Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 668: Taoism covers up the killing

Several seriously injured and bloody monks were 'airborne' on the Dao Sect's territory!

Taoist Xuan Le was a very cautious and steady person, so he immediately reported the matter. It is precisely the senior officials of the 'Qiankun Dao' who have been staring at Qionghua Mountain in recent years, so this news was quickly passed to the Master of Qiankun Dao layer by layer.

Not long after, a great immortal from the 31st level of the universe, a Buddha and a Bodhisattva, came to Huangliang City with an elite force.

Yinxiu and several junior brothers were enthusiastically treated by Taoist Xuanle. They took medicine for their injuries, took a bath and changed clothes, and were treated to tea, water and snacks in the monastery of Qiankun Taoist Temple in Huangliang City.

In just a few words, Yin Xiu vomited out the whole story of his group.

Facing the enthusiastic Taoist Xuanyue, the distressed Yinxiu treated him as if she were her biological father and mother - the monk Fahai, the master of Qionghua Mountain, who was also a disciple of Buddhism, treated them so violently and cruelly!

As a Taoist Immortal, Taoist Xuanle should be at odds with Buddhism by nature.

But Taoist Xuanle actually treated them so enthusiastically, entertained them, and even spoke softly to comfort them like a sincere big sister!

Yinxiu's excitement...

In the backyard of Qiankun Taoist Temple, the Great Immortal performed his secret technique and listened to Yinxiu's complaints and curses.

Qiankun Dao is also a well-established sect in the Taoist court, and information from all aspects is gathered very quickly. In a short time, Yin Xiu's information was collected and sent to Da Xian'er.


Looking at the dirty things that Yin Xiu had done recorded in the intelligence, Da Xian'er raised his eyebrows and subconsciously looked in the direction of Qionghua Mountain: Bodhisattva of Joy? That filthy thing... I remember, not only Not only is Da Luo’s blood list, but also the reward lists of more than a dozen other Taoist sects, he is on them, right?”

The Bodhisattva Joy is not welcomed in Buddhism, and is even more infamous in the Taoist court.

It's true... this guy has a large number of 'boys' like Yin Xiu who are idle and do not do their job all day long. There are so-called 'boys serving incense', 'boys holding bottles', 'boys ringing bells', and 'boys striking chimes'... These guys wander around all day long, beating the autumn wind, basking in oil and water, causing trouble and causing trouble.

Of course, their main business is like a pack of hyenas, helping the Bodhisattva Joy to collect folk beauties!

On the territory of Hunyuan Luotian Sect, Qiankun Dao, and several other Taoist sects, a large number of worldly beauties have disappeared inexplicably. The matter got serious, and each sect sent elite experts to pursue it all the way, and finally found the Bodhisattva Joy!

Therefore, Bodhisattva Joy was wanted by many Taoist sects, and his popularity was far greater than that of Lu Qian.

At least, Lu Qian is now just on the Da Luo blood list of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect!

Give them a sum of money and send them out of the country. Da Xian'er immediately made a decision: These evil-minded flower monks cannot die on the territory of our universe. The Bodhisattva of Joy is not a toy, but he has a pestle behind his back. There is a big Buddha!

Da Xian'er clicked her lips.

Joyful Bodhisattva succeeded in hugging his thighs. The Baoguang Merit Buddha who is now in charge of Buddhist affairs is not someone they can provoke.

Although Qiankun Dao is a great Taoist sect, there are no Taoist sages in the sect who can compete with the power of Lord Buddha... Lord Qiankun and several senior Taoists are only cultivators at the level of Buddha and Bodhisattva. for.

Therefore, Yinxiu and his group cannot die on the territory of Qiankun Dao.

But... they can die on someone else's property - 'at the hands of a frustrated host in Qionghua Mountain'!

Daxian'er waved his hand and made some arrangements.

Taoist Xuanle received the news from his little Taoist boy, and immediately greeted Yinxiu and his group enthusiastically.

Such enthusiasm...

Can you imagine that as the dignified 'immortal master' of Qiankun Dao who is in charge of Huangliang City, Taoist Xuanle actually went to the brothel in Huangliang City and found more than twenty oirans to accompany Yinxiu to have wine?

Can you imagine that Taoist Xuan Le's words reveal his longing and yearning for the great joy of Buddhism?

Can you imagine that when Yinxiu and others were full and ready to return to Mingguang Cave in Yuanfu Mountain the next day, Taoist Xuanle gave them a generous sum of money?

Those who are near the water come first, and Huangliang City is near the border of the Qionghua Mountain territory. Therefore, there are many specialties of Qionghua Mountain in Huangliang City. Taoist Xuanle spared no expense and gave each of Yinxiu's group a box of a hundred-year-old jade paste, and each of them ten hundred-year-old jade sticks?

Yin Xiu was extremely grateful to Taoist Xuan Le and truly regarded him as a 'close friend and confidant'... He swore to Taoist Xuan Le that if Taoist Xuan Le really had some yearning for the Dahuanxi lineage, then he would be willing to do it The envoy of Taoist Xuan Le allowed him to secretly join the Buddhist great joy lineage.

High in the sky, Yinxiu carried a small boat shaped like lotus petals, and she was speeding with several junior disciples in the air less than three miles above the ground.

They have to cross the territory of Qiankun Dao and enter the Buddhist realm in the north before they can find the moving formation to transport them all the way back to Mingguang Cave in Yuanfu Mountain.

The main altar of Qiankun Dao is not in the Southern Region, but in the Eastern Region, the home of the Taoist Court.

The territory where Huangliang City is located can be regarded as an enclave established outside the main altar by the Qiankun Dao.

Since it is an enclave, its strength in all aspects is naturally not as good as that of the main altar.

Therefore, in the territory of Qiankun Dao in the Southern Territory, the most extreme restrictions have been placed on the moving formations of each city - if any monk with a trace of Buddhist aura wants to use the moving formation, the moving formation will inevitably explode!

Therefore, just like when they came, Yinxiu and his party could only rely on their own strength to cross the territory of Qiankun Dao. When they arrived at the Black Tiger Mountain in the north, there was a Fuhu Temple on it, with a radius of tens of millions of miles, all controlled by Buddhism. territory. Once there, they can use Fuhu Temple's teleportation formation to teleport them all the way back to Buddhism.

Because the Taoist and Buddhist forces in the Southern Region are complex and the territory is intertwined, Fuhu Temple's relocation formation cannot directly transfer Yinxiu and the others back to the Buddhist hinterland in the Western Region. They have to transfer at least a hundred times and change hundreds of times. Only in this way can we return to Buddhism's home base from the Southern Territory.

This journey will take about a month.

On the boat, Yin Xiuhe touched the naked wound on his shoulder and cursed Lu Qian with several junior brothers.

After cursing angrily, Yin Xiu hissed: We are also Buddhist disciples, but they actually do such a cruel thing. We are really not as good as outsiders from the Taoist court... Hiss, this thief bald Fa Hai is really not a thing as Junior Brother Xue Ya said. !”

The violent monk who was directly disfigured after being slapped on the face by Lu Qian said angrily: Brother, I feel that the Snow Cliff Monk is not a thing... I heard that he came to Dajue Temple to provoke him and was punished by the law. Hai was beaten up and severely injured in public, and was almost beaten to death on the spot.

Isn't he borrowing our help to cause trouble for Fa Hai?

Yin Xiu slapped her junior brother neatly: You are the only one who is smart... You are the only one who is smart... I wonder if Monk Xueya is using us? But the benefits of Qionghua Mountain are real!

How can a newly ascended little thief named Bald in Fahai occupy Qionghua Mountain?

Since he has taken over the huge Qionghua Mountain, as a newcomer to Buddhism... he will give us some benefits and share the profits. Isn't it a matter of course?

Not only did he not give us any insignificant benefits, he actually dared to kill us!

Yin Xiu's eyes flashed with resentment: Since it is so unjust, don't blame me for being unkind... His so-called Qionghua Ancient Temple has taken the lives of everyone up and down, hehe!

Yin Xiu's left hand was fiercely squeezed into the shape of a chicken claw, and it was torn randomly into the air in front of her.

He swore viciously that he would do anything to Lu Qian and all his relatives and friends...

He was sure that he would be able to instigate Joyous Bodhisattva to take action against Lu Qian.

Over the years, he has figured out the temperament of Joyous Bodhisattva - after hooking up with Nun Qingjing, Joyous Bodhisattva is still extremely afraid of the immortals in the Taoist court and dare not take action against the Taoist court. But towards all disciples of Buddhism, Joy Bodhisattva can be said to be unscrupulous!

As long as the Buddha of Precious Light Merit is still alive, there will be no one in the huge Buddhist sect that the Bodhisattva Joy cannot dare to offend!

Isn't it easy for Bodhisattva Joy to kill a little bald donkey who has just ascended?

Several flower monks laughed: Senior brother, we can't kill them all... Those three little ladies are so charming that it makes people feel sad! You must stay, stay!

Yinxiu also smiled.

He tilted his head and sneered with a lewd chichi look on his face: Of course, of course, senior brother, how could I forget such interesting tunes? Hehe, those three little girls, as long as we use the master's secret method to manipulate them for one night ,hey-hey……

On the small flying boat, a group of flower monks laughed unbridled.

In the distance in the sky, patrolling disciples of Qiankun Dao turned into rainbows and came and went... They saw a few bald heads sitting on the flying boat and laughing strangely, and there were patrolling disciples who were ready to chase this way to find out.

However, Yinxiu quickly took out the pass token given by Taoist Xuan Le and shook it with his left hand. The token emitted a black and white auspicious light and rushed towards Lao Gao. The patrolling disciples turned around and flew in other directions.

This token is really useful. Yin Xiu weighed the token in his hand and murmured: Unfortunately, when we came here, we also bypassed the territory of Qiankun Dao... and spent a few extra days on the road.

Several flower monks were about to say something, when suddenly five-colored auspicious lights shot up into the sky from all directions.

The breeze and white clouds condensed out of thin air, and pieces of fairy light filled the heaven and earth. The power of the five elements increased rapidly, and instantly turned into five colors of brilliance visible to the naked eye, like a clear sea, covering a ten-mile radius.

In a mere ten miles radius, the flying boat controlled by Yin Xiu flew so fast that it couldn't stop and hit the five-color light screen condensed in front of it.

There was a loud noise, and the flying boat was smashed into pieces. Several flower monks screamed miserably. Their bones and tendons were broken due to the collision. They could not lift up the clouds or ride on the fog. They turned somersaults and fell straight down.

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