Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 676: No such person found (2)

The huge White Dragon City was enveloped by a white and cold Buddha light, as if a large bowl carved from black ice was held upside down inside.

Countless light-emitting rainbows rolled up in the air, trying to break out of this ray of Buddha's light, but every time they got a little closer, the people in the light-escaped light would feel chilled all over, and dense ice flakes quickly covered their bodies, scaring them so much that they hurriedly retreated.

Lord Jiulong was suspended in the air, sitting cross-legged directly above White Dragon City, looking down at countless panicked monks and true immortals.

Instead, the mortals in White Dragon City looked at the immortals running around in the sky with smiles, and entered the stage of serving tea and watching a show.

I, the Buddha, are merciful and ask all fellow Taoists to be calm and calm.

The voice of Lord Jiulong resounded throughout the whole process: Junior Brother Junior Monk was severely injured in an attack in Bailong City. Master is on his way here... In order to prevent the murderer from escaping, Junior Monk has no choice but to temporarily seal off the city.

After a slight pause, Venerable Jiulong said softly: I have caused confusion and fright to all fellow Taoists. The monk will naturally make up for it afterwards... Well, there is the 'White Snake Huanjin Pill' extracted from the essence of White Snake Jincao, which is very effective. Yes, one usually costs 100,000 high-grade immortal crystals. The young monk makes the decision and sells it to fellow Taoists at the price of 10,000 high-grade immortal crystals. Can you do that?

The corners of Venerable Jiulong's lips raised slightly, and he said softly: Each person is limited to one pill, so please be considerate to all fellow Taoists!

Lord Jiulong smiled...peacefully.

The total cost of a White Snake Huanjin Pill is only 1,300 high-grade immortal crystals.

It is usually sold at the price of 100,000 high-grade immortal crystals, which is really a 'huge profit'. Except for those prodigal women and real immortals, no one will care about this kind of crystal, which can not only whiten the skin, cleanse the body, but also increase the rosiness of the lips, making the lips more rosy. Interested in the 'useless' elixir that makes your teeth whiter and more crystal clear!

Therefore, the annual sales volume of White Snake Huanjin Pill is probably around a thousand handfuls.

But this time, taking this opportunity to sell it at a '100% discount'... In this White Dragon City, are you afraid that casual cultivators passing by will buy one and use it to please their wives?

Well, the price has been reduced by ten times... But Venerable Jiulong pointed his finger at Mo Yun Tianji, and he roughly judged that after today, in the next three days, the sales volume of White Snake Huanjin Pills should be more than 150,000 pills!

The price has dropped tenfold, sales have soared one hundred and fifty times, and the total profit of White Snake Huanjin Pill this year has increased by about fifteen times!

My Buddha is compassionate and kind!

Countless thoughts were pondering in my mind, and a bright snow-white relic in my mind was beating up and down, releasing wisps of power of thoughts, locking all living beings within the scope of the Buddha's light!

The realm of Venerable Jiulong has already advanced to the realm of 'Bodhisattva'.

Although he has just broken through this threshold and condensed into the thirty-first level of immortality, the Buddhist 'Bodhisattva' has great magic power, great supernatural powers, and incredible methods.

When Lu Qian's sword light soared into the sky, Master Jiulong seemed to have done nothing, but in fact, the power of his mind had already divided into tens of millions, silently locking all the creatures in White Dragon City.

The moment the sword light appeared, countless subtle thoughts of power enveloped the entire city.

Now shrouded in the vast white Zen light, in the huge Bailong City area, there are 117,892 Taoist and Buddhist immortals and above, and 589,000 monks. Nine hundred and ninety-five people, including 18,474,38 ordinary mortals...

There are some dogs...

There are exactly 3.7 times as many cats as there are dogs...

There are birds, a total of 348,993,116 birds...a total of 2,452 different species.

There are fish...

There are shrimps...

There are mosquitoes...

There are mice...

Three thousand miles deep underground, within this range, there are earthworms... ants... beetles...

Billions of creatures, their every move, all their states, whether they are sick or healthy, disabled or intact, whether their vitality is strong or weak, and even their emotions, probably joy, anger, sadness, panic...

Even their cultivation techniques.

Whether it is sword cultivation, alchemy cultivation, talisman cultivation, formation cultivation... or all kinds of crooked and weird methods, in the heart of Lord Jiulong, they are like a speck of dust on a bright mirror, clearly visible.

Unless the realm of cultivation is more than two heavens higher than that of Lord Nine Dragons, no living being can escape the lock of Lord Nine Dragons' great magical power!

Lord Jiulong is confident that after the murderer takes action, he will definitely be among the creatures in this city.

And with his cultivation level, after being enveloped by his Buddha's light, he still wanted to escape from White Dragon City... that was impossible. Unless you are a powerful being at the Buddha level and practice the same Buddhist magical powers as him, you can escape from his Buddha light silently.

Others...even the Great Immortal at the same level as Buddha from the Taoist Court cannot escape without making a sound!

The murderer is in Bailong City!

Outside the city, three hundred miles away from the barrier made of white Buddha light, Lu Qian stood on a hill with his hands behind his back, looking at the Lord Jiulong who was showing off his magical powers with great interest.

Master Jiulong's magical power that can divide hundreds of millions of people with his mind is indeed powerful.

However, Lu Qian had the Taichu Mixing Bead to hide his aura and cut off the cause and effect. The thoughts of the Lord Jiulong could not find the slightest trace of Lu Qian. Before he lowered the Buddha's light to seal the whole city, Lu Qian had already left easily. To Bailong City.

What a treasure, what a treasure! Lu Qian gently touched the Taichu Mixing Pearl with his heart and admired it sincerely.

Lu Qian still hasn't figured out the rank of this treasure until now.

Anyway, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha once hid his Seven Treasures Vajra Circle in Lu Qian's body and gave it to the Condor Monk... This Seven Treasures Vajra Circle is obviously not as good as the Taichu Mixing Pearl.

Lu Qian smiled and looked at Bailongcheng who was gradually calming down.

Beside him, wisps of breeze visible to the naked eye were swirling and flying, and several palm-sized white clouds turned into wishful shapes, lingering around him with the breeze.

This kind of performance is probably the sign of the little immortals from the Taoist sect who have just cultivated to the status of true immortals, running to the secular world to show their saints in front of people. The breeze and the bright moon are lingering, and the whole body is full of Tao Qi, which attracts the earthly rich people to kneel down when they meet. Kowtow and take a mouthful of 'Old God's Mercy'... Tsk, whoever has enjoyed this taste knows it!

Seeing Lu Qian...oh, no, now I want to call him 'Zhen Yuanzi'!

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi showing off like this, everyone knew that this was a little Taoist fairy who was just starting out and happily came to hang out in the world of mortals!

Lu Qianmo used Yiqi Jing to adjust the Tao Qi in the body.

In addition to the cool breeze and bright moon lingering around him, there is a green wood vitality like a large sacred tree in his body that penetrates outside the body. The extremely strong green wood vitality is rolling and surging, causing cyan Dao lines to appear under his fair skin, and there are more Dao lines on them. There was a faint flash of cyan lightning.

Well, a discerning person can tell at a glance that this ‘Zhen Yuanzi’ practices the pure Taoist art of longevity.

Understand the vitality of Aoki, comprehend the mysteries of the innate Jiamu and acquired Yimu, and even extract the demon-suppressing divine thunder with the attributes of wood... It can be the Jiamu Divine Thunder or the Yimu Divine Thunder, of course It may also be a high-end thunder method such as Taiyi Aoki Divine Thunder.

No matter how you look at it, this is a pure Taoist cultivator.

Moreover, the home-made aura that 'Zhen Yuanzi' exudes is gentle, majestic, and full of vitality, but it does not have any strong edge, but is as gentle and moist as a newly ripe red apple, which makes people happy!

Therefore, this is absolutely impossible to be a sword fairy!

With such a gentle and gentle aura, one can be a skilled alchemist or a master who is proficient in cultivating elixirs, but it is absolutely impossible for him to practice the unparalleled and murderous swordsmanship, a swordsman whose eyes are as sharp as a blade!

Whenever a whole ginseng fruit tree comes out, my nickname of 'Zhen Yuanzi' will become justifiable.

Lu Qian smiled brightly.

A light-escape rainbow came from behind, and more than a dozen beautiful female fairies with cultivation levels ranging from the third to the seventh heaven were walking together. They pressed the light-escape button and stood blankly less than a hundred feet away from Lu Qian. Location.

After hesitating for a while, a female immortal with the highest cultivation level saluted towards Lu Qian: Excuse me, friend, what happened to this White Dragon City? Is that the Nine Dragons Venerable from the Nine Dragons Cave in Dalongling? What happened to him? What about sealing the city? White Dragon City will never be fortified, this is what he personally promised back then!

Lu Qian coughed lightly and returned a salute to the female fairy: This fairy girl, the old Taoist Zhen Yuanzi has been polite this time... What exactly happened in the city, the old Taoist didn't know very well. The old Taoist still doesn't know. Before we entered the city, we saw Buddha light falling from the sky, covering the entire White Dragon City.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Qian said softly: It's just that from what Lord Jiulong said just now, it seems that his fellow junior brother was attacked in the city, and the murderer is in the city, so...

Ah? The female fairy frowned: Is there such a thing? We have been traveling for half a year just to buy a few White Snake Huanjin Pills... How long will this be delayed?

Lu Qian coughed lightly again and said with a smile: It doesn't matter. Venerable Jiulong just promised that because it delayed many Taoist friends in the city, in the next three days, the White Snake Huanjin Pill will be sold at a discount for only 10,000 high-quality pills. The Immortal Crystal is enough to purchase one... However, one person is limited to purchasing one.

The eyes of more than a dozen female immortals all lit up. A girl who looked to be the youngest, only thirteen or fourteen years old, but whose cultivation level was on the fifth level of the True Immortal Realm and who had not known how to practice for thousands of years, clapped and smiled and said, This is really a good thing. ...Well, if Master Jiulong dies one junior brother every year...

Lu Qian closed his mouth tightly and remained silent.

The female fairy with the highest cultivation level hurriedly rolled her eyes at her junior sister, and tapped her with her right index finger.

These words offend people.

Is it okay to be listened to by the Lord Jiulong?

Lu Qian looked at the group of female fairies with a smile. He noticed that when the girl was speaking freely, the Lord Nine Dragons sitting cross-legged above White Dragon City frowned and looked directly over here!

Buddhist magical powers are profound and mysterious. If they are so far away from each other, if someone says something bad and they are not aware of it, how can the Lord Jiulong sit firmly in this Dalong Ridge?

When Lu Qian was laughing, a roar came from the direction of Dalongling.

Jiulong, you, you, you waste!

Condor Monk, here we come!

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