Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 467: Conspiracy to seize the photo studio (2)

Back in Yanlin there was already chaos.

The Fallen Angel's Whip hung high in the sky, and naturally the charming energy that disturbed people's minds slowly descended, causing countless monks in the Huiyan Forest to burst out with emotions and desires. Each one of them became crazy and confused, jumping out of the house and running around roaring.

But the mist is thick, and once these people enter the mist, they cannot see or hear. When they move, there is no sound. It is as if a person is sealed in a narrow world isolated from the world.

The Taoist formations and Buddhist formations arranged by Lu Qian outside were activated simultaneously, and strange Taoist rhymes were generated, sweeping across the entire Huiyan Forest.

The casual cultivator who went back and forth to Yanlin and had a bite to eat here felt sleepy coming over him. He yawned involuntarily, fell to the ground, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

The natives of Huiyan Forest, whose cultivation of internal martial arts were completely different from those of casual cultivators, and who had vague connections to each other, faced a crazy attack from the Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation.

This Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation is not only passed down by the Sword Sect, but also has ready-made formation diagrams and supporting sword weapons for sale in Sword City. There are also many other small and medium-sized sects in Yuan Lingtian, some casual cultivators, and monk families who are separatist. There are arrangements to guard the house, protect the courtyard, and attack the enemy.

There is nothing very strange about this formation. The rules of its operation have long been understood by others.

The general gist of it is probably like a little kid playing on the street. A group of burly men carrying big sticks surrounded them from all directions, sealing off the sky, the ground, and many other directions. After sealing them tightly and impenetrable, they picked up the big sticks. Beat him crazily in the middle!

Seal the way out and join forces to beat them!

This is the greatest secret of the Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation, simple and pure!

It is precisely because this formation is extremely simple and pure. The more people you have in the formation and the more swords you have in the formation, the greater the power and the stronger the power to isolate the void. The enemies trapped in the formation will be It’s getting more and more headache!

Therefore, everyone can understand this formation, but once the formation reaches a certain scale, you can see through it but cannot break through it. This is the most troublesome and annoying part of the Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation.

An elder of the Mi clan, at the moment when the Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation was activated, he had already seen through the direction of the sword light flying from the sky to see through the reality of the great formation: The Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation... is really a boring thing.

The next moment, when he saw tens of thousands of sword lights coming densely in the mist, the face of the Mi clan elder suddenly turned dark: Arrange the formation with more than a million people? Who can kill a thousand swords so boringly? ?”

The faces of the Mi clan members who gathered in the same courtyard suddenly became extremely strange when they heard the clan elder roaring and cursing.

A large Nine Palace Sword Formation with a scale of one million people?

This, this...even the Sword Sect whose disciples are all sword cultivators would not do such a crazy thing, right?

The Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation can be formed by nine people, eighteen or twenty-seven people, one hundred and eight people, one thousand and eighty people. In short, as long as it is a multiple of nine, it can form a large formation.

But... if there is a force that can find millions of sword cultivators, what kind of tyrannical force is this? They can definitely find a mysterious sword formation that is ten times or a hundred times more powerful than the Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation, so why bother setting up this simplest Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation to do whatever they want?

It's like a billionaire who doesn't spend money to form an elite private army to protect himself, but instead carries a dog-beating stick to fight with a group of crazy dogs... Isn't it that you have so much time to spare? ?

There are people who are free enough to do such a thing!

In Luqian's Small Vajra Sumeru Mountain, there are thirty-six thousand Taoist soldiers holding complete sets of flying swords purchased from the large sword-making workshop in Sword City and specially used for the Great Nine Palaces Sword Array. The core strength of the Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation.

In addition, during the time when Lu Qian was making swords, Ahu, Yu Dianhu and others also searched all over Sword City. From some small workshops, some were even newly built by sword-making apprentices. In the workshop, millions of flying swords of various colors and quality were purchased piecemeal.

These flying swords are not in series, with uneven quality and mixed shapes, but... they are all flying swords that can be used normally!

This is enough to form a giant Nine Palace Sword Formation that is large enough and scary enough. No one has ever built it in the history of Yuan Lingtian, and no one will be crazy enough to do the same thing in the future!

Tens of thousands of sword lights roared towards him.

The long ones are more than ten feet long.

The short ones are only three to five feet in size.

Bright colors, such as peach red and willow green, are bright and moving.

The color is obscure, like moldy steamed buns, and extremely turbid.

Its flight speed is excellent, capable of flying more than ten miles in one breath, but it is also rubbish, capable of barely taking dozens of steps in one breath.

Its attributes include those entwined by sky fire, those with thunder, some with splashes of frost, those with wind knives circling, and some flying swords that obviously follow the evil path, such as dark wind, black energy, ghost cries, wolf howls, and even blood spurting. The ones that spray poison, the ones that keep spitting out large spider webs when flying, or the ones that keep spitting out all kinds of weird powders...

Its color, red, blue, green, yellow... you can imagine, you can find almost all the colors you have seen in nature.

All in all, tens of thousands of sword lights are like a group of stragglers who have lost eighteen battles in a row, abandoned their helmets and armor, abandoned all their banners, and completely become refugees and bandits. In a standard 'rabble' style, 'Wow! The sound of the sky crashed towards the direction of Mi's mansion.

Although messy, the momentum of these flying swords is simply terrifying!

Tens of thousands of sword lights, ranging from more than ten feet long to three to five feet short, gather together to form a mighty river of light that is more than ten miles long!

With a messy sound of crash, lala, lala, countless sword rays struck the defensive array that had been raised in Mi's mansion. I saw the vast mist that shrouded the entire mansion suddenly trembled. A large area of ​​fog in the northwest corner was smashed by the sword light. The same sword light also bounced back in a mess. After circling, it was submerged in the fog in all directions.

Tens of thousands of sword lights in the northwest corner had just escaped, and tens of thousands of sword lights swept in from the southeast corner.

The same mess, the same mess, but the impact of each sword light is very strong, and the lethality cannot be underestimated. That direction is back to the mansion of the Huang family, one of the twenty-three families in Yanlin!

The Huang clan is the weakest among the twenty-three clans in Huiyanlin. The strongest elder in the clan has only the early stage of Golden Lotus. The defensive array of the mansion is only the most common one available on the market. of goods.

Then, over the Huang family's mansion, I saw a swirling green glow being broken by tens of thousands of sword rays. The long river of sword rays was flying in a mess, breaking through walls and houses along the way, tearing apart a The beams and pillars smashed the roof tiles into pieces, and the rattle spread across the entire Huang family's mansion.

Any descendant of the Huang family who was unfortunate enough to stand in front of this river of light would be cut into pieces by countless sword rays, and not even a complete piece of cloth could be left.

Seeing the houses and pavilions of the Huang family's mansion collapse and shatter one after another, countless miserable howls rose into the sky, and a long river of sword light rushed out from the northeast and southwest directions, shaking its head and tail.

In the southwest corner of Huiyan Forest, a large number of warehouses have been built there, which store countless ores mined by Huiyan Forest monks, refined metal ingots, various medicinal materials purchased and collected, and even hunted monsters, poisonous insects and other rare goods. .

As the long river of sword light swept past, one could see warehouses collapsing, countless ores being smashed into pieces, and a large number of refined metal ingots being passed through by the sword light, chopped to pieces.

The northeast corner is where the twenty-three Huiyanlin families and several other middle-class families' mansions are located.

Facing the majestic river composed of tens of thousands of sword rays, the fate of these middle-class families was not much better. The array protecting the house was severely broken by the sword rays, and the sword rays shook their heads and broke into the house. In the mansion, the house was almost completely destroyed.

Gradually, the operation of the outer Great Nine Palace Sword Formation became more and more proficient.

The Dao soldiers' mastery of this sword formation gradually deepened, and their cooperation with each other became more and more tacit. As a result, the sword light appeared more and more frequently, and the power of each sword light became more and more powerful.

Lu Qian took a heavy hand this time.

There are only a million Dao soldiers in the array, but at the base of the formation, there are tens of millions of Dao soldiers responsible for providing them with magical support.

This is equivalent to tens of thousands of monks whose cultivation realm is above the Fire Realm, setting up a large formation, and joining forces to beat back the 500,000 photo studio owners who are fighting each other in the wild goose forest...

This time, many people belonging to the 500,000 Photo Studio in Yanlin are still servants, servants, maids, waiters, grooms, gardeners... and even beggars on the streets! The cultivation level of many people is probably that they have just lit one or two furnaces, and they are not even in the furnace state. They are purely acting as eyes and ears.

This is...

Lu Qian stood high in the sky, overlooking the entire Huiyan Forest.

I saw long rivers of sword light criss-crossing the huge Huiyan Forest, doing whatever they want. Wherever they passed, there were streets, mansions, exquisite flower halls and pavilions, and solid warehouses and secret rooms. , all were swept clean by the sword light.

He also saw that warning fires were flying in the air, but they were completely isolated by several large formations arranged by Lu Qian in advance, and they were unable to fly back to Yanlin.

And some Huiyanlin masters who were proficient in the art of earth escape stamped their feet and plunged into the earth.

Underground, Wutu sneaked into the Leishen Shenwang and was already waiting impatiently. Someone from above escaped into the earth and bumped into his hand. With a flick of the Wutu Divine Thunder, these people were beaten to the point where their bones were broken and their internal organs were almost shattered into pieces. Then they were vomited onto the ground, leaving them dying.

Well, mosquito legs are also meat!

Lu Qian activated his magic power and transformed into giant hands made of hurricanes, rushing towards Hui Yanlin and grabbing them everywhere.

The resources in the warehouses were constantly seized, and all the elixirs, spiritual crystals and other items stored in the secret rooms of each house were taken out by him.

There were even some elders who were extremely skilled in cultivation but were beaten to the point of vomiting blood by the sword array. After being targeted by Lu Yi, they were also caught by the hurricane's big hand and easily sent to the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain to 'transform'.

Nowadays, the number of Lu Qian's Tao soldiers is large enough. What they lack is the masters of Condensing Dao Fruit and Illuminating the Void Realm. Anyone who sees them will naturally not let them go!

In just a quarter of an hour, the huge Huiyan Forest was almost completely razed!

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