Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 502: Spying on the Holy Sun

Milo Religion has a completely new look.

If their ancestors had spirits, they would be so angry that they would jump out of their coffins.

I saw that all the disciples of the Miluo Sect, headed by Luo He and other seven supreme elders, and all the disciples who stayed at the mountain gate, came down from the top to illuminate the void, the Condensation Fruit, the Golden Lotus to bloom, the Golden Lotus to plant, the Fiery Fire Realm, and the Melting Furnace Realm. They all lined up in various caves, mountain tops, and pavilions at the mountain gate to worship in the direction of the Miluo Palace, the core of the mountain gate.

The person they worshiped was naturally Lu Qian, who was sitting on the throne of the headmaster in the middle of Miluo Palace.

Thousands of Milo Sect's deacons are flying back and forth like industrious little bees. One by one, large-capacity storage rings are constantly transferring the rare treasures and panacea from the Milo Sect's warehouses and secret collections. Countless cultivation resources were sent to Lu Yi.

And among the peaks and valleys, countless newlyweds in red were walking back and forth, countless red embroidered shoes were jumping around, countless little red handprints were patted all over the ground... and countless red lanterns were hanging on the treetops, hanging on the trees. Under the eaves, hanging on the tombs of the ancestors of Miluo Palace... The blood light illuminated the mountain gate of Miluo Palace like a sea of ​​blood.

The white girl spread her wings, and the round bone orb opened a huge gap, and her blood-red eyes locked directly on the place where the Miluo Sect's mountain gate's earth veins converged.

The mountain gate of the Miluo Sect was born to be the ultimate paradise of the Yuanling Heaven. After the shocking war of 30,000 years, the mountain gate suffered huge damage. In the following 30,000 years, the powerful masters of the Miluo Sect in the past dynasties continued to move the earth veins from all directions and gather together. Under the mountain gate, endless inspirations and Taoist charms nourish this mountain gate to become more beautiful and nourishing.

Here, even if a person's meridians and acupuncture points are blocked, preventing him from cultivating at all, as long as he lives in this mountain gate all year round and is nourished by endless inspiration and Taoism, he can easily live a thousand years!

In Bai Nu's blood-colored eyes, a bloody light fell straight down and penetrated deeply into the depths of Milo Sect's earth veins.

Visible to the naked eye, everywhere in the Miluo Sect's mountain gate, wisps of wandering spiritual mist gradually disappeared, and the rich spiritual energy and Taoist charm quietly became thinner. The leaves of the exotic flowers and plants, precious forests, etc. all over the mountains and plains began to shrink little by little. of yellowing.

Bai Nu is using cunning and evil means to plunder the vitality and luck of this mountain gate, and she wants to turn this top-notch cave paradise into a realm of death and silence.

As the luck and vitality of the Miluo Sect's mountain sect continued to weaken, inexplicable feedback came from the underworld, and the cultivation levels of Bai Nu and countless evil spirits all over the mountains and plains were improving crazily.

Bai Nu's strength is strong enough, and this improvement is not obvious in her.

As for the newlyweds, red lanterns, red shoes, red paw prints and other little tricks, the lower their strength, the crazier their improvement. Many evil spirits that could be wiped out by the monks of the furnace realm could be eliminated with just a breath, but they already had the strength of the furnace realm, the fire realm, or even more powerful ones at their fingertips.

These evil spirits come from the Wonderful Heaven.

The entire world collapsed, countless creatures were destroyed, and the endless resentment of the consciousness of heaven and earth gave rise to these evil spirits. Therefore, if they kill the creatures in the Supreme Holy Heaven and Yuanling Heaven, their cultivation will be improved.

But how can you kill a few creatures as quickly as destroying a top-notch Cave Heaven paradise in Yuan Lingtian?

If the mountain gate of the Miluo Sect is completely destroyed, it will be a heavy blow to the entire Yuanlingtian and this world. Certain causes and effects, certain heavenly reincarnations, will naturally give them huge rewards.

This kind of feedback is even reflected in Lu Qian.

He is not a native of Yuan Lingtian, he is a creature of Jishengtian... If he joins forces with Xiegui and causes any harm to Yuanlingtian, the consciousness of Jishengtian will give him a huge reward.

Above Lu Qian's head, his luck has reached its peak. A very tall tower of luck can be faintly seen condensed on Qingyun. There are countless golden lamps, anemone, and other strange phenomena suspended around it. Wisps of light beads are like The Yingluo hung upside down, falling continuously like running water, turning into balls of clear brilliance around Lu Qian.

With Lu Qian's current level of cultivation, unless he was a half-step celestial being and was proficient in the art of fortune telling, he would not be able to see the fortune vision above his head.

However, Lu Qian was pregnant with the Taichu Confusion Pearl, which drowned out all his aura and traces... In the eyes of outsiders, he was just an ordinary monk, and there was nothing special about him that was different from ordinary people.

This kind of hidden cause and effect feedback not only brought about a surge in luck, but also brought great benefits to all the spiritual treasures controlled by Lu Qian - the mysterious energy released in the Taichu Huntong Pearl became more and more powerful. Rich, wisps of light twine around Lu Qian's various spiritual treasures, constantly complementing the Taoist charm of these spiritual treasures and improving their quality.

Especially the Jiulong Zijia, Flying Bear Spear and Beiming Sword, which Lu Qian had poor innate foundation, have been improved horribly.

Even the Beiming Ring, the inherited treasure of Taishang Beiming Immortal Sect and the leader's token, is constantly expanding in space and its various functions are being repaired rapidly.

In the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, as many deacons of the Miluo Sect continued to send countless resources, astronomical amounts of resources were rapidly burning, and Lu Qian's Taoist cultivation level was also soaring.

The benefits of Dao soldiers and the horror of Dao soldiers are here.

The realm of the master of the Tao soldiers determines the realm of the Tao soldiers - as long as the master's realm of the Tao soldiers is high enough, these Tao soldiers are just empty buckets. How much water you add to them will determine how strong their cultivation will be.

Lu Qian is now at the ultimate level of illuminating the void.

He used Buddhist secret techniques to enhance the Taoist realm of these Taoist soldiers, which has laid a solid foundation for these Taoist soldiers. With the investment of huge resources, and with the continuous feedback from the Holy Sky, the number of Tao soldiers in the Void and Condensing Fruit Realm under Lu Qian's command is increasing with every breath.

In this way, it took a full eighteen days for Lu Qian to plunder all the inventory resources in the Miluo Sect's mountain gate.

During these eighteen days, Lu Qian's plan was advancing intensively.

On the third day after breaking through the mountain gate of Miluo Sect, a deacon of Shengyang Palace was attacked outside the four major sects of Jianmen, Miluo Sect, Senluo Sect and Shengyang Palace around Canngling Dayuan.

On the fifth day after breaking through the gate of the Miluo Sect, the deacon of the Shengyang Palace who had been 'transformed' by Lu Qian secretly returned to the Shengyang Palace with the Royal Spirit Flag, the treasure of the photo studio.

On the seventh day, the deacon found his ancestor, Mi Xin, the Supreme Elder of Shengyang Palace who had just stepped into the realm of heaven and human.

Most of the Taishang of Shengyang Palace, like the group of half-step heavenly masters of Miluo Sect, were attracted by the Taishang Immortal Title because of Bai Yuan's invitation. They hurriedly left the gate and ran to help Bai Yuan. Suppress evil and evil.

Elder Mi Xin had just broken through to the half-step heavenly realm less than a year ago. His energy was unstable and his combat power was insufficient, so he was left in the sect to guard his home base. Mi Xin was unhappy with this arrangement - in his opinion, this was a group of old guys bullying him for his junior qualifications, deliberately suppressing himself and preventing him from getting involved in the Supreme Immortal Title.

Now a junior from his own family came secretly to say that he had discovered a secret palace of ancient power outside. Mi Xin was overjoyed, but with resentment against the old ghosts in the sect, he secretly left without informing anyone. After entering the mountain gate, we went to the Archaeological Treasure Hunt.

That secret palace does exist, and it is located on the Canngling Plain, less than 200,000 miles away from the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace.

But this secret palace had already become Mahakala's secret stronghold eight hundred years ago.

As soon as Mi Xin stepped into the secret palace, he was violently beaten by Jie Yin Toutuo and a dozen Mahakala masters, captured alive, and sent to the Milo Sect.

Of course, after Lu Qian's ardent persuasion, Mi Xin bowed down and became Lu Qian's most loyal henchman.

On the fifteenth day after breaking through the Miluo Sect's mountain gate, Luo He and the two Supreme Elders who stayed behind sent a message through the sect's secret channel. On the grounds that they had made a major discovery, they attracted the seven Supreme Elders around Bai Yuan to use various methods. As an excuse, he secretly returned to the sect.

Before these seven supreme elders could figure out what was going on in the Miluo Sect, they were beaten to pieces by Bai Nu with soaring strength and countless evil tricks. They also worshiped under Lu Qian's sect.

The seven Supreme Elders came and went in a hurry, returned to the sect for a while, and then hurried back to Bai Yu's side to continue to help her eliminate evil spirits.

Afterwards, five more Milo Sect elders received the sect's secret letter and secretly hurried back to the mountain gate without any suspicion.

After the same round, they returned to the white turtle.

In this way, one month and seven days after the Miluo Sect's mountain gate was breached, the entire Miluo Sect, except for some strongholds and hall entrances outside the mountain gate, was completely destroyed. From top to bottom, all were successfully transformed by Lu Qiandu.

That is to say, when the last supreme elder of Miluo Sect was mourning and being transformed, Hu Buwei came to the gate of Shengyang Palace alone.

With a flick of his finger, a dark sword light shot out, hitting the mountain guard formation of Shengyang Palace hard.

A large ball of flames soared into the sky. The twelve statues were six feet tall and were forged from the best fire-attribute spiritual materials. The Shengyang War Puppet wearing heavy armor rushed out from the formation, holding a halberd, spitting out hundreds of feet of fire, and locked Don't do anything.

A deacon of the Shengyang Palace who was guarding the mountain gate floated out, pointed at Hu Buwei and yelled: Who is this thief? How dare you come to our Shengyang Palace to seek death? Break his limbs and take him to the execution hall to torture him!

The twelve war puppets heard the sound and moved, stepping on the fire cloud, and went straight towards Hu Buwei to kill him.

Shengyang Palace is a master of Yuan Lingtian's pure yang fire attributes. The martial arts in the sect are all violent, and the disciples are the most arrogant. Hu Buwei came directly to the door, and the deacon guarding the door was too lazy to waste words. , directly ordered to take people.

Hu Buwei sneered. Facing the twelve gatekeepers with rising flames, unbridled heat waves, and fighting powers in the Ningdao Realm, he simply put his hands on his back and said loudly: Hu Buwei, the owner of the photo studio, came here to pay my respects. Shan, please seek justice!”

Shadows flashed across the void, twelve war puppet heads flew into the sky, and the flames all over their bodies were extinguished instantly.

An elder from the Half-Step Heavenly Realm photo studio quietly appeared behind the gatekeeper, holding the delicate poison-tempering dagger in his hand gently on the other person's neck: Did you hear what my landlord said? Open the mountain gate, otherwise, die!

A ball of blazing sun soared into the sky from the depths of the mountain gate of Shengyang Palace. The blazing sun was a hundred miles in diameter, and its blazing red light illuminated the sky for nine thousand miles.

Photo studio? I, Shengyang Palace, am I in any way offensive?

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