Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 656 Lord Qionghua Mountain

Monk Yuanjue stood in front of the main hall of Dajue Temple, with his hands behind his back, looking up at the auspicious green clouds above that originally covered millions of miles.

Today, this group of green clouds has shrunk by a hundred thousand miles.

The blue lion, which was originally full of energy, squatting above the green clouds, grinding its claws and baring its teeth towards the east, also turned its tail between its legs, became listless, and its huge head drooped.

This piece of green clouds is the Buddhist land under the jurisdiction of Dajue Temple, where hundreds of millions of people gather their incense and faith.

Whenever these common people encounter any danger, any trouble, any distress, or any entanglement in their daily lives, they either chant the name of the Great Lion Power Bodhisattva or recite the Great Enlightenment The names of many Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Heavenly Kings, Vajras, and Hercules under Monk Yuanjue of the temple will all gather together with wisps of incense and faith.

When these common people of the Li people burn incense and worship the Dharma images of Dajue Temple Buddha such as Monk Yuanjue and others every day, and offer sacrifices, the faith of the incense generated is a hundred times more powerful than the faith of the incense born by casually shouting the title, thousands of times. Times!

Dajue Temple is such a large temple, not to mention the main temple of Shiziling. As monk Yuanjue is in Buddhism, he is the pioneer general guarding the border between Buddhism and Taoism. Dajue Temple has branches and lower courtyards in various places. Tens of thousands.

Ruoduo's branch houses and lower houses govern the Buddhist land with trillions of people. Now the two worlds in the lower world have been unified and have completely become the personal monastery of Yuanjue monk.

The incense faith generated by countless believers every year...what a huge number is that?

The power of these incense faith gathered in Dajue Temple, and was refined and purified over and over again by the power of Buddha. All the distracting thoughts, evil thoughts, and desires of the worldly world were abandoned, and transformed into the purest and most refined power of faith. Years of accumulation, little by little, have become the dense green clouds above Dajue Temple.

This Qingxia has countless wonderful uses.

It is also useful for refining treasures.

Moreover, when refining the treasure, it is blended with a cloud of green clouds, making it easier for the treasure to breed spirituality and become more powerful.

It also makes alchemy.

When a master-level alchemist incorporates such a wisp of green clouds into the alchemy, the grade of the great elixir produced can be increased by one level on average. As for a rookie-level alchemist who spends such a ray when refining an alchemy, he will never have to worry about exploding the furnace, basically guaranteeing a 100% success rate!

Of course, it is not easy to collect this power of faith. Unless he is a true disciple of a certain great Bodhisattva, any rookie alchemist who dares to be so extravagant and wasteful will have his little bald head banged like a wooden fish.

It can also be used in practice.

If you inhale a ray of blue clouds during practice, it can resist inner demons, extinguish the yin fire, protect the immortal soul, and nourish the physical body. It has infinite magical effects.

In the history of Liangyitian Buddhism, there have been several wars and catastrophes, and when the Buddhist great masters suffered heavy casualties, the Buddhist leaders issued an order and did not hesitate to waste the power of faith collected by the major temples, all of which was used to give birth to disciples... In just a short time In a hundred years, the overall strength of Buddhism has become stronger than before, and it has made a comeback in one fell swoop!

Healing, more effective.

Especially for injuries to the immortal soul, this purest power of faith is an excellent elixir for repairing all injuries to the soul. It does not require any other supplementary materials at all. A small wisp of green clouds can bring the dead back to life and repair the soul. of supreme miraculous effect.

In terms of repairing the soul, the effectiveness of this Qingxia is even several times stronger than that of several exquisite elixirs known as the 'Supreme Great Pills' in the Taoist court. Once upon a time, the soul of a high-level true immortal from the Taoist court was damaged. It cost a lot of connections, favors, and a huge price. He sought some refined power of faith from Buddhism, and then the injury healed.

Monk Yuanjue looked at the Qingxia above his head that had shrunk by a hundred thousand miles, and his heart ached a little.

Although it only shrunk by 100,000 miles, nearly 20% of the overall quantity was consumed.

This is Dajue Temple’s three thousand years of savings!

Since three thousand years ago, when Buddhism and Taoism joined forces in a tacit understanding to eliminate the barbarian and evil forces in Liangyi Heaven, Dajue Temple has never encountered a major event that required a lot of faith. The power of faith is just a little bit. Accumulated little by little.

As a result, 20% of my savings were wasted in this instant!

‘Click, click’, the sound of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha gnawing fruits came from the hall.

A loud voice like a copper bell came from the main hall: Look at how stingy you are... How about I replenish this consumption for you, give up the sea of ​​Fa to me, and be your little junior brother?

Monk Yuanjue closed his eyes hard, and then burst out laughing: Master, just eat your fruit... I am incompetent, and I am afraid that my achievements in this life will not be as good as yours, but at least there is one This is a good thing - it is possible that none of your true disciples can match Fahai!

The click sound stopped slightly, and the scolding laughter of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha came: Look, look, you stingy monk, you are so heartbroken that you started talking nonsense... You are scolding yourself for these words. Are you ready to go in?

Monk Yuanjue blinked his eyes and carefully considered what he had just said, feeling a little bored.

He coughed slightly, waved his hand, and said calmly: Just tell the truth, a monk, don't lie. Hey, hey, the Snow Cliff Monk who ascended to the Dami Jinlun Temple one hundred and eighty years ago was also a heavyweight. After casting the Dharma body and the Dao foundation, he recast the Dharma body and opened up how many acupoints?

Monk Yuanjue smiled brightly.

After a few clicks, the voice of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sounded faintly: There are three thousand two hundred and eighty major acupoints, and twelve thousand three hundred and thirty odd acupoints outside the sutra... Tsk! Those who practice in Dami Jinlun Temple are dragons. Xiang Fu Zang Buddha's true biography follows the path of pure physical cultivation... Xueya Monk, who claims to be the most qualified in physical cultivation among the disciples of the Buddha in the past ten thousand years, actually, actually...

Lu Qian slowly stood up from the pool of merit.

The black-gold Buddha light lingers all over his body, and waves of heavy prison-suppressing force fields crush all directions.

Behind him is a mighty and looming Buddha, ten feet high, sitting high on a lotus platform. He holds a mountain in his left hand and holds a seven-jewel diamond ring in his right hand. He looks like the prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha!

All the Buddhist cultivators who practice The Prison Suppressing Sutra, when they condense the true immortal persona, the Dharma condensed behind them must be the Dharma of the Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, the founder of The Prison Suppressing Sutra.

When cultivation reaches a higher level, some Bodhisattva-level Buddhist powers will gradually change the appearance of the Dharma behind them according to their own insights, turning them into dragons, holy statues, etc.

However, the vast majority of Buddhist cultivators who practice the Prison-Suppressing Sutra will maintain the appearance of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha after their death throughout their lives.

Once the two sides start a war and the Dharma behind them is revealed, the other side will know something - this is someone who is covering it, the great monk who is the true Buddhist disciple... If you can't offend the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, you'd better apologize obediently, turn around and run away!

What Lu Qian practiced was the Tai Shang Jin Que Suppressing Prison and Subduing Demons and Hunyuan Yiqi Sutra which was more lofty and profound than the Prison Suppressing Sutra, but this technique had a bit of the charm of Hunyuan Wuji.

The image of the Dharma behind him arises from his heart, gathers from his thoughts, and turns into the most orthodox appearance of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha. There is no problem at all.

Lu Qian looked back at the Dharma Amulet he had gathered at home, and made a serious decision - from now on, unless he reaches the point where he is able to dominate one side, he will always use this Dharma Aspect in the future!

The fox pretends to be the tiger's power...sometimes it's quite enjoyable!

From the side came the angry scolding of Huizhu Bodhisattva, and the laughter and curses of many female cultivators from Dajue Temple.

Lu Qian's face twitched violently, and he suddenly lowered his head to look... He stood up from the merit pool calmly. He was now three to six feet tall, with muscles all over his body, qi and blood surging, and he looked majestic. As fierce as a dragon.

He coughed lightly, clasped his hands together, and saluted in all directions calmly: Brothers, sisters, and monks, we are all superficial... The so-called emptiness is form, and form is emptiness... There is nothing better than this: dreams and bubbles...

After trying hard to recall some classic sentences from Buddhist scriptures that he remembered, Lu Qian rambled a lot.

These Buddhist sutra sentences have never appeared in Liangyitian Buddhism.

All the Buddhist cultivators around him shut up, frowned and fell into deep thought.

Lu Qian took the opportunity to put on monk's robes and cassocks to cover his body.

In front of the main hall of Dajue Temple, Monk Yuanjue raised his brows and said in surprise: Empty is form, and form is emptiness...Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is the essence of my Buddhism... However, I am from the prison-suppressing lineage and have magical powers. The way to fight, if these insights are...

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha clicked, clicked for a while, and muttered angrily: Give the disciples around you who heard these words a 'sealing ring'... Otherwise, if those old monks who specialize in studying Buddhist scriptures hear it, they will be You have to come here to rob someone... Don't let such a good disciple who charges into battle be turned into a rotten literary monk by them, that would be too annoying.

Monk Yuanjue nodded slowly, and then a ray of dark golden Buddha light bloomed from the center of his eyebrows.

Near the Merit Pond, the Dajue Temple disciples who heard the Buddhist scriptures that Lu Qian had just heard had a faint golden light flickering above their heads. They opened their mouths and could no longer say those few Buddhist scriptures.

Lu Qian felt his whole body sink slightly.

A gentle Buddhist consciousness swept across his body, instantly scanning his 3,600 major acupoints and 19,600 extra-meridian acupoints.

Later, Monk Yuanjue's exclamation came from the Dajue Temple: How could this be so? There are 3,600 great acupoints, which are covered by the two great avenues of heaven and earth. Theoretically, the most perfect body state... Nineteen thousand six hundred strange points outside the meridian...this, this...

Before Lu Qian, the natives of Liangyi Heaven, the disciples of Taoism, the disciples of Buddhism, the lucky ones who were filled with countless elixirs and elixirs when they were still in the womb, their most perfect qualifications after they were born were just There are 3,600 universities and more than 12,000 extra-meridian acupoints.

And Lu Qian, this disciple who ascended from the lower world, lay in the pool of merit for twelve years, and the extraordinary acupoints he opened outside the sutra were more than seven thousand higher than the highest record of all Taoists and Buddhists in the history of Liangyitian. At!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha appeared out of thin air next to Monk Yuanjue, and said in a low voice: Let's take another sealing ring... Tsk, now it's just the Hunyuan Luotian Sect who wants to deal with him. If his current legal qualifications are spread, the entire Taoist group will be affected. Even if the court wants to strangle him... even a teacher can't bear it!

Monk Yuanjue nodded, and at the same time he and the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha used their magical powers to once again impose a sealing order on all Dajue Temple disciples on Lion Ridge.

Unless someone has more magical power than the two great monks join forces, they will never be able to reveal what they saw and heard today in any way.

Not to mention, now in the entire Lion Ridge, apart from Lu Yi himself, the only people who know about Lu Yi's legal qualifications are these two great monks.

Fahai, come to the main hall to see me at once. Monk Yuanjue's voice echoed through Shiziling.

The next moment, from the very far horizon, an equally loud and equally majestic Buddha's trumpet sounded: I, the Buddha, are merciful. Congratulations to Senior Brother Yuanjue for gaining a good disciple. Junior Brother specially came to celebrate.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sneered, moved his brows, patted Monk Yuanjue on the shoulder, swayed his bald head, and disappeared out of thin air.

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