Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 634 Breaking through Senluo (2)

Excuse me.

How to anger a great monk who has profound Zen skills and a compassionate heart... well, he is actually carefree, thick-skinned and evil-hearted?

He has no worries, he has no family members, no disciples, so you can't kill his entire family to anger him.

He has a thick skin and a dark heart. He is not afraid of your greetings and curses at all. He is better than you at throwing dirty water on people and blaming others. If you want to use public opinion to anger him, this is simply impossible!

Frontal battle...

Well, why choose to anger him if you can deal with him head-on?

This is a big problem, this is a huge trouble.

After receiving the order from Wanxiang from the upper world and receiving 360,000 Supreme Immortal Orders refined by the true immortals of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, Su Qianmo and his fellow disciples fell into deep thought - the Fahai of Dajue Temple What did the monk do? What did he do? To cause the already ascended Wanxiang to be so angry?

Moreover, according to Su Qianmo and others' superficial understanding of the upper world, the 360,000 Taishang Immortal Inscriptions are clearly more exquisite and contain greater power than the Taishang Immortal Inscriptions given by Bai Yuan. The Immortal Certificate is obviously something that Wanxiang is unable to come up with today.

So, is it the ‘ancestor’ behind everything that takes action?

This...who did Fahai Pirate Bald offend?

This is clearly asking us to use the strategy of luring the enemy to force Monk Fahai to fly to the upper realm to cause trouble for us... And in the upper realm, someone is obviously ready to deal with Monk Fahai ruthlessly. Su Qian Mo accurately judged the cause and effect, but he couldn't think of a countermeasure for a while.

Let's discuss, what can we do to make Fa Hai desperately pursue us and go straight to the upper realm?

Su Qianmo looked at his fellow disciples expectantly.

A crowd of people were waiting for you to look at me and me to look at you. For a while, everyone shook their heads without saying a word.

Seeing this, Su Qianmo rubbed his chin vigorously with his right hand and pondered for a long time, constantly recalling what Wan Xiang had told him about Lu Min and Lu Qian and his son, about the true identity of the 'Fahai Pirate Bald', and about Lu Min and Lu Qian and his son. The relationship with Yinyuan and so on...

Well, he nodded slowly and had a plan.

Everyone, go and count the disciples. We have collected a total of 360,000 places and prepare to ascend collectively... The remaining disciples will obviously be robbed. How can Dajue Temple let them go? Since they are all dead, They need to die worthy.

At this time, Su Qianmo's cruelty was revealed: I will give you three days. Within three days, let all the disciples who are not qualified to ascend take the 'Burning Heart Pill' and let them fight to the death with Dajue Temple... Here we are. In the end, we will not hesitate to detonate the mountain gate veins, but also kill a few more thieves from Dajue Temple.

I need three supreme elders to lead a team and lead an elite disciple, together with three heavenly and human war puppets, to the Dayin Immortal Dynasty and massacre the entire city of Haojing... Well, that Bai Yu, you can't touch her. But others, especially the Emperor Yin Yuan of Dayin Immortal Dynasty, must die!

Other disciples, please wait at the mountain gate. In three days, we... will ascend to enlightenment.

Su Qianmo sighed softly and looked up at the bloody clouds covering the mountain gate of Senluo Sect. In the thick blood cloud, the huge face of Lu Min's Dharma Aspect could be seen looming. The sinister wind and evil aura, together with the sharp roars of countless Blood God Sons, shook people's souls, and there were signs that the energy and blood in the whole body were constantly overflowing.

Time passes little by little.

Something evil began to appear near the mountain gate of Senluo Sect.

First there were some red embroidered shoes walking on the ground, then there were some red lanterns floating all over the mountains and plains, and then there were paper figures walking around carrying bridal sedans, and even a bride in red entered the house, scaring the people around them to dance and howl like ghosts. .

Infected by these evil auras, gradually, more and more strange things happened near the mountain gate of Senluo Sect and on the territory of Senluo Sect. The disciples of the Senluo Sect who were guarding various cities had numerous conflicts with the evil spirits. There were victories and defeats, and there were many casualties.

Facing the feedback from his disciples, Su Qianmo just appeased them and asked them to wait for a few more days.

Finally, the day has come.

Su Qianmo rose into the sky with the cross of celestial beings and puppets, and flew straight to where Lu Min's true body was. The Senluo Sect itself had a celestial war puppet. Later, twelve were sent down from the upper realm, and three were sent to Dayin Immortal Dynasty. Therefore, Su Qianmo still had ten more in his hands!

The war puppet pushed away the blood cloud, crushed the strong wind, roared in a low voice, turned into a stream of light, and surrounded Lu Min under the leadership of Su Qianmo. Without any hesitation, the war was about to break out. Countless Blood God Sons flew up and started a shocking battle with a group of war puppets.

Su Qianmo had no reservations this time, and the cross war puppet directly activated its strongest combat power.

The terrifying brute force tore open cracks in the void, and destructive ripples spread in all directions, smashing the mountains and rivers below to pieces. The cities and the people in the city were beaten to ashes without any preparation. .

Lu Qian, who was sitting cross-legged outside the gate of the Senluo Sect, jumped up suddenly: Something is wrong, the Senluo Sect seems to be trying its best... Everyone, be careful, don't be fooled before you are done... and you will die together!

The Taichu Hun Tong Pearl spun for a while, Lu Qian's heart suddenly twitched, and a great sense of crisis hit his heart.

With a cold snort, Lu Qian took out a small statue made of blood jade, yelled at the statue, and then pointed his finger on the statue.

The one-foot-tall figure rolled with blood. Lu Min's true form appeared out of thin air with a large group of Blood God Sons beside Lu Yi. The figure had been replaced and surrounded by the cross war puppets. Lu Min was inexplicably surprised. Looking at Lu Qian: What's the matter? There are just a few dead things. I'm afraid that I will be...

Before he finished speaking, a clear fairy light from the battle group in front shot straight into the sky. Su Qianmo had already inspired the Supreme Immortal Order and turned into a hazy fairy shadow that rushed into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

A bright light swept across the world, and the ten war puppets surrounded the small jade statue in the center. It was surrounded from all directions, and then the ten war puppets exploded at the same time!

Ten groups of sun-like bright lights swept across the sky and the earth. Lu Yi shouted loudly, waved his sleeves, rolled up the Dajue Temple disciples around him and teleported out. His mana was consumed rapidly, and Lu Qian teleported continuously, tearing apart the void and escaping quickly, traveling tens of millions of miles away in the blink of an eye.

A large area of ​​strong light filled the sky and the sky behind, covering the land with light and destroying everything.

The celestial-level war puppet self-destructed, and its power was frightening. As soon as Lu Qian pressed the light escape button, the terrifying high temperature and strong light rays rolled over. A group of monks from Dajue Temple hurriedly set up a large formation. The huge Buddhist formation was rushed back thousands of miles by the strong light, and it was difficult to stabilize its foundation.

The strong light passed through the Buddha array and burned the bodies of all the monks. Many of the monks below the Ningdao Realm were so burned that their bodies were covered in large and small blisters.

Looking back, on the Senluo Sect's territory, an area of ​​100 million miles was completely turned into white land. In this area, not a single blade of grass was left. On the red-red, lava-rolling earth, the mountain gate of the Senluo Sect was guarded by a large formation. It was the only place where the mountains, rivers and jungles remained.

However, the Senluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation was also shattered to pieces by the self-detonation of the Cross Heavenly Man War Puppet.

Through the dilapidated formation, you can see clear traces of fairy light slowly dissipating in the void. Looking at the number, there are at least 300,000 fairy lights rising into the sky...

There was a loud boom, and the Senluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation shattered into pieces. Countless Senluo Sect disciples' eyes were scarlet, and they were spitting out streaks of black smoke, and they rushed out like crazy demons.

The thief of Dajue Temple, Bald, is going to die!

These disciples of the Senluo Sect roared and challenged each other, roaring and provoking in all directions.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows. He could feel that under the mountain gate of Senluo Sect, the earth veins were turbulent. The huge power of the earth is gathering together crazily. Once it breaks out, it will be a disaster more terrifying than the self-destruction of the ten celestial beings!

This is not the way to perish together... If we want to perish together, why are you running so fast? Lu Qian frowned: I am compassionate, this is the Senluo Sect abandoning Yuan Lingtian's foundation and only preserving part of it. The elite disciples escaped to the upper world?

Hiss... Wanxiang is so shameless?

No...that's where Dayin Immortal is heading!

Lu Qian let out a loud roar, not caring about Dajue Temple and his party beside him. He swayed his body, exerted all his strength, and headed straight towards Dayinxian. With his current cultivation level, if he fully exerts himself, traveling through the void of Yuan Lingtian is as easy and comfortable as taking a walk.

A dim light flickered in the void, and it took Lu Qian half an hour to finally rush from the mountain gate of Senluo Sect to the outskirts of Haojing City.

As soon as they arrived, they saw three dazzling light groups erupting over Hao Capital City. Then strong light and fire swept out in all directions. Everything disappeared. The Hao Axe, carefully designed by the Yinyuan couple and built at countless costs, The capital city was destroyed in a very short period of time.

White turtle's hysterical screams and curses came from high in the sky: You idiots taught by Senluo... Auntie, I remember you, I remember you... You guys, just wait for me!

A burst of fire shot up into the sky, and the three war puppets that exploded in Haojing City obviously carried powerful thunder beads from the upper world and other deadly things. This burst of fire directly shattered the rock formations below Haojing City, attracting the poisonous fire from the center of the earth, which turned into a black-red fire pillar and rushed up to a million miles high in the sky.

Seeing dozens of immortal lights transformed from the Supreme Immortal Order being washed away and swaying, they eventually plunged into the void and disappeared.

In the fairy light, Lu Qian saw Yinyuan with two broken legs and blood all over his body!

Seriously injured!

But still alive!

With a mouthful of old blood in his heart, Lu Qian gritted his teeth and angrily teleported back to the gate of Senluo Sect Mountain. He activated his golden body without hesitation, transformed into a gigantic giant ten feet and eight feet tall, and broke into the forest brazenly. The dilapidated mountain gate of Luo Jiao.

One hundred and eight powerful true immortal-level supernatural powers burst out from the beads in his hand. In just one cup of tea, the Senluo Sect's mountain gate shattered.

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