Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 646 Hunting (4)

I don’t know what the status of the title Bodhisattva is in other worlds.

However, in this upper realm, there are only a few conditions for being able to be given the honorific title of 'Bodhisattva'.

First, the cultivation level is sufficient.

This side of Buddhism can obtain the title of 'Bodhisattva', and its true immortality status is at least the level of the thirty-first heaven. The power of magic is vast and boundless, the understanding of the Tao is profound, the wisdom is lofty and unfathomable, and every move has the power to change the world.

Second, don’t suffer!

The first condition is just the prerequisite basic factor, and the second condition is the hard and invisible demand.

The so-called not losing money means that if you quarrel, you can't quarrel with him; in a fight, you can't beat him; in a trick, you can't trick him... The Bodhisattvas in this upper realm must take full advantage and take advantage of them whenever they appear. The good thing is, unless your cultivation is much better than his, there is absolutely no way you can take away any benefit from him.

Stand firm, be able to bear it, protect one side, and protect the whole place. Under its wings, the big monk and the little monk can run wild and look around in all directions. No matter how domineering they are, they will not suffer... There is such a method Only in this upper realm can one obtain the honorific title of 'Bodhisattva'!

Therefore, when he saw the two Bodhisattvas suddenly appearing, Mr. Yanguang was all smiles, and the three hundred Yufeng Dapeng were all beaming with joy. The trapped silver-haired Dapeng even screamed at the top of his lungs: Two Bodhisattvas, help, help. , this old ghost just said arrogant words, which is very disrespectful to Buddhism!

Zhenjun Luo Yun's face became ugly.

Junior Tai Yuan, Li Yuan and other juniors subconsciously took two steps back and hid behind Zhenjun Luo Yun. They all held their breath and no longer looked as arrogant and domineering as before.

As for Fairy Luoshui, who was sent to the bow of the treasure ship and prepared to kill people, she screamed like a little fairy who accidentally fell into a manure pit. She danced with joy, her face twisted like a ghost, and hurriedly ran back to her grandfather. , his hands tightly grasped Zhenjun Luo Yun's sleeves.

Zhenjun Luo Yun waved his other sleeve fiercely, and the sky suddenly filled with pure purple light. He wanted to form an formation out of thin air and send these juniors back to the mountain gate of Hunyuan Luotian Sect.

But the handsome and pink Bodhisattva, who was riding a white elephant and wearing a blue monk's robe, smiled, and waved his right hand whisk forward, and countless silver light 'cords' as big as thumbs and shaped like carps flew forward soundly. out. Tens of thousands of small carp pecked at the gathering clear light and purple energy, and then pecked into pieces the large formation that was about to take shape.

Zhenjun Luo Yun, you and I have not seen each other for a hundred years since the last Yuanlong Dharma Assembly...Today we are destined to meet in this clear and clear void where cause and effect are cut off, heaven's secrets are unfathomable, and cannot be calculated. Why do we have to rush?

Zhenjun Luo Yun looked suspiciously and looked at the two Bodhisattvas again and again.

This clear and faint void is the natural boundary membrane of the upper world. Just as the Bodhisattva said, in this void, all cause and effect and all heavenly secrets are blocked. No matter how powerful the existence is, it cannot cause trouble in this clear void. Any divination or whim is of no use in this void.

No one could have predicted what happened here.

Therefore, the two Bodhisattvas suddenly appeared in front of us, or it was just a coincidence...

Or is this all a pre-arranged trap?

So, is it a trap?

Zhenjun Luo Yun exhaled a long breath and bowed to the two Bodhisattvas: Wude, Wenxian, two Taoist friends, I haven't seen each other for many years, it's really been a long time... Haha, what a coincidence?

The handsome and pink Wenxian Bodhisattva riding a white elephant said, It's a coincidence, it's a coincidence... But you don't believe it when I say it, or you just think it's because we deliberately lured you here, and we want to spend the Qingming Festival with you. Beat you to death in the void?

Zhenjun Luo Yun's expression suddenly changed!

Not a single word of truth can be heard from the bald mouths of these Buddhist thieves... All their words are either hidden tricks or traps. You can't tell whether their words are true at all. That statement is false.

Riding a black tiger on the side, the Wude Bodhisattva, who was slightly taller but equally handsome and extraordinary, smiled slightly and bowed to Zhenjun Luo Yun: In short, we have met, so please Zhenjun give me the Buddhist door. An explanation... Why do you want to kill the ascended disciples of my Buddhist sect? What happened just now, the young monk has already preserved all the true forms of the pictures and shadows. The truth lies with my Buddhist sect!

Zhenjun Luo Yun's face became more and more sad.

If a Buddhist is rude, he must be polite. This time, the Buddhist caught him at the scene with solid evidence, and he has fallen into an extremely disadvantageous situation.

Although the status of martial virtues and literary virtues in Buddhism is just like that, they are just two 'little' Bodhisattvas...

Zhenjun Luo Yun gradually suppressed his emotions and stabilized his Taoist mind. His expression returned to calmness and he said calmly: So what? The Fahai demon monk on the treasure boat is the one named by the ancestor of our sect to arrest and attack. The felon in killing... You are a filthy Buddhist sect, and today I have to show you some color.

Zhenjun Luo Yun began to fight head-on.

Not only that, he acted extraordinarily tough. He shook off Fairy Luoshui's little hand with a flick of his sleeve. He grabbed it with both hands, and a fairy light flashed in both hands. He held a feather fan made of seven-color bird feathers in his left hand. He grabbed a jade sword carved from blue jadeite in his right hand, and a small nine-layered white jade tower above his head emitted a shimmering fairy light to protect his whole body, and rushed towards the two Bodhisattvas first.

This is the conclusion reached by countless Taoist immortals in the upper realm after dealing with Buddhism.

When meeting a monk on the road, if there is no conflict of interest, everyone just smiles at each other and goes their separate ways.

If you encounter a conflict of interest, then there is no need to talk nonsense with the thieves... No matter how much nonsense you say, you can't defeat them anyway.

Since you can't explain it, why waste your saliva and energy?

If you can win, fight.

If you can't win, turn around and run!

In short, if you see a thief bald, do it if you don't accept it!

This is the combat experience summed up by the Daoting Immortals after suffering countless dumb losses for countless thousands of years.

When Wenxian Bodhisattva saw True Monarch Luo Yun flying towards him, he couldn't help but sigh deeply: In today's world, rituals and music are ruined, and the Taoist immortals behave like evil spirits... Wherever they disagree with each other, they fight. The truth? You really don’t care about friendship at all, and don’t save any face... During this trip and this scene, you are just like a mad dog!

Wenxian Bodhisattva severely damaged Zhenjun Luo Yun.

Wude Bodhisattva let out a long laugh, shook his body, and emitted white jade-like fairy light. His body swelled to a height of three feet and six feet. He held an eight-sided starlight purple gold hammer in his left hand and a four-sided dragon in his right hand. The platinum mace turned into a dazzling Buddha's light and faced Zhenjun Luo Yun head-on.

The void trembled slightly, and then a loud buzzing sound was heard. The void a hundred miles ahead was in chaos, with lights flashing randomly and loud noises constantly. Lu Qian and others couldn't see clearly how the two men acted, they only knew that one Waves of terrifying aura kept coming, causing the treasure ship to sway. The many monks on board felt heavy in their hearts and felt severe pain in their five internal organs.

Wenxian Bodhisattva rode the white elephant leisurely and walked over. He lightly swept the dust fly in his hand towards the treasure ship. Suddenly, the entire treasure ship shone brightly, and the Buddha's light returned to its brilliance, protecting everyone firmly. middle.

He looked at Lu Qian, nodded and smiled: You are all my Buddhist disciples, don't worry, no one can touch you today!

Lu Qian, together with other Buddhist cultivators, bowed to Wenxian Bodhisattva.

This is a real big shot in the upper world... he cannot be neglected.

In particular, Lu Qian thought about today's events seriously and always felt that it was a bit weird. This clear and bright void is vast and boundless, and it is the boundary membrane of the upper world. In this boundless clear sky, the silver-haired Dapeng little cousin was running for her life in embarrassment, so she bumped into Lu Yi and his party?

Well, the little cousin escaped in embarrassment, and it happened that Xiaojun Taiyuan recognized Lu Qian.

Xiaojun Taiyuan attracted Fairy Luoshui.

Lord Huan Guang led a group of tribesmen who looked like wolves and tigers, and chased after Cha Cha to rescue his little cousin.

Fairy Luoshui had a grandfather who doted on her, so it was only natural that Lord Luo Yun appeared at the right time, blocked and severely injured Lord Yan Guang.

But the two Bodhisattvas appeared at just the right time. If you say it was a coincidence, it was too much of a coincidence!

Lu Qian clicked his lips and quickly glanced at Wenxian Bodhisattva.

Come on, he was 70 to 80% sure that this was a certain great monk who used himself as bait to fish here... This Buddhist's heart is a little dark. But Lu Qian likes it. The sense of security brought by this kind of black heart is perfect!

Wenxian Bodhisattva was very sensitive. He looked at Lu Qian with a smile and praised: He is a wise man.

The drunken old monk raised his eyebrows and smiled thoughtfully.

Beside him, a group of old monks and nuns from the three sects, three temples, and three Zen forests of the Supreme Holy Heaven smiled in unison.

Lu Xiu wiped his long beard aside and licked his lips.

Lu Min chuckled a few times, smiled without saying a word, and carefully put away the bloody demonic energy on his body.

On the other hand, except for a very few two or three of the old monks who originally belonged to Yuan Lingtian Mahakala, the others, including Jie Yin Toutuo, all looked at a loss.

Wenxian Bodhisattva saw everyone's expressions in his eyes.

When he saw the blank expressions of Jie Yin Toutuo and others, he twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and a subtle look of extreme disgust flashed across his face. Then, he glanced at the fighting Bodhisattva of Martial Deities - to take over a monk like Yin Toutuo who is not very smart, he should leave it to the same monk to train him!

Suddenly there was a loud sound like a thunderbolt, the air in front rolled, and large pieces of golden blood splattered.

Zhenjun Luo Yun's left arm was broken at the shoulder level, and blood spattered. Amidst Fairy Luoshui's screams, he staggered back in embarrassment.

Half of Wude Bodhisattva's cheeks were covered in blue flames. The flames burned his skin and flesh, and half of his face was burned to pieces, revealing the golden glazed bones inside.

Wenxian Bodhisattva let out a loud roar: The True Lord's attack is too heavy-handed. It's so cruel. Could it be that the True Lord has truly entered the evil path? That's all. Today, the monk is going to conquer the devil and defend the path!

While speaking, Wenxian Bodhisattva had already ducked behind Zhenjun Luo Yun, and one after another with Wude Bodhisattva, they launched a frantic attack on Zhenjun Luo Yun.

The void shook again, the pure energy was chaotic, the fairy light flashed randomly, and the pained cries of True Lord Luo Yun kept coming.

The void suddenly lit up, and a large area of ​​purple energy lingered, forming a large formation. Then, a large group of true immortals filed out of it.

Fairy Luoshui cheered in surprise: Grandmaster!

Just look at the fairy light, Zhenjun Liexu appeared, and shouted sternly: The thief bald bullies people too much!

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