Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 658 Lord Qionghua Mountain (3)

Previously, when congratulations came from the horizon, Lu Qian was called to wait in the main hall of Dajue Temple.

In the huge hall, he was the only one, and the prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha who was hiding in the void and was secretly planning something.

While Lu Qian was absorbing the spirit of immortals in the main hall and replenishing his Buddhist power, monk Yuanjue went out with a large group of disciples to greet the guests.

With their cultivation and strength, traveling millions of miles is just a snap of their fingers.

Lu Qian thought that just by taking two or three breaths here, he could welcome the guests back.

After all, after waiting for so long?

Moreover, when I heard Monk Yuanjue's hahaha laughter, there was no smile at all. He smiled as hypocritically as the old girl who had been hanging around in the brothel for fifty years.

Tsk, this condor monk is probably...a bad visitor.

If a true friend comes to visit, he will naturally invite you in as quickly as possible.

Are there only evil guests... They bickered with each other, undermined each other, played tricks, and even used their magical powers to inadvertently compete once or twice... Only if they can get up to speed is there a ghost.

Tall, thin, cold, his silver-white eyes are like two ghostly fires, falling on people, like two burning iron nails, piercing you hard, so that your body can clearly feel the pain. A dull tingling sensation.

This is not an easy character to deal with.

Lu Qian clasped his hands together and bowed slightly to the condor monk.

The Condor Monk's eyes fell on Lu Qian. From his face to the tips of his toes, it took an ordinary person seven or eight breaths to scan it with great force and seriousness.

Wisps of Buddhist consciousness were like invisible knives, cutting towards Lu Qian's body, wanting to peek into the details of his body.

Lu Qian raised his brows, and was about to move a few treasures to cover his whole body when he heard a loud bang, and the seven-treasure Vajra Circle, the birthright Buddha of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, flew out from his shoulders.

The small diamond circle rotated, and the dark golden prison-suppressing power turned into rippling ripples, wrapping around Lu Qian's whole body.

The condor monk's mental power had just touched Lu Qian's body when he was crushed by the prison-suppressing power. His tall figure suddenly stooped, and the mental power that touched Lu Qian was instantly wiped out. .

Two dots of white-gold blood dripped from his nostrils, and hit the polished black-gold glazed floor of the hall with two bangs.

The condor monk spoke loudly, his magic power was unfathomable, two drops of blood, each drop was as heavy as a mountain, and it was condensed like a diamond relic. It hit the floor, causing the Buddha's light on the ground to flicker like fireworks. Then, Gu Rumbling and rolling all over the ground.

Hey, you guys from the Grand Secret Jinlun Temple spend the whole day practicing, training, tempering, and boiling your bodies... You polish yourself until your anger surges and your essence and blood overflow... Tsk, why bother? Yuan Feeling that the monk had sharp eyesight and quick hands, before the condor monk could straighten up, he took out a jade bottle and put in two drops of blood.

Next time, I will introduce you to the Great Joy Courtyard, find some goddess Tara, and harmonize the yin and yang. Monk Yuanjue solemnly slapped Monk Condor on the shoulder: Otherwise, your nose will bleed wherever you go. , it is beneath my Buddhist dignity!”

The condor monk straightened his body, and some of the wounds he had just suffered had healed.

He looked at the jade bottle that was put into the sleeves of Monk Yuanjue, his pupils shrank slightly, and he laughed loudly: Senior brother is right, next time if senior brother goes to the Great Joy Courtyard, please inform the condor. ... I have heard the name of Great Joy Courtyard for a long time, but the condor has never been there... Senior brother thinks that he is an acquaintance in it.

While insulting Monk Yuanjue, Monk Condor was extremely fearful and in awe. His eyes quickly swept across the Seven Treasures Diamond Circle, and then he never looked at Lu Qian again.

The Seven Treasures Diamond Circle circled around Lu Qian's shoulder for three weeks, then submerged into Lu Qian's shoulder again and disappeared.

Lu Qian looked at his shoulder in confusion.

When did the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha hide this treasure on his shoulder?

No sense at all!

The Seven Treasures Vajra Circle has now retracted onto Lu Qian's shoulders...

He still has no feeling!

This is very scary!

Monk Yuanjue waved his hand hurriedly: Not familiar, not familiar, not familiar at all. I have been through the door three times, but never went in. Condor, don't slander my name in front of a group of juniors... I also know, Although you have never been to Dahuanxiyuan, Li Jingtian...

Before Monk Yuanjue finished speaking, Monk Condor interrupted his topic with his words that sounded like gold and iron.

The Condor Monk did not even look at Lu Qian, but pointed at him casually and said in a deep voice: This is Fahai? The golden body is three feet and six feet long. It is indeed as powerful as a dragon and an elephant. It is astonishingly powerful.

Lu Qian put his hands together and saluted the condor monk again, smiling and saying nothing.

Monk Yuanjue waved his hand hurriedly: Like a dragon, like an elephant, this is the pursuit of your Great Secret Golden Wheel Temple... Our Dajue Temple lineage emphasizes that the Buddha is as angry as prison and suppresses the heavens. You follow the path of physical cultivation, Although I, Dajue Temple, also have physical cultivation methods, I still pursue the magical power of Buddhism, and we are not the same as you, not the same!

In the main hall, two futons appeared out of nowhere.

Monk Yuanjue and Monk Shenjiu chatted with each other and sat down on the two futons.

There are about a hundred Buddhist cultivators from the Dajue Temple and more than twenty disciples from the Great Secret Golden Wheel Temple. They are lined up on the left and right, each with a solemn treasure. You stare at me, I stare at you, with all the excitement in your eyes. There is a hint of evil in it.

Among the Buddhist cultivators in Dajue Temple, Lu Qian stood closest to Monk Yuanjue.

Among the other disciples of Dajue Temple, there are more than a dozen Bodhisattva-level powerful disciples... But although they have high cultivation, they are only the true disciples of Monk Yuanjue.

Lu Qian was the official successor of the Buddhist lineage, and his status was much higher than theirs.

Buddhism says that 'all living beings are equal', but the lotus platform under the Buddha's seat is divided into different grades... Therefore, Lu Qian should naturally stand closest to Monk Yuanjue to highlight his identity and status.

The one closest to the condor monk is a young monk who is over 10 feet tall, also slightly thin, with skin as fair as jade, and a layer of white-gold Buddha light surging under the moist skin, like a metal statue.

The monk's aura was extremely violent, just like the eternal snowstorm on the snow-capped mountains and plateaus. As he stood there, he continued to exude a fierce and menacing aura in all directions, like a magic weapon that had just been released from the furnace, and the bright cold light forced him to Everyone around him unconsciously wanted to take another look at him.

It was so fierce and violent that Lu Qian couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

The monk, on the other hand, stared straight at Lu Qian, with an attitude of hatred for killing his father and taking away his wife, which made Lu Qian look confused. He was sure that this was the first time in his life that he saw this monk!

Monk Yuanjue and Monk Shenjiu were still quarreling with each other.

Monk Yuanjue talked about the unlucky thing that happened eight thousand years ago when Monk Condor was killed by a Taoist Sword Immortal who cut through his golden body with a sword and almost tried to practice magic.

The condor monk casually mentioned that seven thousand years ago, the monk Yuan Jue was ambushed by the eighteen lust witches in the southern region and jointly besieged him. In the end, the monk lost all his clothes and cassocks and ran away with his heart exposed. He was hunted for 300 million miles, and countless real people were killed along the way. Immortals feast their eyes on the great achievements.

The many Buddhist cultivators under the two great monks did not say a word, and just listened quietly to the mutual insults between the two.

After seven or eight rounds of this exchange, the two great monks finally realized that continuing to quarrel like this was nothing more than killing ten thousand people and losing ten thousand to themselves. This kind of loss-making business could not be done.

Then the two of them coughed slightly at the same time, and the Buddha's light lingered around them, restoring the solemnity, solemnity and solemnity that a great Buddhist Bodhisattva should have.

Junior brother, it's hard work coming from afar. Monk Yuanjue showed the dignity that a qualified landlord should have.

My thoughts are with you, senior brother. Everything is well. Monk Condor said sternly, or rather with a smile on his stiff face, Junior brother came here because of an opportunity.

He pointed at the young monk with a ferocious aura: Senior brother may already know that this son is the true successor of the Buddha's lineage that he recently received more than a hundred years ago, the Snow Cliff Monk.

The young monk stepped forward and bowed solemnly to Monk Yuanjue: Disciple Xue Ya, I have an audience with Master Yuanjue!

Monk Yuanjue smiled slightly and pointed at Lu Qian.

Lu Qian also took a step forward, imitating the appearance of the monk from the snow cliff, and paid homage to the condor monk: Disciple Fa Hai, I have an audience with the master condor.

Monk Yuanjue smiled ‘hehehe’, took out a palm-sized dark golden vajra from his sleeve, and handed it to Xueya Monk as a greeting gift.

Xueya Monk raised his eyebrows and took out a three-foot-long snow-patterned sword from his sleeve and handed it to Lu Qian.

The two received the greeting gift, stood up, and stuffed the gift into their sleeves.

Monk Yuanjue and Lu Qian didn't look very good-looking.

The vajra is a well-known magical weapon in Buddhism. The vajra given by monk Yuanjue is not of high rank, but it is also a good thing from the twelfth level of the real immortal, and its power is quite astonishing.

It was also a meeting gift, but Monk Condor gave him a sword from the Nine Heavens of the True Immortal.

Not to mention that there is a gap of three heavens in the grade... Is this the Jie Dao... The image of a fierce Buddhist monk in the world of mortals using the Jie Dao to destroy homes and rob houses is acceptable... Have you ever seen any true immortal-level Buddhist power? Carrying a knife around?

The greeting gift from the Condor Monk was not only stingy, but also... the style was too low.

From this, we can see that this monk's mind and character are not the same thing.

Therefore, Monk Yuanjue remained silent for a long time, sitting cross-legged on the futon, as stunned as a Buddha statue.

The condor monk slowly said: In that case, there will be no more nonsense... I heard rumors that twelve years ago, in Qingming Void, senior brother got the Buddhist land deeds of Qionghua Mountain and Liuxia River?

Monk Yuanjue raised his brows and laughed hehehe: I heard that my proud disciple, Junior Brother, has not arranged a lower courtyard for him to guard and practice for more than a hundred years... His feelings are because he has set his sights on Qionghua Mountain. A piece of land? But why?

The condor monk took out a string of small Buddhist beads, held them one by one, and whispered: Then, let's have a competition?

Monk Yuanjue looked at him and sneered.

The Condor Monk narrowed his eyes and said softly: Then, let the younger generations have a gambling battle. Junior Brother, I can naturally come up with some good things here.

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