Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 624: Destroying Taixuan with a snap of a finger (4)


Su Qianmo was furious.

It's not because he was slandered. As the current leader of the Senluo Sect, Su Qianmo is not a white lotus. He knows very well that for the sake of profit, he can use any means in the world of cultivation.

Making money, grabbing resources, and striving for an illusory opportunity to ascend. In the world of cultivation, for this matter, it is normal to be a bit dark-hearted and ruthless, and it is not shabby.

What he was angry about was, even if it was to throw sewage, you brought a beautiful woman over, even if you said that Su Qianmo used violence or shamelessly drugged her? Su Qianmo can accept it. Isn't it just pouring sewage on him? If he gets a charming beauty to pour sewage on him, he will be in a good mood to bend over with her!

Looking down at the four celestial realm warriors standing at his feet, Su Qianmo was confident enough and in a good mood to continue playing with Lu Min!


but! !

but! ! !

Are you, Lu Min, still shameless? The dignified Grand Elder of the Heavenly Realm of the Immortal Sect, you are throwing dirt on the current leader of the Senluo Sect. Your cost is too low, right? You brought an evil spirit here and said that Su Qianmo was in cahoots with this evil spirit and had a child?

Su Qianmo doesn't have this appetite!

This is too insulting... Who would attack an evil person?

This evil is not even a ghost. It is simply a vague 'concept', an 'existence' that can be seen, sensed, and even touched... The problem is that it is not a kind of thing at all. The 'creature race', the serious cultivators, is the human race... Can the human race and the evil spirits have children?

The sewage was poured so perfunctorily that Su Qianmo was so angry that he trembled all over.

Lu Min! Su Qianmo didn't bother to call the other party by his formal honorific. He cursed directly by name. After quoting scriptures, Su Qianmo said angrily: How dare you insult me ​​like this? This is evil, I, Su Qianmo Even if the human relations in Qianmo are so corrupt that they are worse than pigs and dogs, how could I possibly be with an evil person...

Many monks from the sect who were watching the excitement nodded.

However, the evil monks from the White Bone Holy Sect, Mitian Demon Realm and other four sects have devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the Immortality Sect and Dajue Temple. They are considered to be the die-hard henchmen of the two sects. They knew very well that with Su Qianmo's current status, there was no way he would get involved with an evil person, but they still burst into laughter.

Someone used the magic power to spread the sound thousands of miles away, and the erratic voice came from all directions: Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts. Who knows if our leader Su is curious? Haha, in this world, even pigs and dogs are not spared. There are people... There are also... There are also people who are interested in those four-legged cold-blooded reptiles... Weird, this little lady looks fair and beautiful, tsk, she is quite wild, and I am also quite moved...

It's just that I am old and frail, and my heart is just agitated... Master Su is young and strong, full of energy and blood, and full of fire, right?

Another clear and sweet girl's voice sounded faintly: What a pitiful little sister, she can't find peace even after she dies. Even after she dies, she will be deceived by such shameless men and even get pregnant with a child... Oh, this world is so cruel to us. Weak woman, that’s too harsh!”

Su Qianmo's eyes were bloodshot with anger: You evil heretics are so wanton... I have nothing to do with this evil, I...

The evil blood-clothed bride said quietly: Why is my husband so heartless? As the sun shows, my husband, you are an inch delicate. My family loves to call you 'my husband'... If my husband doesn't recognize the friendship between my family and you, he won't recognize it. The child in your womb is yours...Do you dare to take off your clothes and let all Taoist friends in the world do justice?

The blood-clothed bride said leisurely: If my husband grows even an inch longer, I will kill myself on the spot immediately. This will give my husband peace and innocence, so that he can continue to be the leader of the Senluo Sect with peace of mind!

All around, thousands of laughter rose into the sky.

Someone used his magical power and said, What the young lady said is absolutely true. It cannot be true or false, and it cannot be true. Master Yicun, please undress and take off your belt. Fellow Taoists in the world, please wait and see!

A female cultivator with a fiery personality shouted excitedly: Take off your clothes, take off your belt, quickly, quickly, quickly... Master Su, please stop... My aunt has seen countless people, and she will know how much you have with just one pair of eyes. A few centimeters and a few inches... Hee, you can't go wrong in the slightest! Hee hee, the appearance of Master Su's skin and tender flesh... my aunt is drooling!

There was also the voice of an old man who sounded mature and steady: Stop making noise, respect, dignity, the dignity of a cultivator, please silence me, don't laugh...Such a serious matter is related to the innocence of Master Su. , it is related to the reputation of Senluo Sect, how can you joke like this?

The old man said extremely seriously: Later, Master Su took off his clothes. If it's just an inch, that's fine. If it's just a tiny bit short of an inch, no one is allowed to laugh... No one is allowed to laugh! Do you know? Such a serious thing!

Lu Min's eyes widened, and suddenly the sky was filled with blood, burning the Senluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation. The layers of forbidden flames filled the sky, and the layers of light buildings continued to collapse, and then continued to pile up layer by layer.

The core of the Senluo Sect's current mountain-protecting formation is a pagoda of immortal artifacts descended from the upper realm by all phenomena - this is also a certain unspoken rule of the upper realm. If a disciple ascends to the lower realm, no matter how many levels of heaven are condensed into the true immortal fruit position , the 'ancestors' behind them always have favors, which can be regarded as some kind of reward for those who ascend, and a kind of protection for the inheritance of the sect below!

Therefore, the Senluo Sect's current mountain-protecting formation is more than a hundred times stronger than before.

Due to the environment in the lower realm, let alone indestructible, it was impossible for Lu Min, a celestial being, to break through it in a short period of time!

A layer of light towers collapsed, then rolled up and shot up into the air with great force, illuminating all directions.

The flickering light also illuminated Su Qianmo's twisted face!

Shameless... Shameless!

Su Qianmo has seen the dangers in the world, but he never expected that people would use such shameless and dirty methods to push him to this level... This is already, there is no way to argue or prove anything.

How could he, Su Qianmo, take off his clothes in public?

It is even impossible to select a few highly respected notaries and find a quiet room in private to verify on-site!

Even if he, Su Qianmo, did this, those notaries could still be accused of fearing power and protecting criminals... and his identity, Su Qianmo, would never allow him to do such a thing.

And he doesn't do that...

Well, it would be just as embarrassing if I did it or not, and I wouldn’t be able to step down!

Su Qianmo's mind was in chaos. Countless disciples of the Senluo Sect were spreading messages all around. They were so angry that they wanted to let go of the mountain-protecting formation and rush out to cut the evil blood-clothed bride into pieces!

At this moment, the blood-clothed bride suddenly sang an extremely sad funeral song. Then, she stood in front of the mountain gate of the Senluo Sect and took out a handle with the Senluo Sect's seal mark on it. A dagger obviously made by the Senluo Cult!

As mentioned before, the inheritance of Senluo Sect is varied, including alchemy, swordsmanship, talismans, formations, puppets, corpse refining, basically all the cultivation schools of other sects in Yuanlingtian, Senluo Sect is involved.

Therefore, there are sword cultivators in the Senluo Sect, and naturally there are also weapon-refining monks who specialize in forging various flying swords.

The flying swords they cast are not like the huge output of Sword City of Jianmen, which is similar to the mass creation of large-scale industrialization. Instead, they have more of a private customization flavor. The output is not high, but each piece is worthy. Called fine products, each piece has a unique and magical function, and each piece can extremely meet the demands of the sword owner.

These custom-made special flying swords all have the seal mark of the Senluo Sect on them, which means that they are the masterpieces of the swordsmiths of the Senluo Sect!

The dagger in the hands of the bride in blood is dimly glowing red, and in the light there are floating and rotating shadows of gorgeous flowers. It is beautiful and extremely eye-catching. From all around, the sound of female monks swallowing saliva could be heard. It was obvious that this sword was very favored by female monks.

The blood-clothed bride raised the dagger and murmured: You said you forged this sword with your own hands and gave it to me as a token of love... It was for this sword that you deceived me... Haha, now, since you don’t recognize us two, then use the sword you gave me to end all this!”

Flowers fell, swords fell, blood splattered, and the shrill cries of babies resounded through the sky. A surge of resentment turned into a twisted curse seal the size of a fist visible to the naked eye, and crashed into the mountain gate of Senluo Sect with a harsh roar.

In the Senluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation, an insignificant flash of spiritual light completely obliterated the curse seal formed by the overwhelming evil energy!

The bride in blood slowly disappeared in the air, leaving behind a flying sword suspended in the air!

Ms. sir, I don't blame you. Really...compared with our miserable mother-in-law, the throne of the leader and the ambition to dominate the world are what you pursue...A man...I understand...As long as the great cause can be achieved, abandoning your wife What does it mean to be an abandoned son?”

So, I am willing to commit suicide, so I won't bother you to do it yourself, sir!

I don't ask for eternity, but I want to have it once... to be able to make love with my husband for a few months, what else am I not satisfied with?

I am in that legendary underworld, burning incense and praying day and night, praying that my husband will come down as soon as possible so that our family of three can be reunited as soon as possible... Hee hee, hee hee, hee hee hee!

The eerie laughter drifted away in the wind.

The bride in blood clothes disappeared without a trace in front of everyone's eyes!

It stands to reason that if a serious cultivator receives such a sword in the belly, he will die as a serious practitioner.

The problem is, she is evil, evil!

Just such an ordinary sword... Is she dead or not... There are trillions of evil spirits like Yuan Lingtian who are dressed as brides in red. Where are you going to find her?

Do you think she is dead?

This scapegoat has been firmly established... Su Qianmo wanted to find witnesses to clear his name, but he couldn't find any!

Of course, if he is willing to take off his clothes in public... But is this possible?

Lu Min was in the sky, and added faintly: Master Su, you are willing to kill your lover, parent and child for the sake of the throne of the leader... Hey, it's useless for you to take off your clothes now and try to clear your innocence... I just watched it By the time you secretly take a pill... you may have changed from a one-inch husband to a three-inch husband... Who knows?

Su Qianmo's body shook!

He didn't want to talk to Lu Min at all... With a loud bang, four celestial-level war puppets rose into the sky and charged straight towards the huge face in the sky.

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