Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 673 Taoism Covers Up (6)

Dalong Ridge, Jiulong Cave.

Compared with the extremely luxurious Yuanfu Mountain Mingguang Cave, Jiulong Cave is like a broken tile kiln.

There are no exquisite ornate buildings in the huge cave, only simple and simple thatched wooden buildings. In the cave, there were not many monks walking around. There were only Buddhist cultivators in gray monk robes, silent and silent, sitting cross-legged in thatched huts and wooden buildings, or under rocks everywhere, silently meditating.

Except for the novice monks who have just started and have little cultivation, the monks in Jiulong Cave don't eat much.

They ate wind and drank dew, replaced food with cultivation, and replenished their body's needs with fairy energy.

Even the novice novices only drink three bowls of thin porridge every day, and they don't even have pickles to go with it.

The entire Jiulong Cave was very silent. From morning to night, very few words could be heard. Including those little novice monks who are less than ten years old and like to run around the most, they all just boxing, refining Qi, soaking in medicinal soup, tempering the body, reciting Buddhist scriptures, and understanding Buddhist principles under the guidance of their masters.

You can often see little monks covered in muscles and tendons lining up in neat lines, silently carrying big rocks and running up and down the winding mountain road. From time to time, some young monks would fall down, but they would quickly get up without being urged by the senior monks who were standing beside them, and continue running forward.

This is a standard penance stronghold.

Therefore, when Bodhisattva Joy came to the door with a group of disciples, he casually glanced at the Nine Dragon Cave, and Bodhisattva Joy curled his lips in disdain.

Everyone is wrong. Joyous Bodhisattva is very disdainful of Jiulong Cave.

At the entrance of Jiulong Cave is a stone flat of several hundred acres, with a cliff as high as a thousand feet below. On the edge of the cliff, there are several lush Thuja trees. The Lord Jiulong is sitting cross-legged next to a big stone, facing the chessboard, frowning, and slowly reviewing the score.

Venerable Jiulong came from the Dami Jinlun Temple, but his personality... He is not very good at dealing with Monk Condor. Therefore, he is extremely talented and has trained hard under Monk Condor for many years, but he is just an ordinary inner sect true disciple. He failed to become a true disciple of the Buddhist lineage of Monk Condor.

Later, Master Jiulong became even more disgusted with his master. Monk Condor didn't even bother to get a good dojo for Master Jiulong, and was just prepared to give him away in an ordinary cave.

This Dalong Ridge was the reward given by Lord Buddha when Venerable Jiulong participated in a Dharma conference hosted by Lord Buddha five thousand years ago.

After leaving Dami Jinlun Temple and moving to Dalongling, Venerable Jiulong never went back to pay homage to Monk Condor. On the face of it, the relationship between the two parties is still that of master and disciple, but in fact, they have long respected each other as guests.

Venerable Jiulong does not drink alcohol, eat meat, speak nonsense, and does not like fighting and violence. He also keeps a distance from the so-called Great Joy lineage, and does not get involved in the fights between the major branches of Buddhism.

He likes to look at mountains, water, flowers, and the moon. He personally drew the drawings for the nine major cities and hundreds of cities under the jurisdiction of Jiulong Cave in Dalongling. He made all the city planning, greening, etc. Those Hercules Vajras were made according to the drawings.

He also has a little hobby, which is drinking tea and playing chess.

His tea ceremony is ordinary, he is not very good at making tea, but his tongue is extremely sensitive and he is very good at 'tasting'.

And his chess skills...

He is the most famous chess player around Dalongling.

A few days ago, a Taoist Sanxian passed by. This Taoist Sanxian was quite famous for his chess skills. Lord Jiulong eagerly came to visit with a gift. He fought fiercely with the Sanxian for three days and lost thirty-six games. With a bleak look on his face after losing, he fled back to Jiulong Cave in embarrassment.

At this moment, he was reviewing the chess game from a few days ago.

He was used to losing in chess, he had been used to it for a long time... But this time, after losing thirty-six games in just three days, Lord Jiulong felt that something was wrong!

I dare not say that my chess skills are the best in Buddhism...at least I can be among the top 100. Venerable Jiulong took a big sip of bitter tea, held the chess pieces and muttered to himself: Losing so miserably? It doesn't make sense. There is absolutely no reason for this... uh, this step... this step...

His brows were tightly knitted together, and a small fleshy bump appeared between his brows.

Venerable Jiulong looked at the chess pieces scattered on the chessboard with great distress. Venus flashed in front of his eyes, and there was a rumbling sound in his head. His energy and blood surged, and he almost fainted.

He casually grabbed a stone the size of a brick and slapped it on his forehead.

The stone shattered and his head sobered up a little. Lord Jiulong hesitated, grabbing the chess piece and trying to land it on the chessboard.

At this time, Bodhisattva Joy came with thousands of accompanying disciples, beating gongs and drums, and swaggering with strings and bamboos shaking the sky. There were still dozens of miles away from this stone flat, and a strong fragrance of powder had already drifted over, causing the young monks who were running around carrying huge rocks all over the mountains and fields to turn around in surprise, staring intently at the chariots sitting on their backs. The joyful Bodhisattva above.

Well, when Bodhisattva Joy travels, he rides in a huge sandalwood dragon and phoenix chariot inlaid with seven treasures.

This chariot is extremely shaped...

In short, the extravagant and luxurious appearance is just that. The core component of this chariot is a large pink round bed. The Bodhisattva Joy is leaning on the bed at the moment, and dozens of female disciples are busy around him.

What a busy job... words can't describe it.

In short, those who were busy were doing things that, in the opinion of the Lord Jiulong, were simply evil heretics and should be chopped to death with a magic pestle.

Lord Jiulong's face darkened.

He stood up slowly, clasped his hands together, and a Buddhist chant resounded through the sky, like the roar of a giant bell, and terrifying sound waves swept away, shaking the extravagant and flashy team into chaos. Countless flower monks were beating gongs, drums, flutes and pianos. They were crying and shouting, their heads hurting due to his loud shouting, they dropped their instruments, covered their heads and rolled around.

Joyful Bodhisattva waved his right hand, and a piece of pink Buddha light fell down, protecting his disciples, and scolded him very unhappy: Jiulong, you are so rude, my uncle came to the door, what are you doing? What are you doing to my uncle? Any dissatisfaction?

Lord Jiulong's eyes were filled with a layer of snowy light, and his whole body was filled with chills. He looked like an eternal snow mountain, standing steadily beside the cliff.

He looked at the group of troops and said calmly: Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Uncle Xile coming here. It's Jiulong's fault that we missed the welcome... It's just that Jiulong Cave is crude and crude, and it can't welcome too many distinguished guests. Please also ask Uncle Master to keep the disciples outside the mountain and not come any closer.

Joyous Bodhisattva was extremely angry: How presumptuous... Uncle Master's disciples are not qualified to step into your Nine Dragon Cave? If so, Uncle Master, I must bring them in?

Lord Jiulong coughed lightly: The disciples will personally break their legs!

After a pause, Venerable Jiulong added seriously: Regardless of men and women, if your disciples, uncle, dare to step into Jiulong Cave and disrupt the Taoist mentality of the monks under your disciples... the disciples may even kill people!

Venerable Jiulong's voice was very deep and his attitude was very serious.

If these flower monks and nuns under the seat of Happy Bodhisattva really dare to make noise, cause nuisance, or kill people in his Nine Dragon Cave, it’s not like he has never killed them before.

He just doesn't want to go to war without permission, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the ability to go to war!

Outsiders only say that Venerable Jiulong is one of the great arhats in Buddhism, and one of the most powerful men in the Bodhisattva realm... Only Venerable Jiulong himself knows it well. He has been cultivating in Dalongling for thousands of years, and he has broken through three levels. The ten heavens condensed into the true immortal personality of the thirty-first heaven!

And the thirty-first heaven... in Buddhism, is the entry line to the Bodhisattva realm!

However, Venerable Jiulong doesn’t like to be in the limelight. What benefit can a mere title of ‘Bodhisattva’ bring to him? Therefore, for many years, he still did not publicize the news to the outside world.

With Venerable Jiulong's current cultivation level, even if Bodhisattva Joy is one heaven higher than him... he can still kill Bodhisattva Joy with one hand. A 'Warrior Monk' who specializes in fighting, and a 'Flower Monk' who specializes in eating, drinking and having fun, who do you think has the stronger fighting power? Whose combat power is weak?

Not to mention, after coming to Dalongling, for so many years, all the income and output of Dalongling, Jiulong Venerable did not spend it on eating, drinking, having fun, and spending time, but invested not a single copper penny in his own family. The included disciples and disciples.

As mentioned before, the annual income of a White Dragon City is enough to cultivate ten new true immortals!

There are nine main cities under the jurisdiction of Jiulongdong in Dalongling, which are equivalent to Bailong City... There are hundreds of other large cities, and hundreds of thousands of other small and medium-sized cities, with countless mineral deposits, medicinal materials and other outputs.

The resources earned in one year are such huge astronomical figures.

Lord Jiulong used all these resources to train his disciples.

Over the years, he, Jiulongdong, has accumulated extremely strong power. Now, the total number of disciples at the True Immortal level exceeds 800, and all of them have strong foundations and superhuman combat power. The ones with the lowest realm are above the third level of heaven!

That is to say, Venerable Jiulong has a stubborn consciousness of quality and pays attention to elite training for his disciples, focusing on quality rather than quantity.

Otherwise, the resources he has spent over the years would be able to cultivate at least 30,000 to 50,000 new first-level true immortals!

But even if a hundred thousand first-level immortals form a formation, they can't withstand the attack of the eight hundred true immortals under him!

The true immortal disciples who have cultivated above the 83rd level of heaven are the confidence of Lord Jiulong - if you, Joyous Bodhisattva, dare to act recklessly in Jiulong Cave, Lord Jiulong would really dare to break the opponent's head and throw him out!

His Dalong Ridge was the dojo he won by participating in the Lord Buddha's Dharma Assembly.

This means that there is a Buddha Lord taking care of him behind him, and he is not afraid of the so-called backer of Joyful Bodhisattva at all.

Bodhisattva Joy pulled the tiger skin of the Buddha of Precious Light and Virtue into a banner... This kind of thing can scare a small family, but it can also scare someone like the Nine Dragons Venerable. Isn't it a real Buddhist guard?

Joyful Bodhisattva was so angry that his face turned pale.

He stood up tremblingly, gritted his teeth and said: Okay, okay, okay, you, very good... I won't argue with you today. Let me ask you, I heard that the boy who serves the fragrance under me, Yin Xiu, has been here before. Dalongling, is this possible?

Lord Jiulong suddenly looked confused!

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