Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 494: Determined Plan

The matter in Sword City has come to an end.

After Lu Qian reunited with Mr. Xuanyuan, he left without saying goodbye and stayed away from Jiancheng. Come to think of it, at this moment, Bai Xuanyue was not in the mood to care about the life, death, and whereabouts of an elder guest.

In Canngling Plain, close to the sect headquarters of Miluo Sect, there is a Purple City among the mountains.

This city is not big, with a radius of dozens of miles, and a population of more than 200,000. There are many alien cultivators, evil cultivators, and demonic cultivators, but few serious people. The people who control this city are the Moon Shadow Black Wolf King who has cultivated human form, and a human evil cultivator who specializes in corpse refining. He has several flying golden-armored zombies in his hands. The zombies' combat power is comparable to that of Ningdao Fruit monks. Tomb layman'.

Ziluo City controls the surrounding 12,000-mile mountainous forest area. Among them, there are nine caves and twenty-seven villages of demon heretics, all of which are monks with a population of about 1,000 to 10,000 people, each occupying one side.

Underground in Ziluo City, there is an extremely rare green wood vein. The rich green wood spiritual energy affects the mountain forests on the ground, making the mountains and forests around Ziluo City full of aura. A medicinal herb that has grown here for thirty to fifty years will grow for about a thousand years elsewhere. climate. Therefore, Ziluo City produces many rare medicines that last a long time, and life is very prosperous and leisurely.

Canghai Tower and Baoguang Pavilion have branches in Ziluo City, which specialize in purchasing precious medicinal materials produced in Ziluo City.

The weather was bad, overcast, with light rain falling from time to time.

In addition to the assassination of Hu Tianjun, the most well-known thing in Canngling Dayuan recently is that various evil spirits suddenly appeared in many places, and the evil spirits became more and more serious. Many places were haunted by evil spirits in broad daylight.

Just a few days ago, a few red lanterns came from nowhere, and Ziluo City began to feel uneasy.

There are too many evil heretics in Ziluo City, and the monks in the Nine Caves and Twenty-seven Villages are ten or a hundred times more vicious than the bandits in the mortal world. In this area, there are naturally many women who died unjustly, tragically, or inexplicably, or even female cultivators.

With a few red lanterns as a guide, in just a few days, the evil in Ziluo City also developed rapidly. Just three days ago, someone even appeared in front of the Moon Shadow Black Wolf King in broad daylight, waving an eyebrow trimming knife and giving the Black Wolf King a few blows, almost disfiguring him!

Therefore, the atmosphere in Ziluo City has been quite tense these two days.

In broad daylight, there were not many pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, there were a few people walking in a hurry, looking around while walking, looking guilty and timid. There was a monk flying in the sky, and he was running as fast as he could, as if there was a ghost chasing him behind him.

A small river more than twenty feet wide flows through Ziluo City, which evenly divides Ziluo City into east and west parts. There is a stone bridge over the river. At the east end of the bridge stands the Canghailou branch, and at the west end of the bridge stands the Baoguangge branch. The two branches are separated by a bridge, with their doors facing each other. The decoration and standards are almost exactly the same, and they have a sense of being together. It is the charm of enemies.

To the north of the Canghailou branch, across the street, a garden covering an area of ​​more than ten acres has changed its owner.

Qingmeng and Qingmeng were grooming the big parrot again and feeding it nuts.

Qingyou's practice seemed to have reached a critical point. She had some feelings after observing the collapse of the Sword Washing Pool. She didn't know what mystery she had understood. When she arrived at Ziluo City, she began to practice in seclusion.

Lu Qian used his magic skills to suppress his figure to a height of about ten feet. He wore a blue gown and stood at the main entrance of the garden. With his hands behind his back, he looked at the deserted and lonely street scene and murmured to himself: This is haunted, and it's so violent. Some... Tsk, interesting, interesting!

Dahuang lay at Lu Qian's feet, eyes wide open, looking inexplicably shocked at a red sedan slowly drifting past the street.

As if he heard Lu Qian's muttering, the red sedan had floated seven or eight feet away from the garden gate, but suddenly stopped, retreated seven or eight feet from the original path, and stopped squarely in front of Lu Qian. .

My husband, have you seen the handkerchief that I dropped? A delicate voice came from the sedan chair.

Hey, change of words. Lu Qian cupped his hands towards the sedan and said calmly: My friend, please don't play this trick in front of me. Uh, you know who Bai Nu is, right? She and I are... Old friends!”

The red sedan swayed slightly, and the unknown Xiegui in the sedan chuckled a few times: I see, then I won't bother you. My husband, if you are in the mood, come and play with me...

The dark wind swirled, and the red sedan flew lightly towards the street. Several monks who were probably in the Fire Realm had just turned around from the street intersection, and the red sedan bumped into them: Several gentlemen, you can see that they have arrived at the slave's house. Did you drop the handkerchief? There is no handkerchief. Did you see the sachet, jade pendant, ring, and hairpin that I dropped?

Several monks suddenly saw the red sedan chair, shouted, and jumped into the air one by one, trying to escape.

The sweet voice of Didi suddenly became sharp and sad: You want to run away? The slave's treasure must have been stolen by you... Since I took the slave's things, I will exchange them with your heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys!

A large amount of blood suddenly burst out from the bodies of several monks, and their hearts, livers, spleens, stomachs, kidneys and other bits and pieces kept flying out of their bodies, and fell to the ground with a 'pop' sound.

Lu Qian's mouth twitched at the sight.

If these evil spirits are allowed to spread wantonly, the more they kill, the stronger they will become... If the monks of Yuan Lingtian do not pay attention to them and do not suppress them as soon as possible, what will happen next will be terrible. It’s hard to say!

However, Yuan Lingtian's monks were also Lu Qian's enemies.

Moreover, these evil spirits came to avenge the countless creatures of Wanmiaotian who were completely destroyed back then... Lu Qian had no reason or position to stop them!

And...just sit on the sidelines and watch!

At night, it rained heavily.

Standing on the top of a tall building on the top of a hill in the garden, you can see the Ziluo City with a radius of dozens of miles. Red lanterns are floating around, and the soft and sweet singing of women and occasionally babies can be heard in the rain. There were cries.

In the sky above some mansions and compounds, there are occasional light flashes driven by formation restrictions, low and feminine thunder spells from the side doors are constantly ringing, and sword lights and other magic weapons are constantly flashing.

The entire Ziluo City is entangled with evil spirits.

There are not many evil spirits at present. At a glance, Lu Qian can see that the huge Ziluo City looks like two or three thousand people?

But once they become popular... Lu Qian remembered the big scene they caused in Haojing... Tsk, tsk, Ziluocheng's troubles are still to come.

A soft and ethereal laughter came from afar, and a mansion was suddenly wrapped in dark green phosphorus fire. A feminine woman's laughter came from afar: We are a family, we must be reunited and have family fun!

A high-pitched wolf howl rose into the sky, and the Black Wolf King himself took action.

A large shadow enveloped the burning mansion, and the phosphorus fire was quickly suppressed. A shrill roar came from afar, and several red lanterns shot up into the sky, then were shrouded in shadow and exploded into dim sparks.

Old Fengtou, let's join forces and deal with these female ghosts first! A cold and hard voice resounded through Ziluo City.

That's fine. If you can, catch a few of these evil spirits alive and let me think about it. An erratic, gloomy voice fell from the sky: Maybe, my little darlings will go one step further and fall into their traps. On my body.

In the room where Lu Qian was, the lights flickered, and Tutuo's voice came from behind him: What, did you succeed?

Lu Qian turned around and saw Jie Yin Toutuo standing behind him. Hu Tianjun's head had been neatly trimmed and was floating beside him. The pale-faced Hu Ping lay at his feet, as if in a coma.

Jie Yin Toutuo's eyes flashed with an extremely fanatical light, staring straight at Lu Qian.

He asked, of course, about the treasure ship.

I have many disciples of Mahakala, and have endured countless years of suffering in the spiritual heaven... If you succeed, you will be the benefactor of all the disciples of Mahakala. When we ascend to the pure land of the upper world, we will definitely express our gratitude to you in front of the seniors of the upper world. achievement.

Jie Yin Toutuo spread his hands and said in a deep voice: Or if you have any other requests, just tell me.

Lu Qian walked towards Hu Ping who was lying on the ground and slapped him across the face several times. Hu Ping's body twitched slightly, he grunted, and slowly opened his eyes.

Lu Qian looked up at Jie Yin Toutuo and said calmly: Are you ready to leave like this?

Jie Yin Tu Tuo looked at Lu Qian very seriously: Otherwise? Why are we still staying in Yuan Lingtian? The entire Yuan Lingtian cultivation world regards my Buddhist disciples as savage beasts... There is no real true person in Yuan Lingtian. A place for Buddhist disciples to stay.”

I don't want to leave so easily. Lu Qian looked at Jie Yin Toutuo with a smile.

Sha Fo Wuxin appeared next to Lu Yi silently. He looked at Lu Yi with a faint smile: So, what advice does Junior Brother Fahai have?

A strong murderous intention enveloped the small building, and around Killing Buddha Wuxin, the strong and substantial evil spirit condensed into a demon-slaying sword wrapped in gray flames. The strong sword light seemed to be ready to strike at Lu Qian's neck at any time.

What is the purpose of the upper realm Buddhism giving the treasure ship? Lu Qian sneered: Reward for merit!

Why reward for merit? Back then, the Supreme Holy Heaven Buddhist Sect was the pioneer and almost wiped out the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world!

Lu Qian said solemnly: Two senior brothers, do you think that if you take the treasure boat to go to the upper realm like this, what will the powerful monks of the upper realm Buddhists think of you? In order to reward you with the treasure, you will lead a group of Buddhist scum who fled in a hurry. Go up?

The four words Buddhist scum are used extremely delicately.

Jieyin Toutuo's eyes were distracted for a while.

The evil spirit around Sha Fo Wuxin fluctuated violently.

Junior Brother Fahai makes a lot of sense. If I were the master of the Buddhist sect in the upper realm, the treasure given to me as a reward for my merits would actually lead a group of unscrupulous juniors who fled without a fight. One person was ten feet tall. Outside, a majestic monk who looked like an iron tower quietly appeared: If it were me, I would punch these unscrupulous juniors to death.

So, what do you think, Junior Brother Fahai? The old monk with a sad look on his face, like an old bitter melon, quietly appeared from the air.

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