Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 505: Chicken Feathers (2)

Wisps of golden light fell from the sky.

On the surface of the Yuling Banner, in the thick black light of evil energy, the souls of the four Chi Huoyuan were struggling and roaring crazily.

But facing the photo studio, a treasure that has been cultivated with countless human lives, and facing the trillions of ghosts and ghosts in the Yuling Banner, the four of them tried their best to release the secret method from the souls, igniting the fire in their hearts. After killing countless war ghosts, he was finally dragged into the Yuling Banner bit by bit.

Mi Xin gently waved the Yuling Flag, and a secret spell was activated. Infinite evil energy rolled up, and four half-step celestial realm main souls were added to the Yuling Flag. The black spirit-controlling flag glowed with evil light, and its power suddenly soared.

The golden light from the sky enveloped the flaming bodies of the four Half-Step Celestial Realm elders. An elder of the Hu family took out the antidote and stuffed it into the four people's mouths, which defused the poison that was rapidly spreading and raging in their bodies. The golden light flickered, and four bodies with terrifying auras slowly flew into the sky, and were included in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain by Lu Qian.

The soul was swallowed up by the Yuling Banner, and the four bodies with terrifying cultivation were shrouded in a layer of faint golden light, and they were instantly refined into Taoist weapons.

A monk who 'transforms' Yuan Lingtian will cause a violent reaction from the consciousness of heaven and earth.

But by refining them into Taoist soldiers, in a sense, Chi Huoyuan and the four others are completely dead... And the consciousness of heaven and earth will not pay attention to the death of the monks. In the huge Yuan Lingtian, one hundred and two people will die one day. What about the 100,000 big and small monks?

Lu Qian engraved the inheritance of the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect into the bodies of the four of them.

Motivated by the Taoist secret method, Chi Huoyuan and the four Taoist soldiers began to silently operate the secret method of the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect. The monstrous flames in their bodies began to transform into the pure and pure Buddhist flames little by little. The purity and lethality of the flames began to soar upwards.

Kill! Hu Buwei shouted again, without even looking at Mi Xin, he rushed into the Shengyang Palace with countless photo studio killers.

Mountains one after another, caves one after another, major palaces one after another, secret realms everywhere...

The mountain gate of Shengyang Palace stretches for nearly 300,000 miles, with countless caves and secret realms. Although the mountain guarding formation has been completely destroyed, those caves, secret realms, and even palaces and pavilions are guarded by large and small defensive formations.

Although the Supreme Elders who stayed behind in Shengyang Palace were completely wiped out, Shengyang Palace still had an astonishing number of elders from the Zhaoxu Realm, deacons from the Ningdao Realm, and countless elite disciples from direct descendants, true disciples, inner sects, and outer sects. In addition, Shengyang Palace masters fire-based Taoism, and they also have profound attainments in casting and puppetry.

As the photo studio killers continued to invade, forbidden ambushes were launched throughout the Shengyang Palace. Fiery war puppets poured out from all directions. The fierce and unafraid of death fought against the equally unafraid of the photo studio killers.

In many places, some desperate Shengyang Palace disciples simply detonated the restrictions and formations, detonated the underground fire veins, and died together with the incoming photo studio disciples.

Fires were raging in the mountains and forests, and the sky in Shengyang Palace had been burned red by the fire.

Mi Xin activated the imperial flag, and after refining the souls of the four supreme elders, she raised her hands toward the sky and greeted an elder from the photo studio beside her.

The elder of the photo studio waved his hand, and twelve supreme killers from the photo studio gathered around him. All kinds of weapons flew around like carvings, leaving various wounds on Mi Xin's body. Finally, the elder of the photo studio flicked his fingers, and a thunderbolt fell on Mi Xin's left knee. With a roar, Mi Xin's entire left leg was blown to pieces. The pain made Mi Xin howl miserably, and turned into a streak of fire that shot into the sky. Fly up.

When the mountain guarding formation of Shengyang Palace was breached.

Canngling Dayuan, Molong City, in an extremely luxurious forest garden, Yinyuan and Bai Yu are... playing on the swings!

A very tall old banyan tree, with two ropes woven from thin soft vines on a very thick branch, on which a secret technique was used to spawn a large number of tiny wild flowers, which were colorful and extremely gorgeous.

A wooden board three feet long and one foot wide is tied to the lower end of the rope, which is nearly a hundred feet long.

Bai Yu and Yinyuan stood on the swing one behind the other, with faces full of spring breeze. The breeze echoed around them, pushing the swing high. The white turtle's happy laughter can float for miles with the wind.

Beside the swing, dozens of pretty and lovely maids were holding various trays, which contained fine wine, tea, various exquisite snacks, fruits, etc., all filled with rare treasures, just waiting for Bai Yu and Yinyuan to get tired of playing. Come down and enjoy.

Brother Yin, this is the happiest day in my life! Bai Yuan's face was full of happiness, and he rested his head on Yinyuan's chest.

Yinyuan's chest muscles twitched slightly, and he patted the back of Bai Liu's head. He smiled and said, Where are you? I, Yin Liu, will make you, Xiao Bai, every day, We are all happier and happier than the day before! Shall we go hunting tomorrow?

Yinyuan smiled and said: Without magical powers, we are just like a pair of mortal lovers in this world, using the weakest soft bows and small arrows, riding ponies, and taking beagles with us to roam freely in the mountains and forests. ...If the mood comes, just let the sky and the earth fall over and have fun!

Bai Yu's face turned red with excitement: Okay, okay, okay, no need for magical powers, no magic... Hey, if days like this can last forever...

Yinyuan shrugged his shoulders: Isn't it easy? These evil spirits don't seem to do much harm now. Although they are weird, they only kill some mortals and low-level monks... Have you ever heard that, Have any masters above the Golden Lotus realm been robbed? No!

So, this evil disaster is just a scabies disease. With the help of the supreme elders of Miluo Sect, Shengyang Palace, and Senluo Sect, it will be easy to destroy them.

Yinyuan smiled and said: But we can't let them start too quickly. Let's put off the matter of exterminating evil spirits. The longer the time is delayed, the more time we will have to have fun in Canngling Great Plains.

Especially, Xiaobai, you are here to accumulate external skills. If this evil spirit is put down too quickly, it will seem too easy...it will not show your merit!

Yinyuan gently hugged Bai Yu and said softly: However, the speed of eradicating evil can be slowed down, but the news announced to the outside world needs to be processed a little bit... Let the world know about these evil things. It’s terrible. We know how difficult it is to exterminate them. We want everyone in the world to know, Xiaobai, how much effort you have spent and how much sacrifice you have made to exterminate these evil spirits for the common people of Yuanlingtian!”

Bai Yu nodded vigorously: Brother Yin's words are indeed reasonable.

When he was in Jiancheng before, Bai Yu still called Yinyuan 'Brother Yin'... But in just a short time, he has become a more intimate 'Brother Yin'.

Yinyuan smiled, rested his chin on Bai Yu's Tianling Cap, and asked in a low voice: I heard that there was a big trouble in Jiancheng?

Bai Yu waved his hand indifferently: It's just a trivial matter. It's just a furnace for the lungs. What does it count?

Yinyuan narrowed his eyes: So, where is the headmaster?

Bai Yu turned around and hugged Yinyuan: Hey, who cares what he did? I heard he was injured a little, but he didn't die... It's nothing serious. It has nothing to do with us.

Yinyuan nodded slowly, looked up at the sky, and secretly murmured in his heart - for the sake of the Holy Heaven, we even sacrificed our own appearance. But what to say? These little days are still interesting!

However, just one person can cause little harm.

The group of confidants he brought to Yuan Lingtian, such as the group of eunuchs represented by Yu Changle who were still hanging out at the bottom of the photo studio, can be slowly gathered at hand.

If you want to bring disaster to the country and the people, how can you do it without eunuchs?

Just next to the yard where Yinyuan and Bai You were swinging, on the top of a rockery made of top-quality spiritual jade, in the exquisite flower hall, there were two supreme elders from Miluo Sect, Senluo Sect, and Shengyang Palace. Drink tea and enjoy the scenery.

Since they have come to Molong City to help Bai Yu annihilate evil spirits at Bai Yu's request, the three major sects will naturally have to demonstrate their safety for Bai Yu. A group of supreme elders are assigned to take turns on a monthly basis and are always on standby by Bai Yuan's side. This is the sincerity shown by the three major sects.

The six elders in the flower hall and the two elders of the Miluo Sect have exquisite spells, and the condensed natal mystical magic has huge destructive power, like walking humanoid nuclear bombs, with astonishing deterrence.

The two elders of the Shengyang Palace had extreme skills. They were sitting upright on the chairs. There was dense fire light constantly leaking out from every pore, making the rockery up and down like a hot summer day. The maids who were waiting on the side were sweating and their faces were flushed.

Miluo Sect and Shengyang Palace are both super sects known for their combat prowess. With the same level of cultivation, they can easily crush the monks of other sects. To a certain extent, the status of these four elders They were on equal terms, so they were laughing and chatting happily.

And those two elders of Senluo Sect.

Senluo Sect, as Lu Qian knows, has many schools and diverse research directions. One of the two elders here specializes in Alchemy and the other specializes in Formation. Although their realm has reached the half-step Heavenly Realm. , but his personality belongs to the old nerd type, and his frontal combat ability is even more dispensable.

Therefore, the two of them just sat aside in a daze, and did not participate in the exchanges with the other four elders.

The two elders of Shengyang Palace would look at the two members of the Senluo Sect from time to time, and shake their heads slightly from time to time - the Senluo Sect was really in decline. Thirty thousand years ago, the Senluo Sect was the No. 1 leader of Yuan Lingtian. A sect, but now? The real strength of Senluo Sect is that it can only barely rank among the top fifty sects in Yuanlingtian?

Top thirty at most, no more.

At this moment, a low roar of thunder and fire sounded from the sleeves of the two Shengyang Palace elders.

The two elders were stunned and stood up at the same time. With a wave of their sleeves, two crimson orbs the size of thumbs with countless runes inside flew out. The orb vibrated rapidly, continuously spitting out dazzling firelight and emitting louder and louder thunder.

The sect was attacked...is this, the mountain guarding formation was breached?

The expressions of the two Shengyang Palace elders changed in horror, and they screamed in surprise.

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