Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 617 The real golden finger (2)

Lu Qian stood in front of the huge world embryo.

Between the eyebrows of the World Yuan Fei, a strange chaotic aura flickered. In the huge cave, the thick, pure, and vast innate essence is squirming, and a large amount of innate essence is absorbed by the world's embryo at an abnormal speed.

This innate essence, to the world's Yuan Fei, is like the amniotic fluid in a living creature's mother's womb. It contains rich energy and nutrients and is the necessary food for the conception and growth of a living baby.

Previously, Lu Min and Lu Qian, father and son, had gathered millions of acquired spiritual treasures in this cave. They had completely improved the strength of their Blood God Son and the guardian Taoist soldiers, and they had spent all this time in the cave. 70% of the innate essence accumulated in it.

Over the years, the innate essence in this cave has returned to a state of 80% full.

However, with the abnormal absorption of the world's Yuan Fei, the innate essence in the cave disappeared layer by layer. In just half a month, more than 40% of the innate essence had been absorbed into the world's Yuan Fei.

Between Yuantai's eyebrows, in the chaotic aura, a lotus seed the size of a mung bean has taken shape. Under the nourishment of the majestic essence, the skin of this lotus seed cracked, and a few buds slowly grew.

Yuan Lingtian was shaking slightly.

To Him, it was just a trivial vibration of his body, but on the surface of the earth, mountains collapsed, rivers dried up, many volcanoes erupted, and black smoke and fire shot into the sky, turning the world gray.

Especially on the territory that was infected by evil spirits, everything was turned upside down. Yuan Lingtian took advantage of the situation and launched a natural disaster. Pieces of rock formations collapsed, and the earth turned over. Earth fire rose, melting the rocks into magma and splashing everywhere. Earth, water, fire and wind raged wildly, with the power to rebuild the world.

Many newly born evil spirits could not withstand the evil energy of earth fire that spewed out from the ground, and were torn to pieces.

Many cities and villages that were about to be eroded by evil were burned to ashes by Yuan Lingtian's cruel hands - Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth would rather destroy these cities, villages and countless living beings in them than Willing to let the evil spirits devour them, transform them into new evil spirits, or turn them into their own power!

Both jade and stone will be destroyed, both sides will suffer losses!

But Yuan Lingtian, as a big world, has the confidence to do this.

The territory of the Blackwater Secret Alliance, placed in the entire Yuanlingtian, is less than one thousandth of the total volume of the world... And the territory now invaded by these evil spirits is less than one percent of the territory of the Blackwater Secret Alliance. !

For Yuan Lingtian, who was so big, this was like cutting out flesh to heal his wounds. A few small wounds and a small loss were not worth mentioning!

The ground was turned upside down, and there were many disasters. In the cave, Yuan Lingtian's crazy actions allowed him to swallow up the endless tide of chaos outside the diaphragm of the world. The huge energy contained in these chaotic tides flows into the cave continuously along the giant earth veins in Yuanlingtian.

This is the whole process of the development and growth of the world.

Swallowing chaotic energy, refining and purifying it through the earth's veins, melting and dispersing all negative and unfavorable forces in the chaotic energy, leaving only the purest original energy for the world to absorb.

In this way, the landmass of the world continues to expand, the origin of the world continues to grow, and the spirituality and intensity of world consciousness continue to increase.

However, Yuan Lingtian accelerated the original natural growth process this time.

He increased the throughput speed of the chaotic tide, and the huge chaotic energy surged rapidly in the earth veins. Wherever it passed, the earth veins continued to be depleted. Yuan Lingtian's huge land mass collapsed and fell off in many places, causing even more terrifying consequences. Act of God.

But the innate essence in the cave is also constantly recovering.

The small lotus seed sprouted, sprouted, and continued to grow in size. The innate essence required by this lotus seed was simply an astronomical figure. Lu Qian stood aside and saw the innate essence in the cave being swallowed up layer by layer. The layers of recovery continue, and my scalp feels numb!

This little lotus seed sprouted and grew, and the innate essence it consumed in just half a month was comparable to the total amount of innate essence used by the Taoist Protector Lu Ren to condense millions of acquired spiritual treasures!

The sound of thunder and the sound of heaven are graceful.

At the center of the eyebrows of the World Yuantai, nine green lotus leaves have grown to the size of a sea bowl. On a stem in the middle, a thumb-sized flower bud is swaying slightly, and drops of dew are constantly seeping out from the lotus leaves and flower buds. The jingling sound landed on the forehead of the World Yuan Fei and slid down his forehead.

These dewdrops exude an intoxicating fragrance and contain the majestic and pure energy of creation.

This is because Yuan Lingtian did not hesitate to sacrifice his own origin to forcefully catalyze the growth of this wonderful lotus. The innate essence injected into it was too huge. This lotus was really 'full', and part of the creation energy could not be digested, so it could only use dewdrops. way of overflowing and dispersing.

Lu Qian released Dahuang and the other five uncles without saying a word.

The five uncles lay down beside the growing lotus without saying a word, opened their mouths, and swallowed the dew, which has infinite benefits for living beings.

The five-color divine light flashed, the auras of the five uncles soared, and their bodies trembled violently. From time to time, hair fell off, and then new hair continued to grow.

Even the snapping turtle's carapace was constantly torn and broken off, and then a new, stronger, tougher carapace with countless mysterious patterns continued to grow, and its size also slowly increased. Every day, his carapace can expand outward by more than three feet.

The same goes for Rhubarb and the others, constantly swallowing dew and expanding in size.

The originally petite green snake was now as thick as Lu Qian's thigh, and its body had grown to seven or eight feet long!

Lu Qian gently touched the five uncles who had grown up with him, and smiled softly: The longer they grow, the more they look like what I remember... It's really strange, the five directions and five spirits of the Holy Sky , is it really like this?

Rhubarb already has the head of a dragon, the body of a lion, and claws, and is covered with golden scales.

The large parrot has fire feathers all over its body, its tail feathers are faintly colorful, its whole body is wrapped in fire, and there are nine obvious phoenix feathers on its head.

The head of the snapping turtle is vaguely like a dragon, and its long tail is winding like a giant snake. Countless mysterious patterns are looming on its rugged carapace.

The rabbit cat has silver hair all over its body. It looks like a tiger and has a huge body. It is crawling on the ground. When it breathes, there is a faint thunder in the chest.

The green snake, not to mention, simply looks like a green dragon. I don’t know if he has been hanging out with the big parrot for a long time, but there are actually two huge meat balls growing out of this guy’s back. Under the translucent scales, a pair of huge, unformed wings can be faintly curled up into A ball.


Or is it the legendary Yinglong?

Lu Qian touched the two dragon horns that had just grown a few inches long on the head of the green snake, and took out the two dragon-horned swords that had been lowered from the upper world by the Supreme Supreme Bai family. The snake's dragon horns were sharpened.

As the secret technique was used, the essence of the Dragon Horn Sword penetrated into the dragon horns of the green snake. The green snake was so happy that its scales stood up piece by piece, and its whole body shivered with comfort.

In the cave, there was faint wind and thunder.

Endless innate essence is constantly being absorbed by the world's Yuan Fei.

That lotus flower gradually grew up, and the lotus leaves gradually grew from the size of a sea bowl to the size of a fish plate. Then gradually, the lotus leaves were like mats, full of green, and wisps of colorful rays of light fell from the edges of the lotus leaves, along the world's original embryo. His body flows in all directions, nourishing the huge cave with thousands of auspicious energy and radiant light.

That lotus bud is already the size of a water tank.

A wisp of extremely elegant fragrance spread to the surroundings. Every time Lu Qian took a breath, the mana in his body increased by one point, and the inner world expanded one inch outward.

I don't know how old he is in the cave, so Lu Qian simply sat cross-legged under the lotus, and like the five uncles, he relied on the power of creation and the dense air to practice. One's own strength is the most important at all times. Lu Qian didn't know what kind of surprise Yuan Lingtian had prepared for him. He dared to say that it would give him the power to deal with evil...

I hope he can keep his word.

If the benefits given by Yuan Lingtian this time were even slightly discounted, Lu Qian would never risk fighting Bai Nu and the others.

He will directly take out the treasure ship, run back to the Holy Heaven, pick up his grandfather Lu Xiu and other relatives, and fly directly to the upper world... After my death, will he care about the flood? Lu Qian's character is not that bad, but his strength is limited, and he will never turn it into a moral shackles and put it on his head for no reason.

He saves those who can be saved.

If he tries his best to save those who cannot be saved, he will feel at ease!

Time passed little by little.

Yuan Lingtian is still shaking, and wisps of purple energy are rising slowly from the lotus bud. This purple energy is full of unpredictable power. Lu Qian and the five uncles just breathed for a few months, and their physical strength increased several times!

That's all for the five uncles. Lu Qian's physical strength has already exceeded Yuan Lingtian's limit. Now his physical strength has increased several times again. This power is simply terrifying to the extreme!

I don’t know how much time has passed.

On this day, finally, the lotus flower slowly bloomed. Surrounded by numerous petals, in the middle of the lotus platform, an exquisite golden little finger was quietly suspended there, exuding a terrifying pressure that Lu Qian could not face directly.

It's a finger!

After spending most of Yuan Lingtian's energy, paying a huge price, and using the world's Yuan fetus as the mother body, it took three years to give birth to a finger!

The grade of this finger is the grade of the entire world after it has fully matured hundreds of millions of years later!

Compared to the huge World Yuan Fei, this finger is probably as small as a hair... Yuan Lingtian spared no expense to separate a very small part of the limb from the World Yuan Fei body, perhaps as small as a cell. At a great cost, it was brought to maturity and turned into a finger!

Golden finger? Lu Qian gritted his teeth, stabilized his body with great difficulty, and carefully stretched his right hand towards the golden little finger.

The vast innate essence tumbling all around, this golden finger exuding terrible pressure flew up on its own, and instantly merged with the little finger of Lu Qian's right hand. The little finger of Lu Qian's right hand suddenly turned into a bright golden color!

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