Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 615: Negotiation failed (2)

The sky above the Blackwater Secret Alliance Mountain Gate is about a hundred feet high. It is all white and flawless, with no facial features. Only three thousand thin white beards are hanging on the back of the head. The white girl, who is nearly ten thousand feet long, bows slightly and stares intently. With Lu Qian and his entourage.

The evil intentions from the sky are rolling in, but Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth is still mobilizing the power of thunder to disperse the thunder patterns from the upper world in the huge circular pit on the ground. Thunder light fell all over the sky, and it was like a real evil passing through the ocean of thunder. It was bombarded by the thunder light and splashed countless dazzling flames.

On the wall of the pit, the exquisite and mysterious lightning patterns were beating violently. Suddenly, countless clear and extremely thin lightnings jumped up from the pit wall. The patterns on the pit wall suddenly dissipated, and the clear and clear lightning patterns suddenly disappeared. The thunder light disappeared into the sinister evil spirit and swept away the evil spirit in the sky.

Bai Nu's body shook violently and she took three steps backward.

As she moved, ripples appeared in the void that were clearly visible to the naked eye, and tiny fragments of space collapsed, being absorbed and swallowed bit by bit by her body.

Lu Qian sighed deeply: No wonder, Yuan Lingtian is so jealous of you, and he actually wants me to drive you away or kill you!

The white girl's huge head shook slightly, and cold laughter kept coming from her body.

Lu Qian owed Yuan Lingtian a favor.

In the world's Yuan Fei discovered in Hades, Lu Yi and Lu Min unscrupulously devoured the innate essence condensed in the world's Yuan Fei, raising the strength of themselves and their subordinates to a frightening level, and even condensed millions of The treasure of the day after tomorrow!

This is equivalent to scraping the flesh from Yuan Lingtian!

However, Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth acquiesced in Lu Yi and Lu Min's behavior that was close to robbery.

Even when Lu Qian later broke through to the realm of heaven and man, it was with the help of Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth that he directly intercepted the most essence of Yuan Lingtian's cave heaven and blessed land. It was almost a guaranteed and helped Lu Yi achieve the realm of heaven and man in one fell swoop. !

I won’t say how important the world’s Yuan Fei is to Yuan Lingtian. It is the opportunity for Yuan Lingtian’s consciousness to realize the truth.

And helping Lu Qian achieve the realm of heaven and human is also a huge expense for Yuan Lingtian - any monk who achieves heaven and human in Yuan Lingtian will have to rob a lot of money from the origin of Yuan Lingtian. According to the instinct of the world, anyone in the heavenly realm is his mortal enemy.

Lu Qian was able to achieve the realm of heaven and man without any trouble, and he reached heaven in one step, reaching extremely high levels of cultivation in the realm of heaven and man. This was inseparable from Yuan Lingtian's active help.

Of course, when you get benefits, you have to repay others.

When Lu Qian broke through to heaven and man, Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth told him very clearly - dispel or destroy these evil spirits!

Seeing Bai Nu's actions today, Lu Qian realized that compared to Yuan Lingtian, they monks were just small parasites. Even if the monks sucked some blood from Yuan Lingtian, Yuan Lingtian could still make up for it. return!

And these evil spirits like Bai Nu, these evil spirits who came to Yuan Lingtian with the goal of destroying everything, they are the most terrifying Gu insects in the world. Their goal is to annihilate Yuan Lingtian, turn Yuan Lingtian into a dead zone, and finally completely destroy Yuan Lingtian!

Bai Nu shouted, and circles of white and slightly blood-colored evil light spread out around her body. The void shook. Lu Qian saw clear lines of avenue patterns revealed in the void.

The evil light emitted by Bai Nu began to slowly erode these great avenue seals. Wisps of thin white light continued to erode into the great avenue seals. Some extremely small lines twisted, shrunk, even collapsed, shattered, and turned into wisps of extremely fine lines. Points of light continue to fall off from the void.

The originally vibrant and spiritual spirit of heaven and earth became bitingly cold under the influence of this white evil light. The evil thoughts like poisonous snakes slowly spread in the void, eroded, and passed by. Here and there, the vegetation, flowers, and grass on the ground began to distort and change in appearance. Even the originally fertile black soil on the ground gradually became covered with a layer of blood!

This is the terrible thing about evil.

When Bai Nu and others have grown to a certain level, not to mention how powerful they are, they have already transformed into terrible sources of pollution. Unless they are eliminated, they will continue to infect everything around them until they turn the entire world into the lifeless and annihilated death realm they imagined in their hearts!

On the wall of the pit, the lightning pattern from the upper realm completely disappeared, and the thunder light in the sky also gradually dissipated.

In the void, thick clouds rolled and formed a huge cloud vortex. The dissipated thunder light quickly gathered in the cloud vortex, and in just a few breaths, it turned into a giant thunder with a diameter of ten thousand feet. It fell from the sky with an earth-shattering roar and struck straight towards Bai Nu.

This was a proactive attack by Yuan Ling's consciousness of heaven and earth. With the stimulation of the lightning pattern of the upper realm just now, he gathered the power of thunder with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles and rained down the heavenly punishment to kill Bai Nu!

The white girl giggled, and her body swayed, and countless red lanterns, red sedans, red embroidered shoes and other evil things were screaming in all directions... In the far distance, cities and villages lit up with bloody lights at the same time, and countless people were frightened. The desperate people of Li suddenly appeared above Bai Nu's head out of thin air.

Hundreds of millions of people have been moved away by evil spirits using secret techniques.

They were compressed together by the evil spell. They were all shoulder to shoulder, heads to heads, buttocks pressed against each other, and belly to belly. With hundreds of millions of people stuck together, the total volume is actually not that big!

The giant thunderbolt, which was as thick as ten thousand feet, directly swallowed up the meat ball piled up by hundreds of millions of people.

Lu Qian could clearly feel that when the giant thunder was about to touch those people, about 70% of the power of the thunder dissipated out of thin air. But the remaining 30%, with just a slight touch, turned hundreds of millions of people into powder in an instant, without even a wisp of smoke remaining. All their souls were blown away into thin air, and not even the slightest remnant was spared.

Bai Nu looked at the thunder above her head that had completely dissipated, and laughed even more cheerfully.

She slowly took two steps forward, her waist slightly bent, and her blank face locked firmly on Lu Qian's position: Get away...or, fight to the death now!

Lu Qian took a deep breath and felt the overwhelming evil power emanating from Bai Nu and the six huge evil spirits behind her. He said in a deep voice: Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner... Back then The monks who destroyed Wan Miao Tian... have long since disappeared...

Bai Nu's head suddenly tilted, her neck stretched several feet, and she assumed an extremely weird posture: You want us to stop? It's really...

Lu Qian was about to listen to Bai Nu's next words.

But Bai Nu's body suddenly swayed, and she was in front of Lu Yi in an instant. She opened her arms and let out a sharp laugh. On her fair, smooth and flawless body, there were suddenly countless female faces like rice grains in a boiling porridge pot. Just like that, it rolled out quickly.

The faces of these women were twisted and ferocious, full of endless malice and malice.

They kept appearing on Bai Nu's body. They stared at Lu Qian, making sharp cries, hysterical laughter, extremely vicious curses, and hysterical curses.

There were immeasurable sounds that were frantically attacking Lu Qian's soul.

This is the curse of countless undead souls in Wanmiaotian.

They roared, cursed, cursed, and cried crazily, using all their strength to tear at Lu Qian's soul, wanting to tear him apart, annihilate him, destroy him, and pull him into eternal darkness, into the ultimate terror that would never be reincarnated. middle!

Lu Qian spurted out a mouthful of blood, his brain was in severe pain, and there was a constant 'buzzing' sound in his head. He staggered backwards, his monk's robes and cassocks lit up at the same time, resisting the terrifying invasion of these undead souls.

The Buddhist beads in his hand rotated rapidly, and three consecutive Buddhist magical powers specially used to restrain inner demons and evil thoughts exploded, and the bright Buddha light enveloped the whole body. The Qingning Heart Lamp appeared above Lu Qian's head, and the three-color Buddha flames tightly enveloped him.

Even so, the monk's clothes and cassocks were shaking violently, and the three-color Buddhist flames were blasted by the invisible impact, causing large ripples. As soon as the three true immortal-level Buddhist powers were illuminated, there were endless waves of evil thoughts. Under the impact, 'bang bang bang' broke continuously.

Lu Qian vomited blood and roared. Jieyin Toutuo and others hurriedly protected him and led him to escape at full speed backwards.

Lu Min was even more quick to see the opportunity. When he saw Lu Qian vomiting blood, he knew that his cultivation and foundation were far inferior to that of his precious son. In a flash of blood, Lu Min led a group of disciples from the Immortality Sect and ran three points faster than Lu Yi!

Bai Nu opened her arms and looked up to the sky and screamed.

Amidst the roar, billowing evil forces rose into the sky and spread rapidly in all directions.

In an instant, a million-mile radius turned into ghosts. All human-created objects were annihilated and disappeared. All flowers, plants and trees were completely distorted. Human faces grew on the trunks, human skins were hung on the branches, and the branches directly turned into monsters. Parts similar to human limbs were removed, and the originally bright petals were covered with bloody writing, full of all kinds of evil, twisted and dirty spells.

This is the resentment from a world that has been completely annihilated...

This is the ultimate curse for countless creatures after the world was destroyed...

Lu Qian was seriously injured after just a slight touch. Even with the Buddha treasure given by the upper world, he could not compete with this terrible power... Perhaps, only the true immortal level from the upper world Only with great power can he resist the white girl today!

I am losing money on this deal! Lu Qian looked up at the sky, where thunder was flashing.

He said hastily: I regretted it and was unwilling to trade with you... Well, if you feel that you have suffered a loss, we will follow the formal channels and formal procedures... I have broken through the Heavenly Realm, and you have come down to the Heavenly Realm to respond. If there is a divine punishment, just chop me to death!

I would rather bear your punishment than fight them!

You're so un-human!

Thunder flashed in the sky, the terrifying thunder shook the earth, and the lightnings that were billions of miles long tore through the void, as if they could hit Lu Qian and his party at any time!

Lu Qian wants to default on his debt...

Yuan Lingtian was furious!

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