited' weapons of our Holy Heavenly Buddhism Sect. …”

The prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and the monk Yuanjue blinked happily.

As long as the word inheritance is involved in anything, its value is indescribable - for a poor peasant family, their family's inherited treasure may be just an ordinary silver bracelet made of two taels of silver. But in the hearts of their family members, the weight of this silver bracelet may be the same as that of the imperial seal in the heart of the emperor!

You, Baoyan Thousand-Hand Buddha, can't be... irresponsible just because the magical artifacts destroyed by Lu Qian by the Iron Shackle Buddha are of low grade and poor quality, right?

Baoyan Thousand-Hand Buddha glared at Lu Qian: Since it is an inherited magic weapon, why not stay in the lower realm?

Lu Qian said softly: I dare not deceive the Buddha. The Supreme Holy Heaven and the Liangyi Heaven are all unified. I respect my master, the Great Lion Power Bodhisattva, as my ancestor and sect. How can there be any other inheritance?

Sighing softly, Lu Qian looked at the Precious Flame Thousand-Handed Buddha: Those magic weapons are brought to the upper world by the disciples with a little thought. In the future, the disciples can pass on the inheritance from the lower world and build a small temple on a small hill. Just pass it on.”

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames opened his mouth wide.

Can you still play like this?

Lu Qian sighed: But now, those inherited magic weapons have been destroyed... Of course, the disciple has no anger. That Iron Shackle Buddha is really arrogant and unreasonable... The disciple only has a grateful heart. Wrong. Master Krishna, and Buddha, if you take action, my disciples may be...

The Thousand-Hand Buddha of Precious Flames put down the loquat he had just picked up, sighed, and glared deeply at the Xuanguang Buddha of Suppressing Prison.

That's all, the reputation of your prison-suppressing lineage can be called the...facade of Buddhism!

The Thousand-Hand Buddha of Precious Flames pointed at the Buddhist order placed in front of him and said calmly: Zhen Yu, don't you just want to squeeze more oil and water out of me? With this Buddhist order, are you still afraid of me? Try your best? Tsk, you guys, you still want to use your own disciples and grandsons as golden hoops to restrain my shame?

The prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha smiled brightly: We have been friends for many years, and I know that you, the old monk, are the best at cheating and cheating. You will never do it well with two cents of effort if you can do it with one cent of your strength.

The eight arms of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha pointed fiercely at the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha at the same time.

He no longer bickered with the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, but turned to Lu Yi: After ascension, completely recast the legal body? Rebuild the Tao foundation? How many large acupoints have been opened in your legal body? How many extra-meridian strange acupoints are there? Hmm , how many levels of the Heaven-level person have you condensed into the Prison-Suppressing Buddha?

Before Lu Qian could speak, Monk Yuanjue was already smiling from ear to ear and answered the question for Lu Qian.

However, according to Monk Yuanjue, the number of major acupoints opened by Lu Qian was slightly less than a dozen, and the number of extra-meridian acupoints opened was reduced by more than 6,000... On the contrary, Lu Qian's condensed first level of heaven-suppressing prison The number of pagodas has not been compromised, and the pagodas are imprisoned with nine levels!

The eyes of Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha suddenly lit up.

His eyes were like two little suns, swiping hard at Lu Qian.

There was a 'buzz' sound on Lu Qian's body, and a golden aperture lit up. Seven thumb-sized gems were inlaid on the aperture. The strange light flowed, and a tyrannical prison-suppressing wave swept through the sky.

The body of the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames swayed slightly. He wanted to see through Lu Qian's roots, but was forcibly removed by the means left by the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha on Lu Qian.

Tsk, that's not true. How many benefits does this kid have hidden in him? Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha snorted coldly and waved his eight arms vigorously at the same time: That's all, that's all, considering our friendship over the years. For the sake of...the favor I promised you back then, I will give it to you...upon it!

Speaking of the word Dingge, the face of the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames twitched violently several times.

The prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and the Yuanjue monk burst into laughter - they allowed the Iron Fong Buddha to attack Lu Qian in the Baoyan Cave, and watched as one of Lu Qian's treasures was wantonly crushed without taking action, wasn't it? Do you want this result?

That’s all for Monk Yuanjue.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha is the one who knows this well - the Precious Flame Thousand-Handed Buddha is an old goblin in Buddhism and an old monster who has lived for countless years. Ordinary people cannot fathom his bottom.

If you don't give him some extra moves, you can't get anything really good out of his hands!

The result was just as expected by Zhen Yu Xuan Guang Buddha.

The Thousand-Hand Buddha of Precious Flames originally did not want to get involved in Lu Qian's karmic grudges. After all, the Taoist unity of the Holy Heaven was actually vaguely involved in the Brahma Wheel and the Three Mysteries of Buddha. Who would want to provoke such a great Buddha?

But in the end, Lu Qian was bullied on his own territory... Baoyan Thousand-Hand Buddha couldn't just watch Lu Qian being destroyed on his own territory, so he was forced to take action!

This move planted the seeds of cause and effect.

It was only then that the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha jumped out and was willing to bear everything!

Just like what the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha just said - Who has he been afraid of in his entire life?

In short, this series of twists and turns, plus the piece of Buddhist order placed in front of the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames, forced the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames to have no reservations!

Tsk, the two families simply have a good relationship. The friendship between Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha and Zhenyu Xuanguang Buddha is very stable... Since Lu Qian is the true successor of the Buddha lineage that Zhenyu lineage has invested heavily in, he might as well fulfill one or two of them!

Leaving behind the empty tea cup, Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha stood up and led Lu Qian and his party directly into the cold spring nearby.

The terrible cold air hit his face, and Lu Qian was almost frozen into an iceman.

This time, even Monk Yuanjue was unable to protect Lu Qian. It was the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha who personally took action and released the Seven Treasures Vajra Circle. A bright golden light enveloped Lu Qian's body, allowing Lu Qian to safely walk into the depths of the cold spring. at.

From the outside, this cold spring doesn't look big.

But after entering this cold spring, I realized that this 'small' cold spring actually contained a small world covering an area of ​​300 million miles.

In the huge small world, the pure cold spring water flows rapidly under the influence of invisible force. Countless undercurrents crisscross and turn into barriers full of destructive atmosphere, filling the entire small world.

The space in this small world is like a huge and complex Rubik's Cube. Every inch of space is undergoing complex spatial dislocation and transformation at all times.

Therefore, the cold undercurrent here is impossible to predict at all.

There should be no rules here, everything is chaotic and unknowable.

Monk Yuanjue's face turned a little pale.

He followed step by step beside the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha... and the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha also followed step by step behind the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha.

With this landlord guiding the way, the group can walk safely in this small world.

If Monk Yuanjue had sneaked in alone, he would have been reduced to ashes.

Even if the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha breaks into this place easily, he will encounter great trouble and will be unable to break free from the terrifying restrictions in this small world in a short time. If in this small world, the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha were ambushed by the advantage of the location, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha would be disgraced.

Of course, in the past, there was only one Buddha in the Baoyan Cave lineage, Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha, and he was not very good at fighting.

Therefore, at the cost of being disgraced, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha can still escape from here.

But with the addition of the black iron monk who has quietly broken through to the realm of Buddha...

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha clicked his tongue and praised: Senior Brother Baoyan, with Black Iron helping you, whoever wants to think about your treasure in the future will have his head smashed!

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flame laughed ‘haha’, smiling extremely proudly.

But... over the countless years, 80% of the belongings that I have accumulated have been smashed on Heitie. If he still can't smash out a Buddha... this apprentice might as well throw it out to feed the dogs!

Lu Qian's heart twitched and he secretly took a breath of air.

He still clearly remembered what the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha said before - among the thirteen Buddha Lords in Buddhism, the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha and the Immortal Medicine King Buddha are the richest men with the richest net worth!

With such financial resources, 80% of his savings were spent on Black Iron Monk, and then a Buddha was created?

Lu Qian's back suddenly felt a little cold - how far could Qionghua Mountain's resources allow him to advance?

Although Qionghua Mountain was the dojo of Empress Qionghua, Empress Qionghua finally reached an incredible level of cultivation and directly realized the truth and left through the sky - but at that time, what Empress Qionghua enjoyed was not just Qionghua Mountain, but the entire Southern Territory resources to offer!

Just as he was thinking about it, in the white cold spring water in front of him, a door that was only about three feet high and looked like a portal made of silver appeared quietly.

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